Revised: August 2013 COURSE SYLLABUS – Greenhouse Grade Level: 10-12 3rd Period Carlisle County High School Agriculture Department CREDIT(S): 1 Michelle Trevathan 4557 State Route 1377 Bardwell, KY 42023 1-270-628-3800-Ext. 4202 TITLE: Greenhouse Management COURSE DESCRIPTION: Greenhouse Technology provides instruction in greenhouse structures and greenhouse environment regulations. Plant growth and development and propagation are included as well as production and maintenance of bedding and container produced plants. Fundamental principles of vegetable production and commercial production of vegetable crops may be included. Content may be enhanced with appropriate technology. Leadership development will be provided through FFA. Each student will be expected to have a supervised agricultural experience program. COURSE OBJECTIVES: To develop a broad, general understanding of the agriculture industry and the role it plays in today’s world as well as look more specifically at the role of ornamental horticulture and the greenhouse industry. CONTENT OUTLINE: Classroom content outline MAY include, but is NOT limited to: Orientation to Greenhouse - Review classroom procedure and course content - Identify career opportunities in the greenhouse industry - Determine qualifications for specific careers Supervised Agricultural Experience Programs - Determine the importance of supervised agricultural experience program (D1-1) - Select and plan an agricultural experience program (D1-2 & D2-2) Determine Leadership/FFA - Determine FFA activities to be integrated into the course - Develop leadership skills Plant Classification - •How to classify and identify plants by order, family, genus, and species - •How to identify plants by using a dichotomous key - •How common plant parts are used to classify the plants Revised: August 2013 - •How to classify and identify plants by using botanical growth habits, landscape uses, and cultural requirements - •Plant selection and identification for local landscape applications Plant Physiology and Growth - •Plant systems, nutrient transportation, structure, and energy storage - •The seed's essential parts and functions - •How primary, secondary, and trace elements are used in plant growth - •The factors that influence plant growth, including water, nutrients, light, soil, air, and climate - •The tissues seen in a cross section of woody and herbaceous plants - •The factors that affect plant growth Plant Reproduction - •Different forms of sexual and asexual plant reproduction - •Various techniques for successful plant propagation - •Monitoring plant reproduction for the development of a saleable product Water and Soil Management Plant Nutrition Control and Environmental Practices - Integrated Pest Management - Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse (A5-7) - Using Pesticides Safely (A5-3) - Interpreting Pesticide Labels (A5-4) - Applying Pesticides (A5-5) - Supplying Nutrients to Floriculture Crops (A4-3) Greenhouse Management Practices and Principles -How to manage greenhouse growing schedules -Managing greenhouse workers Growing Greenhouse Products -Hands on approach to growing greenhouse crops *The above schedule is subject to change without notice, with time extensions or shortenings on certain subjects. Schedule is subject to school activities, closings due to weather, or other occurrences. Please refer to school handbook for further information. INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES: - Lectures. Demonstration. Field trips/clinical experiences. Laboratory experiments. Assessments. Daily Participation. Quizzes. Group discussions. Individual speeches. RESOURCES: Revised: August 2013 - Guest lecturers. - Textbooks. - Internet. - Local news media. - Local school media. - Classroom tools and resources. GRADING PROCEDURES: Letter grades will be assigned as follows: A: 100%-90% B: 89%-80% C: 79%-70% D: 69%-60% F: Below 60% Grades may be made on the basis of, but not limited to (students will be made aware of point values before assignments are given): - - Classroom Participation Daily Participation activities Quizzes Exams Semester/Final Exam Laboratory Assessments Research Papers, etc. Late Work: All students must be in compliance with the Kentucky Compulsory Attendance laws and statutes. A student who is absent for an “excused” reason will be given the opportunity to make-up the missed work, and will receive credit for any made-up work. A student will have the same number of days to make up work as the number of days missed. A student who is absent for unexcused reasons or for disciplinary reasons will be allowed to make up work but not be given credit for it. Students who accumulate an excessive number of absences per class, may be referred to the Attendance Review Committee of each school to evaluate the student’s academic progress. After evaluation, recommendations will be made in order for the student to stay abreast academically. Missed time may be completed hour for hour depending on time missed during Extended School Services. In addition to the above statement, late work will be dealt with in accordance to the classroom rules and expectations set forth. Please refer to them. TEXT AND REFERENCES: Various – Please see instructor for details.