Equilibrium and Functional Periodicity: Fundamental Long-Term Stability Conditions for Design of Nature and Engineered Systems 1 Nam P. Suh Department of Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology npsuh@mit.edu Abstract All matter – subatomic particles to human beings -- that exist in nature owe their existence to their long-term stability. The complexity theory presented by Suh in recent years shows that for long-term stability, both engineered systems and natural systems must be either at a stable equilibrium state or must have a functional periodicity. In engineering and physics, the former, i.e., equilibrium, is well known, but the concept of functional periodicity has been introduced only recently. There are many different kinds of Functional Periodicity that govern natural and engineered systems. The performance of engineered systems has been improved by introducing a functional periodicity by design. Nature has evolved based on the stability provided by equilibrium states or by having functional periodicity. Classical physics such as Newtonian mechanics and thermodynamics are based on the assumption that equilibrium states exist. The basic postulates of modern physics such as quantum mechanics and superstring theory are consistent with the proposed existence of functional periodicity in natural systems. The particle/wave duality of matters that forms the basis of quantum mechanics can be explained in terms of the stability criterion presented in this paper rather than in terms of the p robability argument presented in the past. Keywords design, stability, nature, engineered systems, complexity, functional periodicity, equilibrium 1 This paper is similar to the paper “On Functional Periodicity as the Basis for Long-term Stability of Engineered and Natural Systems and Its Relationship to Physical Laws”, which has recently appeared in Research in Engineering Design, Vol. 15, 2004 2 1. Introduction Designs must be evaluated in terms of the functions they perform rather than in terms of specific physical or biological arrangements and characteristics. Functions or functional requirements (FRs) are satisfied by physical or biological things that are created by design or by evolution. The characteristics of the physical things can be characterized using design parameters (DPs). The purpose of engineering design is to satisfy the FRs by choosing a correct set of DPs. Starting from the postulate that there must exist fundamental axioms that characterize a good design, Axiomatic Design theory was advanced [Suh 1978],[Suh 1990], which has been used to design many engineered systems, including large systems for aerospace applications, software, hardware, and materials. Following Axiomatic Design theory, a complexity theory was presented, which showed that there are four types of complexity and that the introduction of Functional Periodicity can transform a system with time-dependent combinatorial complexity, which eventually becomes chaotic, to a stable system that has a time -dependent periodic complexity [Suh 1999],[Suh 2001]. This work has led to the view that for long-term stability, Functional Periodicity must be present in both natural or engineered systems [Suh 2004a],[Suh 2004b]. Nature and well-designed engineered systems share basic common characteristics. The two basic characteristics of engineered systems and natural matter are: they must be stable for a long-time and serve specific functions. Functions are “what the system is designed to achieve.” These functions are satisfied by physical or biological entities. For example, biological cells that are made up of various constituents achieve a set of functions. Furthermore, the fact that these biological systems have survived billions of years of evolution proves that they are stable. Similarly, an engineered system that performs a desired set of functions must be stable throughout its lifetime. Unstable matters, if they ever existed, would have disappeared after a transitory existence. A complexity theory was advanced to characterize the nature of complexity by examining how well the functions – not the physical entities -- of engineered systems and natural systems are satisfied [Suh 1999],[Suh 2001],[Suh 2004a]. To achieve this goal, complexity is defined as a measure of uncertainty in satisfying the functional requirements (FRs) within the specified (or allowable) accuracy or variation. According to the complexity theory, the complexity of cutting a rod to 1 m +/- 1 micron is greater than the complexity of cutting to 1 +/- 0.1 m, because the physical implements that can be used to satisfy the FR, i.e., cut the rod to within one micron, introduce a greater uncertainty in achieving the FR. The complexity theory states that there are four types of complexity: time-independent real complexity, time-independent imaginary complexity, time -dependent combinatorial complexity, and time-dependent periodic complexity. They are defined as follows [Suh 2001],[Suh 2004]: (1) Time -independent real complexity exists when a system cannot satisfy its FRs within their specified design ranges. An example of real complexity may be illustrated using conventional internal combustion 3 (IC) engines. One of the FRs of IC engines is