Introduction to Understanding the Science of Nanotechnology

Introduction to Understanding the Science of Nanotechnology
The unit I have chosen is an inquiry based unit. Lessons will be implemented with
minimal directions from the instructor. The instructor will assume the role of a moderator. Brief
introductions and class discussions may be initiated to introduce each new lesson however, little
modeling or demonstrations will take place throughout the lesson unless it deals specifically with
technique, use of graphic organizers or how to collect and record data. The instructor will
monitor class participation, listen and look for misconceptions, ask questions and guide when
needed. The idea behind this particular type of inquiry is for the activities, labs and discussions
to be student driven. They perform the tasks, record their data, draw their conclusions,
collaborate with their team , make predictions / connections and reflect on what they have
Introductions or class discussions may require the use of graphic organizers,
models, KWL’s, pictures or simple lists on the white board. It may include nothing but the
instructor and the class tossing ideas around for a few minutes. It may have students reflecting
on the previous day’s activity or predicting what they will encounter in their present
investigation. There really is no script for this interaction. As many times as I have taught the
Nano Unit, it has yet to be remotely the same twice.
The unit begins with an activity that introduces the concept of nano and moves to
aggregation and the principles of self- assembly. Students will make the connection between
properties and the strength of attraction, aggregation versus reaction and particle size and shape.
The second week of the unit will focus on nano science as it applies to nano technology and the
possible ethical and moral implications that may develop from the new technologies. The unit
will end with students writing a position paper taking what they have learned about nano science
while defending or talking out against a new nanotechnology.
All student progress for learning goals, objectives and State Standards is tracked
throughout the unit and progress is kept on a spreadsheet for each class. The learning goals,
objectives and State Standards are entered as well as identifiers for students. As I am observing
my students in class, reading through their science notebooks and listening to their presentations
during their assessment, I am able to take brief notes or make checks on a blank spreadsheet I
have on a clipboard that allows me to monitor their progress throughout the unit. At any given
time, I am able to pull a student and conference with them and give them additional
reinforcement if needed. I am able to show them how I know they aren’t quite getting the Big
Picture for the unit. At this point, they can then let me know what they need to be successful.
That is part of the ultimate goal; have success, to learn, to be confident and have fun!
The entire nano unit has been outlined, however, only one lesson has been included in
this unit plan. One side note with respect to this unit: I was one of a handful of teachers across
the country chosen to participate in the field test for the material and data collection in the series
of BSCS Science Inquiry Books. I am also listed as a co-author for Understanding the Science
of Nanotechnology.
Nano Science Unit
Have you ever heard of the term nanoscience? The ideas of nanoscience have been around since
the ancient times when nanoparticles were used to color glass. In medieval times, nanoparticles
were used in sword making. In fact, many of the systems in your body follow the principles of
nanoscience. These systems are some of the same ones used by bacteria and other early
organisms. Because of this, it could be said that the phenomenon has been around for millions
of years.
Ideas of nanoscience:
Size and Scale
Technology and Society
Dominant Forces
Properties of Matter
The unit will focus on these big ideas. Students will think about how small nanoscience is in
comparison with other small objects. Models will be used to examine forces that cause particles
and molecules to come together. Investigations will foster examination of factors that affect
molecular attractions, including surface area and volume. Students will use models to see how it
is possible for molecules to assemble themselves in an organized way. Once students are
familiar with the basic concepts above, they will apply them to nanotechnology designs. Finally,
they will learn how to carefully examine the ethical issues related to nanoscience.
Nano Science Unit
The goal of the unit is the investigation of the basic principles of nano science and
nanotechnologies. Students are asked to take these principles and apply them to biological
processes; to make them more relevant. It is also meant for students to examine and question
ethical issues that may arise from such scientific advancement. To be successful, it is helpful to
have some basic background in chemistry, biology and critical thinking skills. Completing the
investigation without the initial knowledge may be possible however, it may have become
necessary at some point to do some research. Each activity builds on the prior activity and or
project and connects with the concept in the next step. The final Position Paper is an excellent
assessment tool for the unit. This gives the student a chance to not only integrate what they have
learned throughout the process but allows for creative freedom in choosing a subject they are
passionately interested in to write about. Artistic students may take it a step further by
developing a model to accompany the paper.
