Week of : February 2

Week of : February 2nd
Math: In math we continue to work on strategies for division.
Please continue to practice multiplication and division facts at
home. It is so helpful for students to have a strong fact base in
order to solve more difficult problems.
Language Arts: Our story for the week is called Coyote Places
the Stars. The skills we will be working on are identifying
adjectives that tell what kind, spelling words that are also
homophones, and we will be reading an American legend.
In writing we will begin working on comparing and
contrasting. We will be using a variety of graphic organizers to
help us gather our ideas.
We will be filming our Persuasive Commercials and we
hope to watch them this upcoming week!
Science- We are wrapping up our Structures of Life Unit. The
test will be on TUESDAY, February 3rd. There is a study guide
and vocabulary list inside the science folder. I have reminded
students to take home their folders nightly to review concepts.
I am so proud of so many of them for picking up the crayfish. 
Day 3- Art
Day 4- Library
Bring your books!
Day 1- Gym
Wear your sneakers!
Day 2- Music
Day 3- Art
information is
attached and sent
home today. We
will exchange
cards on
February 12th.
Questions? E-mail: kettkaa@npenn.org
Tuesday- Structure of
Life Science Test
Reading IncentiveRecord your minutes
read and send in your
completed marshmallows
for the school
February Reading
Phone: 215-855-4331
Write: Send a note to school!