~ :-; --:.- ~ June29, 2007 @~ Dr. EdwardValeau ACCREDITING COMMISSION for COMMUNITY and JUNIOR COLLEGES SuperintendentJPresident Hartnell College 156 HomesteadAvenue Salinas, CA 93901 Dear PresidentValeau: The Accrediting Commissionfor CommUl1ityand JuniorColleges,Western Associationof SchoolsandColleges,at its meetingon June6-8, 2007, reviev¥'ed the institutionalself studyreport andthe report of the evaluation team which visited HartnellCollegeon Monday, March 12-Thursday, March .15,2007. The Commissionactedto place Hartn~ll College on 10COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD Probation, effective immediately,andto requirethat the college submit SUITE 204 two ProgressReportson October 15,2007, and March 15, 2008. Each TELEPHONE: NOVATO.(415) CA 94949 506-0234 report will be .c1011 owed b y a VISit .. 0f C OmtnlSSlOn ,. representatives. . FAX: (415) 506-0238 E-MAIL: accjc@accjc,org www.occjc,org Cha'rperson E,JANKEHOE CCLDIF Vice Chairperson LURELEAN B.GAINES East~ Angeles College BAR:~~d:.~ENO Vice President DEBORAH G.B~UE VicePresident GARMAN JACK POND Associate Vice President LlLYOWYANG Business Officer DEANNE WILBURN ITAS TOMLANE .a Administrative Assistant CLARE GOLDBERG .., d h th C ,. finds ha ... d . ro ation is issue w en e Om.tnIsslon t t an InStitution evlates significantly from the Commission'seligibility criteria, standards,or policies, or fails to respondto actionsand conditionsimposedby the Commission. The accreditedstatusof the institution continuesduringthe nrobation~eriod, However,the institution' s accreditationwill notbe P b reaffirmed until the conditions which warranted probation are removed. I also wish to infonn you thatunderU.S. Departmentof Education regulations,institutions on sanctionare expectedto correctdeficienciesin no more thana two-yearperiod or the Commissionmust take actionto temrinateaccreditation . The Commissionnotesthat severaldeficienciesatthe collegehavethe potentialto significantlyand negativelyaffect the long term ability of Hartnell Collegeto carry out its educationalmission.Someof theseissues are long standingdeficienciesandhave beenpreviouslyidentified by teams visiting the collegeover the pastdecadeand more. The collegefailed to resolvethreeof the recommendations given by the lastcomprehensive evaluationteamin the year 2000;one of thoserecommendations,on effective governance,has beena troubling issue at the college for more than decade,The faculty participationin the self studyprocessfor this 2007 d '.. . Ii ' d ' . h If d ~ accre ltatlon VISItwas mite, as It was rn t e se stu y processlor the 2000 accreditationvisit. The Commissionwishesto remind the collegethat the WASC membershiprequiresan institution's continuedcommitmentto meetingthe Standardsof Accreditationand to soundeducationalpractice. Dr. Edward Vale au Hartnell College June 29, 2007 Page Two The failure of the institution to demonstrate that all constituent groups -Trustees, Administration, Faculty and Students -are appropriately engaged in ongoing activities of institutional self assessment,and in planning and implementing improvements, is of significant concern to the Commission. I am therefore compelled to advise the college that should it not make immediate and significant progress in addressing the Commission's concerns noted below, it may face a further sanction of Show Cause at the Commission's next meeting. The Commission wishes to note that the first Progress Report of October 15, 2007 should demonstrate resolution of recommendation 7 and resolution of Commission Concern 1 below, and provide evidence of clear and significant institutional progress in resolving recommendations 1 -6. Recommendation 7. The team recommends that the Board of Trustees completes their Ethics Policy by developing procedures for sanctioning those who commit ethical violations, and that they develop a comprehensive trustee development plan that provides training focused upon appropriate board behavior, roles and responsibilities. (Standards IV.B.l.a; IV .B.l.e; IV.B.l.f; IV.B.l.g; IV.B.l.h) The Commission wishes to express its significant concerns with the ethical behavior of the Board. It is essential the Governing Board fuJly understand the importance of its responsibility for "the quality, integrity, and fInancial stability of the institutions" (ER 3) and find the means to work as a unit for the good of the institution. Commission Concern 1: The Commission asks Hartnell College to demonstrate the way in which it meets and commits to continuing to meet Eligibilitv Reauirement 21 which requires the institution to ".. .comply with Commission requests, directives, decisions, and policies, and.. .make complete, accurate, and honest disclosure." The second Progress Report of March 15, 2008 should provide evidence of the institution's resolution of recommendations 1 -6, below and Commission Concern 2. Recommendation 1. The team recommends that the college develop a professional