ST. BONAVENTURE MAY 2015 NEWSLETTER Principal: S. Wolfe Vice-Principal: M. Miller Head Secretary: L. Pietrantuono Assistant Secretary: K. Leonard Trustee: D. D’Souza Superintendent of Brampton West Family of Schools: S. Steer Parish Priest: Father Jan Gogolewski MARY, OUR MODEL IN PRAYER All Praise and glory are Yours, almighty Father You have given us Your Son Jesus to save us from sin. We praise You for choosing Mary to be His mother, For teaching her to believe Your Message, For helping her to accept Your Holy will. Strengthen us by Your Spirit to be like Mary: to ponder your word in our hearts, to obey Your will, to love Your Son, to sing Your praises everyday. Father, we praise You through Jesus Christ Your Son in the love of Your Spirit, forever and ever. Amen MAY IS THE MONTH OF MARY May is the month we dedicate to Mary, the Mother of our Savior, Jesus. We celebrate Mary, who humbly and gladly accepted God’s will when she said, “ Yes” to our Lord. As we honor Mary and all mothers, we are reminded of the many blessings mothers bestow upon their children each and every day. Let us keep Mary and all mothers in our thoughts and prayers so that the honor and respect they deserve is not limited to one day or month in the year. VIRTUE OF THE MONTH This month we celebrate the virtue of Acceptance. One of the great wonders of the world we live in is that no two people are exactly alike. We share many biological families, national identities, cultural and ethnic identities but we are all unique and distinct. PARISH UPDATES THE SACRAMENTS Our Grade 2 students received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on Saturday April 12th at our Lady of Fatima Church. Our Grade 8 students received the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Edmund Campion School on Saturday May 2. The gift of the Holy Spirit was certainly present . Congratulations to our Grade 2 and Grade 8 students. CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK May 3rd to 8th 2015 Each year, the Catholic community of Ontario engages in a week-long celebration of the unique identity and distinctive contributions of Catholic education during Catholic Education Week. EXPLORING PATHS OF JOY “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was talking to us on the road?” Luke 24:32 The sub themes for Catholic Education Week 2015 were: Walking Together & Sharing our Story Opening Scriptures Welcoming Others to the Table Recognizing Jesus in the Breaking of the Bread Proclaiming the Good News. Our Grade 3 and 6 students will be participating in the Provincial EQAO assessments on the dates indicated below. It is very important that your child be present at this time. The testing will start at 9:00 am promptly. Grade 3 assessment schedule: May 25, 26, 27, 28 and June 1, 2 Grade 6 assessment schedule: May 25, 26, 27, 28 and June 1, 2 ARE YOU PLANNING ON MOVING? We are in the process of planning staffing and organization of classes for the 2015 - 2016 school year. If you are planning to move out of the St. Bonaventure School area, please let the office know. This will be of great assistance to us as we make plans for the coming school year. The office staff will be able to provide you with student transfer forms upon request. Conversely, if you know of someone who is moving into our area for the new school year, please urge them to come in and register at St. Bonaventure School as soon as possible. REPORTING STUDENT ABSENCES In the interest of student safety, a call or a note to the office reporting student absences is required. Please let us know if you know that your child is going to be late or absent. Attendance calls can be made after school hours, seven days a week for your convenience. Our attendance number is (905) 970-9069 then press 1. STUDENT SUPERVISION TIMES Please note that teachers are on supervision duty only 15 minutes before the start of the school day and 10 minutes at the end of the day. We clear the Kiss ‘N Ride usually in 10 minutes. Please be patient we are all BUSY but SAFETY comes first. The inside lane (closest to the school) is the only lane where cars can stop to drop off their children in the morning and pick up their children in the afternoon. Drivers should not be parking and leaving their vehicle to walk to the school to pick up their child. The outside lane is a drive thru lane. This means that there should be no stopping and/or loading or unloading of students. THE FRONT OF THE SCHOOL IS FOR BUSES ONLY. PLEASE DO NOT DROP OFF OR PICK UP CHILDREN FROM HERE. TRANSPORTATION 2015/2016 If your home address will be changing during the summer, please notify the office and staff at the school prior to the end of June, as this could affect your child’s ability to take the bus to school in September. Below is the distance criteria for transportation eligibility: 1.0 kilometer - Kindergarten & Grade 1 1.6 kilometer - Grades 2 - 4 2.0 kilometer - Grades 5 - 8 If your child is moving to grade 1, grade 5, or grade 7 in the 2015-2016 school year , their eligibility status for transFor safety reasons we ask that you not drop your child portation may be changing. Granting of courtesy seat riders will not take effect until off at the school prior to 8:30 am, and mid October. please pick