Mission *

Ascension of Our Lord Secondary School
Learning Plan
Mission *
As a Christian family united in the person of Jesus Christ, students are educated in Catholic traditions with an emphasis on moral values,
dignity and an appreciation of our diversity. We promote inquiry focused learning to maximize spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional
and social growth in each student. We encourage them to become compassionate, responsible and productive life-long learners, and are
committed to serving the community in order to ensure that each graduate has fulfilled the Ontario Catholic School Graduate
"Veni, sequere me" -- Come, follow me.
Catholic Focus
Ascension of Our Lord is built on Catholic values, attitudes, knowledge, skills and actions that are informed by reason and faith. The critical relationships
between, learning and believing, between knowledge and faith, is fundamental to understanding the mandate of our Catholic school.
Every learning and leading opportunity, here at Ascension of Our Lord, germinates in an environment that is safe, caring, equitable and inclusive. We are
constantly striving to nurture and develop genuine relationships, that are rooted in the grace of our common baptism in Christ. For it is in this way, that
we invite our community members to see God in themselves and one another.
Core Principles
Ascension of Our Lord Secondary School models, celebrates and nourishes gospel values in the teaching and learning of our
programs and services through:
Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations
Catholic Code of Conduct
Daily prayer and Reflections
Model by Example
Virtues program
Religion curriculum
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Ascension of Our Lord Secondary School
Learning Plan
Liturgical Choir
School Masses Chaplaincy Team
Faith Ambassadors
Grade level Retreats
Food and Clothing Drives, Terry Fox, ShareLife, Dr. Simone
Catholic Education week events
Observance of Liturgical seasons (Advent, Lent and Holy Week)
Celebration of Major Feasts (Christmas, Easter & Ascension)
Math EQAO - 2014-2015:
Grade 9 Academic 86%
Grade 9 Applied
OSSLT - 2015
Grade 10 Literacy
Graduation Rate (2014-2015)
(has remained the same from the previous year)
The Ascension community supports and provides opportunities for life-long learning:
Exposing students to authentic learning experiences through competitions, athletics, community outreach
Exposure to the arts, music and technology
Healthy active living outside of course curricula
Free Breakfast program for all students by Hospitality students
Subsidized healthy lunches for all students by Hospitality students
Frosh Day for all Grade 9s
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Ascension of Our Lord Secondary School
Learning Plan
Leadership opportunities for students and staff
Homecoming for all students
Get Ready program
Transition program (Grade 8 to 9)
Staff Professional Development
Conference Funding
Staff Retreats & Community Building events
Faith Development days
Guest Speakers
Ascension demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners through:
Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM in Business and Hospitality and Tourism)
Sate School/ Advisory Committee
Assessment & Evaluation Team
Descriptive Instruction initiatives
Literacy Team
Numeracy Team
ESL support
ARD support
Student Success program (SST, credit rescue, credit recovery)
Co-op program
Technology in the classroom
Website and auto-dialer to update and inform school community of ongoing events
Academic Award assembly
Teacher-led tutorials during lunch and after school
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Ascension of Our Lord Secondary School
Learning Plan
Graduation Committee
Technology Committee
Ascension has an active School Council of involved parents
Monthly School Council meetings
Fund-raising by School Council for school needs
School Council is active in promoting the school to the community
Student Council is active and works collaboratively with parents and staff
Ascension students are involved in community organizations, sports and special events
Ascension builds and sustains community partnerships through:
Cooperative education program
Fundraisers: Terry Fox, Share Life, Food & Clothing drives
School events: Multicultural show, Music Concerts
Parent Information nights
Parent-Teacher interview nights
Grade 8 Night
Ascension promotes the engagement and active partnership of the parish, home and school as an essential component of student success.
School Masses by Parish pastor
Class masses
Grade 9 Parents' Night
Graduation Ceremonies
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Ascension of Our Lord Secondary School
Learning Plan
Grade Retreats in the Parish Hall
School liturgies
Food and clothing drives for the parish
Ascension promotes and models good stewardship of resources.