the elimination of hydrocarbon emission. However, the design of typical commercial IC engines cannot satisfy this FR within the engine’s specified range. Therefore, there is an uncertainty associated with satisfying the FR and hence, the IC engine is a system with a finite time -independent real complexity. Similarly, if an FR is to determine the exact position and velocity of an electron around the hydrogen atom at a given instant, it would be impossible to locate the electron within the desired range. (According to Heisenberg’s principle if the uncertainty in position is 0.1 A, the corresponding momentum uncertainty is ~10-24 kgms -1 .) Therefore, the real complexity associated with satisfying the FR is expected to be large. (2) Time -independent imaginary complexity refers to the complexity created because of our lack of knowledge about a system, although the system itself is not complex. For example, a combination lock is easy to open once we know the sequence of numbers forming the combination, but in the absence of this information, the task of opening the lock would appear to be complex. This uncertainty, which is not real but associated with the lack of knowledge, is defined as imaginary complexity. (3) Time -dependent combinatorial complexity exists when it becomes increasingly more difficult to satisfy FRs with time or the progression of a given set of events. For example, suppose that we have a snowstorm around the Detroit area so that airplanes cannot land and take off during the day. Then the airplanes for Boston and other cities cannot take off from Detroit. As time goes on, the flights from Boston to other cities will be disrupted since there will not be enough airplanes to dispatch them according to the original schedule. Therefore, the airlines will not be able to satisfy their FRs of sending airplanes on schedule. The situation is going to get worse as time passes and the snowstorm continues. This is an example of time-dependent combinatorial complexity. (4) Time -dependent periodic complexity is the type of complexity that exists within a period when a set of FRs repeats itself. For example, in the case of the airline-scheduling problem, the airplanes may resume a regular schedule the next morning at 6 a.m. because airlines can reinitialize the system by moving planes during the night (when not many planes fly) to resume their original schedule. Since the airline schedule is periodic each day, all of the uncertainties introduced during the course of a day terminate at the end of a 24-hour cycle, and hence this combinatorial complexity does not extend into the following day. That is, each day, the schedule starts all over again, i.e., it is periodic and thus uncertainties created during the prior period are irrelevant. However, 4 during a given period there are uncertainties. This type of time-dependent complexity is defined as time-dependent periodic complexity. 2. Functional Periodicity If a system has time-dependent combinatorial complexity, the system will become “chaotic” or “uncontrollable” and eventually fail. For a system to survive for a long time, it must have a time -dependent periodic complexity. The complexity of a system with time-dependent combinatorial complexity can be reduced if it can be transformed into a system with a periodic complexity. This can be done when the system has a Functional Periodicity, i.e., a set of FRs of the system that repeat, which can be re-initialized at the beginning of each period. The functional period is determined by a repeating set of functions. Reinitialization involves knowing the state of the FRs that repeat periodically at the beginning of each period, which may or may not be the same at the beginning of each period. Knowing the initial state, the system can be made stable for the subsequent period. There are many different kinds of Functional Periodicity: temporal, geometric, biological, electrical, material, information processing, chemical, thermal, and manufacturing. Biological cells provide an example of a natural system with time-dependent periodic complexity. Biological functional periodicity is associated with the cell cycle, i.e., a cell divides into two cells cyclically when all the functions that the cell must satisfy have been completed within a functional period. An example of chemical functional periodicity is the periodic table of the chemical elements. Wire rope represents an example of geometric functional periodicity and the undulated surface for low friction at the interface between two sliding surfaces is another example [Suh 1986]. The Carnot cycle of an engine is an example of thermal functional periodicity. Language and music have different forms of functional periodicity, which enable the processing of information. Table 1 provides a list of examples: Table 1. Examples of Functional Periodicity in Engineered Systems and Nature [Suh 2004a],[Suh 2004b] Examples of Functional Periodicity Examples in Nature Examples in Engineered Systems Temporal periodicity Planetary system, solar calendar Geometric periodicity Crystalline solids, surfaces of certain leaves Biological periodicity Cell cycle, life -death cycle, Airline/train schedules, resonant mechanical systems, computers, pendulum Undulated