St. André Bessette Catholic Elementary School Council Meeting Minutes In Attendance

 St. André Bessette Catholic Elementary School Council
Meeting Minutes
Date | Time 3/26/2015 7:00 PM | Meeting called to order by J. Balthazaar In Attendance
J. Balthazaar, G. DaCosta, J. Granata, A. Moniz, C. Riley, N. Smith, V. Zaffino Opening Prayer
Lenten Prayer
Loving God you walk with us always In times of joy and sorrow, Strength and weakness, Work and rest. As we journey through Lent Open our eyes to be filled with your love. Open our eyes to see your hope for us. Open our hands to do Your work. Give us hope in our prayers. Help us to see your vision for us Filled with love and peace. Help us to know that we are never alone, That you are always there for us. We ask all these things through Your Son, The one who walks with us always. Amen Approval of Agenda
1. Opening Prayer (2 minutes) 2. Approval of Agenda (3 minutes) 3. Approval of January minutes (5 minutes) 4. Updates from previous meeting (20 minutes) a. Update on basketball nets and line painting (V. Zaffino/G. DaCosta/J. Balthazaar) b. School Dress Code Update (S. Arvanitis) c. By Law Committee Activities (A. Moniz) d. Spring Movie Night (S. Arvanitis) e. Spring BBQ (C. Riley) 1 | P a g e 5. Principal’s Updates (10 minutes) (V. Zaffino) 6. Chair’s Updates (10 minutes) (J. Balthazaar) a. Pro Grant Activities for this Year – Math Nights 7. Treasurer’s Updates including review of period Treasurer’s Report (10 minutes) (S. Arvanitis) 8. This year’s budget / allocation (15 minutes) (J. Balthazaar/S. Arvanitis/All) 9. Parish Update (5 minutes) (C. Riley) 10. OAPCE Updates (5 minutes) (P. Manful) 11. Teacher Updates (5 minutes) (G. DaCosta / S. Thiffault) 12. Presentation / ideas for fundraising for next year (20 minutes) (All) 13. New Business/Open Floor (10 minutes) (All) a. School Council Info on School Website (J. Balthazaar / J. Granata) 14. Next Meeting ‐ Reminders / dates (2 minutes) a. May Meeting to finalize major / minor fundraising for the 2015‐2016 and close off / end of year activities. 15. Adjournment (3 minutes) Approval motioned by Antoneitta , Seconded by Priscilla Approved Approval of Minutes
Review of the minutes from 1/29/2015 Approval motioned by J. Balthazaar; Seconded by G. DaCosta Approved Review of Previous Business
Basketball Nets & Line Painting – J. Balthazaar
Decided to proceed with the wall mounted nets Mr. Condotta and Mr. DaCosta to be consulted on the location of the nets Cost of the nets and installation will be on the invoice from the vendor Nets should arrive this week or next; Kids will have nets by spring Line Painting – vendor who did the Kindergarten yard will do the basketball painting and primary yard; waiting for a quote; quote for with colour and without; Expecting it to be about $1500; Money allocated from last year plus an additional $4000 from this year Should add this information to the newsletter so parents know where the fundraising money is going School Dress Code – J. Balthazaar
Question about 75% or 80% required? The new procedure will say 75% but current level is 80% Because it’s in transition we could apply again Best to just get to 80% now 2 | P a g e 
Phone responses have been very positive; 2 out of 3 say yes By-Law Committee Activities – A. Moniz
Webinar on By‐Laws was closed to anyone other Chair, Co‐Chair and Administrators; J. Balthazaar to see if access can be granted to A. Moniz Template now available with blanks to fill in so that the schools will have common by‐laws; must be produced by June Spring Movie Night – S. Arvanitis c/o J. Balthazaar
Scheduled for April 23 Possible movies: Big Hero 6 or Wreck‐It Ralph – Big Hero 6 is the more popular choice A. Moniz not able to volunteer that night Spring BBQ – C. Riley
Planning meetings to start mid‐April – bring ideas on meetings Presentation / Ideas for Fundraising for Next Year – J. Balthazaar