The last step for this investigation would be a whole class discussion or reflection. The whole
class discussion may help you determine what worked, what seemed like a waste of time, and
what may have been possible sources of error. The discussion may serve as a whole class
reflection. Since there isn’t a formal lab write up for the unit, this is a good way to address any
issues they may have arisen during the investigation.
Learning Objectives
1. Recognize and Identify the basic principles of self-assembly and be able to relate
these principles to nanotechnology
a. Students will understand the properties of matter and describe how size and
shape affect these properties, and can cause them to vary by studying how
cereal pieces aggregate and answering the Reflect and Connect questions in
their science notebooks (70% accuracy required)
b. Students will explain self -assembly by describing the conditions that affect
self –assembly by creating a Venn diagram to compare physical
characteristics of water and carbon dioxide and then answering their reflect
and Connect Questions in their science notebook (70% accuracy required)
c. Students will describe the attractive forces between molecules and model the
forces necessary to allow particles to aggregate by building models to
demonstrate the forces involved when particles aggregate. Students will also
answer Reflect and Connect questions in their science notebook. (70%
accuracy required)
2. Correlate nanoscience to biology and examine ethical issues that may arise (Crosscurricular and relevance)
a. Students will explain structure and function at the nano level by elaborating
on their connection to aggregation of particles simulating aggregation
between Leggo pieces and answering Reflect and Connect questions in their
science notebook (70% accuracy required)
b. Students will relate the importance as well as the limitations of models as a
way to illustrate processes by drawing and labeling a gold – DNA crystal and
answering the Reflect and Connect questions in their science notebook. (70%
accuracy required)
3. Explain the applications and limitations in nanoscience as it applies to advances in
a. Students will understand that the advances in nanoscience have many
potential applications and illustrate how they are helpful to humans by
investigating antibody / antigen aggregation use in treatment of cancer and
answering their Reflect and Connect questions in their science notebook.
(70% accuracy required)
b. Students will differentiate between the ethical and moral implications of
nanotechnology through whole class discussion and debate. They will present
position paper for final assessment. (Score of 70% on position paper
Format of Unit:
The investigation will follow the 5E model of investigation: Engage, Explore, Explain,
Elaborate, and Evaluate. Student investigation, learning and reflection will occur at all steps in
the 5E model. Prior knowledge and experience will be drawn on throughout the investigation.
Each lesson will promote reflection and prediction between the activities. The initial Engage
activity uses prior knowledge to introduce the concept of nano.
Part I: Students will investigate the self -assembly of molecules and the intermolecular forces
that pertain to that process. Students will understand the concept of surface area to volume ratio
as well as what consequences changes to physical and chemical properties have at the nano level.
Models are used to illustrate the processes however students will learn that models have
Prior Knowledge: atoms, molecules, subatomic particles: arrangement and charge, physical
and chemical properties of matter, phase change as related to temperature, attraction.
Possible misconceptions: The difference between reaction and attraction; hydrogen bonds are
not chemical bonds; intermolecular attractions v. chemical bonds; difference between volume
and mass; volume does not increase if you chop something into many pieces; SA does increase
as you chop something into many pieces; SA / Vol ratio; heat and temp are not the same thing.
The individual investigations will require students to draw on their prior knowledge. Each of the
5E activities is designed around a Central or Linking question. Students perform a task, collect
data, create a model or draw an illustration to answer questions, predict an outcome or reflect
and connect to the next idea.
Understanding the Science of nanotechnology (Unit Engage)
Time allotment:
* = one 50- minute class period
Engage: How Small is Nano Anyway? (Modeling nano scale) *
+ = ½ class period
Key Idea: Nanoscale objects are much larger than atoms and subatomic particles and much
smaller than cells.
