Shared Priorities: Outcomes: Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading

Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By the end of 2016, we would like to increase our students’ sense of feeling safe and
included during academic, social and spiritual experiences, as demonstrated in the CCCC
survey and the number and type of incidents reported in the school incident tracking
Outcome Progress Comments
5/17/2015: Our Virtues program, Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations initiative, Charity fundraising,
social justice projects, Behavior assemblies, reminder announcements for behavior have helped students further
develop their skills with self-control and self-regulation of behavior. In class, teachers have focused on creating
engaging, meaningful student tasks that help to reduce inappropriate behavior as students remain on task. Our
intramurals, academic competition teams and athletic programs give students an opportunity to develop
appropriate social skills. Student activity groups, Youth Faith Ambassadors, Eco Team Ambassadors and Youth
Virtues Ambassadors lead the student voice and continue to help us develop responsible caring citizens. Our
diversity team also assists with developing a sense of acceptance and inclusion. Current work to support Creating
Catholic Conditions: Maintaining sacred spaces in the classroom, school masses and liturgies, Youth Faith
Ambassadors planning and running events for other students, Adult Faith Ambassadors, Staff attending
sacramental meetings and events at the church outside of school hours, students doing morning announcements
and front foyer displays that high- light the virtues, food drives, Share Life and United Way fundraisers, Terry Fox,
Christmas Baskets, Intramurals, intermural, DPA, Eden Food Bank support, Staff liturgies, Social justice clubs,
academic clubs, Parent volunteers helping with reading buddies, Anti-bullying club, Diversity and Equity club, Use
of support services (CYW, SLP, Social Worker, Psychologist, SERT, ESL teacher, SERT, SERC) to service those in need,
PALS program, Strong connection to Parish as Sister Diane comes to meet with First Communion Candidates
weekly as well as visits from Parish Priest, Student council celebrating special occasions and spirit events (i.e.:
Christmas Theme weeks, Valentines, Halloween, spirit week weeks, etc.) This year we also did the Virtues Houses
and Virtues Club. Next Steps: Continue with a Virtues Assemblies on a monthly basis, and strengthening the home,
school, Parish relationship by high-lighting the Ontario Catholic Graduate expectations (Placards are now posted in
each classroom, morning announcements and newsletters, etc.). We also want to continue to have the youth faith
ambassadors visiting classrooms to assist with liturgical celebrations as well as speaking to the students about the
liturgical calendar and the significant events related to the liturgical year.
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SkoVision™ Report
Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in staff and students participating in
collaborative inquiry opportunities, as demonstrated by the number of students and
teachers participating in the inquiry process and the number of staff and students asking for
further growth opportunities. We expect an increase in student Learning Skills and Work
Outcome Progress Comments
5/27/2015: Teachers continue to participate in professional development opportunities with a focus on assessment
and evaluation. Teachers had an opportunity this year to look at the following learning opportunities: 1) Assessing
mathematical thinking through observations and conversations. 2) Establishing criteria for “Rich tasks” 3)
Understanding Development Growth in Curriculum Planning 4) Learning more about the Thinking and Planning for
Consolidation cycle with the students. 5) The components of rich, authentic tasks that connect to the curriculum,
encompass real world and cross curricular connections. We provided teachers with the opportunity to have
common planning time. Next steps: Continue with the Inquiry learning process and the use of technology. We will
continue to focus on developing success criteria for Learning Skills and Work Habits. We will continue to utilize our
SAT (Special Assignment Teacher) to support our teachers as we move forward in creating a better understanding
around the Inquiry Learning Process. We are also exploring the possibility of investing in 5 more Smart Boards to
help support our classroom instruction as well as a portable IPAD cart. Our overall professional learning community
will focus on the improving the learning process.
Shared Priorities:
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the creation of learner profiles and
portfolios that support all learners as they progress from grade to grade as demonstrated in
the number of successful strategies listed in the student learner profiles.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/27/2015: We currently have a consistent and common method of tracking student achievement and progress via
a student profile folder. We continue to discuss student learner profiles at TEAM meetings formally and in Triads
with admin, teacher and SERT. We will continue to provide time for teachers to discuss student learner profiles and
determine next steps for teaching strategies appropriate for the learner. Teachers will continue to focus on the
success criteria of learning skills and work habits for students and teaching students that there is a direct
correlation between student success and having good learning skills and work habits. We will also monitor student
progress in their profiles in these areas. The learning process and teaching strategies for a variety of learners will
continue to be an important focus for our staff as we look at individual needs. We will also be looking at gathering
information and evidence to support the CPS (Creating Pathways to Success) Ministry document for all students
from Grades FDK to 8.
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SkoVision™ Report
Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in student self-assessment practices that
will support an improvement in learning skills, work habits and student achievement, as
demonstrated in the report card data tracking Learning Skills and Work Habits scores.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/27/2015: Teachers have been teaching students to use anchor charts, success criteria and learning goals for
students to be able to assess their own areas of needs and strengths. We will continue to model for learners selfassessment techniques. There is more evidence of students using success criteria to assist them is their learning as
evidenced in student work and observed by teachers during class work as well as teacher- student conferences.
Staff professional development has focused on balanced assessments considering the four categories of
achievement. Our next steps will be to continue to focus on inquiry based learning and the importance of learning
skills and work habits and the direct relationship they have on student success and improvement. We also want to
focus on building capacity among staff and students with the use of technology as an important tool in the learning
process and specifically with inquiry based learning.
Shared Priorities:
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in collaborative, co-planning opportunities
for teachers that supports the development of best teaching practices as demonstrated in
the number of staff participating in PD co-planning sessions and teachers being able to
identify their next steps in their exit ticket feedback and ALP.
Outcome Progress Comments
5/27/2015: Teachers have had opportunities to work collaboratively with their colleagues to plan tasks that are
engaging, authentic and well balanced (Looking at knowledge, understanding, communication and application).
Teachers had the opportunity to participate in professional development that focused on math and collaborative
planning and teaching. Teachers co-planned and co-taught several lessons and focused on creating assessments
that were balanced so that students had opportunities to extend their thinking and application of knowledge. Next
year we will continue to focus on the process of inquiry based learning and the integration of technology as a
learning tool for teachers and students.
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SkoVision™ Report