Chapter X Information and Sustainability John A Broadbent University of Technology, Sydney, Australia X.1. Introduction Boulding(1966) may have first linked knowledge and information with evolution, when he proposed that: information and knowledge alone are capable of producing an evolutionary process towards complexity and self-consciousness(p 5) with the acquisition of self-consciousness, the human evolutionary process ‘has become at least in part teleological’ (p4) Boulding’s views retain currency almost forty years later, and were taken as a basis for this inquiry. In this paper selected literatures are juxtaposed to elaborate the nexus between information and sustainable human futures(i.e. sociocultural evolution). The aim is to clarify the role that information could play in achieving such futures, and to suggest a next step. X.2. Sustainability Tainter(1988) extensively studied the fate of human civilizations and found that societies have traditionally addressed problems through added complexity. This, historically, has meant societies with ‘more parts, different kinds of parts, more social differentiation, more inequality, and more kinds of centralization and control’ (p. 37). In consequence we now have the most structurally and organizationally complex societies in human history. According to Tainter(1995), ‘complexity strategies’ run their course with diminishing returns until their costs match and then, left unattended, surpass their benefits. Once investment in further complexity becomes unattractive, a society becomes liable to collapse. Tainter(1996) applied these findings to current societies and concluded that complexification would likely continue and need greater or more efficient energy use. He developed three scenarios for the future of global civilization: Chapters’ title 2 Cultural collapse, with cultural and economic simplification, lower energy demands, and a massive loss of population over one or two generations A ‘green’ future, which he believed ‘will come about only if severe, prolonged hardship in industrial nations makes it attractive, and if economic growth and consumerism can be removed from the realm of ideology’(p 73) A probable future, with greater investments in problem solving, increasing overall complexity, and greater or more efficient energy use Tainter and colleagues(Allen, Tainter & Hoekstra, 1999) refined this view by distinguishing two forms of complexity - structural and organizational. While the former was largely the basis of Tainter’s earlier work, organizational complexification is seen as a preferable response to problem-solving as it redefines society in relation to its resource needs. As Information Age technologies generate organizational benefits, they offer relief from societal problems which - the authors believe - will last until these technologies mature. Allen et al see a growing need to adopt whole-of-systems approaches over long time-frames, with better quality information about large-scale difficult issues. These are primarily organizational elaborations which should offer further sociocultural sustainability. X.3. Synergy The contribution which Information Age technologies make to societal problemsolving is evident from the synergies they provide. Corning(2003: 2) defines synergy as ‘the combined, or cooperative, effects produced by the relationships among various forces, particles, elements, parts, or individuals in a given context – effects that are not otherwise possible’. He suggests that synergistic effects play a major role in the evolution of cooperation and complexity in both nature and society, by improving the chances of survival and reproduction. He believes that new ways to exploit synergy have underpinned sociocultural evolution. Progressively through time the synergistic frameworks of societies have increased in size, complexity and diversity. Synergies entail behavioural innovation, which Corning considers a ‘pacemaker’ of evolution, leading to greater functional competence and complexity. He views behavioural change as a Neo-Lamarckian process, and suggests that humans may be seen as “intentional systems”, with purposiveness a major force in sociocultural evolution. Information Age technologies are fundamentally about improved information flows in societies and their constituent individuals, so generating social capital. Corning(2003) interprets human evolution largely in terms of “packages” of interrelated synergies, elements of which are technological, in similar vein to Diamond(1997). If one or more essential elements are missing from these “packages”, an entire change process may be jeopardised. Evolutionary “hotspots” have occurred in a shifting geography over at least 10,000 years. These may be high energy systems, which emerge when the potentials for synergy are systemically realized. Such synergistic coherences make possible the emergence of strikingly different cultural forms. It seems likely that one or more evolutionary “hotspots” are now emerging in global society in response to Information Age technologies. Chapters’ title 3 X.4. Merged Evolution Turning to the future, we can interpret the desire of Allen et al(1999) to adopt whole-of-systems approaches to societal problem-solving through the work of Goonatilake(1991, 1999), who considered the evolutionary implications of mergers between three streams of information – biological, cultural, and technological. His studies suggest that information technology and, more so, biotechnology - being much more malleable and generic than their precedent technologies - will have considerable impact on biological and cultural destinies through intense mergings of the three information streams. Goonatilake concludes that this process will be so transformative that: ‘one form