PAINTING(3): Symmetrical Shape Painting NAME:_________________ LESSON FOCUS:

PAINTING(3): Symmetrical Shape Painting
This lesson focuses on creating a non-objective, symmetrical design using four (4)
different color schemes including analogous, cool, split-complementary, and warm.
Analogous colors: Colors that sit side by side on the color wheel and have a common
hue. Violet, red-violet, and red are analogous colors. Analogous colors can be used as a
color scheme.
Color: An element of art derived from reflective light. The sensation of color is aroused
in the brain by response of the eyes to different wavelengths of light.
Cool colors: Blue, green, and violet. Cool colors suggest coolness and seem to recede
from the viewer.
Color scheme: Plan for organizing colors.
Complementary colors: The colors opposite each other on the color wheel.
Geometric shapes: Precise shapes that can be described using mathematical formulas.
Basic geometric shapes are the circle, the square, and the triangle.
Nonobjective art: Art that has no recognizable subject matter.
Shade: a Dark value of a hue made by adding black to it.
Split-complementary colors: One hue and the hues on each side of its complement on the
color wheel. Red-orange, blue, and green are split-complementary colors.
Tempera: Paint made by mixing pigments with egg yolk or another liquid.
Tint: A light value of a hue made by mixing the hue with white.
Warm colors: Red, orange, and yellow. Warm colors suggest warmth and seem to move
toward the viewer.
On 8”x 8” manila sketch paper, create a design using a combination of geometric
and free-form shapes and lines.
Using scissors cut a stencil for each shape out of oak tag.
On 9”x 12” sketch paper, trace your shapes being sure to repeat and overlap the
two as needed to fill the paper.
Once you have a strong composition, trace onto 16”x 16” oak tag four (4) times.
Each section will be painted using a different color scheme.
o The first corner will be painted using a warm color scheme.
o The second corner will be painted using a cool color scheme.
o The third corner (opposite the warm one) will be painted using an
analogous color scheme (three colors).
o And, the fourth corner (opposite the cool one) will be painted using an
split-complementary color scheme (three colors).
For all of your paintings, you may use tints and shades by adding black or white
to your colors.
Your painting will be considered complete when the entire surface is covered and
no oak tag is showing.
Oak tag for stencils
Pencil and eraser
9”x 12” manila sketch paper
18”x 24” oak tag
tempera paint (assorted colors)
water container
paper towels