St. André Bessette Catholic Elementary School Council Meeting Minutes In Attendance

 St. André Bessette Catholic Elementary School Council
Meeting Minutes
Date | Time 1/29/2015 7:00 PM | Meeting called to order by J. Balthazaar In Attendance
S. Arvanitis, J. Balthazaar, G. DaCosta, L. Dantas, J. Granata, C. Riley, N. Smith, V. Zaffino Opening Prayer
Prayer for a New Year
O God of this new year that stretches before me, Teach me the secrets of wisdom. O God of this new year that beckons to me, “Create a clean heart in me, Put into me a new and constant spirit.” O God of this new year that holds out hope to me, Be my Saviour again, renew my joy, Keep my spirit steady and willing”. O God of this new year that gives me another chance, “In your great tenderness wipe away my faults”. Instill some joy and gladness into me. Loving God, it is time to turn again to you. Come to meet me, God of life, reach into the mystery of myself. Take me into the heart of this year And give me the confidence to journey freely, lovingly, With risk, wonder and laughter. Amen Approval of Agenda
1. Opening Prayer (2 minutes) a. Peace Prayer (Provided by C. Riley, Parish Rep, distributed on separate handout) 2. Approval of Agenda (3 minutes) 3. Approval of September minutes (5 minutes) 4. Updates from previous meeting (10 minutes) a. J. Balthazaar followed up with former secretary and previous minutes not available. b. Update on basketball nets and line painting (V. Zaffino/J. Balthazaar) c. Yearbook Update (J. Balthazaar) d. School Dress Code Update (S. Arvanitis) e. Chocolate Fundraiser (J. Balthazaar) f. Volunteer Drive (S. Touma) 1 | P a g e g. By Law Committee Activities (A. Moniz) 5. Principal’s Updates (10 minutes) (V. Zaffino) 6. Chair’s Updates (10 minutes) (J. Balthazaar) a. Last Year’s End of Year Account Review b. Update from Family of School Chair Meeting on October 9th c. Update from training day on November 1st d. Pro Grant Activities for this Year – Math Nights 7. Treasurer’s Updates including review of period Treasurer’s Report (10 minutes) (S. Arvanitis) 8. OAPCE Updates (5 minutes) (P. Manful) 9. Teacher Updates (5 minutes) (G. DaCosta / S. Thiffault) a. School Website 10. Additional (smaller) Fundraising Initiatives for the year (Open Floor) (15 minutes) 11. School Events for the Year (Open Floor) (15 minutes) 12. This year’s budget / fundraising objectives (15 minutes) a. Presentation of proposed budget including decisions carried from last year (S. Arvantis) b. Open Floor 13. New Business/Open Floor (5 minutes) 14. Next Meeting ‐ Reminders / dates (2 minutes) 15. Adjournment (3 minutes) Approval motioned by J, Seconded by L. Dantas with one amendment – addition of item: 8a) Parish Update Approved Approval of Minutes
Review of the minutes from 11/06/2014 Approval motioned by S. Arvanitis; Seconded by J. Balthazaar Approved Review of Previous Business
Basketball Nets & Line Painting – J. Balthazaar / G. DaCosta
Line painting is completed for this year Discussed location of nets with students and board Board suggested no pole‐based nets due to proximity to portables and lack of space for snow clearing Teachers concerned about noise if nets put on walls; Gym wall is an option; Proposal 1A and 1B accepted Kindergarten nets are still an option Council could cover cost of up to 3 nets; remainder of the money could cover additional line painting; focus line painting on primary students 2 | P a g e 
Nets would be for intermediate and junior yards The order could be places as soon as next week $300 grant from Brampton Parks & Rec was received J. Balthazaar to get quotes for wall nets $5000 was earmarked last year School Dress Code - S. Arvanitis
12 families have changed their responses from No to Yes; Still need 32 families to agree P. Manful, S. Arvanitis and J. Balthazaar to continue calling families To be closed off at next meeting Chocolate Fundraiser Update - J. Balthazaar
