Wortham/Alley renovations

Wortham/Alley renovations
Status update for Wortham/Alley projects
Minor & Planned Projects
Director- Shannon Jones
Project Managers:
Kerry Prejean/Mike Wheeler
Theron Mathis
Ken Oliver
Alley Prep
Susan Vail
Campus Wide Signage
Roger Warner
Grove Project
Mark Aycock
Update – October 8, 2013
Attendees: Emily Mesa, Dean Roberts, Professor Rigdon, Craig Ness, Rachel
Bush, Shannon Jones, Roger Warner
Quintero room –
Items completed:
 9.26.13 Curtains/Soft Goods purchase requisition request.
 9.27.13 Repaired Ceiling holes
 9.28.13-UH/IT AV lights and XLR connections installation
 9.27.13 Ethernet Installation
 10-5-13-Removed Kickstands from rated doors, seal and patch.
 8.28.13 Two–way switching for lights completed
 8.14.13- Ordered Lights/ controls and delivery approximately 6 weeks.
Some lights are arriving
 9.15.13-Floor transition completed
 8.15.13-The lights and LED fixtures for the lighting system are (ordered PO 730 0000029594)
 9.20.13- Some Lights and LED fixtures are arriving now.
 9.20.13 Re-Painting the walls (Flat Black) in progress
 10.01.13 Substantial Completion Inspection
Pending issues Clean vent and filter system (NZ Maintenance scheduled).
 Simplex Grinnell (contract W445001) installing additional sprinkler and electronic
10.09.13-FA devices installed but will be Retested
 10.10.13-Add generator to egress lighting
Project Meeting Notes
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Wortham/Alley renovations
Additional DMX and controls by U H/IT
Commissioning system by Stage light
11.30.13-Replace double doors with rated doors
Punch list items
Professor Rigdon stated that the additional DMX and controls installation
must be completed by UHIT by 20 Oct to be ready for the performance on 25
Oct. This includes commissioning the system by Stage Light.
Laundry room- Shop is fully operational
Items Completed:
 9.25.13 Lower sink to meet ADA requirements
 9.26.13 Washer and Dryer installed Water lines insulated
 9.26.13 Removal of the fume hood for disposal
 9.27.13 Installation of New lights
 9.30.13 Washer dryers combinations installed
 10.01.13 Substantial Completion Inspection
Pending issues Ongoing--Design for paint booth
 One cold water line needs to be turned on
 Minor Punch list items
Scenery shop/Wortham Theatre- Shop is fully operational
Items Completed:
 9.30.13 Substantial Completion Inspection
Pending issues Minor Punch List Items
 DBR Design fee proposal for Life safety project for caging, platforms and
Professor Rigdon stated that the floor in the Scenery Shop needed to be
repaired after 16 Oct when the area is cleared.
Costume shop- Shop is fully operational
Items completed 9.27.13 Patch and paint sheet rock wall
 9.27.13 Installation of new lights
 9.30.13 Substantial Completion Inspection
Pending issuesProject Meeting Notes
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Wortham/Alley renovations
 N Z-Schedule maintenance painting—scheduled
 Minor Punch list items
Wortham RiggingPending Issues:
 Counterweight rigging system is on-order. Working with Stage Light to get an
estimate arrival date.
 Meeting scheduled for 8 Oct with Professor Rigdon to discuss any additional
Professor Rigdon stated that the Rigging list was not complete (per Stage
Light) and they had additional equipment that should be ordered. Professor
Rigdon will provide the completed list.
Signage—Campus Wide Signage is being coordinated by PM Susan Vail with Dean Oliver.
Pending Issues:
 Met with Dean Oliver on October 3, 2013 and confirmed one vendor will complete the
entire project to ensure continuity of all signs. The Design Team is working to provide
the Total Project Cost in order to move forward with funding and selection of the
Parking-- Scope: The project consists of refiguring parking spaces in lots “16B, C and F” to accommodate
Alley Theater parking patron’s and construct a new driveway into parking area from
Elgin St. Currently developing the POR, working with the design team and
conducting a parking flow evaluation. All actions completed by 1 May 2014.
