Principal’s Message
98 Wanita Road
Mississauga ON,
L5G 1B8
Phone 905.891.7619
Fax 905.278.6539
Mario Pascucci,
Bruno Iannicca,
Sharon Hobin,
Esther O'Toole,
Peter Ferreira,
Anna Abbruscato,
Anna Da Silva,
Thomas Thomas,
Linda Zanella,
Frank Di Cosola,
Scott McLauchlan
Prayer for the Season of
Father in Heaven, Creator of all and
source of all goodness and love, please
look kindly upon us and receive our heartfelt gratitude in this time of giving thanks.
Thank you for all the graces and blessings. You have bestowed upon us,
spiritual and temporal: our faith and
religious heritage. Our food and shelter,
our health, the loves we have for one
another, our family and friends.
Dear Father, in Your infinite generosity,
please grant us continued graces
and blessing throughout the coming year.
This we ask in the Name of Jesus, Your
Son and our Brother.
Brian Diogo
C. Blanchard
School Council
School Council
Inquiry Corner
Jayhawk News
Take Note
Upcoming Dates
J. McCarthy
On behalf of the St. James staff I would like to
wish all families a safe and joyous Thanksgiving.
B. Diogo
Living Our Faith & Eco News
M. Giovanniello
As we enter this time of Thanksgiving, we are
once again reminded of how fortunate we are at
St. James School. Our youth faith ambassadors
have started collecting non-perishable food for
the Thanksgiving Food Drive. All food will be
picked up by St. Mary Star of the Sea Parish for
distribution to families within our community
on Thursday, October 9. Thank you for making
this a special Thanksgiving for those in need.
God Bless,
A. Litster
It’s hard to believe that October is here. It
seems that we just welcomed everyone and yet
a full month has past. It has been a very busy
month. I would like to thank you for your patience, understanding, and support during the
first month of school. Adjusting to a new
school for many of our new families, new
teacher and new routines can be a trying time
for young students (and parents too). We thank
you for working with us to make this transition
as smooth as possible.
There will be no school for the students
on Monday October 13th as we celebrate Thanksgiving Monday.
The school will be closed as we all give
thanks for our blessings.
Living Our Faith
Virtue Corner
This month we will celebrate the virtue of EMPATHY.
A person with empathy…
Listens attentively
Watches people’s body language
Notices and responds when someone
is upset
Can name his/her feelings
Can see a situation from another person’s point of view
Knows that different people may feel differently
about the same thing
God has given us the ability to form connections with
each other—to live together. Empathy helps us to connect and live together in a safe, caring, inclusive community. We understand empathy to mean the ability to
identify with and feel other people’s concerns. We believe that in a faith community we are nothing without
relationships. Relationships that grow in a spirit of communion– and understanding that we share an identity
based on being created in the image and likeness of God
and being imbued with one Spirit. An empathetic person believes that we all share one Spirit; that we are
many parts of one body because we are all created in the
image and likeness of God.
Opening/Thanksgiving Mass
On Wednesday October 8th we will be celebrating
mass with Fr. Neil McMillan at 10:00 a.m. at St.
Mary Star of the Sea Church. The church is
located at 11 Peter St. S., Mississauga.
Parents and families are invited to join us in this
special celebration as we give thanks to God for our
many blessings.
St. James Eco Team
Last spring, the Kindergarten team worked with the students to plant and care for a beautiful garden of marigolds as an ongoing part of their Learning Through Play
Outdoors initiative. Studies have shown that giving children ages 3-6 years the opportunity to be actively involved in gardening allows them to develop their communication and physical skills while at the same time
helping them to gain an appreciation not only for nature
itself but their own community as well.
This year, the FDK team continued their efforts by forming a fall gardening committee comprised of 3-4 students
from each kindergarten class. Using bulbs from minidaffodils that were donated to Ms. Galea's class last year,
the students took time from their outdoor learning to help
beautify our schoolyard. The bulbs were planted just outside of the FDK yard near the kindergarten kiss and ride
area and we look forward to seeing the fruits of our labours blooming in the springtime.
Eco Schools Update
Coming Up in October:
Lights Out Lunch Hour
Recycling Club
Litterless Lunches
Going Green Together!
School Council
The new school year is already off to a busy
start and we welcome our new Catholic
School Council (CSC) members for the 20142015 school year.