them up ON TIME at 3:15 Please check for all busing queries. pm. CROSSING GUARD Kindly assist us in reminding children to cross with the Crossing Guard at Leagate when coming to and going home from school. The Crossing Guard is on duty at 8:15-8:45 am and 3:15-3:45 pm. Thank you for your cooperation in looking out for the safety of all our students. TRAFFIC SAFETY Our school driveway is a matter of great concern in regards to the safety of our students. Therefore, we are reminding you again to use the Kiss ‘n’ Ride lane to drop off or pick up your child. You cannot park your vehicle in the Kiss ‘n’ Ride lane before school or at dismissal time during the day. When using the Kiss ‘N Ride program to drop-off or pick up students, please remember: DRESS CODE School Board Policy states that all students are expected to dress to meet standards of neatness, cleanliness, modesty and good taste. Certain items such as shirts with inappropriate logos/wording, exposure of undergarments or midriffs, tight or torn clothing and short skirts are contrary to both the philosophy of our Catholic School teachings and to the standards we set as parents and educators. With warmer weather on the way, we will remind all students of dress code expectations. Your assistance and support are greatly appreciated. Primary students are encouraged to have an extra dry shirt, pants and socks in their backpack in the event their clothing gets wet or soiled. GRADE 8 GRADUATION EARTH RANGERS UPDATE Grade 8 Graduation will take place on Wednesday, June 24th at St. Bonaventure School. A letter will be sent home shortly to the parents of the Grade 8 students to explain the details of the event. The Earth Rangers organized a Earth Day Animal Dance on April 22. It was a huge success. Students all wore animal print outfits and a student in Grade 5, Isaiah, showed his skills by DJ’ing the event. Truly impressive Isaiah! Students donated a toonie and treats were sold in the lobby of the school. All proceeds were donated to Earth Rangers and the World Wildlife Fund. Thanks to Ms. Beck , the Earth Rangers and all those who helped volunteer to make the dance a fun event! FOOD DAYS MR. SUB: Fir st Tuesday of each month PIZZA: EVERY WEDNESDAY BRAMPTON CLEAN CITY GREEN EDUCATION FIELDTRIP REMINDER If parents/guardians would like to volunteer for their child(rens) field trip/excursions, please contact the office as the rules have changed regarding a Police Records Check. Without a Volunteer Police Records Check you will be unable to volunteer on field trips. Mrs. Cheng-Hayward has arranged many eco-friendly presentations in conjunction with the Brampton Clean City Committee for the school in May. During Education Week May 3rd to 8th grades 1 & 3 planting seeds in their “ Seed Cup”. Mrs. Cheng-Hayward and students in the school have also helped to build a bug habitat at the side of the school. This is helping the environment. Thanks to Mrs. Cheng-Hayward and the ECO Team for all of their efforts. CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL & OUTDOOR FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT NEW YORK TRIP –APRIL 27 - APRL 30 School Council meetings are held on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm in the school library. All are welcome! Our next meeting is May 27th. School Council is currently organizing an outdoor Movie Night “ Under the Stars”, for St. Bonaventure families. This will take place sometime in June. All are welcome to attend. More information will follow. BALLROOM DANCING The Ballroom Dancing Program here at St. Bonaventure continues to flourish with the Grade 7 and 8 students. The students truly love to dance and will continue to display their talents at the next in competition on June 11 at St.Roch Secondary. Good luck to all! BRAMPTON WEST DIVERSITY CONFERENCE The Brampton West Diversity Conference was held at St. Roch Secondary on Friday, May 22, 2015. Ten of our grade 6 and 7 students including a teacher attended. They listened to the keynote speaker Canadian Singer/ Songwriter/Entertainer Sacha Visagie as well as attending the interactive workshop facilitated by MTC Life in the afternoon. Lunch and transportation was provided. The students had a wonderful time at this informative event. From April 27th to April 30th the grade 7 and 8 students from St. Bonaventure headed to New York City for their overnight trip. With a packed itinerary, the students got a chance to visit many places and explore all that New York City had to offer. Some of the highlights included: Metropolitan Museum of Art, Top of the Rock, Staten Island Ferry to view the statue of Liberty, a walk through Central Park, 911 Memorial, Chinatown and Little Italy, Shopping in Times Square. Students also had the opportunity to view the Broadway Show, Matilda, visit the Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum and had dinners at the Hard Rock and Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Restaurants. It was a fun filled trip with a lot of unforgettable memories. Thank you to all the staff members who volunteered their time to make this trip possible. DATES TO REMEMBER Message from Trustee Thank you for Choosing a Dufferin-Peel Catholic Education Dear Parents and Guardians: It seems that, all of