Shared Priorities: Outcomes: Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading

Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Barbara Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.By June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support well-being, as
indicated by CCCC School Climate Survey Results.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/3/2015: At St. Barbara School we have had the Region of Peel provide presentations to all students on Bullying
Awareness and Prevention, Internet Safety and appropriate uses of Social Media, Cyber-bullying and Street Safety.
Teachers and students have been given strategies and supports around bullying behaviours from our Youth
Education Officer. Our monthly Virtues are, consistently, recognized and celebrated through liturgies, assemblies
and through our daily actions, both in and out of the classroom. St. Barbara School administrators, teachers and
students are working, collaboratively, to establish real life connections between our monthly Virtues and our
Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations using a format to engage all of our diverse learners. St. Barbara also has
the P.A.L.S. Program (Playground Activity Leaders in schools) to promote inclusion, healthy and fun activities for all
students during recess (less structured times). The triad between home, school and parish, continues to be
essential to the overall well-being and faith development of our students. We will look at the next School Climate
Survey to determine our successes and next steps and continue to meet with the School Improvement Team and
Youth Faith Ambassadors for further direction.
Shared Priorities:
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2. By June 2016, St. Barbara Staff and students will be well versed and proficient in the
collaborative inquiry model as a process for learning and enhancing student achievement.
As a staff, we will continue to assemble as professional learning teams and engage in
dialogue that centers on the learner; actively and critically listening to all stakeholders
involved in the learning process.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/3/2015: Professional development takes place in grade level Professional Learning Teams, facilitated by school
administrators and the special assignment teacher. Staff are fully engaged in dialogue, networking, and planning
collaboratively. They are sharing results, going back to revise planning and types of assessment “ for, as and of
learning", and discussing next steps for best teaching practice. In mathematics, we continue to focus on providing
students with an increased balance between concept attainment and application, using an inquiry approach.
Teachers continue to engage in interviews, conferences and learning conversations with small groups, pairs, or
with individual students to highlight achievement learning goals, and to modify areas as needed for diverse
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SkoVision™ Report
Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Barbara Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3. By June 2016, St. Barbara Staff and community partners will intentionally engage in
transitional practices that span from early years to grade 8, to support learner well-being
and development, then learners will progress in their journey of self-discovery and selfdirection.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/3/2015: St. Barbara has completed the first year implementation of Full Day Kindergarten. Our Kindergarten
teachers have had the opportunity to attend in-services and visit other schools, with Full Day Kindergarten; they
have engaged in professional development and networking with other teachers to assist with the development of a
successful program. Parents/guardians, of Kindergarten students, are well informed about the launch and
expectations of the Full Day Kindergarten Program through the Welcome to Kindergarten evening event. Transition
meetings at all grade levels take place to ensure smooth promotion of all students from one grade to another,
considering special education and/or diverse learning needs. Secondary School transition planning and meetings
are on-going throughout the school year to support our grade 8 students. In addition, the secondary school
guidance and academic resource team are invited to meetings to begin the conversation of transitions for grade 7
students with exceptional learning needs.
Shared Priorities:
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4. By June 2016, St. Barbara Staff and Support Services Team will be engaged in a deepened
and enriched understanding of assessment for and as learning. The focus is to identify and
target students in need, including early identification, diverse learning styles, individual
interests, preferences and experiences to affirm the dignity of all students.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/3/2015: Teachers continue to meet, regularly, to plan for assessment and evaluation. Our area of focus has been
on “for, as and of ” learning, looking at diagnostic, formative and summative assessment. We continue to refer to
our Ontario Ministry Curriculum Documents, and Growing Success for guidance on the use of classroom/student
profiles, and differentiated assessments for reporting on student achievement. Teachers are investigating new
software applications that allow for more student engagement in assessment and more timely, immediate
feedback to the learner.
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SkoVision™ Report
Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Barbara Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Responding through Effective Instruction
5. By June 2016, St. Barbara teachers will have an increased aptitude in designing effective
instruction to support the learner of the 21st century, understanding that all learning begins
with the end in mind, guided by our Catholic Graduate Expectations and the Ontario
Outcome Progress Comments
6/3/2015: St. Barbara School continues to progress in improving effective instructional practice and lesson design.
A balanced literacy program, including guided reading, and a three part inquiry model in mathematics in
conjunction with developing mathematical fluency, continues to be our area of focus for student achievement and
success, across all grade levels. Staff and students will continue to be co-learners in the use of personal electronic
devices and other technology to move towards a paperless classroom. Further investigation of software
applications that enhance student learning and assessment will continue.
Transcending all subject areas is the focus on integrating technology and e-learning in classroom instructional
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