ST. BENEDICT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 345 Blind Line, Orangeville, ON L9W 4X1 (P) 519-942-5980 (F) 519-942-3849 The Season of Easter Prayer Lord of life, We pray for all who bring your word of life As a light to those in darkness Principal For those who bring your word of peace L. Quick To those enslaved by fear For those who bring your word of love To those in need of comfort Lord of love and Lord of peace Lord of resurrection life Be known Through our lives And through your power Christ the Lord is risen today. Alleluia! PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE March certainly “left like a lion rather than a lamb”! The recent ice storm created a great deal of damage in our community – I hope that you and your family were able to stay safe during the storm. One of the trees in the picnic area suffered some damage, however, members from the maintanance crew at the board were able to respond quickly and clean up the debris. We were very grateful for the timely response. Many faith-based activities were happening throughout the school during Lent. Classes held Lenten retreats and the school hosted a food drive. Our Intermediate students presented a beautiful rendition of the “Stations of the Cross” to our school community. As a Catholic school community, we are incredibly blessed that we are able to celebrate our faith through education. We will celebrate Catholic Education Week 2016 as a school community from May 1st – 6th. The theme this year is “Opening Doors of Mercy” as our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has declared this a Jubilee Year of Mercy. During this week will have school celebrations and hope to see many of you then. On behalf of the staff, I wish you and your families a blessed and faith-filled Easter. Sincerely, L. Quick Principal SERVING OUR COMMUNITY Secretary A. Wasyliw Superintendent BECDM L. Storey 905-890-1221 Trustee F. Di Cosola 905-951-8898 Parish St. Timothy Catholic Church Pastor Fr. S Lee Lung 519-941-2424 Catholic School Advisory Council Chair: L. Bolzon Easter Mass On April 5th, 2016 at 9:45 a.m., St. Benedict will celebrate our Easter Mass with Fr. Sean Leung. Thank you to our wonderful choir and guitar club, as well as our Youth Faith Ambassadors and those staff members who helped to prepare for the mass. Thank you also to those parents who were able to join our celebration. Reminder of Student Dress Code As the warm weather approaches (hopefully!) we would like to take this opportunity to review the expected dress code at St. Benedict. As a Catholic school, there is an expection that there is a high standard of modesty, neatness, cleanliness and good taste. Therefore, while certain clothing items might be acceptable for weekend and beach wear (i.e. halter tops, short shorts, muscle shirts, etc.) they are not acceptable in a learning environment. Shirts should be of appropriate length to be tucked into pants or a skirt. Shorts or skirts should be an appropriate length for school. Suggestive or inappropriate language or violent symbols are not permitted on any clothing or personal belongings. Sunglasses and hats are not to be worn inside. Non-marking running shoes are to be worn during physical education classes. Tight and/or revealing clothing is not acceptable. Should inappropriate clothing be worn to school, parents will be notified. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and support. Lights Off for Earth Hour! On March 30th, St. Benedict celebrated Earth Hour with other schools in Dufferin-Peel. It was a great success as classrooms turned off their lights and there was a school-wide effort to reduce electricity use. We continue to try to reduce our overall carbon footprint at St. Benedict and encourage the families in our school community to do the same. Energy conservation helps our environment and can help families save money as well! By reducing our use of water and electricity we are helping to conserve natural resources and reduce the amount of pollution Calendar of Events April 1 5 Girls Government with Sylvia Jones FDK Fire Safety Presentation 6 Chess Team Tournament @ Good Shepherd 7 Gr 1-2 Fire Safety Presentation 11 PA Day – No School for Students 12 Gr. 3 Trip to the Farm 13 International Day of Pink 14 Chess Tournament @ St. Benedict 20 Intermediate Basketball Tournament @ St. Benedict 21 NED Show @ St. Benedict 22 Spirit Day 26 Dufferin Youth Festival of the Arts created by energy plants. We have included a few tips for how to conserve energy at home and at school: Dance Team For the first time, St. Benedict has a dance team participating in the Mississauga Central, Brampton, Malton, Caledon & Orangeville 2016 Dance Event. Congratulations to Annamae T., Ella P., Marianna V., Olivia S., Chase R., J.P. M., Isaiah A., Daniella C., Hailey T., Julia R., Caprice C., Ava C., Maleya C., and Isabella