surface for low friction, “woven” electric connectors, optical diffraction gratings Fermentation processes such 5 Manufacturing/ processing periodicity Chemical periodicity Thermal periodicity Information processing periodicity Electrical periodicity Circadian periodicity Material periodicity plants, grains, Biological systems Periodic table of chemical elements/atoms Temperature of Earth, Language Thunder storm Living beings, Wavy nature of matter, atomic structure, crystallinity as wine making Scheduling a clustered manufacturing system, Polymers Heat cycles (e.g., Carnot cycle), Re-initialization of software systems, music LCD, alternating current, Light sensitive sensors Fabric, wire drawing, microcellular plastics The list of functional periodicity presented in Table 1 is not an exhaustive list. What is evident from the table is that for long-term stability and survival, a system – both natural and engineered -- must be at an equilibrium state or have a Functional Periodicity. The long term of an engineered system is its life cycle and for a natural matter, it is the life cycle of living beings or the elements, which change depending on how well the stability can be maintained. 3. Postulate on Long-Term Stability of Natural Systems or Engineered Systems Based on the complexity theory, the following postulate was proposed [Suh 2004a],[Suh 2004b]. For long-term stability of natural and engineered systems, the system must be either in an equilibrium state with its surrounding or have a functional periodicity. Systems without stability because of the lack of functional periodicity have a transitory existence or are in a chaotic state and eventually disappear or mutate into another system or matter which is either in equilibrium or it is periodic. 3.1. Equilibrium State for Long-Term Stability If an engineered system or a natural matter is at an equilibrium state with its surroundings, it is going to be stable until its equilibrium state is disturbed. If it is at a meta-stable equilibrium state, it will go into an equilibrium state or unstable equilibrium state or another meta-stable state, if the system is disturbed by the application of external energy that is larger than energy barriers surrounding the local minimum. Classical physics such as 6 Newtonian mechanics and thermodynamics have been developed based on the postulate that equilibrium states exist. In Newtonian mechanics, forces are assumed to be in equilibrium: the first and third Newtonian laws are based on static stable equilibrium and the second law is based on a dynamic stable equilibrium relationship. In thermodynamics, the equilibrium condition forms the basis for both the first and second law of thermodynamics [Hatsopoulos 1981]. Nature continues to seek the lowest energy state so as to be in stable equilibrium. 3.2. Functional Periodicity for Long-Term Stability Some natural and engineered systems, or natural matter, are not at an equilibrium state at all times. However, they are stable if they possess a functional periodicity. That is, an absolute static equilibrium is not a requirement for long-term stability and survival if and only if the system can renew itself through functional periodicity. Modern physics such as quantum mechanics assumes a sinusoidal probability function of finding an electron within a volume about the given position at a given time. Such an assumption is equivalent to assuming the existence of a functional periodicity in natural matter such as atoms, electrons, and subatomic particles. a. Quantum States Physicists generally accept that quantum mechanics provides the best description of matter and energy at tiny scale. Numerous experiments have confirmed the basic quantum mechanical postulate which states that basic particles such as electrons have the characteristics of both a particle and a wave. Moreover, according to the accepted view of quantum mechanics, the position and velocity of the particle are not deterministic; they must rather be treated in terms of probability of the particle occupying a region in position and momentum spaces. Furthermore, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle states that the accuracy of determining position and velocity of a particle simultaneously is bounded, so that if one sought infinite accuracy in one variable, say the position, then the other variable (velocity) would become indeterminable. Schroedinger’s equation was constructed by seeking a wave function that represents the complex amplitude of displacement as a function of time and space, and thereby satisfies the conservation of energy and the quantum nature of energy and matter. The square of the wave function represents the probability of finding the particle in a given region. Although the predictions made by quantum mechanics are the basis for modern electronic devices and modern physics, for many people, the particle/wave duality has been a difficult concept to understand [Giancoli 2000],[Merzbacher 1998]. The generally accepted “Copenhagen” interpretation applies the duality principle in a statistical sense, i.e. when large numbers of particles are involved (or a large number of observations is made on a particle). Still unsolved paradoxes such as the famous “Schroedinger