Activity: Students use lines to make analogies between objects that are big enough to see and
those that are small enough to see with the naked eye.
Linking Question: Can we model particles at the nanoscale level using objects we
Part 1
Engage: Not Just for Breakfast Anymore (Investigate aggregation of particles) * (Lesson
Plan for activity included)
Key Idea: We can use breakfast cereal to show that particles can join together in an organized
way without outside help.
Activity: Students use “O” shaped cereal to see that only certain shapes can be formed, that
some shapes are more stable than others, and that the amount of cereal in the bowl affects the
aggregation of pieces.
Linking Question: How does the size of particles affect how easily they stick together?
Explore: Duking it Out: Surface Area v. Volume (Manipulate SA and Volume to discover the
relationship and apply SA / Vol relationship to aggregation) *
Key Idea: When a substance is divided into smaller pieces, the total volume stays the same
while surface area increases.
Activity: Students use paper cubes with the same volume but different surfaces to explore the
number of binding sites in systems.
Linking Question:
What evidence do we have that particles stick together?
Explore: Why Do They Stick Together? (Investigate intermolecular forces and how they
Key Idea: Macroscopic properties such as the ability to corm solid, the ability to form a liquid,
and surface tension provide evidence that the particles in a substance stick together.
Activity: Students consider the physical properties of water and carbon dioxide to determine
which molecules are capable of aggregating with one another.
Linking Question: Why do particles stick together?
Explain: Intermolecular Forces (Begin to build and revise models)***
Modeling Self-Assembly (More modeling and revision of models)***
Key Idea: Electrostatic forces are responsible for making all particle stick together.
Activity: Students build models to show the forces involved when molecules aggregate.
Linking Question: What conditions allow the organized aggregation of particles (or
self-assembly) to occur?
Elaborate: Building a Crystal (Collaborative effort to bring everything students have learned
together to build a final product; a poster for presentation)**
Key Idea: The scientific principles that have been studied in the previous activities affect how
scientists design and build nanoscale applications.
Activity: Students assume the role of nanoscientists to learn about the design of 3-dimensional
gold-DNA crystals.
Linking Questions: Can we apply these principles to predict how effectively
nanotechnology solves an environmental problem?
Part II: Concepts of self -assembly are applicable to biological systems. Structure and function
are interconnected with biological molecules. Despite the fact that nano-technology and their
developments are useful; ethical dilemmas have arisen.
Prior knowledge from Part I would be necessary to be successful with part II. Critical thinking
are vital.
Possible Misconceptions: blood transfusions are not foreign; the difference between ethical and
Engage: Take a Stand (Investigations into the principles and applications behind
Nanotechnology) *
Key Idea: There are many questions that should be considered when developing
Activity: Students listen to statements about nanotechnology issues and take a stand on whether
they agree or disagree with the statement.
Linking Question: Are all nanotechnologies created by scientists in laboratories?
Explore: Biological Systems Self Assemble, Too ( A look into antibodies and antigens)*+
Key Idea: Nanoscale self-assembly also occirs naturally in your belly.
Activity: Students model the self-assembly of antibodies and antigens and of cell membranes.
Linking Question: Can scientists use biological self-assembly for nanotechnologies?
Explain: Why Does it Look Like That? (Investigating the aggregation of antibodies and
Key Idea: Because structure is related to the way biological systems function, scientists can use
biological aggregations when developing nanotechnologies.
Activity: Students examine how blood type is related to antibodies and antigens, then
investigate how that type of aggregation could be used in cancer therapy.
Linking Question: How do scientists use aggregations in the body to develop
Elaborate: Making a Decision (Using ethics to make decisions) **
Key Idea: A decision-making model can help us make logical decisions about the use of
Activity: Students are presented with decision-making model to be used in making ethical
Linking Question: What are some of the important nanotechnologies that are being
developed or sued now?