ethics code for all personnel and use it as a foundation for conducting an ongoing, collegial, self reflective dialogue about the continuous improvement of student learning and institutional processes, including the governance process. (Standards I.B.1; III.A.l.d; IV .A.l) Recommendation 2. The team reconunends that college constituencies agree upon and implement an ongoing, systematic, integrated process for program review. planning, budgeting and hiring, and that a means be developed to coIDffi1n1icatedecisions made in those arenas back to the campus at large. (Standards l.B.3; l.B.5; m.A.6; III.B.2.b; ill.C.2; ill.D.I.a; ill.D.2; ill.D.2.b) Dr. Edward Valeau Hartnell College June29, 2007 PageThree Recommendation3. The teamrecommendsthat a planningprocessbe completedthatwill addressthe needsfor staffing andmaintenancein newbuildings and for technologysupportin both new and existing buildings. (StandardsI.B.3; I.B.4; I.B.6; III.A.2; Ill.A.6; m.B.l.a; m.B.l.b; III.B.2; m.2.a; III.B.2.b; m.C.l.c; III.C.2) Recommendation 4. The team recommendsthatthe collegeengagesin a broad-based dialoguethat leadsto: .The identification of StudentLearningOutcomesat the courseandprogramlevels;and .Regular assessment of studentprogresstoward achievementof theseoutcomes. (StandardsU.A.l.c; II.A.2.a; II.A.2.b; II.A.2.e; II.A2.f; II.A.2.g; II.A.2.h; Il.A.2.i; Il.A.3) Recommendation5. The teamrecommendsthatthe college completethe review andrevision of all courseoutlines and ensurethat the cataloginformationregardingcurrentlyoffered coursesandprogramsis accurate. (StandardII.A.2.c; Il.A.6.c). Recommendation6. The teamrecommendsthe creationof anenhancedlong rangefiscal stability/enrolhnentmanagementeffort, whichutilizes the serv'icesof the Offices of Business and Finance,fustruction, AdmissionsandRecords,StudentServices,OutreachServicesand other appropriatecollege resources.(StandardsIII.D.l.a; ill.D.I.b; III.D.l.c; ill.D.2.c) Commission Concern 2: The CommissionasksHartnell Collegeto demonstratethat it meetsEligibilitY RegyirementlO which requiresthe institution "defines andpublishesfor eachprogramthe program' s expectedstudentlearningand achievementoutcomes.Through regularand systematicassessment, it demonstrates that studentswho completeprograms,no matterwhereor how they are offered,achievetheseoutcomes. A revised copy of the team report is attached.Additional copiesmay now be duplicated.The Commissionrequires you to give the teamreportandthis letter disseminationto your college smff and to thosewho were signatoriesof your collegeself studyreport. This groupshould include campusleadershipand the Board of Trustees.The Commissionalsorequiresthatthe team reportand the self study reportbe madeavailableto studentsandthe public. Placing copiesin the college library can accomplishthis. Shouldyou wantthe report electronicallyto place on your web site or for someotherpurpose,pleasecontactCommissionstaff. The recommendations containedin the evaluationteamreportrepresentthe observationsof the evaluationteam at the time of the visit. The Commissionremindsyou thatwhile an institution may concur or disagreewith anypart of the teamreport, the collegeis expectedto usethe reportto improve the educationalprogramsand servicesof the institution. All team recommendationsare expectedto be fully addressedby the time of the institution's next comprehensiveevaluationvisit; somehave beensingled out for earlierresolution. c Dr. EdwardValeau Hartnell College June 29, 2007 PageFour All collegesare requiredto file a Midterm Reportin the third year aftereachcomprehensive evaluation. Hartnell College should submittile Midterm Reportby March 15,2010. Midterm Reportsindicateprogresstowardmeetingthe evaluationteam'srecommendations.The report also includesa summaryof progresson college-identifiedplans for improvementasexpressed in the self study. The collegeconducteda comprehensiveself studyas part of its evaluation. The Commission suggeststhat the plans for improvementof the institution included in that documentbe taken into accountin the continuing developmentof Hartnell College. The next comprehensive evaluationof the college will occur during Spring2013. Finally, let me take this opportunityto remind you that federal legislationaffecting accreditingagenciesrequiresthataccreditedcollegesconductsystematicassessment of educationaloutcomes(seeespeciallyStandardsOneandTwo). A further requirementis that accreditingagencjespay close attentionto studentloan defaultrates. On behalf of the Commission,I wish to expresscontinuinginterestin the institution's educationalprogrmnsand services. Professionalself-regulationis the mosteffectivemeans of assuringintegrity, effectivenessand quality. Sincerely, l~c.(..4.o(L'('~ a IJuo-BarbaraA. Beno, Ph.D. President BAB/tl cc: Dr. Allan M. Hoffman, AccreditationLiaison Officer Board President,Hartnell CCD Dr. ChristopherMcCarthy, TeamChair EvaluationTeam Members Ms. Linda Henderson,U.S. DOE i ! ; i ! j J