Ch 43 Elementary Particles Fundamental forces in Nature Finer Structure observed As the momentum of a particle increases, its wavelength decreases, providing details of smaller and smaller structures: Cf: the Heisenberg microscope l (20 GeV) ~ 10-16 m 1) Deep Inelastic Scattering (similar to Rutherford scattering); seeing smaller details 2) With additional kinetic energy more massive particles can be produced: particle physics = high energy physics The Nobel Prize in Physics 1961 "for his pioneering studies of electron scattering in atomic nuclei and for his thereby achieved discoveries concerning the structure of the nucleons" Robert Hofstadter High-Energy Particles and Accelerators Cyclotron/Synchrotron Charged particles are maintained in near-circular paths by magnets, while an electric field accelerates them repeatedly. The voltage is alternated so that the particles are accelerated each time they traverse the gap. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1951 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1939 "for the chemistry of transuranium elements" "for the invention and development of the cyclotron and for results obtained with it" Ernest Lawrence Inventor of the synchrotron Edwin McMillan Cyclotron Frequency Alternating electric field accelerates the particles Lorentz force keep the particles in orbit (via magnetic Field) mv2 Fc qvB r v Period of revolution: T qBr m 2r 2r 2m v qBr / m qB Required field acceleration frequency Small cyclotron: R=25 cm, B=1.7 T f=26 MHz (RF) f 1 qB T 2m K=8.7 MeV (non-relativistic) (Note: Voltage does not appear) Synchrotron: relativistic speeds (Note: Radiation problem/ energy loss Kinetic energy 1 2 q2 B2 R2 K mv 2 2m The principle of particle “creation” Based on: E mc 2 LHC CERN Mproton ~ 1 GeV Collision energy = 2 x 7 TeV Sufficient for 15000 protons Particle Exchange The electromagnetic force acts over a distance – direct contact is not necessary. How does that work? Because of the wave–particle duality, we can regard the electromagnetic force between charged particles as due to: 1. an electromagnetic field, or 2. an exchange of photons. Visualization of interactions using Feynman diagrams Particle Exchange The photon is emitted by one electron and absorbed by the other; it is never visible and is called a virtual photon. The photon carries the electromagnetic force. Originally, the strong force was thought to be carried by mesons. The mesons have nonzero mass, which is what limits the range of the force, as conservation of energy can only be violated for a short time. tE Virtual particle limited energy Limited lifetime t ~ mc2 Maximum distance travelled (Range) Electromagnetism Gravitation Infinite range m=0 x ct ~ Strong force Weak force Finite range mc m≠0 Particle Exchange The mass of the meson can be calculated, assuming the range, d, is limited by the uncertainty principle: For d = 1.5 x 10-15 m, this gives 130 MeV. (NOT the muon with 106 MeV/c2) Yukawa predicted a particle that would mediate the strong forces in the bonding of a nucleus: M ~ 100 MeV (Yukawa assumed: d = 2 fm) Later is was found: m(+)=m(-)=140 MeV/c2 m(0)=135 MeV/c2 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1949 "for his prediction of the existence of mesons on the basis of theoretical work on nuclear forces" Hideki Yukawa Intermezzo Schrödinger equation free particle non-relativistic time-dependent Wave equations, quantum fields 2 2 x , t i x, t 2m x 2 t pˆ i x Eˆ i t pˆ 2 x, t E x, t 2m c 2 pˆ 2x, t m2c 4x, t Eˆ 2x, t Relativistic analog for the energy Or (use operators): Operators c 2 2 2 x 2 x, t m c x, t 2 4 2 2 t 2 x, t Klein-Gordon equation: valid for spinless massive particles “Similar” relativistic wave equation for particles with spin ic i i x, t mc2 x, t i x, t x t Dirac equation: valid for massive particles with spin for “spinor” wave functions Intermezzo Interactions via virtual particles 1 2 m 2c 2 2 2 2 c t Klein-Gordon equation (rewrite and 3-dimensional) Massless 2 m0 2 Static problem: Solution: Mass c t 2 2 e2 40 r m m Concept of the Yukawa potential -mesons mediate the nuclear force (“residual strong force”) 1 2 Solution: 2 0 This is the classical wave equation for electromagnetism: Photons are the (virtual) partciles mediating the force 1 d 2 d r 0 2 dr dr r e r / r ' g r 2 with: r' m c Particle Exchange Strong force: The meson was soon discovered, and is called the pi meson, or pion, with the symbol π. Pions are created in interactions in particle accelerators. Here are two examples: (Note, mesons not the true carriers gluons) The weak nuclear force is also carried by particles; they are called the W+, W-, and Z0. They have been directly observed in interactions. A carrier for the gravitational force, called the graviton, has