Evaluate: What Do You Think? (Position Paper)*** to ****
Key Idea: Using scientific principles and a decision-making model, it is possible to make
informed decisions about nanotechnologies.
Activity: Students research a nanotechnology and write a position paper to support or oppose its
The final Evaluate is a final assessment. Students are demonstrating what they have
learned about nanoscience and the applications in technology. The student is also taking a stand
on an ethical issue and supporting their stance with evidence from the unit. The end product
allows demonstration of how the student has further advanced their knowledge during the unit by
their ability to apply what they have learned.
Activity Lesson Plan
Name: Deborah Romine
Task Objective Number: 603.2.3-04, 602.3.22-08,
Lesson Title & Subject(s): Engage: Not Just For Breakfast Anymore
Topic or Unit of Study: Understanding the Science of Nanotechnology: Self Assembly
Inquiry Unit
Grade/Level: 9-12
Instructional Setting:
Your State Core Curriculum/Student Achievement Standard(s):
SC-HS-4.6.12 Students will understand that the forces that hold the nucleus together, at nuclear
distances, are usually stronger than the forces that would make it fly apart.
SC-HS-1.2.3 Students will understand that the electric force is a universal force that exists
between any two charged objects. Opposite charges attract while like charges repel.
Lesson Objective(s):
Understand the basic principles of self-assembly and how they would relate it to
Understand properties of matter and that depending on size and
shape, these properties can vary
Explain self -assembly and the conditions that affect self -assembly
Describe the attractive forces between molecules
Instructional Materials:
Per group of 2 – 3 students
1 plastic bowl
1 plastic bag with 50 pieces of O-shaped
oat cereal pieces
1 toothpick
1 plastic spoon
1 petri dish, small plastic cup or other
container fro disposing of wet cereal
BSCS Science Inquiry Approach
Online resources available for research
1. Identification of Student Prerequisite Skills Needed for Lesson:
 Students will need to be able to differentiate between atoms and molecules.
 Students will need a basic understanding of atomic structure; quantum mechanics is
not necessary. Location and charge of proton, neutron and electron.
 Students should be familiar with the concepts of freezing point, boiling point, surface
tension and the ability to freeze.
Possible Misconceptions:
 Chemical reactions are the same as attraction to make aggregation of molecules.
 Hydrogen bonds are chemical bonds where two molecules are joined by an “H” atom
 Intermolecular attractions are just a strong as chemical bonds
 Volume and mass are the same thing
 When an object is chopped up into tiny pieces, the total volume increases
 The amount of surface area in a substance doesn’t change as an object is chopped into
tiny pieces
 Heat and temperature are the same thing
 Entropy is the same as messiness
 Spontaneous means that it happens very fast
 Oil is more dense than water because heavy foods have lots of oil and fats
 Oil repels water the same way two negative charges repel each other
2. Presentation of New Information or Modeling:
Ask the students, “What happens to the last few pieces of cereal in the bowl when
someone has finished most of the bowl of cereal?” Write all acceptable answers on the
board. Ask, “Are there any differences based on the kind of cereal pieces?” Explain that
today’s activity asks them to explore one effect that can happen when there is only a little
bit of cereal left in the bowl.
3. Guided Practice:
My role is to ask questions that will guide my students back on track or further /
enhance their investigations. It’s also important for me to listen and watch for any
misconceptions that may arise during the investigation. If their partners don’t catch the
misconception, then it becomes necessary for me to ask questions that will have the
student discover the misnomer on their own.
Students will work with their partner(s) to study how cereal pieces aggregate. As they
work, they need to think about how the shape of the cereal allows them to build
products of certain designs and strengths. How would this phenomenon apply if they
were to use nano sized building blocks instead of cereal?
4. Independent Student Practice:
1. Make a prediction to answer the following question: can particles
come together in an organized pattern without human help? Write
your prediction in your science notebook.
2. Obtain the necessary materials form your teacher. Fill your bowl
half way with water.