a sudden, summer weather is upon us and so, incredibly, is the end of the 2014-15 school year. As we reflect back over the year, we can see that it was, in fact, a very successful year for Dufferin-Peel students in terms of achievement, success and well-being. With steadily rising EQAO scores, matching or surpassing the provincial standard and averages in most assessment areas, and graduation rates that are among the highest in the province, this board continues to be defined, in part, by our high levels of success and achievement. Yet, we are much more than that. Our commitment to helping each student fulfil their potential, through the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations, means that our students graduate with the tools to become good, solid contributing members of the communities in which they will live. As trustees, we see the contribution of dedicated teaching and support staff, administrators and senior management working together with trustees facilitate conditions that we can to facilitate success. We also see, firsthand, the important role of our parents/guardians, working in concert with the school and the parish in fostering conditions for success and well-being. So, as we complete the final leg of the journey that is the 2014-15 school year, we thank parents/guardians for choosing a Dufferin-Peel Catholic education for your child(ren) and for entrusting them into our care. It is a responsibility for which we are grateful and one that we cherish very much. To our students, thank you for all you have done to contribute to the life of your school. For those who are graduating and moving on to postsecondary education or the world of work, may God continue to go with you and bless you on your journey. To our returning students and families, we look forward to seeing you in September. Blessings and best wishes for a peaceful and restful summer. Darryl D’Souza May 25 EQAO starts for grade 3 & 6 May 27 School Roof Top Photo June 8 PA Day – No School June 10 Track & Field Day for Junior/ Intermediates June 11 Intermediate Ballroom Competition at St. Roch Secondary June 11 Outdoor Movie Night hosted by Parent Council June 17 Variety Show June 21 Father’s Day June 24 Grade 8 Graduation June 25 Kindergarten Celebration June 26 Year End Mass - Last day of School INFORMATION FOR DPCDSB PARENTS REGARDINGSCHOOL START UP TRANSPORTATION PROCEDURES FOR SEPTEMBER 2015 If your home address will be changing during the summer, please notify the office staff at your child’s school prior to June 30. Address changes received after July 10 will not be reflected in the planned bus routes to commence in September and may result in transportation services not being available for your child during the first weeks of school. Parents will be responsible for their children getting to and from school until appropriate transportation service is arranged. The distance criteria for transportation eligibility must be more than: 1.0 kilometer Kindergarten and Grade 1 1.6 kilometers for Grades 2 – 4 2.0 kilometers for Grades 5 – 8 3.8 kilometers for Grades 9 – 12 If your child is moving to grade 2, grade 5, grade 7 or grade 9 in the 2015-2016 school year, their eligibility status for transportation may be changing. Eligibility information can be accessed at the website noted below. Parents who received letters in May of this year indicating that the transportation eligibility status for their children is being revised due to eligibility reassessment are reminded that this change will occur effective September 3, 2015. All transported kindergarten and grade 1 students are required to be met by a parent/caregiver when disembarking from their bus on their return trip from school. Courtesy transportation, which is assignment of ineligible students to available, empty seats on buses, will not be initiated prior to October 5. No exceptions. Please be aware that during September and early October, STOPR priorities are eligible students requiring transportation service, bus overloads, and route timing adjustments. Requests for additional or adjusted bus stop locations, route adjustments, and challenges to eligibility status will not be addressed until late October. Please be patient. STOPR provides transportation services for approximately 62,000 students to 350 schools on 1,300 buses. This is accomplished with an operations staff of 15. Every effort is made to complete required adjustments as quickly as possible, but there are limitations to the volume of changes which can be appropriately communicated and implemented each week. All transportation operations issues are the responsibility of STOPR and not either Board or individual Trustees. Contacting STOPR Internet: This website provides up to date delay and inclement weather cancellation information in addition to policy, procedures and frequently asked questions This website allows parents to access information specific to “what school do I attend” and “am I eligible for transportation”. This site also provides parents access to specific bus stop location and pick up and drop off times for their children if eligible for transportation Telephone: STOPR: Phone: 905 890-6000 Toll free: 1-800 668-1140 STOPR Administration: Phone: 905 890-0708 ext. 23220