cat” dilemma illustrate the difficulty of wave/particle duality in the limit of a single particle. If the wave function is treated in quantum mechanics as representing the functional periodicity rather than the probability of finding an electron in a given volume about a position at a given time, the mathematical form of the Schroedinger equation should still 7 hold. However, the physical interpretation of, for example, the motion of an electron would be quite different. In terms of functional periodicity, electrons are simply pursuing a functional periodic motion to be stable 2 . The functional period is likely to depend on the size of the nucleus and the number of electrons present. Based on the postulate presented in this paper, the particle/wave duality of electrons, for example, can be rationalized. Electrons will be stable if they are at equilibrium states. When electrons are at an equilibrium state, they may be identified as a particle. Even when electrons are not at an equilibrium state such as when they are moving around a nucleus of an atom, they can be stable if they have a functional periodicity. When electrons seek a stable state by having a functional periodicity, they will appear to have the characteristics of a wave with a functional periodicity. This view is consistent with the quantum mechanical view, which assumes that the electrons in a crystal exist in the form of waves, obeying the Schroedinger equation. When a stable electron interacts with other particles, it may begin as a particle and then acquire a functional periodicity, which may be the basis for Young’s double slit experiment with electrons. b. String Theory Superstring theory is the latest theory that is believed to unite all fundamental laws of nature. String theory can describe the behavior of elementary particles by representing them as vibrating strings. The length of the string is varied to represent various particles and the strings can interact. Superstring theory can derive Einstein’s equation by demanding that the string move self-consistently in space-time [Kaku 1994]. An interesting aspect of the superstring theory is that it involves functional periodicity, indicating that the concept of functional periodicity may be fundamental for stability of any existing matter, including materials and living beings. “This particular use of strings” may be one of many different ways of representing a functional periodicity of matter. 3.3. Equilibrium State versus Functional Periodicity Based on complexity theory, it was argued that for long-term stability, natural matter or engineered systems must be at an equilibrium state or have a functional periodicity. In some systems with functional periodicity, there may not be a sharp demarcation between an equilibrium state and functional periodicity because of limitations to knowledge or technology. A system that is stable as a result of functional periodicity could appear to an observer as operating at an equilibrium state if the period were short relative to the observation period. Therefore, the laws of Newtonian mechanics and thermodynamics may be applicable even when the underlying system, such as that described by superstring theory, possesses a functional periodicity with a functional period much shorter than the time over which the system changes from one equilibrium state to another equilibrium state. 2 Functional periodic motion does not necessarily imply that electrons are spinning around a nucleus. 8 4. Conclusions 1. For the long-term stability of a system, it must be at a stable equilibrium state or must have a functional periodicity. 2. The laws of nature are consistent with the long-term stability criterion. 3. Natural systems satisfy the long-term stability criterion, since they have evolved and survived. 4. Through the application of the stability criterion, superior engineered systems has been designated and created. Acknowledgement The author is grateful to his colleagues at MIT, Professors Gang Chen, Jung-Hoon Chun, Bora Mikic and George Barbastathis, for their comments and suggestions. References Giancoli, D.C., 2000, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N. J. Hatsopoulos, G.N. & Keenan, J.H., 1981, Principles of General Thermodynamics, Krieger Publishing Company, Melbourne, Florida. Kaku, M, 1994, Hyperspace, Oxford University Press. Merzbacher, E., 1998, Quantum Mechanics, Wiley, New York. Suh, N.P., Bell, A.C., & Gossard, D.C., 1978, On an Axiomatic Approach to Manufacturing and Manufacturing Systems, Journal of Engineering for Industry, Trans. ASME, 100, 127. Suh, N.P., 1986, Tribophysics, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliff, N. J. Suh, N.P., 1990, The Principles of Design, Oxford University Press, New York. Suh, N.P., 1999, A Theory of Complexity, Periodicity, and Design Axioms , Research in Engineering Design, 11, 116. Suh, N.P., 2001, Axiomatic Design: Advances and Applications, Oxford University Press, New York. Suh, N.P., 2004a, Complexity: Theory and Applications, Oxford University Press, New York. Suh, N.P., 2004b, On Functional Periodicity as the Basis for Long-term Stability of Engineered and Natural Systems and Its Relationship to Physical Laws, Research in Engineering Design, (To appear).