Still missing chocolates (J. Balthazaar to send total number of missing cases) Can try and sell unreturnable chocolates at an event Volunteer Drive – S. Touma
Volunteer identified for Take Home Books By-Law Committee Activities – A. Moniz
N/A Principal’s Report – V. Zaffino
Mrs. Meo, our head secretary has accepted a position at a school closer to home. Tomorrow is her last day. Mrs. Hendry, our assistant secretary will be our new head secretary. A new assistant secretary will be assigned in the next few weeks. We have a new custodian starting Monday as well. Mr. Sanchez comes to us from Cardinal Newman. Max Vecchiarino will no longer be our superintendent. As of February 9th he will be starting as Superintendent of Program at the CEC and we will have Denise Oude‐Reimerink. Shawn Xaviour is our new Trustee. He started after the elections in the fall. Some of you may have met him when he attended our Advent school mass This week we have been accepting kindergarten registrations. We have currently received about 45 completed applications. That is around the same as last year and what we expected. February 5th – National Sweater Day. Classroom temperatures will be turned down 2% during the school day and students are encouraged to wear their favorite sweaters and to layer up. This is an eco‐team initiative. Litterless Lunch and Snack Wednesdays – eco‐team and Brampton Clean City initiative… we are encouraging less product packaging in lunches and snacks. Milk Bag Program – collecting milk bags that will be turned into mats – will be donated to Dr. Simone’s Mission in Mississauga. The bags will be donated around the world – particular focus this year to help with the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone Parent Engagement evening on February 10th – Parents are invited to attend a variety of workshops to enhance their understanding of inquiry. Swim to Survive – this is the program was extended to our grade 7s. It is a free program to address the high number of drownings each year. Head Injuries – new protocol in which we will send home a pamphlet every time a student reports a head injury. If a child receives a concussion, either from an incident at school, at home or in the community, we will need to follow a series of steps before a student can return to full activity at school. It is very important that parents let us know any time a student is diagnosed with a concussion. 3 | P a g e 
Valentine’s Day Dance – students will be invited to the dance at various times during the day. A reminder that it is for students only and we will not be having parents attend. Ash Wednesday celebration will be at 9:30 a.m. in the school gym – All are welcome to attend Lost and Found – please check for any lost items at interview time – all leftover clothing will be donated after March Break March Break… March 16th to 20th Student Yard Supervision: students should arrive at school between 8:00 and 8:13 – this ensures that they arrive during times that the yard is supervised and in enough time that the students can join the rest of their class at their entry door or in the kindergarten area. Lates and Absences continue to be a concern. It’s very important for students to be on time so they do not miss instructional time, social time with friends, interrupting the flow of the day and missing announcement and important information at the beginning of the day. Being late regularly breeds an apathetic attitude towards school and its importance. Reminder around the importance of students having indoor shoes and boots at school. As well, it is important that students are dressed for our winter climate since unless it is extremely cold, students will participate in outdoor recess and outdoor play Math continues to be a focus at the school – we’ve been including ideas for Math at home in the monthly newsletters – please take a look Book Fair coming up during the week of interviews. Come to the library when you come in for your interview and support our school library. 