of history is at an end, another entirely new history now begins’(p 195). Goonatilake(1999) believes that synergies across all information flows will permit a remarkable acceleration in human evolution. He also observes that responses of different cultures to incoming technologies are greatly influenced by their social fabrics. This suggests that there will be considerable geographical difference in the responsiveness of societies to merged evolution, a point essentially made already in respect of information technology. Despite globalization, it seems likely that cultures will remain diverse enough to respond differently to the Information Age and the technological transitions which follow. This diversity will offer important evolutionary advantages for humanity as a whole. Goonatilake’s insights are important because they presage significantly greater synergies than those gained from Information Age technologies alone. Through very considerable organizational and structural improvements, and energy efficiencies, such synergies should offer sociocultural sustainability well into the 21st century. X.5. Information The ability of socioculture to cope with the greater complexity of ‘merged’ evolution will closely depend on the deployment of information systems across evolutionary lineages. This point is now examined more fully, initially through the work of Beach(2003), who modelled systems of varying complexity across biology and socioculture. An interpretation of his basic model follows: Figure.1. Dynamic system with evolving information module Chapters’ title 4 In this figure, evolution of only the information system is shown although, in reality, all elements of the model evolve conjointly. Metabolism is interpreted as the transformations brought about based on information in the system. According to Beach, a system is limited by the capabilities of its information module. Changes in the information module are a primary cause of major transitions, because they create enhanced information storage capability and hence greater evolutionary possibility. Beach also notes that there has been a temporal shift from the individual to increasingly higher-level group cooperation, in both biology(single celled to multicellular organisms) and socioculture(hunter gatherers to urban societies), due to more effective information modules. This process continues today through the emergence of higher-capacity symbolic information systems. Such developments make possible cooperative behaviour in ever higher-level group structures. Beach believes that we are still early in this process. He predicts that the changes will be equal to, or greater than, those in any previous biological or sociocultural transformation. He anticipates that the change process will be driven by increasingly efficient algorithms, making possible the acquisition of information at unprecedented rates. Such insights again underline the very significant synergies of the Information Age technologies and the organisational complexification they allow. X.6 A proposal X.6.1 Introduction From these readings, the merging of information lineages could be the next significant development in sociocultural information systems, so assisting responses to critical global problems. This development is conceptualized below: Figure.2. Merging dynamic systems, and emergence of a common information module Chapters’ title 5 Giving substance to Goonatilake’s(1999) vision would be beyond current capabilities, although the building blocks for such a project exist today. A likeness to what is envisaged is found in current efforts in systems biology to integrate information flows from genomics, proteomics and metabolomics to enhance personalized medicine (Carney, 2003). An important distinction is that whereas systems biology engages with substantially closed information systems (organisms), this proposal is concerned with informationally very open ones(see Allen et al, 2003). X.6.2. Philosophical considerations An appropriate ontology is considered essential in the creation of information systems. Progress in this respect is most evident in medical and bioinformatics, where information systems of remarkable complexity are being created. For example, the Foundation Model of Anatomy has been proposed as a basis for aligning ontologies from macroscopic anatomy to the representation of cells, subcellular entities and biological macromolecules(Rosse & Mejino, 2003). This ontology currently has 70,000 distinct anatomical concepts, which are associated with more than 110,000 terms and are related to each other by over 1.5 million instantiations of over 170 kinds of relationships. Creation of an ontology spanning two or more information lineages is hard to envision at present. In its fullness, its complexity would be many orders of magnitude beyond existing models, and it would encompass many areas of knowledge for which no generally agreed ontologies yet exist. If it is not yet possible to generate ontologies which span different information lineages, epistemological frameworks exist which do so, based on evolutionary principles (Laszlo, 1996). These could be used to create frameworks for early generations of information systems. This approach would not only help discriminate between the pluralist views which inform competing evolutionary epistemologies at present, but might also accumulate the knowledge needed to inform future ontological frameworks. Hood(in Carney, 2003) emphasizes the importance of integrating an interpretive, iterative, hypothesis-driven approach with discovery science reductive and empirical in nature. This task would also confront any realization of Goonatilake’s vision. X.6.3. Technological considerations Recognition that complex information systems