John from La Montagne Chocolates presented chocolate fundraiser ideas They offer not only chocolates but other catalogue fundraisers: food gifts, kitchen items, coffee, tea, popcorn programs, etc. Those items come back pre‐packaged/labeled Chocolates available in $2 price point ($60 case); $3 price point ($90) – 50% profit on each case Nestle is still available as well “Belgian Boutique” – more cocoa butter; Can be done in $90 or $75 case Custom wraps also available Chocolate is the most profitable of the products 40% profit on tea; $5 per tea; $100 per case; make $40 50% on popcorn; $2 product, $60 case; pre‐popped Could send home chocolates plus form for other products By default you get product A, otherwise you can opt out or pick product B or C Popcorn – can be done like the chocolate sales; approved as a PPM sell most; 6 month expiry Sold for $0.65 to school; we decide price; Good option for movie night; 7‐10 day order lead time; must order 15 cases to get free shipping; 32/case Prizes: bracelets; headphones; plush animals; squishy rubber animals No other fundraising ideas were presented Principle’s Report – V. Zaffino
Sadly we had one of our grade 8 students pass away just before the March break. We were able to send quite a few staff to the funeral. Father Vito will be in contact with the family to see about having a memorial mass at the church in the near future. Students celebrated First Reconciliation on Thursday, March 12th. First Eucharist will be on Saturday, April 11th at 3:00 p.m. at St. Patrick Church. Grade 8 Retreat will be on Thursday, April 23rd. We had our first Girls and Boys Night in for grade 6 & 7 students yesterday. It was a great event. Students participated in 3 workshops. 3 | P a g e 
Online Reporting Tool coming soon. A link will be found on the school website. Students can report incidents online as an alternate to speaking directly to a responsible adult at the school. The report will guide students through a series of questions. Although the tool does not require students to leave his/her name, anonymity is not guaranteed. The hope is still that students feel comfortable talking with someone at school and/or a parent at home. Technology Plan – as a school we have been asked to complete a technology plan for our school. As discussed at the meeting last month, increasing the technology for students at the school will be a priority over the next few years. Most of our school generated funds will go towards the purchase of iPads, laptops and projectors or SMART boards. We received 4 iPads from the Board special Ed department to pilot with our special ed students. Mr. Condotta is involved in that pilot right now. Each school will be receiving a tablet mobile lab with 30 tablets. We selected IPad tablets. We should be receiving them soon. Our GLEE Club performed at the Brampton Beast Hockey game on Sunday, March 8th. They did a wonderful job singing both the Canadian and American national anthems. The Glee Club is a led by a group of grade 7 & 8 students and supervised by Mr. DaCosta, Ms. McVeigh and Ms. Brandner. Reminder for parents that all volunteers require a Criminal Reference Check to help out at the school, and specifically to help supervise on school trips. We have had to send school staff for several of our school trips for which we did not get enough volunteers. Our students participated in Poetry Slam on February 25th. Speeches were held this week. Chess Tournament will be on Tuesday, April 7th. CCCSC Market Place will take place on Saturday, April 11th at St. Joseph Secondary School in Mississauga. Jocelyn sent out some information via email. The Ministry of Education released its updated Health and Physical Education Curriculum Guidelines on Monday, February 23. Our preliminary analysis would indicate that the document is a significant update of the curriculum. Working with the Institute for Catholic Education (ICE) and the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario (ACBO), we will meet the expectations of the Ministry, within our Catholic faith context, in delivering the curriculum to our students. It is important for parents and guardians to know that, as a publicly funded Catholic board, we teach ALL curriculum through our faith lens. Human development and sexual health is no exception. As Catholics, we understand that parents and guardians are the primary educators of their children and that your role in the teaching of family life issues is pivotal and vital. In our education system, we support this vision through our Fully Alive program. In fact, the vast majority of the revised curriculum is already covered within the Fully Alive program. All curriculum, including the Health and Physical Education curriculum, is written using specific expectations, so that parents, students and teachers have a clear indication of what is expected of students by the time they finish learning the material at each grade level. Curriculum documents also provide teachers with possible suggestions and examples to illustrate the intended learning. These are NOT mandatory. Teachers support student learning through materials appropriate within the context of a Catholic classroom. Chair’s Update – J. Balthazaar