Recycling program
Green Team supported by staff with a large number of students
Student Council environmental initiatives (landscaping of school grounds)
Safe Schools committee
Earth Day
Reduction of paper usage (photocopying)
Recycling one sided paper (GOSS) binds to cut down consumption
Recycling of used school uniforms
Here at Ascension we demonstrate Financial Accountability in the following ways:
Ascension of our Lord demonstrates financial accountability by ensuring that funds are collected and expensed by the school in compliance with
all Board protocols
Annual Department Budgets are reviewed monthly
Purposeful spending in support of the Catholic School Learning Plan
Social Justice and Community fundraising is done in compliance with all Board protocols
Charitable donations to community and outreach program are done wherever possible
Prompt attention is paid to health and safety reports
Students are encouraged to be responsible stewards of all school learning materials
Clear outline of what Activities Fees are used for
Transparency in Activity Fee allocation
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Ascension of Our Lord Secondary School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
By 2016 there will be an increase in the proportion of students indicating they feel accepted and included in the school community, as demonstrated by latest
CCCC School Climate Survey.
Action Plans
Continue to develop and/or maintain positive school-community engagement and partnerships.(6.2)
Creating conditions for well-being in a positive climate.
Increase staff and student awareness of bullying behaviour and the virtues in action in order to promote healthy relationships.
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
By 2016 there will be an increase in the proportion of students who have demonstrated a significant improvement in their academic performance as shown in
higher levels of achievement in all subject areas.
Action Plans
Engage collaboratively in enhancing transitional practices
If instruction and assessment are differentiated in response to student strengths, needs and prior learning, achievement levels will increase, Balanced
Literacy is an expectation in all grades.
If we continue to intentionally engage collaboratively in transitional practices to support learner well-being and development, then learners will progress
in their journey of self- discovery and self-direction toward vocation.
If we offer students authentic and relevant learning opportunities by allowing them to pursue their own interests and questions within the context of the
curriculum, then student learning will be deepened as a result of greater student engagement.
If we continue to embrace collaborative inquiry then all learners will demonstrate increased engagement in their learning.
Enhancing Transitional Practices
By June 2016 there will be a significant increase in the credit accumulation in Grade 9 and Grade 10.
Action Plans
Continue to develop and/or maintain positive school-community engagement and partnerships.(6.2)
If you continue to intentionally and collaboratively engage in transitional practice then the learners will significantly increase their academic achievement.
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Ascension of Our Lord Secondary School
Learning Plan
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
By 2016 there will be an increase in the proportion of staff implementing collaborative practice, descriptive feedback, co-created learning goals and success
criteria in all subject areas.
Action Plans
If instruction and assessment are differentiated in response to student strengths, needs and prior learning, achievement levels will increase, Balanced
Literacy is an expectation in all grades.
4.0 Balanced Assessment (for, as and of learning) reflective of the four categories of achievement
4.0 If we continue to intentionally focus on assessment for and as learning, then all learners will use metacognitive strategies to analyze, articulate and
responsibly act on their own reflective thinking and learning.
4.0 KNOWING THE LEARNER THROUGH ASSESSMENT: Increase the proportion of students able to articulate effective strategies to support their learning
If we continue to intentionally focus on collaborative practice, descriptive feedback, setting co-created learning goals and success criteria in the every
subject then all learners will increase their ability to guide their own learning.
Responding through Effective Instruction
By June 2016 there will be a significant increase in both the EQAO Grade 9 Numeracy and the OSSLT Grade 10 Literacy assessment amongst all students.
Action Plans
Engage collaboratively in enhancing transitional practices
If we offer students authentic and relevant learning opportunities by allowing them to pursue their own interests and questions within the context of the
curriculum, then student learning will be deepened as a result of greater student engagement.
If we continue to intentionally focus on collaborative practice, descriptive feedback, setting co-created learning goals and success criteria in the every
subject then all learners will increase their ability to guide their own learning.
If we continue to intentionally focus on designing effective lessons, making use of collaborative practices through the 3 part lesson and guided practice
then learners will increase their critical and creative thinking ability in all subject areas.
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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