Level 1 Animals Part 2 Review Sheet Organize your notes in the following order: Outlines – 2 parts – 30.3 & 30.4 and 31.1 Study guide packet with homework assignments Diagrams packet – earthworm, clam, and starfish Notes packet from last chapter on animal characteristics (starts with evolution of animals) Notes packet with the following: Phylum Annelida (p.1) Phylum Mollusca (p.2) Phylum Echinodermata (p.3) 6. Earthworm dissection 7. Leech article 8. Clam dissection 9. Starfish dissection 10. Comparison chart 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Test questions will be based on the following main ideas: Be able to describe the animals in the phyla Annelida, Mollusca, and Echinodermata based on the following characteristics: level of organization, type of body plan, symmetry, presence of coelom, & segmentation. Be able to identify examples of animals in each of the above listed phyla. Be able to make comparisons between animals within each of the above listed phyla. Be able to make comparisons between animals in the different phyla in terms of the basic body plan characteristics (organization, body plan, symmetry, coelom, segmentation). Be able to identify (in general – specific structure names not necessary) how animals in each phyla perform the basic processes of life – support, movement, response, feeding & digestion, reproduction, internal transport, respiration, excretion. Be able to make comparisons between the different phyla in terms of how they perform the following life processes – support, movement, response, feeding & digestion, reproduction, internal transport, respiration, excretion.