been proposed, but there is as yet no theory that will accommodate it. Particle Exchange four known forces relative strengths for two protons in a nucleus, and their field particles Intermezzo Relativistic quantum fields and antiparticles Klein-Gordon equation: For every solution (E, p) There is also a solution: c 2 2 2 x 2 x, t m c x, t 2 4 2 t 2 x, t i x, t N exp p x iE pt ~ i x, t * x, t N * exp p x iE pt Corresponding to negative energy and momentum -p Interpretation by Dirac 2 E E p p 2c 2 m2c 4 mc2 Anti-particle Note: Dirac equation more elegant: four solutions found : two with positive energy, two with negative energy For each spin= ½ and spin = -½ The Nobel Prize in Physics 1933 "for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory" Intermezzo Question; What are those negative energy states ? Vacuum: All the negative energy states are normally filled The vacuum is a “sea of electrons” Pauli principle Fermi-energy level Choice of zero-level for energy The Dirac Sea Pair creation A photon excites an electrom from the vacuum A positron is a hole in the electron sea cf: semi-conductors Particles and Antiparticles The positron is the same as the electron, except for having the opposite charge (and lepton number). Every type of particle has its own antiparticle, with the same mass and most with the opposite quantum number. A few particles, such as the photon and the π0, are their own antiparticles, as all the relevant quantum numbers are zero for them. bubble chamber photograph incoming antiproton and a proton (not seen) that results in the creation of several different particles and antiparticles. Particle Interactions and Conservation Laws In the study of particle interactions, it was found that certain interactions did not occur, even though they conserve energy and charge, such as: A new conservation law was proposed: the conservation of baryon number. Baryon number is a generalization of nucleon number to include more exotic particles. + Conservation of Energy, Momentum, Angular momentum, Charge Intermezzo Concept of Particle Physics: Isospin - Protons and neutrons undergo the same nuclear force - No need to make a distinction between the two - There is just a two-valuedness of the same particle Define protons and neutrons as identical particles But with different quantum numbers Isospin I = ½ , MI = + ½ for proton MI = - ½ for neutron Importance of symmetry in particle physics Particle Interactions and Conservation Laws Baryon Number: B = +1; protons, neutrons, B = -1; anti-protons, anti-neutrons B = 0 : electrons, photons, neutrino’s (all leptons and mesons) Conservation of Baryon number: principle of physics Leptons : - Electron - Muon (about 200 times more massive) - Tau (about 3000 electron masses) Conservation of Lepton numbers; Le, Lm, Lt Conservation of energy, momentum, and angular momentum Noether theorems: Conservation laws Fundamental symmetries in nature Emmy Noether Particle Interactions and Conservation Laws This accounts for the following decays (weak interaction): B=1, Le=0 B=0, Lm=0 Decays that have an unequal mix of e-type and μ-type leptons are not allowed. (Neutrino-oscillations seem to suggest that this is not always true; That is an unsolved question of contemporary physics) Particle Interactions and Conservation Laws Which of the following decay schemes is possible for muon decay? (a) (b) (c) Left: Lm=1; Le=0 All of these particles have Lτ = 0. Particle Classification BE-FD statistics Bosons Fermions Bosons Fermions Note: Fermions obey Pauli principle ! Particle Classification Gauge bosons are the particles that mediate the forces. • Leptons interact weakly and (if charged) electromagnetically, but not strongly. Weak force • Hadrons interact strongly; there are two types of hadrons, baryons (B = 1) and mesons (B = 0). Strong force Hadron decay Weak force A Peculiarity of the weak force: Parity nonconservation Discuss : Real vectors vs. Axial vectors Particle Stability and Resonances Almost all of the particles that have been discovered are unstable. Weak decay: lifetimes ~ 10-13 s Electromagnetic: ~ 10-16 s Strong decay: ~ 10-23 s. The lifetime of strongly decaying particles is calculated from the variation in their effective mass using the uncertainty principle. These resonances are often called particles. Strange Particles? Charm? Toward a New Model When the K, Λ, and Σ particles were first discovered in the early 1950s, there were mysteries associated with them: • They are always produced in pairs. p K 0 0 • Never alone: p K0 n •They are created in a strong interaction, decay to strongly interacting particles, but have lifetimes characteristic of the weak interaction. To explain this, a new quantum number, called strangeness, S, was introduced. Strangeness