St. Gerard Separate School Learning Plan Mission * OUR MISSION STATEMENT St. Gerard School is committed to academic excellence, upholding the values of a caring Catholic community. As a community of learners, we, at St. Gerard School, promote the development of the whole child by nurturing the intellectual, social, emotional, physical and spiritual growth of each individual. Using Christ as a model for our actions, students, teachers and parents of St. Gerard School respect and celebrate diversity and live the Virtues that promote responsible citizenship. Together we model Catholic values by setting the examples of fairness, respect and a positive attitude. We are St. Gerard School! Motto Pray, Play and Learn Catholic Focus St. Gerard Catholic Elementary School. St. Gerard School has been part of excellence in Catholic education since 1957. Growth in the Erindale Woodlands area of Cooksville during the 1950's led to the founding of the Separate School Section No. 4, Township of Toronto (Erindale) in January 1956. The board purchased land from Erindale Developments for St. Gerard Separate School, which opened in 1957 at 1300 McBride Avenue. At the time the school was in St. Catherine of Siena Parish. The school was dedicated to St. Gerard, a name suggested by Eric Olsen, a convert to Catholicism who maintained a strong devotion to the saint. Olsen, the only chairperson of the Erindale School Board, and Bernard Quigley, the original volunteer secretary-treasurer of the Board, worked hard to establish St. Gerard School. The Felician Sisters came to St. Gerard in 1958 and contributed to the teaching staff for many years. The school’s motto, “Learn, Pray, Play” is linked to the many opportunities students have to take part in a caring and inclusive Catholic environment where everyone contributes to the life of our vibrant school community. St. Martin of Tours Church was built in 1970 and is located directly next door to St. Gerard School. In collaboration with the local parish, the St. Gerard School community organizes several food drives and outreach initiatives during the school year. . Core Principles Catholicity Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:12:47 AM 1/7 St. Gerard Separate School Learning Plan 1. How does the school community model, celebrate and nourish gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs and services? Virtues (PA system via presentations, annoucements, prayers, information boards-using language expectations), Vitue Walks, Youth Faith Ambassadors, Peer Elders, school-wide Masses, liturgies and celebrations (Remembrance Day, Passion of Christ presentation, social justice projects such as H2O4all,Terry Fox, Giving Tree, food drives, clothing drive, Share Life activities, maintaining positive relationships with the school, home and parish and, ongoing communication with Catholic School Council. Learning Environment 1. Please summarize the school’s most recent EQAO primary division (Grade 3) assessment performance. • • • • Primary Reading: 54% Primary Writing: 82% Primary Mathematics: 54% Observations regarding school progress in primary EQAO: A. School-wide focus a contribution to increase/ use of High Yield Strategies in Literacy. B. Sustaining Literacy goals with focus on Summarization. C. Mathematics is a focus for this year i.e. High Yield strategies and learning skills. D. Focus on Special Needs students and their participation and supports necessary in the EQAO testing. E. Involvement of SAT teacher in Literacy and Numeracy goals. 2. Please summarize the school’s most recent EQAO junior division (Grade 6) assessment performance. • • • Junior Reading: 42% Junior Writing: 74% Junior Mathematics: 11% Observations regarding school progress in junior EQAO: Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:12:47 AM 2/7 St. Gerard Separate School Learning Plan A. Mathematics shown gradual decrease. Data will be examined closely to identify key areas for focus. B. Sustaining Literacy goals with focus on Summarization C. Mathematics is a focus for this year. i.e. High Yield strategies and learning skills. D. Involvement of SAT teacher in Literacy and Numeracy goals. 3. Describe how the school community supports and provide opportunities for life-long learning. • • School Council provided funds to support initiatives Community links, MedicAlert, Big Brother/Sisters, RAID, Peel Health, Peel Police, Mississauga Library,St. Vincent DePaul Society, Parish,CCAC, Erin Oaks Kids, 4. Outline ways the school demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners. • • • The Inclusion of ALL students (Nm/SN, Spec. Ed., ELL)in the learning process Special Assignement teacher involvement with the Primary staff and STREAM selection. Introduction this year of Intermediate Special Assignment teacher. Focus on Five continued. Community Engagement 1. How does your school community ensure that Catholic School Councils reflect the diverse Catholic community? • Keeping school Council involved and informed 2. In what ways does the school team build and sustain community partnerships and collaboratives (e.g., collaborative relationships, Success By 6 Peel)? • Involvement of our community partners in our school (Region of Peel Family Literacy Nights, Voluteer programs, ie. All Star, Peel police presentations, Big Brothers/Sisters, MedicAlert, CCAC, Erin Oak), Rosary Apostalate and liaising with the Mississauga Library to continue to promote literacy Parish-Home-School 1. Comment on how the school promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success. • • • • • Sacramental