3. Place 20 pieces of cereal into the bowl of water. It will take a few
seconds for the cereal to stop moving. Once the cereal is still,
observe whether the majority of pieces seem to be clustering with
other pieces or are not touching any others.
4. Draw a diagram in your science notebook to show the arrangement
of the cereal.
5. Stir the cereal once or twice with your spoon. What do you
observe about the movement of the cereal as the water stops
swirling? Record your observations about the movement of the
6. Use your toothpick to try to build different patterns with the cereal
pieces. Take turns with your partner in building your patterns.
a. Can you make a flower?
b. A triangle?
c. A square?
d. What other shapes can you form?
7. In your science notebook, draw each pattern you are able to form.
List any shapes you were not able to form.
8. Make one of your shapes form step 6 again. Insert a toothpick into
the center hole of one of the pieces of cereal in the cluster. Slowly
try to pull the whole patter across the water.
9. Try to pull each of the different patterns with your toothpick.
Which pattern seems to be the most stable, or able to stay
together? Write the words most stable underneath your drawing of
that pattern.
10. Write the words least stable under your drawing of the pattern that
comes apart most easily.
11. Gently tap the side of the bowl or shake it back and forth so that
the cereal begins to move around the bowl and form patterns on its
own. Record which patterns form most frequently.
12. Experiment with different numbers of cereal pieces by adding or
subtracting five at a time from the water. Put any wet cereal pieces
in your container for waste disposal. Shake or tap the bowl and
observe how the cereal moves. Answer the questions in steps 12a
– e in your science notebook.
a. Is there a minimum number of pieces of cereal necessary to
have in the bowl in order to form patterns? If so, how
b. Is there a maximum number of pieces of cereal in the bowl
above which it is difficult to form patterns?
c. If the pieces of cereal are moving around very fast (because
you are tapping too hard), how easy is it to make the shapes
d. If the pieces of cereal are moving around very slowly
(because you are tapping gently), how easy is it to make
shapes form?
e. What is the best tapping speed to use to get shapes to form?
13. Clean up by putting all cereal pieces in the trash and pouring the
water in the sink.
5. Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity/Event:
Students will answer the Reflect and Connect questions in their science notebooks.
Exit slips indicate if the students were able to:
 Begin thinking about factors that attractions between molecules
 Observe the effects of increasing and decreasing pieces in the bowl the number of
 Realize that some aggregations are more important than others
 Did size, shape and speed of the particles have an effect on their ability to aggregate?
 Predict whether pieces of cereal were able form patterns on their own
 Describe whether their observations support or refute their predictions
Linking question: How does the size of particles affect how easily they stick together?
This is a prediction that should be written in their science notebook. It is also an indicator as
to what they will investigate in the next lesson.
Pedagogical Strategy (or Strategies):
Whole group discussion, inquiry and cooperative group or partner work , reflection, writing
Differentiated Instruction:
Scribes and readers were given to students that required them, academic and physical
accommodations were met for students during all activities.
Student Assessment/Rubrics:
Exit Slips in Culminating Activity would serve as a quick assessment
Reflect and Connect
The Reflect and Connect Questions at the end of each unit do not require the students to
necessarily have the correct answers at that particular stage of the investigation but asks them to
start processing (reflecting) and putting together (connecting) what they have just completed in
the present activity with what they have done in previous activities. The answers are to these
questions are written in the student’s science notebook, after the data collected during the
activity. Each investigation, side bar reading, Stop and Think activity (not typed and presented
here due to length) relate to the Big Idea and allow students to draw on prior knowledge or relate
to the real world. I like the fact the students have to think about what they have investigated,
look at how it may apply to something else and predict what could happen if…Provided their
thoughts are clear, legitimate and well supported and on the right track, they receive credit for
having written them and positive feedback is left for the student. If they do not make sense, it is
my job to look back through the data they have collected and try to determine why. At this
point, feedback is critical; it will guide them where they need to go, not give them the right
answer and have them just move on.
