Mission *

St. Margaret of Scotland
Learning Plan
Mission *
The mission of St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic Elementary School is to assist each and every one of our school community members to
grow in wisdom, caring and courage. We strive, as did our patron saint, to help all become strong and gentle messengers of God’s love.
It is within our mission to work in partnership with our parents and parish in the formation of children so that our students may draw
from the life of Jesus to become contributing members of their families, community and the Catholic Church. We are committed in
providing a sound, quality Catholic education in a genuine caring environment where each child may grow to his/her full potential.
Catholic Focus
St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic School believes that the Catholic faith, as expressed through Gospel values, is the driving force in our community of
learners, which includes five key groups: students; the parish, home and community; teachers and support staff; and trustees. The school strives to be a
Christ-centred system in which all may work and learn in a supportive, inclusive, meaningful, and respectful environment. Within the context of an authentic
Catholic learning community, we strive “…to provide students with the opportunity to realize their potential and develop into highly skilled, knowledgeable,
caring citizens who contribute to society.” St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic School is further committed to:
deepening the understanding, appreciation and practice of the Catholic Christian lifestyle, with Jesus as role model;
aligning a system-wide approach to Catholicity, whereby all educational practices are implemented through a Catholic lens;
developing graduates who are fully alive in Christ, “not only in terms of knowledge and skills, but in terms of values, attitudes and actions”;
encouraging unique approaches to support system priorities and the principal strands of faith education: prayer and liturgy; sacramentality; morality
and justice; and scripture and church.
As a diverse educational community responding to God’s call, St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic School fosters and nourishes an inclusive atmosphere rooted
in tradition and scripture while:
being authentic witnesses to our Catholic faith;
being responsible stewards of God’s grace in the world;
respecting human dignity;
modelling all learners after Jesus, as ministers of compassion and service.
To strengthen our Catholic identity, we will continue to develop opportunities for faith formation of students (Virtues Program) and staff, together with an
educational program which strives to integrate the board’s fundamental beliefs and values into all of our endeavours.
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St. Margaret of Scotland
Learning Plan
Core Principles
Core Principle/ School Response
1. How does the school community model, celebrate and nourish gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs and services?
Continual promotion and empowerment of our youth to embrace a Catholic worldview through community, prayer and sacramental life.
Youth Faith Ambassadors
Sacred Space with an emphasis on liturgical seasons and Catholic Education Week themes
Integration of Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations into the curriculum and school activities
Planning with St. Francis of Assisi Parish for masses, sacraments, liturgies, retreats
Eucharistic and liturgical celebrations within the school
Participation in outreach programs (food drives, Terry Fox, Christmas baskets, ShareLife, etc.)
Rosary club
Focus on monthly virtues (announcements, assemblies, in class liturgies)
Learning Environment
1. Please summarize the school’s most recent EQAO primary division (Grade 3) assessment performance.
Primary Reading: 75%
Primary Writing: 76%
Primary Mathematics: 60%
Observations regarding school progress in primary EQAO: In reading, there was an increase of 3%. In writing, there was a decrease of 2%. Students were
challenged with topic development which included generating and organizing information for an intended audience and purpose. In mathematics there was
an increase of 5% with a large portion of students reporting that they enjoy math.
2. Please summarize the school’s most recent EQAO junior division (Grade 6) assessment performance.
Junior Reading: 86%
Junior Writing: 91%
Junior Mathematics: 72%
Observations regarding school progress in junior EQAO: Student performance remained consistent with the high levels of achievement in both reading and
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St. Margaret of Scotland
Learning Plan
writing. In mathematics there was a decrease of 5%. Students were challenged with determining the relationships among units and measurable units in the
measurement strand. A large portion of students reported that they enjoy math and believe they are good at math.
3. Describe how the school community supports and provide opportunities for life-long learning.
Teacher participation in Superintendent Meetings and Principal Learning Team Meetings
Opportunities within school for collaborative staff learning
Co-planning/Co-teaching with the Special Assignment Teacher
EQAO tutoring support provided for students achieving level 1 and 2
After-school guided reading sessions for French Immersion students achieving level 1 and 2
Student Work Study teacher co-planning and teaching with a focus on students with varying needs (students of "mystery")
Teacher participation in program facilitated networks (inquiry, LLI, revised curriculum documents, Kindershare)
Family engagement (Welcome to Kindergarten, Family Math Night)
4. Outline ways the school demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners.
Teaching strategies and instructional time is directed to the use of research-based effective practices
Assistive technology is used to support students as required
Timely and tiered interventions
Support provided by a team approach
Responsive to individual student needs
SMART Board technology and data projectors are available to staff and used to enhance program
Continued focus on the identification of learning goals, success criteria, and descriptive feedback
Access to Central Text Room which houses all primary and junior literacy resources
Math manipulatives available in all classrooms as well as additional resources housed in a central location
Analysis of Data (EQAO, PM Benchmarks, CASI) on a regular basis
Focus on student self-assessment and metacognitive strategies
Community Engagement
1. How does your school community ensure that Catholic School Councils reflect the diverse Catholic community?
Clear and transparent nomination/election process for school council positions
Financial support/subsidizing of school/class presentations: Arts in the School; Bullying presentations
ProGrants used to fund presentations for parents
School Council support of sacraments and sacramental preparation in school (retreats, transportation, subsidies etc.)
