Mission *

Father Daniel Zanon
Learning Plan
Mission *
Father Daniel Zanon Catholic Elementary School
Mission Statement
The Mission of Father Daniel Zanon Catholic School is to ensure our children receive a Catholic education that is rich in both academic excellence
and Christian values.
As educators, we must seek and create a secure, warm, welcoming and safe environment, which is conducive to developing the maximum
potential of each child.
Our School Creed is entitled: “Let His Light Shine.”
Father Daniel Zanon Catholic School has established itself in this community as a center of learning, where our faith is practised daily and
students are challenged to grow in the image of Christ. This is possible due to the collaborative effort of our staff, our students, our parents, our
trustee, our parish community and our board officials. It continues to be our goal to encourage our children to acquire the values, beliefs and
knowledge that will allow them to grow in Christ as they journey from the early years to vocation.
“Let His Light Shine.”
Catholic Focus
Father Daniel Zanon School is an elementary school of approximately 400 students from Junior Kindergarten to grade eight. The community consists of
apartment buildings, townhouses and single family dwellings. The original school was built in 1999 and it has been an integral part of the local community.
Father Daniel Zanon serves as a hub for the community and is an active and proud member of St. Catherine of Siena Parish. Since the doors were opened,
our school building has continued to be the pride of Catholic education in our community.
Our school provides a faith-filled learning environment for all. The teachings of our Catholic faith are integrated along with the Catholic virtues and the Ontario
Catholic Graduate Expectations throughout the day and throughout the curriculum. We celebrate the liturgical year with our community through spiritual
liturgies by class, division and whole school. Throughout the year, parents, staff and students share their talents and gifts with the school community. We
recognize the need for Social Outreach, and successfully contribute to various organizations, reaching out and supporting those in need within our community
and beyond. Parents and community members are actively involved within the school as volunteers and as members of the Catholic School Council. Father
Daniel Zanon is truly a faith-centered school and serves with pride as a model to others.
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Father Daniel Zanon
Learning Plan
Core Principles
1. How does the school community model, celebrate and nourish gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centered
programs and services?
CCCC Action Team focus across the curriculum.
Virtues and monthly community building assemblies; sharing virtues news in newsletter and daily virtues reflection during morning announcements throughout
the school year.
Student Youth Ambassadors and Staff Adult Faith Ambassadors work together to enhance gospel teachings through liturgies, masses and social justice
School Wide Retreat during Catholic Education Week.
School wide focus on Catholic Graduate Expectations.
Continue with charities: Share Life, Terry Fox, Christmas Community Drive, Food Drives.
Prayer centers in classrooms. Use of our chapel for class and staff liturgies.
Planning masses, sacramental preparation, food drives, community events with St. Catherine of Siena’s parish team.
Social justice and outreach programs
Student council and a wide variety of clubs/teams/initiatives.
Learning Environment
1. Please summarize the school’s most recent EQAO primary division (Grade 3) assessment performance.
Primary Reading: 75%
Primary Writing: 74%
Primary Mathematics: 60%
Observations regarding school progress in primary EQAO: Results indicate that scores in reading have increased since last year. We will continue to focus on
high yield strategies in reading and writing (guided reading/guided practice and the LLI kits). We will continue to focus on the expected practices in math dedicated numeracy blocks and the three part math lesson. Math manipulatives have been purchased for all classes.
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Father Daniel Zanon
Learning Plan
2. Please summarize the school’s most recent EQAO junior division (Grade 6) assessment performance.
Junior Reading: 73%
Junior Writing: 65%
Junior Mathematics: 46%
Observations regarding school progress in junior EQAO: Scores have decreased in reading, writing and mathematics since last year. Focus on guided
reading, guided practice, three-part math lessons and sixty minutes of math instruction per day will continue to be a focus.
3. Describe how the school community supports and provides opportunities for life-long learning.
CSC PRO Grant dedicated to financial literacy for intermediates and parents.
School Settlement Worker will continue to provide support to newcomers in our school community.
Technology committee is developing opportunities for staff PD.
Staff continues to participate in professional development in-services that focus on best practices in the areas of Numeracy, Full Day Kindergarten, Science,
Learning Skills, Religious Education and Blended Learning.
YFA's continue to focus on social justice initiatives.
Father Daniel Zanon continues to host teacher candidates, student DECE's, CYW students and co-operative education students.
Father Daniel Zanon continues to offer intramural sports.
Staff continues to provide opportunities in sports and a variety of clubs.
Father Daniel Zanon has a Youth Faith Ambassadors Program, Student Council, PALS and Eco-Dragonz Club.