Approx. Cost $215K. Met with Bob Browand, Paul Lozano and Professor Rigdon to
discuss milestones and upcoming events.
Parking includes: 60 Alley Employee Parking Slots, 340 Alley Patron Parking Slots, 20 (+)
slots for ADA parking
Pending Actions:
 Alley employee parking: has an existing parking gate and it is functional but Alley will
need to provide “card access reader”. Alley will need to purchase and have installed.
Obtained the vendor information from Parking and Transportation and will coordinate
with Alley to complete.
 Work order #1 – to NZ maintenance for Wheel stops for the parking lots has been
 All Alley patron lot wheel stops will be painted bright yellow.
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Wortham/Alley renovations
Parking & Transportation will produce and erect Patron Parking Signs displayed at each
entrance to 16B. Dean Roberts met with the Performing Arts Directors and developed
the following:
Arts Events Visitor Parking
No Student Parking
From 3:00pm to 10:00pm
Parking & Transportation will pay for all of the temporary signage for 16B (FM awaiting
work order from T&P)
 The new “Elgin Egress” is being addressed with the City Of Houston by Mike Wheeler.
This is recommended by Parking & Transportation and intended for long-term use. Not
officially part of the Alley requirements.
Ms. Rachel Bush stated that the posted time should read “From 2:00pm to
10:00pm”. The correction was made.
Alley Phase II—
Pending issues:
 Data Point Entry-- UH/IT has a work order for all associated cabling/ voice/data/
Ethernet. Mark Aycock is approximately 98% complete.
 Cameras-- Requirements requested but not limited to: close circuit video feed sending
images to the lobby. Infrastructure, wiring/audio LIGHT SWITCH, 120 dedicated below
the booth @200C Wortham stage. Ongoing.
 Card Access--David Sarkozi is coordinating with the Dean Ruck, the FPC PM for the
ACHW Retrofit Project to add Wortham Theatre their Phase III projects. Still awaiting
the exact dates for completion of Phase III.
 UH/IT will work with FPC and DPS for those locations for card access and installation.
 Panic Buttons—David Sarkozi recommended Panic Buttons as part of the package. 7
locations were identified as potential locations. Ongoing.
 UH/IT will work with Client to establish these locations and to identify all stations to be
tested for DPS monitoring.
 DBR is developing an estimate for the additional safety requirements including platform,
ladders, railings, cages and follow-on installation. This action will be funded by CRDM.
Project Meeting Notes
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Wortham/Alley renovations
 Meeting is scheduled for 8 Oct with Professor Rigdon to determine the exact
requirements for the trailers and PODs. PFA and PCB to follow for funding.
Professor Rigdon and Craig Ness requested an exact breakdown on work
completed and pending work for Phase II from UHIT.
Grove—SWA Contract Update (Roger Warner)
Contract is prepared and currently with SWA for review and signatures. The project is
on schedule.
The committee requested the exact construction start date for the next meeting and
that that date be coordinated with the Logistics Group.
Dean Roberts requested that all actions be coordinated through all of the Arts Directors.
The committee requested the detailed Phasing Plan. Plan should include the temporary
entry/exit/access to MSM and other Arts buildings during the 6 months of construction.
It was noted that Alley’s first performance is 1 Aug 2014.
The committee requested a meeting with presentations from SWA on the Grove Project
to include a narrative of the Phased Plan with photos/conceptual drawings of the
construction. To be followed by an official communication plan for students and the
Arts Faculty.
Emily Mesa stated that presented schedule needs to be revised to start the
Winter Break and the work should be completed by 15 June 2014. Roger was
tasked to contact SWA and develop a new schedule for the next meeting.
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