Research Cyberinfrastructure (RCI) Activities

Research Cyberinfrastructure (RCI) Activities
2013- 2nd Quarter
Phil Moore, Director of Research Cyberinfrastructure,
University of South Carolina
New RCI web site online at
Dr. Phil Moore appointed Adjunct Professor in Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences
Dr. Jerry Ebalunode accepted HPC position at University of Houston
Nathan Elger hired as RCI HPC Technical Support Specialist
Paul Sagona hired as RCI HPC Systems Architect
Candidates interviewed for Senior Applications Scientist (Middleware) position
NSF XSEDE “Campus Champion” responsibilities assigned to Sagona and Moore
Conferences and Workshops
American Association of Petroleum Geologist Convention, Pittsburg, presentation and
poster, “A Qualitative Computer Simulation for Understanding Sequence Stratigraphy
Modeling Concepts and Parameters” (Moore)
Collaboration member in “Earth Cube Building Block in Cyberinfrastructure” proposal
submitted by the SI Corporation to NSF (Moore)
Research Faculty Engagement
College of Arts and Sciences (Sawyer, Thunell, Zur Loye, Moore)
Discussed campus High Performance Computing and Research Cyberinfrastructure
College of Engineering and Computing (Ambler, Huhns, Moore)
Discussed campus High Performance Computing and Research Cyberinfrastructure
School of Business (Becerril, Moore)
Provided access to High Performance Computing cluster for marketing analytics
Electron Microscopy Center (Ghoshroy, Moore)
Discussed research computing and visualization collaboration opportunities
Psychology (Shinkareva, Moore)
Reviewed applications and hardware requirements for fMRI brain research
Institute for Mind Brain (Richards, Moore)
Discussed hardware and software applications for processing of fMRI brain imaging data
Institute for Mind Brain (Henderson, Moore)
Received overview of the research mission of the institute and contact information for
IMB faculty and students needing HPC resources
Earth Sciences and Resources Institute (Wadell, Moore)
Conference call with Landmark Graphics technical representative to obtain specific
requirements for parallel execution of seismic processing application
Technical Meetings
Savannah River National Laboratory, Computational Sciences (Harris, Ansley, Moore,
Sagona, Elger)
Collaboration discussion meeting at SRNL-Aiken
IBM (Moore, Sagona, Elger)
Presentation by IBM engineers and sales team providing information about current and
future HPC systems and data storage solutions
DELL (Moore, Sagona, Elger)
Presentation by Dell engineers and sales team providing information about current and
future HPC systems and data storage solutions
Hewlett Packard (Sagona)
Technology updates from HP engineers providing information about current and future
HPC systems and data storage solutions