Mission *

St. Nicholas Elementary School
Learning Plan
Mission *
Anchored in faith, understanding, and peace, we are called through Christ and his teachings to love one another. We, the community of St. Nicholas School
recognize, celebrate, and nurture the unique gifts we offer and receive to/from each other.
Student faith leadership and academic excellence is at the heart of all we do.
Engage every student through faith formation and a sustained focus on critical literacy, numeracy and inclusive learning.
Catholic Focus
St. Nicholas School: A Catholic Focus
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board believes that the Catholic faith, as expressed through Gospel values, is the driving force in the board’s
community of learners, which includes five key groups: students; the parish, home and community; teachers and support staff; administrators and supervisory
officers; and trustees. The board strives to be a Christ-centered system in which all may work and learn in a supportive, inclusive, meaningful, and respectful
environment. Within the context of an authentic Catholic learning community, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School board strives “…to provide students
with the opportunity to realize their potential and develop into highly skilled, knowledgeable, caring citizens who contribute to society.”
The board is further committed to:
Deepening the understanding, appreciation and practice of the Catholic Christian lifestyle, with Jesus as role model.
Aligning a system-wide approach to Catholicity, whereby all educational practices are implemented through a Catholic lens.
Developing graduates who are fully alive in Christ, “not only in terms of knowledge and skills, but in terms of values, attitudes and actions.
Encouraging unique approaches to support system priorities and the principle strands of faith education: prayer and liturgy; sacramentally; morality and
justice; and scripture and church.
As a diverse educational community responding to God’s call, Dufferin-Peel fosters and nourishes an inclusive atmosphere rooted in tradition and scripture.
The board continues to commit to the guiding principles of Learning for All: K-12 (draft) and to Dufferin-Peel’s Equity and Inclusive Education Policy
(developed in accordance with the provincial Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy), while:
To be authentic witnesses to our Catholic faith;
To be responsible stewards of God’s grace in the world;
To respect human dignity;
To model all learners after Jesus, as ministers of compassion and service.
To strengthen its Catholic identity, Dufferin-Peel will continue to develop opportunities for faith formation of students and staff, together with an educational
program which strives to integrate the board’s fundamental beliefs and values into all of its endeavors.
Core Principles
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St. Nicholas Elementary School
Learning Plan
St. Nicholas School models, celebrates and nourishes gospel values throughout the teaching and learning of our Christ-centered programs and services in
the following ways:
Liturgy and the celebration of the Eucharist continues to be the foundation of all we do;
Daily religious / family life instruction;
Virtues education and sacred space in classrooms, front foyer and on our main television are promoted daily;
Social justice and community outreach projects, through student leadership, is embraced (e.g. Share Life, United Way, Terry Fox, Caledon Community
Services, Dr. Simone, as well as Global outreach initiatives);
Positive school community partnerships and engagement continues to be promoted (i.e. parent volunteers, Co-op students, teacher candidate placements,
stewardship projects, Youth Faith Ambassadors, Bus Patrollers, ECO Schools, Healthy Schools, Continue the implementation of the New Roman Missal.
Learning Environment
Observations Regarding EQAO Progress:
EQAO, Primary Summary, 2014-2015
Primary Mathematics 60 %
Primary Writing 59 %
Primary Reading 63 %
Primary Observations
Students achieved slightly below reading compared to the provincial average.
Writing achievement is below provincial standards
Math will be an area of focus this year.
EQAO, Junior Summary, 2014-2015
Junior Mathematics 36%
Junior Writing 76%
Junior Reading 77%
Junior Observations.
Writing is slightly below the board and provincial averages.
Mathematics is an area of focus this year.
Reading is a strength for this cohort of students.
How St. Nicholas School community supports and provides opportunities for life-long learning.
Ongoing professional learning among staff: conference funding: Summer Institutes; Ministry courses, family and board in services, collaborative inquiry, after
school PD sessions.
Math 'Help Hotline' for grades 7 and 8;
After School Tutoring for Grade 3 and 6;
Professional learning materials to support school priorities for literacy and math;
Family Literacy Nights; Family Math Nights;
Transition Planning across divisions, SK to grade 1, and Grade 8 to Grade 9;
Special Education model values and promotes inclusion of all;
All Star Reading Program;
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St. Nicholas Elementary School
Learning Plan
Class profiles support Differentiated approach to teaching and learning;
Extensive use of Assistive Technology;
IPAD cart available for classes with 30 IPADs
Computer lab available for classes
Diverse learning experiences for all students continues to be explored.
St. Nicholas School demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners in the following
Ongoing use of school / students evidence to assess student learning strengths and needs;
Implementation of Growing Success - Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools:
Literacy, Expected Practice: Revisit and ensure implementation of expected practice with respect to literacy across the school: Guided Reading/Guided
Practice, gradual release, scaffolding of learning toward independence, literacy blocks, reading and writing workshops;
Numeracy, Expected Practice: Continue to sustain expected practice with respect to Numeracy school wide: numeracy blocks, 3-part math lesson,
mathematical processes, use of manipulatives to consolidate conceptual understandings, Math Congress, knowing all students through assessment practices
by providing responsive and personalized instruction;
Focus on the importance of student and teacher efficacy;
Student generated anchor charts to support learning;
Utilizing class profiles, continue to implement the ‘Focus on Five’ Model across the divisions to support guided reading/practice;
Continue to explore SMART Board technology to support diverse learning needs;
Continue with Team and integration meetings to plan next steps for our diverse learners;
Engage in diversity initiatives;
Implementation of Healthy Food Policy;
Continue to support implementation of PRIME for intermediate staff;
Continue to support positive school climate initiatives, placing students at the heart of all we do; (i.e. Positive Post It Campaign, John 4:8, Kind Intermediate
Girls Program)
Continue to sustain intervention programs to support all students (i.e. All Star Reading, Math Homework Help, Math Tutoring)
Community Engagement
how our school community ensures that the Catholic School Council reflects the diverse Catholic community?
