Wortham/Alley renovations

Wortham/Alley renovations
Status update for Wortham/Alley projects
Minor & Planned Projects
Director- Shannon Jones
Project Managers:
Dave Laws
Theron Mathis Rigging
Ken Oliver
Alley Prep
Susan Vail
Campus Wide Signage
Roger Warner Grove Project
Update – August 23, 2013
Attendees: Emily Mesa, Dean Roberts, Sameer Kapileshwari, Professor
Rigdon, Jim Johnson, Rachel Bush, Shannon Jones, Roger Warner
Quintero room – Slated for occupancy and Fire Marshal inspection- Friday August 23.
Items completed:
 Room painted along with all new conduit
 New controls Boxes installed awaiting new controls
 2-Thresholds installed
 Cleaning of the flooring and stage seating
 Fire Marshal inspection
 Emergency lighting installed
 Two –way switching for lights completed
 Ordered Lights/ controls August 14 and delivery approximately 6 weeks.
Pending issuesThe LED fixtures for the lighting system was not ordered as reported.
Fire Alarm pull station is required to meet code. Item will be installed by FM Fire Alarm
Shop next week.
Floor transition is pending completion - Horizon
Minutes/action items:
 Contact Stage Light and expedite delivery for the off-the-shelf items
 Room needs to be repainted from semi-gloss to ultra flat black paint
 Coordinate with Fire Marshal’s office to check if temporary occupancy certificate could
be granted with provision of a written plan. Coordinate with Fire Marshal to identify
additional requirements
Laundry roomItems Completed:
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Wortham/Alley renovations
 Die-Vat reinstalled
 Room partially painted
Pending issuesNew sink does not meet owner’s requirements.
The Duct work for the dryers was not installed per code (screws in ducts and
combustible materials used). Being reworked by Horizon
Additional exhaust is required for Fume Hood proper installation. Working with the A/E
(URS) to expedite revised drawings for this installation.
Minutes/action items:
 Look into adding extra lighting
 URS drawings need to be reviewed with Professor Rigdon to address dimensions of the
new fume hoods and the locations
Scenery shopItems Completed
 Transformer platform installed
 Guttering for the new wiring installed.
 Wire pulled for the new power requirements
 Scheduled outage for the tie in for the new power requirements
Pending issuesThe “RED IRON” Platform installation still needs to pass Inspection.
Electric Gutter and conduit continue- Electric outage schedule on Saturday to tie into
switchgear in mechanical room.
Minutes/action items:
 HC enterprises will provide a temporary solution of adding pan to catch the condensation to
prevent this coming on the transformers
 Permanent solution will include redoing piping or reinsulating the pipes
Costume shop- Shop has move back to Wortham and is fully operational.
Pending issuesItems to be installed by FM: Fire rated door and frame for stairs at storage, wall
penetrations at exterior wall, exit signs with backup power circuits.
Minutes/action items:
 Look into adding extra lighting
 Coordinate with Fire Marshal to identify additional requirements
Moore’s Opera House- Minor & Planned Projects met with Dean Roberts on August 13, to review
The Budget and bid proposal that was provided by Vaughn construction.
Is this part of the Alley Prep Project? Confirmed by Dean Roberts that this is not part of
Alley project
Wortham RiggingPending Issues:
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Wortham/Alley renovations
Counterweight rigging system is unusable without the necessary safety repairs outlined
in the report from StageLight. Cost $81,101.08 Funding required to order and install the
Moore’s Opera House Rigging- Cost of required items: $8816.02 Is this part of the Alley Prep Project?
Minutes/action items:
 PCB and PFA was signed 8/22/2013
 Mr. Jones will confirm with the PM if this includes both Wortham and Moores
 Professor Rigdon indicated that since classes are starting and temporary
provisions are in place, the actual installation should wait until the winter break
Signage—Campus Wide Signage is being coordinated by PM Susan Vail with Dean Oliver. Arts exterior
will be completed in Phase 1 of the Project. Funded by CRDM.
Is there any additional Signage required for Alley?
Minutes/action items:
 Committee confirmed that the sandwich signage will be Alley responsibility
Parking-- Scope: The project consists of refiguring parking spaces in lots “16B, C and F” to accommodate
Alley Theater parking patron’s and construct a new driveway into parking area from
Elgin St. Dave Laws is developing the POR, working with the design team and
conducting a parking flow evaluation. Approx. Cost $215K.
1). Initiate funding for civil engineer for drive cut and parking space
8/30/13 - 9/15/13
2). Civil Design and Reviews
3). Project Procurement and City of Houston Permits
11/20/13 - 12/30/13
4). Project Contract Execution
3/1/14 - 4/01/14
5). Project Construction
4/15/14 - 6/01/14
Minutes/action items:
 MPP will begin a discussion with the City on possibly increasing the left turn lane on
Cullen (turning on Elgin) and the left turn lighting duration
 Discussion with City will also include possibility of adding a gated entrance to lot 16B
from Elgin
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Wortham/Alley renovations
Coordinate with Susan Vail on change of directional way finding based on discussion
with the City.
Professor Rigdon would like to be included in the next internal meeting with Parking and
Alley Phase II—What are the additional requirements for this Phase?
Was budget developed and approved?
Are the Climate Control Pods/Trailers still a requirement?
Minutes/action items:
Trailers and pods: Committee confirmed that approximately $100K was included in the
project budget. This portion will require relocation of one tree. This will be coordinated
with UH Grounds and landscaping and scheduled for winter.
Install card access at front and back entrances to the building. This will be shared with
FPC PM for campus wide access control project to make this building a priority
Add a camera – MPP will discuss the details with lock shop/Penny
Internet access drops will be coordinated with UIT.
Rigging: Identify and include additional safety requirements including railings in the
project scope.
Grove—SWA Contract Update (Roger Warner)
Minutes/action items:
 Contract is prepared and currently with SWA for review and signatures. The project is
on schedule.
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