Michael Giovanniello - Co-chair
Jennifer McCarthy -Co-chair
Teena McKeon - Treasurer
Meredith Erochko - Secretary
Sheila Taylor - Parish Rep
Tess O'Mara - Co-OAPCE reps
Lenora Sleep - Co-OAPCE reps
Penelope Snowdon - Communications Rep
Ms. Fung-Fook – Co-Teaching Rep
Ms. Worboys – Co-Teaching Rep
Mr. Chircop – Non-Teaching Rep
Mr. Diogo - Principal
Please join us for the Catholic School Council
meetings. The meetings are always lively,
informative, and very productive! Meetings
start at 6:30 p.m. and childcare is provided. Childcare is provided at all council
Feel free to bring along your own mug or reusable water bottle to the meetings and help
us reduce our environmental footprint!
Wed Oct 22
Tue Nov 25
Wed Jan 21
Tue Feb 24
Wed April 8
Tues May 19
June TBD
-Bussing to church 2 school masses
-Welcome Back BBQ
-Academic Team Golf Shirts
Open House BBQ:
The welcome-back BBQ prior to the school’s
Open House was a huge success! A large
number of families came out to picnic and
enjoyed the complimentary burgers and
The Catholic School council will soon be
launching our major fundraising effort for
the year. We are compiling our list of goals,
the proposed budget, as well as the school’s
funding ‘wish list’. A survey will be sent out
to obtain input and feedback from the school
community regarding the goals and program
ideas for this year.
The Lunch Lady will be visiting our school
every Thursday (and soon every Monday as
well) to provide lots of healthy options for
lunches. Ordering can be done on-line once
you register your child on their website
(www.thelunchlady.ca). If you have any
questions about the program, you can contact The Lunch Lady at 905-569-9036 or
School Council
Stay in touch with Council news… join our email list! Send an e-mail to stjamesCGLCcouncil@gmail.com with ‘subscribe’ in the
subject heading. Thank you to those who
have already signed up..
For meeting minutes and other council information, visit us at www.dpcdsb.org/JAMEE/
Inquiry Corner
Ms. DeMelo’s grade 1 class has been focusing on the theme How the World Works to
begin their inquiry into the natural world and
its laws; the interaction between the natural
world (physical and biological) and human
societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific
principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances
on society and on the environment. During this unit the students will focus on understanding the central idea that changes
in daily and seasonal cycles affect living things. The lines of
inquiry that will be used to focus the students’ learning and
deepen their understanding include:
The life cycles of plants and animals
Human choices affect plants and animals
Seasonal changes affect living things
Characteristics of seasons
The class began their inquiry by asking questions and reflecting
on what they knew about the four seasons and the various cycles in their lives and in the world around them. Students also
worked in small groups to share their knowledge of the central
idea and engaged in collaborative group activities.
In Ms. Worboys’ grade 3 class the students
have begun focusing on the transdisciplinary
theme Who We Are to begin their inquiry into
the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual
health; human relationships including families,
friends, communities and cultures; rights and responsibilities;
what it means to be human. The students have been focusing
on understanding the central idea that our lessons from the past
shape who we are today. Each person has their own gifts to
The lines of inquiry used to further their understanding of the
central ideas included:
Our gifts can be used to better the world
Where we come from (culture, roots, heritage) impact who
we are
We are all united by our beliefs and values
Inquiry Corner
Over the last several weeks the students have been participating in a variety of activities that celebrate each other’s
unique qualities and help them to learn to appreciate the diversity that exists amongst them. As a sign of their commitment to the class and to each other, the students signed their
names on a rock demonstrating their class unity. Each student made a commitment to work together and remain a
strong example of being united by one faith.
While reflecting upon the lines of inquiry, which asked them
to recognize and use their gifts to better the world, the students decorated a puzzle piece as a means to share with others who they are. When the pieces were put together, the end
result was an incredible piece of art displaying the Catholic
symbol of a fish. This is one of the oldest Christian symbols
and was used by Christians to identify themselves, often in
times of persecution. This visual was used to remind the
class to pledge to be open and believe in their faith.
As a Catholic school we emphasize the virtues program along with the IB learner attributes and attitudes.
Judge your neighbor’s feelings by your
own, and in every matter be thoughtful. (Sir. 31:15)
This month we celebrate the virtue of
Empathy. God wants us to care about
everyone's feelings.
This month our school will be focusing on the learner profile
attribute: Balanced.
As balanced individuals we understand the importance of
physical and mental balance and personal well-being. We
understand the importance of balancing different aspects
of our lives-intellectual, physical,
and emotional-to achieve wellbeing for ourselves and others. We
also recognize our interdependence with other people and with
the world in which we live.
Inquiry Corner
This month we will focus on the attribute of Empathy. Empathetic individuals imagine themselves in another’s situation in
order to understand his or her reasoning and emotions, so
as to be open-minded and reflective about the perspectives
of others.
Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the
ears of another, and feeling with the heart of another.
Inquiry Corner
What is an Inquiry Ticket?
An Inquiry Ticket will come home with your
child and provide you with some information about the topics being investigated
in the classroom. This ticket will give you the opportunity to talk to your child about the central theme or big
idea being discussed in the class.
What do you know about this topic?
Students are encouraged to represent what they already know about this topic by drawing pictures, writing
words or sentences to share their prior knowledge.
At Home Connection: How can parents get
involved in their child’s learning?
Parents are encouraged to become familiar with
the central idea or unit of inquiry that their child
is investigating at school. They can engage in the
inquiry process at home by asking questions (e.g. What do I
want to know about this topic? What do I already know?), finding resources (e.g. What kinds of r esour ces might help?
Where do I find them?), interpreting the information together
(e.g. Is this information relevant to the topic? What information
supports my answer?), and reporting the findings (e.g. Students
can bring in their questions and findings to share with the
At home help your child become more familiar the many program characteristics including the attributes and attitudes. Encourage your child to describe ways they can be empathetic
and balanced.
“I Wonder”…at home
One of the ways we engage in inquiry based learning with our
students is to encourage them to develop their critical thinking
skills by formulating questions about what they want to learn.
Many of the classes have W onder W alls as a means for this
questioning to develop. You can work at home by helping your
child to wonder about the central idea at school and the kinds
of topics being discussed in the inquiry based units of study.
What did you discover about this topic?
Students are encouraged to investigate and research
more about the topic using a variety of resources (e.g.
book, internet search, interview with someone etc.).
The students can communicate their findings using pictures, words or sentences.
IB Attitudes and Attributes:
We encourage our students to recognize how they can
demonstrate these traits throughout their units of inquiry. You may want to ask your child to reflect upon a
specific attribute/attitude and how he/she demonstrated
being a thinker or an inquirer.
The main goal of an Inquiry Ticket is to give
parents the opportunity to engage in the
inquiry process along with their child.
Inquiry Corner
Middle Years Program
October Feature:
Inquiry Corner
The Grade 6/7 class will continue to embrace
their identities this year by sharing their cultural heritage and its connection to Canadian Identity.
Global contexts direct learning towards independent and shared inquiry into our common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet.
Using the world as the broadest context for learning, MYP individuals and societies can develop
meaningful explorations of:
identities and relationships
(October Feature)
• orientation in time and space
• personal and cultural expression
• scientific and technical innovation
• globalization and sustainability
• fairness and development.
In the Classroom:
Mrs. Marchesan’s Grade
6/7 class has encompassed
the global context of
‘Identities and Relationships’ by expressing their
identities through a meditative and reflective piece called a Mandala. The
Mandala originates from ancient Sanskrit; meaning a cyclical journey of how we are all unique in
God’s family.
On the next MYP….
Students will explore personal histories; homes
and journeys; turning points in humankind; discoveries; explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between, and the
interconnectedness of, individuals and civilizations, from personal, local and global perspectives.
Jayhawk News
Jayhawk News
School Website
Volunteers play an important role in our school.
Many activities would not be possible without their
help. Often there are class trips that require parent
volunteers. We would encourage your involvement
and welcome your support. All volunteers must submit a Criminal Reference Check. Forms are available in the office.
Be sure to visit our school website. All newsletters and other pertinent information are always updated.
St. James is now on Twitter! For the latest news
and information, follow us @StJamesDPCDSB
On occasion, the school is asked to store and/or give
medication to students.
1. A completed form must accompany each request
for medication to be stored and given out by the
school personnel. It is the prerogative of the
Principal to decide whether or not medication
will be stored or given out and may establish
such conditions as are deemed necessary regarding any specific request.
2. School personnel will not assume responsibility
for the administration of any medication.
3. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to
monitor the quantity of medication stored by the
New School Access Protocol
You may be aware that, our school received the
installation of a front door speaker/buzzer/video
monitoring system. This change in access to our
school requires a new access protocol that applies
to all visitors, including parents and guardians.
Under the new system, visitors may gain entrance
by pressing a buzzer mounted on the wall outside
the building, beside the front door. All visitors,
including parents/guardians must check into the
office. Please do not go to the classroom. Access
during lunch time may be delayed depending on
the availability of staff who are required to monitor the new system, please be patient.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to:
4. Storage of Medication Forms can be picked up
in the office.
Pizza Day
We have restarted our pizza days running every
Tuesday. It is $3.00 per slice. There will be no preorders going home and the students will be able to
order and pay on the morning of pizza day. We ask
kindly that you make your payment by cash only,
sorry no cheques.