Work with your partner to answer the following questions. Write your answers in your
science notebook.
1. What did you do to maximize the number of patterns that formed? Record evidence you
have to support your answer.
2. Why did you think you were only able to form certain patterns? You do not know the
“right” answer. Write your best ideas in your science notebook. (Obj a) (Obj c)
3. When you tapped the bowl, did some patterns form on their own? (Obj b)
a. Compare your answer to the prediction you made in Process and Procedure step
1. If your thinking changed, write how it changed and why. If your thinking
stayed the same, describe the evidence you found to support your original
4. Cereals come in many different shapes. Pretend that you had a cereal with a shape
different from the O’s. Sketch a prediction of at least 3 different you think you could
build with this cereal shape.
5. Do you think the shapes of the organized patterns depend on the shape of the pieces
making up the pattern? Why or why not?
6. What do you think might be causing the cereal pieces to aggregate with one another?
Think of as many different ideas as you can. (Obj a, b, c)
7. When sodium metal and chlorine gas come together, they react to make salt. The pieces
of cereal were aggregating with one another, but they did not react. What do you think is
the difference between aggregating and reacting?
1. May have a variety of answers. Students should realize that the speed with which they
tap the bowl has an effect on the formation of patterns. If they tap too quickly or too
hard, the particles may come in to contact but will not be able to stick together due to
high kinetic energy of the particles. If they tap too slowly to too softly, the particles may
not be able to move into contact with one another. Students may also note that the
number of pieces of cereal in the bowl had an effect. If there are too few, it is more
difficult for the pieces to move in contact with one another. If there are too many, the
particles begin to get crowded and are not able to from regular patterns.
Only some patterns can be formed because of the shape of the cereal. You might guide
students to think further about why this might be. (Cereal pieces will move so there is
the smallest space between them) A perfect square is less stable than a parallelogram,
because there is less space between pieces of cereal in the parallelogram.
Students should recognize that some shapes so form on their own when the bowl is
tapped. (triangle or the flower)
The previous question should help students realize that the shape of the cereal affects the
patterns that can form. They should be able to extrapolate this idea to different shapes of
cereal. Answers will vary based on cereal students have; encourage them to concentrate
on shapes that minimize spaces between pieces. ALL logical answers will be accepted.
Shapes of organized patterns depend on the shape of the pieces making up the pattern. If
the pieces aggregate to get the smallest amount of space between pieces, then the
arrangement will depend on the shape of the pieces to start with.
It is not necessary to have the correct answer at this point. They should however start
thinking about why the pieces are aggregating. At this point, students should be
challenged to come up with as many explanations as possible.
Aggregating is when two particles come together and are attracted to each other and stick
together, but don’t change into a new substance. Reacting is when two particles come
close enough to each other to share, give or take electrons and change into a new
chemical substance.
Each of the objectives has been addressed in the Reflect and Connect questions above. One
of the last questions asks students to tie all of the objectives together however, at this point in the
unit, it is not necessary for them to completely “get it”. If they are headed in the right direction,
then they are starting to make the connections necessary to see why particles aggregate. The
entire investigation should last approximately 2- 50-min class periods. However, keep in mind
that the Nano Unit is meant to be a self- paced inquiry unit. Students work times will vary
according to many factors: academic level, learning modality and individual accommodations.
Assessments for each of the activities were aligned with specific objectives and learning
goals that in turn aligned with the Big Idea for the Nano Unit. The entire unit is based on the 5E
instructional model: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate. The model provides an
opportunity for students to predict, reflect, draw conclusions, utilize prior knowledge and link
their findings to a “Big Idea”. In this particular unit, students relate a science and technological
advance to real world application. The Big Idea for Part I is self- assembly. The unit is set up so
there is a key idea, an activity and a linking question to the next section. Each section is geared
to the big idea. By adapting this format for assessing the current activity, students are set up for
what they are expected to connect in next activity. It helps them to see that the present exercise
is not just an exercise in futility.
