Shared Priorities: Outcomes: Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading


Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Peter Elementary School

Annual Progress Report

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Shared Priorities:


Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading

1.0 By June 2016, St. Peter school will strive to increase successful practices to support well-being of all its students. St. Peter school will increase the portion of students feeling accepted by other peers as well as staff members within our school. Additionally, supports and practices will continue to be put into place as a means to decrease the proportion of students reporting that they have been bullied.

Outcome Progress Comments

6/9/2015: Staff and support services such as CYW Child and Youth Worker, SW Social Work, and NPU officer will continue to support the progress made in making St. Peter a school where students feel safe and comfortable. We will continue to integrate our diversity and safe schools focus in all assemblies, classroom and school wide activities. We continue to provide leadership opportunities such as Faith Ambassadors, Diversity Team, ECO &

Recycling Team, Athletics, and other various clubs and teams for all students. These opportunities continue to foster student leadership for developing a faith based community, safe school, green and healthy living initiatives along with healthy minds and bodies. St. Peter continues to enhance Anti-Bullying and Anti-Vandalism programs to support all students. We, the staff of St. Peter School do all this in collaboration with students, parents, School

Council and community stakeholders.

Shared Priorities:


Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading

1.1 By June 2016, staff at St. Peter School will have a better awareness of the Ontario

Catholic School Graduate Expectations as it applies to elementary school students and will incorporate the expectations into their daily interactions and lessons with students.

Outcome Progress Comments

6/9/2015: St. Peter’s Catholic School curriculum and resource materials, at all grade levels, contribute to achieving the Catholic Graduate expectations for all students. Teachers and resource staff continually use these resources when curriculum planning, deciding on instructional strategies, and with assessment and evaluation. This religious and moral education is embedded throughout our teaching, student activities and teams such as Faith

Ambassadors, Diversity Team, ECO Team, Intergenerational Writing Team and interactions with students.

Shared Priorities:


Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry

2.0 By June 2016, St. Peter School will have an increase in proportion of staff who apply their knowledge gained through professional learning opportunities, specifically collaborative inquiries within the school, and will demonstrate that professional learning through feedback such as focused conversations between administration and staff.

Outcome Progress Comments

6/9/2015: St. Peter school continues to provide opportunities for staff to work collaboratively with grade level teachers and the Special Assignment Teacher SAT and to consolidate their knowledge and understanding gained through professional learning opportunities, specifically collaborative inquiries. These practices enable staff to demonstrate that professional learning in their teaching and through focused conversations during staff meetings,

Teacher Learning Teams and in their interactions with parents.

SkoVision™ Report 6/29/2015

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Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Peter Elementary School

Annual Progress Report

Shared Priorities:


Enhancing Transitional Practices

3.0 By the end of 2016, St. Peter School will have an increase in the proportion of staff and students who are engaged in successful transitional practices that support the transitional process of all students.

Outcome Progress Comments

6/9/2015: Continue to support presentations from R.F. Hall Secondary School guidance department to assist our grade 8 students to make appropriate course choices to ensure successful transitions between elementary and secondary school. Continue to consult with secondary Admin./SERT/Guidance to ensure students with IEPs are placed according to their academic needs to ensure academic success is attainable for all. Continue to dialogue with R.F. Hall S.S. in regards to mental health support for those students transitioning from grade 8 to high school who are encountering difficulties. Dialogue about safety plans and interventions. Planning for independence, communication or career path program to provide information regarding specialized programs for students and diverse learners.

Shared Priorities:


Knowing the Learner through Assessment

4.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of staff using fair and equitable practices surrounding assessment. Staff will have an intentional focus as it pertains to assessment "FOR" and "AS" learning as outlined in the Growing Success document.

Outcome Progress Comments

6/9/2015: Continuing to support teachers in differentiating instruction, and using fair and equitable practices surrounding assessment and evaluation as per the Growing Success Document, Education for All and Learning for

All documents. We are beginning to explore accommodations and modifications in the Education for All document and how it planning for instruction in student learning.

Shared Priorities:


Responding through Effective Instruction

5.0 : By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students improving in the area of Numeracy as it pertains to EQAO.

Outcome Progress Comments

6/9/2015: Ongoing focus of refining EQAO instruction and student preparedness in daily instruction throughout the year and by offering after-school EQAO tutoring opportunities for students in grades 3 & 6. Continuing to provide opportunities for staff (professional development at staff meetings, LNS videos, monographs, Marion Small's

"Open Questions on 3 Part Math" and Leaps & Bounds) to support instruction and delivery of 3-Part Math lesson planning. Continue to support the use of SMART Boards to engage students in mathematical learning and the use of online Math websites (i.e. Prodigy). Continue to promote Homework Help online resources at school events, website and newsletters. Continue to replenish mathematical manipulatives when required. Continue to support teachers in their mathematical inquiry with support from math network, Student Advisory Teacher and Student

Advisory Officer (Ministry)

SkoVision™ Report 6/29/2015