M. The students have been working very hard and practicing a great deal in order to get ready for this event. A special thank you to the parent volunteers, Mrs. MacMullen and Mrs. Ferreira, as well as the coaches, Ms. Lobo and Ms. LaVieille. Are You Moving? Please inform the office if you know that you will be moving and your children will not be returning to St. Benedict for September 2016. Fire Drill and Lockdown Procedures Throughout the year, students and staff review safety procedures with students on a number of topics. Emergency evacuation drills are conducted to ensure that everyone is aware of the procedures to follow in order to exit the building safely. In the event of an unforeseen emergency situation, students and staff will evacuate to Credit Meadows Public School. Our second evacuation site is St. Andrew Catholic Elementary School. Students will continue to discuss and practice procedures that are implemented in the event of an emergency lockdown. Welcome to Kindergarten On Tuesday May 3rd at 6 p.m. St. Benedict School will be welcoming new Kindergarten students and their families to our community by hosting an evening of Full Day Kindergarten learning experiences. Families will be able to participate with their children in engaging activities that promote literacy and numeracy. All of the activities are developmentally appropriate for preschool youngsters and will help families prepare their children for school. This event is sponsored by provincial and municipal government agencies in cooperation with school staff and neighbourhood services. Each family will receive a free bag of educational activities to continue practicing the skills learned at this event. Please call the school office with your RSVP for this great event! This is for NEW Kindergarten registrants only. News from our School Council Our Catholic School Council held its annual St. Benedict Skate Night on Friday April 1st, 2016 at Teen Ranch. The event was a huge success and we had many families come out to enjoy skating, hot chocolate and cookies. We were fortunate to have Elaine Yao, the registered dietician from Zehrs, at our event to promote healthy eating and how food can be good for you, and taste great! It was so lovely to spend time with all the families who were able to join us. A special thank you on behalf of St. Benedict to our Catholic School Council and the many volunteers who helped to make the night a success. We are looking forward to next years event! ShareLife Activities Each year our school community initiates activities to support our Catholic charities through ShareLife. At this point in the year, we have had a Hopeful Snowflakes and Poinsettia draw and our “Beautiful Hands” project to name a few ways we have tried to raise funds as a school community to donate to the ShareLife collection at St. Timothy. Thank you very much to all who have been able to support this very worthy cause. New PA Day! A reminder that Monday April 11th is a newly designated PD Day. There is no school for students on this day. Fostering Your Child’s Self Esteem On Wednesday March 30th, our Catholic School Council hosted a workshop on children’s selfesteem. This workshop was made possible through a PRO Grant. Parents learned valuable information from Cheryl Schneider and Susan Ward who work at Dufferin Child and Family Services. One particularly interesting fact is that children are not born with selfesteem – we, as parents, have to help them develop a health self-esteem. Some suggestions for parents included: Share feelings with your children Make sure to praise effort Be realistic in your expectations Emphasize learning Mistakes are important for learning Include children in the problem solving and solution creating process Virtue of the Month: Love During the month of April, we will celebrate the virtue of Love. It is challenging to become a truly loving person like Jesus. We need to be sure we take the time to pray to get used to making sacrifices for the good of others. Jesus made one lesson clear above all others: Love thy neighbor as thy self. Love is not about us, or being selfish – love is about putting others first and looking for the good in each other. A Loving Person: Wants the best for others Is willing to make sacrifices for the good of others Learns from the heroic lives of saints and holy people Knows that we are all lovable Prays for others Raven of the Month – March 2016 The Virtue of Kindness Bella C. Mrs. Gareau/Mrs. Atzori Ovalet Y. Mr. Merry Emily N. Mrs. Marini/Mrs. McNairn Julian C. Mr. Serafini Blake M. Mrs. Stevens Channell W.C. Ms. LaVieille Matthew N. Mrs. Gallant Roy V. Mrs. Longstreet Ainsleigh L. Mrs. Evans Aaron B. Ms. Carson Serenity M. Mrs. Strain Lauren C. Mr. King Ian L. Mrs. Martin Savannah M. Mrs. Harasiewicz Shayan E. Mrs. Merrick Brady D. Ms. Weir Jasmine C. Mrs. Sousa Maja M. Mrs. Desbottes