Shared Priorities: Outcomes: Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading


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Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Separate School

Annual Progress Report

Shared Priorities:


Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading

1.0 We will provide a safe learning environment that encourages risk-taking needed for learning, where the voice of each learner is valued and heard within a supportive community.

Outcome Progress Comments

6/4/2015: We continue working on creating a Catholic community and culture through faith development, bullying prevention and focusing on social justice issues. We are striving to become a culturally proficient community that embraces diversity. We will continue to develop the progressive discipline model in approaching student behaviour from a proactive and preventative perspective by encouraging cooperative play and problem solving.

Our school wide Big Idea was STEWARDSHIP, both of Faith and Environment.

Shared Priorities:


Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry

2.0 We will cultivate a co-learning stance within an inquiry based approach to learning, which will deepen understanding for all learners.

Outcome Progress Comments

6/4/2015: Through various types of Student- Inquiry-based learning (including Knowledge Building), a co-learning environment continues to develop throughout our learning community. As a result, many students feel more included and engaged in their learning and their learning environment. Students engage in the learning process by being on task, self-advocating, demonstrating curiosity, persevering and taking ownership for their learning.

Shared Priorities:


Enhancing Transitional Practices

3.0 We will support the diverse learning needs of all learners ensuring successful transitions along the journey of learning from Early Years to Secondary School.

Outcome Progress Comments

6/4/2015: To support transition to Full Day Kindergarten a Welcome to Kindergarten evening was held for parents and students. Intermediate students in grade 8 utilized My Blueprint software in the development of their

Individual Pathway Planning. Teachers were involved in transition meetings to prepare students as they move from grade to grade and from elementary to secondary.

SkoVision™ Report 6/29/2015

Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Separate School

Annual Progress Report

Shared Priorities:


Knowing the Learner through Assessment

4.0 We will implement assessment practices that will make thinking and learning visible (to teachers, students and parents) in order to inform instruction that enables all students to learn.

Outcome Progress Comments

6/4/2015: Students are able to articulate strategies supporting their learning as evidenced through teacher observation, success criteria checklists, student self-assessment and goal setting. Educators had opportunities to foster capacity at many Professional Learning Community sessions.

Shared Priorities:


Responding through Effective Instruction

5.0 We will implement effective teaching practices that are responsive to the needs of all learners through the use of activating, developing and consolidated thinking that will incorporate 21st century global perspectives.

Outcome Progress Comments

6/4/2015: While delving into Knowledge Building/ Knowledge Circles and Student-Inquiry we strive to become a school where co-learning is a part of most educator and student learning. The learning environment is responsive to student interests and needs.

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