Matakuliah Tahun Versi : M0074/PROGRAMMING II : 2005 : 1/0 MATERI PENDUKUNG METHOD OVERRIDING 1 • Here is a simple example. We have two classes, Parent and Child. class Parent { int aValue = 1; int someMethod(){ return aValue; } } class Child extends Parent { int aValue; // this aValue is part of this class int someMethod() { // this overrides Parent's method aValue = super.aValue + 1; // access Parent's aValue with super return super.someMethod() + aValue; } } 2 • The someMethod() of Child overrides the someMethod() of Parent. A method of a child class with the same name as a method in the parent class, but that is implemented differently and therefore has different behavior is an overridden method. • Can you see how the someMethod() of the Child class would return the value of 3? The method accesses the aValue variable of Parent using the super keyword, adds the value of 1 to it, and assigns the resulting value of 2 to its own aValue variable. The last line of the method calls the someMethod() of Parent, which simply returns Parent.aValue with a value of 1. To that, it adds the value of Child.aValue, which was assigned the value of 2 in the previous line. So 1 + 2 = 3. 3