Wortham/Alley renovations

Wortham/Alley renovations
Status update for Wortham/Alley projects
Minor & Planned Projects
Director- Shannon Jones
Project Managers:
Kerry Prejean/Mike Wheeler
Theron Mathis
Ken Oliver
Alley Prep
Susan Vail
Campus Wide Signage
Dean Ruck
Grove Project
Mark Aycock
Update – November 12, 2013
Attendees: Emily Mesa, Sameer Kapileshwari, Dean Roberts, Professor Jim
Johnson, Rachel Bush, Shannon Jones, Susan Vail, Rebecca Gentry
(Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives)
Quintero room –
Items completed:
 New LED light system installed and functional
 2 additional Curtain orders completed waiting on the arrival
 UH/IT add CAT 6 Data Cable
Pending issues 11.30.13-Replace double doors with fire rated doors
 12.12.13-Rewiring of Light Control Panel (end of semester). Commissioning by
 Horizon Minor Punch list items as schedules allow
 All Call- Speakers- 5 speakers are functional but additional cable rewiring
required by UH/IT
Ms. Rachel Bush stated that the sprinklers still do not meet the customer’s
requirements and there is additional work remaining. Shannon Jones stated
that he would establish a follow up walk thru with Ms. Bush to determine the
additional requirements.
Ms. Rachel Bush stated that the Horizon has not identified a timeframe when
they plan to complete all of the items remaining on the Punch List. The
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Wortham/Alley renovations
Wortham Team has established the times when areas will be open and free for
them to complete their tasks. S. Jones will follow-up with Horizon and
establish those times.
Laundry room- Shop is fully operational
Items Completed:
 09.30.13 Substantial Completion Inspection
Pending issues Cover plates for two outlets
 Structural clips for the newly installed CMU wall (HORIZON)
Scenery shop/Wortham Theatre- Shop is fully operational
Items Completed:
 09.30.13 Substantial Completion Inspection
 10.29.13- Structural inspector and URS completed the floor integrity test (final
report pending 17 Nov)
 10.30.13- Ranger completed the electrical relocation and wrapping of sprinkler
 11.07.13- Wortham theatre sprinkler pipe in pit re-route.
Pending issues 11.08.13- Walter P. Moore will provide design for Life safety project for caging,
platforms and assemblies
Ms. Rachel Bush pointed out that there may be a larger issue than just the
requirement for the floor integrity test. Issue is that the floor may not have
been installed correctly by the initial vendor. MPP will monitor and discuss
the situation when we receive the result from the integrity test.
Costume shop- Shop is fully operational
Items completed:
 09.30.13 Substantial Completion Inspection
Pending issues N Z-Schedule maintenance painting—as schedule permits (Winter Break?).
Wortham RiggingPending Issues:
 12.15.13-Arrival and installation for Counterweight rigging system by Stage
Light. Equipment will be installed during Winter Break.
Parking-- Scope: The project consists of refiguring parking spaces in lots “16B, C and F” to accommodate
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Alley Theater parking patron’s and construct a new driveway into parking area from
Elgin St.
Parking includes: 60 Alley Employee Parking Slots, 340 Alley Patron Parking Slots, 20 (+)
slots for ADA parking. All actions completed by 1 May 2014. Approx. Cost $215K.
Pending Actions:
 Alley employee parking card access reader: Parking & Transportation provided Alley an
estimate form BP Equipment for an offline reader. Parking & Transportation will
purchase it and have it installed thru T2 and bill it back to the Alley.
 NZ maintenance will relocate and paint wheel stops for the parking lots. (20 Jan)
 Parking & Transportation will produce Patron Parking Signs displayed at each entrance
to 16B.
 Parking & Transportation will pay for all of the temporary signage for 16B and FM will
 12.15.13- 01.10.14- Repair, seal coating and line painting will be completed during
Winter Break for 16B.
 Solar Powered Parking Meters will be emplaced by Parking & Transportation by 20 April.
 Elgin Egress: Request was submitted to the City Of Houston on 10 Oct by Mike Wheeler.
Received an RFI on 11-07-13.
Shannon Jones updated that MPP will purchase and oversee the installation
of the card access reader.
Alley Phase II—
Pending issues:
 Cameras--close circuit video feed sending images to the lobby. Infrastructure,
wiring/audio LIGHT SWITCH, 120 dedicated below the booth @200C Wortham stage.
UH/IT will complete by April 15. Camera to be supplied by Alley.
 Card Access—Being coordinated in conjunction with the phased campus wide access
control program currently underway. In the instance that the campus wide program
has not progressed to the point where the openings of concern are not upgraded in
time for Alley’s arrival, a separate endeavor will be undertaken to ensure that the
appropriate hardware is installed in time. We will continue to track the progress of this
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Wortham/Alley renovations
work and coordinate with UH Security stakeholders to ensure a timely implementation
of the appropriate scope.
 UH/IT will work with FPC and DPS for those locations for card access and installation.
 Panic Buttons—David Sarkozi recommended Panic Buttons as part of the package. 7
locations were identified as potential locations. Ongoing.
 UH/IT will work with Client to establish these locations and to identify all stations to be
tested for DPS monitoring.
Trailer and PODs:
 11.01.13 Mod Space provided Rough Order magnitude (ROM) for (1) - 24x72 Trailer and
(3) -8x20 Climate Control PODS.
 11.01.13-Mod Space Contract via COOP/By Board in development. All shop support is
being coordinated and priced should be completed by 11/14/13. Once compiled a PFA
and PCB will be sent to Dean Roberts.
 Grounds will coordinate and remove two trees and associated bushes during Winter
Break. Will replant trees, bushes and sod after trailer is removed.
 UH/IT will install 5 “On-Call Speakers” in Trailer and complete prep for A/V feed.
 MPP is researching awning requirement from trailer to Quintero Stage door. Meeting to
discuss will be scheduled week of 18 Nov. Awning Structural Analysis will be completed
by Walter P. Moore.
 Internal Shop coordination for Trailer support with:
o NZ Maintenance
o Electrical Shop
o Grounds
o Custodial
Signage—Campus Wide Signage
Pending Issues:
 Review RFP format
 Identify additional main entry points to add to the first bid for the Arts District
 Creation of construction documents for bid that reflect these items
 Identification of Lead / Key people for decision process
Grove—SWA Contract Update: SWA continues to work towards preparing design documents that can
be translated into a GMP contract to start construction by February 1st. Construction Manager at Risk
services were solicited and proposals were received last week, which are currently under review and
analysis to ensure scope and budget conformance. To remain on schedule, an award must be made by
November 20th.
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Ms. Rebecca Gentry (Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives) stated that
there will be a Donor and UH Leadership meeting to acknowledge the Kickoff of the Grove Project on Jan 29 at 10:30. Ms. Gentry requested brochures
with the Grove information and conceptual drawings to pass out at this
meeting along with Grove displays. She also requested information on the
fencing plan and overall project planning. Ms. Bush requested a follow-up
meeting with Dean Ruck to discuss the requirement in detail.
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