Support and communicate various activities planned through the school, parish, local community and board that promote our diverse Catholic Community;
Promote a parish representative on the school council;
Parents are encouraged to participate in their child’s education by participating in Council meetings and/or attending community presentations sponsored by
the School/Family/Board Catholic School Councils;
Volunteers are encouraged and celebrated within the community.
Ways we continue to strengthen collaborative community partnerships:
OPP Grade 7 Safety Program
Peel Public Health Nurse: Bullying Prevention and Healthy Schools;
Peel Safety Village, Earth Rangers
Collaborate with Early Childhood Centre (i.e. Family Literacy Program);
Co-operative Education Students & University Teacher Candidates;
Promote student, teacher and parent leadership (e.g. Faith Ambassadors, Youth Faith Ambassadors, Student Parliament, PALS, Tree Huggers, Recycling
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St. Nicholas Elementary School
Learning Plan
Team, student intramural coaching, choir, drama club, etc.).
St. Nicholas School promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success.
Meet with Pastor & Sacramental Coordinator to develop and coordinate the School’s Parish Plan, Sacramental preparation and liturgical celebrations;
Classroom visits by Parish including clergy and sacramental coordinator and Edge Leader;
Promote a parish representative on the Catholic School Council;
Support Parish based charity efforts: Share Life;
Collaboration with Parish team to include parish events in the school monthly newsletter;
Promote parish programs over announcements and distribute flyers to students;
Continue to provide ongoing communication between home school and parish.
Physical Environment
what activities does the school engage in that models and promote good stewardship of resources?
Recycling program; Recycle paper program, recycle ink cartridges program, recycle batteries program;
Initiate paperless communication between school & community (email and website);
Continue with ECO Schools focus and certification: Presently we have a gold certification;
Promote Litter less lunches;
Promote Walk to School Week, Turn the Taps off, Energy Hog;
Earth Day and monthly activities;
Participate in Caledon Clean Up Campaign;
Continue to ensure Healthy School Recognition.
Outline the ways the school demonstrates financial responsibility.
School is following Board policies, practices and procedures to ensure financial transparency and accuracy. (I.e. Blue Binder);
Promote efficient use of school resources;
Continue with promoting communication through email and school website; Catholic School Council meetings.
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St. Nicholas Elementary School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 CCCC Pillar: by June 2016, the proportion of students at St. Nicholas students indicating they feel safe all or most of the time at school will increase.
Action Plans
If students, staff and parents gather in prayer and undertake social action to acquire a shared understanding then they will increase their commitment to
the school's priorities of faith, excellence and safety.
If we are more intentional in building relationships through co-learning opportunities we will be able to support and stimulate the differentiated
professional growth of all learners.
If we create Catholic conditions or well-being, learning, and leading then we will ensure that we encompass a student's spiritual, physical, emotional,
social and intellectual growth.
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By June 30, 2016 there will be an increase in successful practices for St. Nicholas staff, that support collaborative inquiry, based on their individual theories
of action.
Action Plans
If educators engage in Inquiry-Based Learning, then there will be an increase in the proportion of educators who are confident to apply knowledge
gained through professional learning opportunities.
If we offer students authentic and relevant learning opportunities by allowing them to pursue their own interests and questions within the context of the
curriculum, then student learning will be deepened as a result of greater student engagement.
If we continue to embrace collaborative inquiry as a process for learning, then all learners will be actively engaged as collaborative contributors in building
and mobilizing knowledge.
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By June 2016, all students at St. Nicholas requiring transition support will be provided seamless and appropriate supports as indicated by personalized
assessment and evaluation information.
Action Plans
If we continue to intentionally engage collaboratively in transitional practices to support learner well-being and development, then learners will progress
in their journey of self- discovery and self-direction toward vocation.
If we continue to implement transition plans then we will ensure successful transitions for our students.
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St. Nicholas Elementary School
Learning Plan
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By June 30, 2016 there will be an increase in successful practices at St. Nicholas that support knowing the learner through assessment.
Action Plans
If teachers meet regularly to assess data, and discuss best practices, then we will see an increase in student achievement and well-being.
If we continue to intentionally focus on assessment for and as learning, then all learners will use metacognitive strategies to analyze, articulate and
responsibly act on their own reflective thinking and learning.
If we provide learning opportunities that meet learning strengths, needs, and interests and voice of all then we will be able to develop a growth mindset.
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By June 2016 St. Nicholas staff will make use of collaborative work, three-part lesson, guided practice so that learners can apply processes, skills and
strategies across disciplines.
Action Plans
If administrator's support ongoing professional learning cycles with a focus on differentiated instruction, then we will see an increase in the number of
teachers using expected practices more regularly in their classrooms.
If we effectively respond to the needs of learners and understand that learning occurs through activating, developing and consolidating thinking we will
support effective instruction through the design and routine of the three part teaching framework.
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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