Chair’s Update – J. Balthazaar
Pro Grant Activities for this Year – Math Nights
Math guest speaker has been contacted and J. Balthazaar has provided the dates; Wednesdays in February and March are ideal for us (other than March Break) Cannot be March 25 (Girls Night In) One presentation per each division (Primary, Junior, Intermediate) Focus will be for parents so babysitting will be provided Subject matter will be math strategies and parents; homework help RSVP’s will be requested; potential to open it up to other schools if enrollment is not high enough Treasurer’s Report – S. Arvanitis
St. Andre Bessette School Council Treasurer Report ‐ January 29, 2015 Income: Expenditure: Opening Balance November 6, 2014 Revenue 3215.00 Fundraiser 23795.81
Chocolate 1333.00
Poinsettias 732.00
Xmas Photos Community Movie Night 304.50 304.50
4 | P a g e Grant 1500.00 Parent Involvement 500.00
Parent Reaching Out 1000.00
Expenditure Banking 74.65 Bank Charges 53.65 NSF Chq 21.00 Fundraiser 13240.42 Chocolate 12518.15 Poinsettias 524.89 Xmas Photos 197.38 Community Movie Night 360.38 School Equipment 360.38 0
Playground painting 1356.00 0
Yearbook Courier Subtotals 1356.00 43.89 43.89 5019.50
15,075.34 Balance as of January 29, 2015 13739.97 
Chocolate fundraiser brought in $19000; cost was $12000; Profit of $7000 Made $950 on Christmas photos; feedback: Day went smoothly; no complaints; Made $200 on poinsettias; would we want to do it again? Need to do a lessons learned on cash counting There will be more rigor around financial procedures; (e.g. we do not provide change) that rule needs to be very specific – what happens when too much money? What happens when it’s not enough? Out of control parents / children – need strategies; Fundraising: $8200 (all events this year) Current balance: $13000 (of that $5000 is earmarked for basketball nets) OAPCE Update – P. Manful
No report New date for the conference 5 | P a g e Parish Update – C. Riley
Exciting changes at St. Patrickʹs and a Request from Father Vito St. Patrickʹs is continuing to change and grow. These are exciting times for our parish and a great time to join us for Mass. NEW! Childrenʹs Liturgies at the 5 PM Saturday Mass and the 10 AM Sunday Mass NEW! 1 PM English Mass on Sundays NEW! Starting on Ash Wednesday (February 18) and every Sunday after there will be a new 7:30 PM Mass! Many new ministries are starting including a Parish Council and Youth and Childrenʹs ministries ‐ all are welcome to participate Father Vito is always looking for new altar servers (boys and girls!) Planning has begun for the new church building! Father Vito has a special request for a Gr. 8 Confirmation candidate to volunteer for the 8:30 AM Mass on February 2 On Feb 2 we celebrate the feast of the Presentation or Candlemas. At the 8:30 am mass candles will be blessed and distributed to all participants. The confirmation candidate will be personally called up to receive a special candle to be brought to the school. The mass should last no more than 40 minutes. Students should be back in school by 9:30 am the latest. Lots of news... lots to do... lots of place in the parish for you! Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday! Current Mass Times: Saturday 5 PM (Childrenʹs Liturgy); Sunday 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM (Childrenʹs Liturgy), 11:30 AM (Italian), 1:00 PM Parish reps meeting on a regular basis There is also a Parish Reps meeting with guest speaker Bishop Boissonneau on Tuesday, March 3 at 7 PM at St. Leonard Parish Hall Next Parish Council meeting is February 2? Confirmation date is May 30; Communion is April 11 Teacher Updates – G. DaCosta
Reports sent home on Feb 3, interviews on 5 and 6 Ash Wednesday Liturgy celebration – Students / choir very excited about the preparations Additional Activities – J. Balthazaar
Communion / Confirmation gifts again this year? Last year was a picture frame for communion; Photographer with frame; prayer card for confirmation plus key chain (key chain already ordered); Teachers to organize grad party with council providing some funds for certain activities and assistance as required; Ms. Vitale organized the event last year; G. DaCosta to inform Ms. Vitale about 4 volunteers from the parent council; more in the realm of transportation Spring movie night: Thursday, April 23; Spring Flick BBQ: June 3 (first choice); June 2 (second choice); June 1 (third choice) – C. Riley can lead if necessary; A. Moniz; o Possible do photobooth – Wagjag; Vote on $250 cost via email; o Use parent reach out money 6 | P a g e Proposed Budget – S. Arvanitis
To send out budget of what’s allocated and what’s left over Next Meeting
3/26/2015 7:00 PM The March meeting will be where we decide on next year’s fundraising; No other ideas will be entertained next year. See if S. Xaviour can come to the May meeting and speak to the council. Motion to adjourn was made at 9:00 p.m. and was passed unanimously (Motioned by J. Balthazaar; Seconded by S. Arvanitis). 7 | P a g e 