Catholic School Council allocates its budget to support the Sacraments, trips, music program, technology, and Scientists in the School.
Father Daniel Zanon currently has 14 SMARTboards.
4. Outline ways the school demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners.
Dedicated literacy and numeracy blocks in Primary, Junior and Intermediate classes.
Grade level and division planning by staff.
Focus on data to inform our teaching practices and set outcome goals.
Use of consistent diagnostic assessment tools ie: PM Benchmarks, CASI.
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Father Daniel Zanon
Learning Plan
Continue with guided practices, success criteria, descriptive feedback and accountable talk.
Continue our focus on the learning skills.
Theory of Action is focused on numeracy and self-regulation as learning.
Community Engagement
1. How does your school community ensure that Catholic School Councils reflect the diverse Catholic community?
Our Catholic School Trustee attends community events at the school.
School Council Co-Chairs speak at all community events to invite new members to join council.
School initiatives reflect the diversity of our community and are supported by council.
Open House and BBQ
CODE resource: Helping Your Children Build Healthy Relationships
Family Movie Night.
Evening Advent Mass at St. Catherine of Siena Church.
Parent Engagement Evening - Financial Literacy
Christmas Concert
Settlement Worker and ESL teachers run a Diversity Club.
Settlement Worker spoke at Open House and a staff meeting.
2. In what ways does the school team build and sustain community partnerships and collaboratives (e.g., collaborative relationships, Success By 6 Peel)?
Collaborative working relationship with St. Catherine of Siena’s Parish Team
Collaborative relationship with our neighbourhood police officers and youth education officer
Collaborative relationship with our Peel Health Nurse
PALS Program, Bullying Awareness resources instituted with support of Peel Public Health.
Presentations/speakers / RAID on cyber bullying and internet safety through Peel Regional Police
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Father Daniel Zanon
Learning Plan
Rising Stars Presentation through Father Michael Goetz
Support and involvement of students and parents in secondary school transitions
Settlement Worker support for newcomers in our community.
School supports teacher candidates from several Universities.
1. Comment on how the school promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success.
School Newsletter includes parish news from St. Catherine of Siena Church.
School masses and liturgies are celebrated in the school with staff, students and parents.
School support of Parish outreach programs and social justice issues.
Parish representative on Catholic School Council keeps parents informed of upcoming events and issues (Food Drives, Families in Need).
School, Parish and parents work together on sacramental preparation.
School supports Parish Refugee Program.
Evening Advent Mass.
School wide focus on ShareLife initiatives that are supported by parent community.
Physical Environment
1. What activities does the school engage in that model and promote good stewardship of resources?
Certified Eco-School
Eco-Dragonz club that incorporates a representative from each class.
Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Grant.
Social justice projects including school recycling program in all classes.
Participation in Healthy Schools initiative.
Maintaining a clean, safe school building both inside and outside.
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Father Daniel Zanon
Learning Plan
Teaching respect for property, rights and opinions of other people.
Upgrades in school yard.
Financial Accountability:
• School budget is aligned to school goals and student learning
• Maintain a balanced budget - following provisions set about in Financial Tools binder
• use of Non-Board funds for student initiatives
• All guidelines and policies are adhered to using tracking mechanisms to ensure compliance
• Through the allocation of a portion of fundraising monies to ‘Charitable’ initiatives
• Through ‘reuse’ and/or sharing of texts and/or resources where available with other schools
• Through the encouragement of staff to reduce paper use in the school
• School Fundraisers
• Create reserve fund for unexpected expenses
• School Fundraisers follow Board Policy.
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Father Daniel Zanon
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support student well-being. Students will gain understanding of what it means to be a
contributing Catholic member of our faith community and recognize their unique and valuable contributions, as each of them is called by name.
Action Plans
Catholic Well-Being and Mindfulness
Enhancing Transitional Practices
2.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the inquiry based approach to learning in all grade levels.
Action Plans
Collaborative Inquiry Theory of Action
Junior Math and Inquiry
3.0 By June 2016, processes for divisional transitions will be developed and implemented.
Action Plans
Implementation of Creating Pathways to Success Policy and Program
Transitions - Implementation of Creating Pathways to Success
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in practices that support assessment as learning and focus on metacognition.
Action Plans
Learning Skills
Learning Skills
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Father Daniel Zanon
Learning Plan
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By June 2016, instructional practices that are responsive to assessment and evaluation will increase and professional ability to differentiate instruction will
Action Plans
Diverse Learners
Increase Professional Expertise with Technology
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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