is not conserved in weak interactions Partially conserved quantity Strange Particles? Charm? Toward a New Model Particles such as the K, Λ, and Σ have S = 1 (and their antiparticles have S = -1); other particles have S = 0. The strangeness number is conserved in strong interactions but not in weak ones; therefore, these particles are produced in particle–antiparticle pairs, and decay weakly. More recently, another new quantum number called charm was discovered to behave in the same way. (Later: Bottomness, Topness) Particle classifications; symmetry schemes Quantum numbers, symmetries, and methods of “Group theory”: SU(3), SU(2), etc. Meson octet Baryon decuplet Prediction of the W- particle; observation after two years The Nobel Prize in Physics 1969 "for his contributions and discoveries concerning the classification of elementary particles and their interactions" Murray Gell-Mann So these symmetry models work ! Quarks quark compositions for some baryons and mesons: Due to the regularities seen in the particle tables, as well as electron scattering results that showed internal structure in the proton and neutron, a theory of quarks was developed. There are six different “flavors” of quarks; each has baryon number B = ⅓. Hadrons are made of three quarks; mesons are a quark– antiquark pair. Quarks Table : properties of the six known quarks. Flavor Mass of the proton ? Quarks hadrons that have been discovered containing c, t, or b quarks. Quarks Truly elementary particles (having no internal structure): quarks, the gauge bosons, and the leptons. Three “generations” ; each has the same pattern of electric charge, but the masses increase from generation to generation. Three generations – Three families Only three ? Have we missed the fourth because of high mass ? Note: weak decay between families Heavier families are unstable Z0 decays in quark pairs (no top quarks!) lepton pairs ee, mm, tt neutrino pairs Lifetime 1/t G with G S Gi Sum over all decay channels 4th family entirely forbidden ? Cross section Only three families, it seems energy (GeV) Color Soon after the quark theory was proposed, it was suggested that quarks have another property, called color, or color charge. Unlike other quantum numbers, color takes on three values. Real particles must be colorless; this explains why only 3-quark and quark–antiquark configurations are seen. Color also ensures that the exclusion principle is still valid. The need for an additional quantum number (satisfy Pauli principle) Otherwise uuu or ddd cannot exist ... Baryons and mesons do not have color (white) Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) Quark Confinement The color force becomes much larger as quarks separate; quarks are therefore never seen as individual particles, as the energy needed to separate them is less than the energy needed to create a new quark– antiquark pair. Conversely, when the quarks are very close together, the force is very small. U color 4 s c T0 r 3 r T0 0.9 GeV/fm confinement short distance large distance The “Standard Model”: Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) and gluons These Feynman diagrams show a quark–quark interaction mediated by a gluon; a baryon–baryon interaction mediated by a meson; and the baryon–baryon interaction as mediated on a quark level by gluons. time The Electroweak Theory Range of weak force. The weak nuclear force is of very short range, meaning it acts over only a very short distance. Estimate its range using the masses of the W± and Z: m ≈ 80 or 90 GeV/c2 ≈ 102 GeV/c2. Compare to Yukawa’s theory and analysis Consider the following decay reactions Argue whether they are allowed or not Based on the conservation laws 0 n 0 p K 0 Not allowed; Charge conservation is violated; also strangeness. Not allowed; Energy conservation is violated; E()=1115 MeV; E(p)=938 MeV; E(K)=493 MeV Not allowed: Baryon number is violated Spin is violated Strangeness is violated p e n e Baryon number is not conserved m e n m Electron leption number Le is not conserved 0 S Strangeness is not conserved (still a possibility under weak decay) Energy is not conserved; E()=1315 MeV; E(S)=1189 MeV; E()=140 MeV W S0 n S0 0 Lepton number is not conserved Decay is possible; Charge, Baryon number, Lepton number, Strangeness are all conserved. Energy conservation The DS+ meson What is the quark structure of such a particle. Look up in Table and find: Charge Q=+1; Baryon number B=0; Charm C=1; Mass M= 1968 MeV/c2. In view of mass No bottomness, no topness. For the charm there must be a c-quark, with charge +2/3e To get a charge of +1 there must be another quark with +1/3 e To have B=0 the second quark must be an anti-quark. To have strangeness s=+1, the second quark must be an anti-strange. Ds cs