preparation with Home-school-parish Altar servers, Youth group Parish Representative on Council School Masses, Liturgies and celebrations Adult Faith Ambassadors, Youth Faith Ambassadors Rosary Apostalate Physical Environment 1. What activities does the school engage in that models and promote good stewardship of resources? • Food/soap/toy drives/Christmas Budget Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:12:47 AM 3/7 St. Gerard Separate School Learning Plan • • • • Green Team/Recycling Team Pennies from Heaven-Support of local parish renovation Healthy School Initiatives Earth Day Activities / Gardening club/ indigenous plants to Ontario 2. Outline the ways the school demonstrates financial responsibility. • • • • Balance budget Curriculum focus drives budget i.e. expenditures aligned with school goals/initiatives/priorties Approval form prior to spending Ongoing monitoring of budget Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:12:47 AM 4/7 St. Gerard Separate School Learning Plan Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading Outcomes A decrease in the proportion of students reporting that they have been bullied, as demonstrated by the CCCC survey results. Action Plans If we are more intentional in creating respectful conditions for well-being, learning and leading, in a positive climate, then by June 2016, parish and school community will feel included, informed and engaged as demonstrated by observation, conversation and voice. Action Plans CCCC Positive School - Parish Relationships If we are more intentional in creating respectful conditions for well being, learning and leading in a positive climate, then all learners will feel safe, included, supported and welcomed. Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry Outcomes Continue to engage learners through effective questioning and reflection. Action Plans 5.1 Continue to engage whole school staff participation in Inquiry based learning to refine focus based on EQAO, Report Card, PM Benchmarks, CASI, CCAT and other available assessment data. An increase in proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement on the learning skills and work habits of collaboration and self regulation.. If we empower students with the tools to help them to understand themselves (interpersonal skills) and understand others and their needs (intrapersonal skills) then they will progress in their journey of self discovery and self direction throughout their learning and growth. If we engage the catholic learner through effective questioning and reflection to improve their learning needs and consolidate, then we will continue to enhance student success. Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:12:47 AM 5/7 St. Gerard Separate School Learning Plan Enhancing Transitional Practices Outcomes A school focus will be giving students the tools to help them understand themselves (Interpersonal skills) and others and their needs (Intrapersonal skills). Action Plans 5.1 Continue to engage whole school staff participation in Inquiry based learning to refine focus based on EQAO, Report Card, PM Benchmarks, CASI, CCAT and other available assessment data. If we completed a greater variety of diagnostic assessment (for learning) then we would have a clearer picture of where our students needs are and this would help in the preparation of a program specific to their needs. (Differentiated Instruction for all students) If we empower students with the tools to help them to understand themselves (interpersonal skills) and understand others and their needs (intrapersonal skills) then they will progress in their journey of self discovery and self direction throughout their learning and growth. If we engage the catholic learner through effective questioning and reflection to improve their learning needs and consolidate, then we will continue to enhance student success. Knowing the Learner through Assessment Outcomes All students requiring transition supports will be provided seamless and appropriate supports as indicated by personalized assessment and evaluation information. Action Plans Transitions: Appropriate High School Streams for Gr. 8 Students If we completed a greater variety of diagnostic assessment (for learning) then we would have a clearer picture of where our students needs are and this would help in the preparation of a program specific to their needs. (Differentiated Instruction for all students) Responding through Effective Instruction Outcomes An increase in proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement on the learning skills and work habits of collaboration. Action Plans 5.1 Continue to engage whole school staff participation in Inquiry based learning to refine focus based on EQAO, Report Card, PM Benchmarks, CASI, CCAT and other available assessment data. An increase in proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement on the learning skills and work habits of collaboration and self regulation.. If we empower students with the tools to help them to understand themselves (interpersonal skills) and understand others and their needs (intrapersonal skills) then they will progress in their journey of self discovery and self direction throughout their learning and growth. Outcome Timeframe Long-term Powered by SkoVision™ Action Plan Priority High 12/17/2015 10:12:47 AM 6/7 St. Gerard Separate School Learning Plan Medium-term Medium Short-term Low Not Assigned Not Assigned Powered by SkoVision™ 12/17/2015 10:12:47 AM 7/7