exist in increasingly dynamic and unpredictable environments makes the intentional introduction of adaptive and evolutionary capabilities into such systems desirable. The goal is to create information systems which remain aligned with the larger systems they serve. Patel and colleagues(2003) provide insights into how this might be done. Molidor et al(2003) point out that systems biology gives rise to critical issues in respect of the storage, normalization, integration, analysis, visualization of data, and data mining. The increasing complexity of information systems also creates a need for better decision-support for users. The quality of these systems is clearly critical Chapters’ title 6 and there is some evidence that ensembles of 3-5 different decision-support tools are preferable to a “single best model”(West et al, 2004). X.6.4. Collaboration A project of this scale would require effective collaboration both across major sectors of society(e.g. business, industry, academia, government)and across many disciplines. X.6.5. Ethical, legal, social issues(ELSI) There is no doubt that the increasing scale of human intervention reflected in developments of this kind generate serious ethical, legal and social issues. These should be addressed in a timely and appropriate manner within both the project context and the wider community(Rigby, 2004). X.7. Conclusions While information is not seen as the sole guarantor of human sustainability, it is clearly a core consideration - as it has been throughout sociocultural history. Our understanding of the role of information in sociocultural evolution has increased greatly since Boulding recognized its importance some forty years ago. Its essential synonymy with complexity places informatization at the heart of sociocultural sustainability. While socioculture has created the means to meet its informational needs throughout history, we may today be on the cusp of another huge elaboration both in our informational needs and our ability to meet them. The effective realization of this transformation may be among the most pressing and challenging tasks of the next two decades, for this is the respite which the current Information Age technologies seem to offer. While Goonatilake’s(1999) challenge to merge those informational lineages which have underpinned the evolution of our cosmos through its various eras seem well beyond human capabilities at present, less ambitious interim projects may be feasible. Insofar as complex systems are hierarchically organized, it would seem useful to develop the competencies advocated by Goonatilake initially in lower level systems. From the experiences and skills thus gained, it should be possible to move to progressively higher levels, while refining methodologies and knowledge, until engaging with the most critical and complex issues of sociocultural sustainability. The long-term goal of initiatives of this kind is to provide designers with information environments rich enough to inform their design processes, which does not seem to be the case today. For example, Lenz & Kuhn(2004) report failure rates of 50-80% in business process reengineering. Keeley(2003) estimates that the average firm succeeds at innovation a mere 4% of the time. Such low success rates cannot be supported indefinitely by societies nearing the limits of their sustainability. Chapters’ title 7 References Allen. T.F.H., Giampetro, M. & Little, A.M. 2003, ‘Distinguishing ecological engineering from environmental engineering’, Ecological Engineering, 20, 389-407. Allen, T.F.H., Tainter, J.A. & Hoekstra, T.W. 1999, ‘Supply-side sustainability’. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 16, 403-427. Avery, J. 2003, Information theory and evolution, World Scientific, Singapore. Beach, J. 2003, The transition to civilization and symbolically stored genomes, Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 34, 109141. Boulding, K.E. 1966a, The impact of the social sciences, Rutgers UP (New Brunswick, NJ). Carney, S.L. 2003, ‘Leroy Hood expounds the principles, practice and future of systems biology, Drug Discovery Today, 8, 436-438. Corning, P. 2003, Nature’s magic: synergy in evolution and the fate of humankind, Cambridge UP (New York). Diamond, J.M. 1997, Guns, germs and steel: the fates of human societies, Norton (New York). Goonatilake, S. 1991, The evolution of information: lineages in gene, culture and artifact, Pinter (London/New York). Goonatilake, S. 1999. Merged evolution: long-term implications of biotechnology and information technology, Gordon & Breach (Amsterdam). Keeley, L. 2003, ‘The business of NEW’, NextD Journal, 2, conversation 2.1. Laszlo, E. 1996, Evolution: the general theory, Hampton (Cresskill, NJ). Lenz, R. & Kuhn, K.A. 2004, ‘Towards a continuous evolution and adaptation of information systems in healthcare, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 73, 75-89. Molidor, R., Sturn, A., Maurer, M. & Trajanoski, Z. 2003, ‘New trends in bioinformatics: from genome sequence to personalized medicine, Experimental Gerontology, 38, 1031-1036. Patel, N. 2003, Adaptive evolutionary information systems, Idea (London). Rigby, M. 2004, ‘Protecting the patient by promoting end-user competence in health informatics systems – moves towards a generic health computer user “driving license”, International Journal of Medical Informatics(in press) Rosse, C. & Mejino Jr, J.L.V. 2003, ‘A reference ontology for biomedical informatics: the Foundation Model of Anatomy, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 36, 478-500. Tainter, J.A. 1988, The collapse of complex societies, Cambridge UP (Cambridge). Tainter, J.A. 1995, ‘Sustainability of complex societies’, Futures, 27, 397-407. 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