Pro Grant Activities for this Year – Math Nights
Junior Math night was cancelled the day of the event Has not yet been rescheduled 4 | P a g e 
Junior night has not been planned yet Could use the funds instead for Math engagement night; N. Smith to provide additional details We have a budget of $800 Treasurer’s Report – S. Arvanitis
St. Andre Bessette School Council Treasurer Report ‐ January 29, 2015 Income: Expenditure: Opening Balance November 6, 2014 Revenue 3215.00 Fundraiser 23795.81
Chocolate 1333.00
Poinsettias 732.00
Xmas Photos Community 304.50 Movie Night Grant 304.50
1500.00 Parent Involvement 500.00
Parent Reaching Out 1000.00
Expenditure Banking 74.65 Bank Charges 53.65 NSF Chq 21.00 Fundraiser 13240.42 Chocolate 12518.15 Poinsettias 524.89 Xmas Photos 197.38 Community Movie Night 360.38 School Equipment 360.38 0
Playground painting 1356.00 0
Yearbook Courier Subtotals 1356.00 43.89 43.89 5019.50
15,075.34 Balance as of January 29, 2015 13739.97 5 | P a g e 
Communion frames can be done because Fr. Vito is organizing a professional photographer as was done last year; less than 30 communicants Confirmation – prayer card; graduation (60 grads; 29 confirmations) – key chains; 9 am Wednesday, June 24; Grad photos again? Yes – want to start developing traditions; timing / turnaround was good N. Smith spoke to the photographer; J. Granata to email frame size to N. Smith Parish Update – C. Riley
7:30 PM Mass Holy Week School sent many staff members to the funeral; Kids would like to have a service at the school or at the church; V. Zaffino would like to have the parents with the children; Fr. Vito will talk to the family to see if they are ok with it Can we do a memorial gift? Yes. Living gift – tree at the school with a plaque; reflection area; Garden would have to go through the board? Could we do the tree where a future garden would be? Could use the Claireville Clean‐up garden project? J. Granata to investigate V. Zaffino to get approval for the work / location $300 – for tree and plaque / rock as a memorial gift; this would be the start of a tradition going forward; J. Balthazaar; A. Moniz – second; presentation would be with just the family OAPCE Update – P. Manful
No report Teacher Updates – G. DaCosta
Grad party will be at Riverstone, Embassy Grand, Le Jardin or Hope Christian ministries $250 – donation requested for “Night In” activities; Boys and Girls Night In; Open to all students – Gr 6 and 7; healthy foods (wraps and smoothies); Games room for boys; Dance and self‐esteem workshops for girls – One Movement; Drama class; Strong voice; Tim Hortons donated the wrap bread; water was donated by FreshCo; Last year was granted; Need to confirm donation with S. Arvanitis; We will be able to carry money forward if it’s for technology; School needs to start ordering supplies for next year; all pizza money will go to technology; additional lab; technology is a constant spend; New Business / Open Floor – J. Balthazaar
Next Meeting will confirm fundraising ideas J. Granata has ideas on how to setup Council / Parents page; after school meeting with G. DaCosta J. Balthazaar to ask Shawn Xaviour to attend and speak at next Council meeting Milk bag program is ongoing; Founder of the program would like to come to the school; G. DaCosta to pass on to Ms. Hall’s class who are leading the charge; Add Monday meals to the school calendar; Will continue to do Monday meals in May and June Communion retreat was really well done; Compliments to the teachers – children well behaved and retreat was lovely 6 | P a g e 
Kindergarten teachers (A. Moniz) – they would like literacy / snuggle up and read program; “Read to children” programs are not as effective as “on their own” programs N. Smith – Razz Kids program – interactive online leveled reading program; Children with parents; Would need to pay a licensing fee Council retreat – include parents as well; Next Meeting
5/7/2015 7:00 PM The May meeting will be to finalize major / minor fundraising for the 2015‐2016 and close off / end of year activities. Motion to adjourn was made at 9:18 p.m. and was passed unanimously (Motioned by A. Moniz; Seconded by S. Tuoma). 7 | P a g e 