National Science Standards
Standard A: Science as Inquiry: As a result of activities in grades 9-12, all students should
Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
Understandings about scientific inquiry
Standard B: Physical Science: As a result of activities in grades 9-12, all students should
Structure of the atom
Structure and properties of matter
Motion and forces
Conservation of energy and the increase of disorder
Standard C: Life Science: As a result of activities in grades 9-12, all students should develop
The cell
Standard E: Science and Technology: As a result of activities in grades 9-12, all students
should develop
Understandings about science and technology
Standard F: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives: As a result of activities in grades 912, all students should develop understanding of
Personal and community health
Natural and human-induced hazards
Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges
Standard G: History and nature of Science: As a result of activities in grades 9-12, all students
should develop understanding of
Science as a human endeavor
KY Content Standards
Students will investigate controversial scientific proposals (e.g., human cloning, genetic
modification of crops, nuclear waste storage), use scientific evidence/data to support or defend a
position and debate the ethical merits of implementing the proposed actions
Students will model and explain the relationships and energy flow existing in various Earth
Students will understand that scientists rely on increasingly sophisticated methods of
measurement in order to investigate a variety of phenomena that were previously immeasurable.
Students will explain how technological solutions permit the study of phenomena too faint,
small, distant or slow to be directly measured
Students will understand that the forces that hold the nucleus of an atom together are much
stronger than the electromagnetic force.
Students predict which forces would be predominant in a given system and explain
Knowing targets:
I can describe self-assembly.
I can understand the difference between intramolecular and intermolecular forces.
I can explain why certain forces are dominant within or between molecules.
I can understand the correlation between technological solutions and the study of
scientific phenomena.
I can describe models of energy flow in Earth systems.
I can explain collected scientific data to defend a particular position.
Doing targets:
I can use scientific evidence to defend my claim.
I can explain how intermolecular and intramolecular forces relate to self-assembly.
I can predict dominant forces in a molecular system.
I can explain the significance of the scientific methods necessary to measure previously
immeasurable phenomena.
I can explain models of energy flow in various Earth systems.
I can build models to explain energy flow in various Earth systems.
I can collect and organize scientific data.
1. Observation
a. Objectives may be checked off on an excel spreadsheet as mastery is observed
2. Student Conferences:
a. Throughout the unit, as needed, with students, one on one or as small group
3. Reflect and Connect: questions at the end of each activity students use to reflect upon
what they have learned and used to make connections to the next parts’ activity. It
allows for the following:
Instructors to check for misconceptions
A check for connections or missed connections to concepts
Individual and group reflection on activity
Student explanation, writing and application of concept
4. Projects / Models and Writings through the Unit
a. Allow for visual validation connection to concept or missed concept
5. Stop and Think:
a. Readings and questions within the unit that ask the students to make additional
connections between the scientific concept they are attempting to model and real
world concepts.
6. Student Science Notebook:
a. Written journal of daily activities, questions, answers, notes, and reflections.
Allows for feedback from partner students during selected activities as well as
b. The notebook also allows the instructor to further see where each student is
going; what connections they are actually making and where they may be
struggling. It then allows the instructor to format guided questions in order to
redirect student thinking.
7. Whole Class Discussion:
a. At the beginning, throughout as needed and at the end to serve as a reflection.
8. Exit Slips:
a. Allows instructor to gauge class progress and understanding
Student Checklist for Observations
Student /
With this unit, the instructor’s role is one of moderator. The assessments allow for the instructor
to look / listen for misconception and allow students to reflect and communicate with one
another in order to make connections. It is not always necessary to have the correct answer but it
is necessary to be able to explain your methods and your outcomes. Students are required to
keep a science notebook throughout the unit. This will also serve as an additional form of
assessment as well as a place for students to reflect and ask questions that they will answer as the
complete the activities.