The creation of materials intended to recruit parent volunteers to support various school programs
2. In what ways does the school team build and sustain community partnerships and collaboratives (e.g., collaborative relationships, Success By 6 Peel)?
Community and collaborative involvement with Neighbourhood Policing Unit, Youth Education Officers, Peel Regional Health Nurse, Traffic Safety
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St. Margaret of Scotland
Learning Plan
Council and access to Public Library and Community/Recreation Centres (Swim to Survive)
School access by various groups through permit use
Movie Nights for parent and students
Open House/Community Barbeque early in the year to encourage parent/school communication
Weekly/Monthly school newsletters and Twitter
Monthly newsletters developed by Catholic school council and distributed to all parents
Regular updates of school website (posting newsletters, parent letters, board communications, etc.)
Liaising with ErinOak, CCAC, Community Living to support at risk students
Liaising with the Mississauga Library to promote literacy
Partnerships with secondary schools, colleges, and universities
Performances by school choir at Credit Valley Hospital and Erin Mills Nursing Home
1. Comment on how the school promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success.
Support of Sacramental preparation with St. Francis of Assisi Parish
Maintain good relationships with Fr. Bernard and Parish team
Facilitate Fr. Bernard’s classroom visits
Encourage and support social justice projects and various needs within our school/parish community (ShareLife, Eden Food Bank, Dr. Simone, Terry
Invite parents to attend school masses and liturgical celebrations
Youth Faith Ambassadors
Adult Faith Ambassadors
Support Confirmation retreats for grade 7 and 8 students
Support of ShareLife throughout the year
Physical Environment
1. What activities does the school engage in that models and promote good stewardship of resources?
Earth Day activities
Healthy School Initiative and Wellness Day during Catholic Education Week
Recycle program throughout school, run by Eco Team
Participation in the ECO school initiative which includes an extremely active ECO schools team (staff and students)
Recycling of paper, computer cartridges
School beautification projects
Walk to School Wednesday/Marchons mercredi
Tree Planting in the local community in partnership with the City of Mississauga
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St. Margaret of Scotland
Learning Plan
Earth Rangers Battery Blitz
Region of Peel Waste Reduction presentations
Provide opportunities for guest speakers from First Nations and Aboriginal and Metis to present to students
2. Outline the ways the school demonstrates financial responsibility.
Ensure that the school budget is aligned to system and school goals
Continue to participate as appropriate in training sessions related to budget initiatives
Ensure that all financial reports are transparent, accurate and submitted appropriately
Balanced budget
Managing and tracking of supply teacher budget
Approval of all costs prior to spending
Continue to consult with advisory teams (Budget Committee) on school budget strategy
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St. Margaret of Scotland
Learning Plan
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
1.0 By June 2016, there will be a decrease in the proportion of students reporting that they have been bullied as demonstrated by the CCCC School Climate
Survey results.
Action Plans
1.0 Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Learning
2.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement on the learning skill and work habit of
Action Plans
2.0 Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.1 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of teachers who develop knowledge gained through professional learning opportunities in
collaboration with others as demonstrated by goals outlined in Annual Learning Plans.
Action Plans
2.0 Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By June 2016, there will an increase in the proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement in self-regulation skills.
Action Plans
3.0 By June 2016, there will an increase in the proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement inself-regulation skills.
Action Plans
2.0 Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
3.0 Enhancing Transitional Practices
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St. Margaret of Scotland
Learning Plan
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students able to articulate strategies supporting their learning, as demonstrated by perceptual
data survey results.
Action Plans
4.0 Knowing the Learner Through Assessment
4.1 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of educators who have enhanced their understanding of assessment for and as learning as a result
of professional learning opportunities as demonstrated by professional learning feedback.
Action Plans
4.0 Knowing the Learner Through Assessment
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students attaining a high level of achievement on EQAO areas assessing critical thinking and/or
Action Plans
5.0 Responding Through Effective Lesson Design
5.1 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of educators who apply knowledge gained through professional learning opportunities as
demonstrated through professional learning feedback.
Action Plans
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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