Arrive at school on time to allow children to
enter with their classmates to avoid front
entry lates.
Send lunch with your child in the morning to
limit traffic in through the front door at lunch
We respectfully request that you limit your visits to the school during the daytime as much as
possible in order to protect the instructional
time and reduce interruptions.
Thank you for your understanding and
co-operation as we implement the new access
Jayhawk News
Jayhawk News
Changing Weather
Students are asked to ensure that they have a pair of
indoor shoes at school. We ask that children change
their footwear when they come inside in an effort to
keep our classroom floors clean.
Children are expected to participate in recess activities and are reminded to dress for the weather. Children may also wish to have a change of clothing at
school in the event that they get wet while playing
The Junior Volleyball team has
now been selected. We look
forward to an exciting season.
The following is a list of the
October games.
Halloween Safety
It is that time of year when our “little ones” will
want to visit their neighbours for trick or treating.
We remind students and parents of a few safety
Choose brightly coloured costumes
Use face paint instead of masks
Plan a safe route with your child
Remind your child of road safety rules
Accompany your children
Remind children not to enter homes
Check the treats before allowing your children to eat them
October 1st at home (boys first) vs. St. Edmund
October 6th at St. Alfred (girls first)
(October 15th Family Tournament @ Father Michael Goetz S.S. if qualify)
No students will be allowed to stay and watch the
home games without a note from their parents.
Please be aware there is no supervision by a staff
member at the games.
Cross Country
The Cross Country Team tryouts have been going
on strong. We wish all the students good luck.
Terry Fox Walk-A-Thon
Thanksgiving Food Drive
A Thanksgiving Food Drive is being held here at St.
James School. We encourage all families to donate
generously to support needy families within the
community this Thanksgiving. Your donations will
be picked up by St. Mary Star of the
Sea Church on Thursday October 9th.
Students and staff will be participating in the annual Terry Fox Walk-a-Thon on Friday October 3rd,
2014. Parents are welcome to participate in the
walk with the students. We hope to see everyone
come out for this worthy cause.
Take Note
Take Note
Parents In The Yard
For your child’s safety we request that he/she not be on
school property until supervision begins at 8:45 a.m.
Please do not drop your child off at the school prior to
8:45 a.m.
We would also like to remind you that parents should
drop off/pick up their children outside the school gates.
Parents are not permitted to be in the school yard at any
time. Although you may be known to your own child
you are a stranger to the other students in the yard.
Anyone entering the school must come to the office
right away. The school is a very busy place and we
have many visitors/parents dropping in for a variety
of reasons. To ensure we maintain the integrity of
the classroom program by avoiding interruptions, and
for the safety of our students, all visitors must come
to the office. We ask that you also convey this
information to older brothers and sisters of our
students. This way we know that anyone in the halls
or in the school yard an authorized visitor. All
students leaving the school early will be released
through the front office as they must sign out. If your
child arrives late we ask you to NOT accompany
them to class.
Kiss and Ride
The safety of our students and parents is of great
concern to us here at the school.
Please drive SLOWLY through the Kiss and Ride lane
as well as the drive through lane.
Please do not block the Kiss and Ride zone and areas
that would hinder the movement of cars.
Cars cannot be left in the lanes at any time.
Student Absences/Lates
Please use our 24 hour answering service to inform the
school of late or absent students. We must hear from a
parent or guardian if a student will be absent,
arriving late or leaving early. Phone 905-891-7619
If a pattern of unexcused lateness or absents
becomes apparent, parents will be contacted by
the school.
7 - Gr. 5 Trip to Queen’s Park
8 - Mass at St. Mary Church 10:00 a.m.
14 - Gr. 3 Trip to Downey’s Farm
21 - Gr. 3 Trip to downtown Toronto
22 - Mississauga East Cross Country Meet
Snack and Treats for Students
We are asking that all parents please refrain from
bringing in eatable snacks and treats to the
classrooms. Several students in our school suffer
from a severe food allergy to all nuts, peanuts and all
nut products. There is also a Ministry PPM where
the purpose of this memorandum is to set out
nutrition standards for food and beverages in publicly
funded elementary schools in Ontario. For more
information about the new PPM please visit, http://
www.edu.gov.on.ca/extra/eng/ppm/150.html. If
you would still like to do something special for the
classroom, a small non-eatable gift for each student
or perhaps a classroom gift, i.e. board game for
inclement recess, may be a great alternative. Again,
we thank you for your co-operation.
Oct 24 -
Gr. 1 Trip to Mountsberg
Oct 28 - Faith Ambassador Gathering at John Cabot
Oct 29 - FDK Trip to Downey’s Farm