1. Pre-test
a. Allows instructor to see where the students are with background knowledge
2. Final Evaluate:
a. The end product allows demonstration of how the student has further advanced
their knowledge during the unit by their ability to apply what they have learned. It
also lends itself to real world relevance.
Post- test:
a. Allows instructor to further assess what students have learned during unit.
Pre Test (answers in italics)
Name KEY
1. Define the prefix nano.
A nanometer is one billionth of a meter
2. Give examples of three objects or structures that would be considered or described as
Diameter of a strand of DNA
3. What type of microscopes would be used to investigate atomic particles? Explain your
Electron microscopes
4. Differentiate between nanoscale and macroscale. Give examples of materials found
within both.
Size and physical properties between the same elements will be different …gold atoms and
elemental gold
5. Explain at least one technological advance that would be a direct result of
Sunscreen to reduce risk of cancer
Post Test
(Answers in Italics)
Name KEY
5. Define the prefix nano.
10 -9
6. Give examples of three objects or structures that would be considered or described as
Strand of DNA
7. What type of microscopes would be used to investigate atomic particles? Explain your
Beam of electrons to see atomic structures
8. Differentiate between nanoscale and macroscale. Give examples of materials found
within both. Size and physical properties between the same elements will be different
…gold atoms and elemental gold
5. Explain at least one technological advance that would be a direct result of
Sunscreen to reduce risk of cancer
Rubric for Final Evaluate
Quality of
clearly relates to
the main topic. It
includes several
supporting details
and/or examples.
Diagrams and
illustrations are
neat, accurate and
add to the
understanding of
the topic.
No grammatical,
spelling or
clearly relates to
the main topic. It
provides 1-2
supporting details
and/or examples
Diagrams and
illustrations are
neat, accurate and
add to the
understanding of
the topic.
Almost no
spelling or
punctuation errors
clearly relates to
the main topic. No
details and/or
examples are
Diagrams and
illustrations are
neat, accurate and
add to the
understanding of
the topic.
A few grammatical
spelling, or
Information has
little or nothing to
do with the main
All sources
(information and
graphics) are
documented in
the desired
All sources
(information and
graphics) are
documented, but
a few are not in
the desired
All sources
(information and
graphics) are
documented, but
many are not in
the desired
Diagrams and
Diagrams and
illustrations are
neat, accurate and
add to the
understanding of
the topic.
spelling, or
Some sources are
not accurately
Modifications / Enrichment and Intervention
Students will work in cooperative groups of two to three during the individual activities unless
whole class participation is required. Groups will change with each activity and as long as it is
feasible, students will work with different students with each task. This will help promote
individual cultures and life-experiences within the class and prevent the feeling of being left out
by certain class populations. It will also prevent selective grouping: higher achieving students
with higher achieving students and lower achieving students with lower achieving students with
lower achieving students.
Since this is a student-driven activity, students will be in different places at different times,
however, those that need additional time will be given the time they need to complete each task.
It is imperative they complete one task before going on to the next as each activity builds on the
Prior knowledge will be assessed through whole class discussion, group discussion and
reflection in science notebooks as well as nano pre-test. Where it is not necessary to have a vast
knowledge in Biology and Chemistry, it will be informative for the instructor in order to key in
to misconceptions and redirect students when applicable.
Readers and or scribes will be provided as denoted.
Students that finish final Evaluate before time will be afforded a selection of enrichment
activities to further enhance the Nanoscience unit.
Critical thinking skills are embedded throughout the unit with use of Reflect and Connect as well
as Stop and Think reading, writing and discussion activities. Students complete these activities
alone and together in their science notebooks. The activities throughout are designed to intrigue
students curiosity and promote engagement.
Nanoscience Discoveries
Nanoscience Technology Center
Nanoscience: the Kavli Foundation
What is nanotechnology?
DNA Models
BSCS (2010). Understanding the science of nanotechnology: A multidisciplinary approach
to science. Colorado Springs, Colorado: Kendall Hunt Publishing.