Para empezar EN LA ESCUELA Lista de vocabulario

Para empezar
Lista de vocabulario
To Greet Someone
Buenos días.
Good morning; good day.
To Greet Someone
Buenas noches.
Good night.
To Greet Someone
Buenas tardes.
Good afternoon; good evening.
To Greet Someone
¡ Hola!
To Greet Someone
¿Cómo te llamas?
What is your name?
To Greet Someone
Me llamo…
My name is… (I call myself…)
To Greet Someone
To Greet Someone
To Greet Someone
Mucho gusto.
Nice to meet you.
To Greet Someone
Señor (Sr.)
Mister (Mr.), Sir
To Greet Someone
Señora (Sra.)
Misses (Mrs.), Ma’am
To Greet Someone
Señorita (Srta.)
Miss (Ms.)
To ask & tell how someone is
¿Cómo está Ud.?
How are you? (formal)
To ask & tell how someone is
¿Cómo estás?
How are you? (familiar)
To ask & tell how someone is
¿Qué pasa?
What’s up/going on/wrong? (familiar)
To ask & tell how someone is
¿Qué tal?
How’s it going? (familiar)
To ask & tell how someone is
¿Y tú?
And you? (familiar)
To ask & tell how someone is
¿Y Usted (Ud.)?
And you? (formal)
To ask & tell how someone is
(muy) bien
(very) well
To ask & tell how someone is
To ask & tell how someone is
regular /así, así
so-so; okay
To ask & tell how someone is
thank you
To say good-bye
To say good-bye
Hasta mañana.
Until tomorrow.
To say good-bye
¡Nos vemos!
We’ll see each other.
To tell time
¿Qué hora es?
What time is it?
To tell time
Es la una.
It’s one o’clock.
To tell time
Son las....
It’s 2-12:59 o’clock.
To tell time
To tell time
To tell time
y cuarto
quarter after (hour)
To tell time
menos cuarto
quarter before (hour)
To tell time
y media
and a half (hour)
The body
la cabeza
the head
The body
el ojo
the eye
The body
la nariz
the nose
The body
la boca
the mouth
The body
el brazo
the arm
The body
El dedo
the finger
The body
la mano
the hand
The body
el estómago
the stomach
The body
la pierna
the leg
The body
El pie
the foot
The body
Me duele…
(ONE body part) hurts me
The body
Me duelen
(MULTIPLE body parts) hurt me
Para empezar
Lista de vocabulario
To talk about the classroom
el bolígrafo
la carpeta
el cuaderno
To talk about the classroom
el estudiante
la estudiante
To talk about the classroom
la hoja de papel
el lápiz
el libro
To talk about the classroom
el profesor
la profesora
To talk about the classroom
el pupitre
la sala de clases
To say the date
el mes
el año
la semana
el día
To say the date
¿Qué día es hoy?
What day is today?
To say the date
¿Cuál es la fecha?
What is the date?
To say the date
Es el # de (mes)
It’s the # of (month).
To say the date
Es el primero de (mes).
It’s the 1st of (month).
To say the date
To say the date
Other useful words
¿Cuántos? ¿Cuántas?
How many?
Other useful words
Other useful words
there is; there are
To ask for help
¿Cómo se dice…?
How do you say…?
Se dice…
You say it…
To ask for help
¿Cómo se escribe…?
How do you spell/write…?
Se escribe…
You spell/write it…
To ask for help
¿Qué quiere decir…?
What does … mean?
Quiere decir…
It means…
Para empezar
Lista de vocabulario
To talk about the weather
¿Qué tiempo hace?
What’s the weather like?
To talk about the weather
Hace calor.
It’s hot out.
To talk about the weather
Hace frío.
It’s cold out.
To talk about the weather
Hace sol.
It’s sunny out.
To talk about the weather
Hace viento.
It’s windy out.
To talk about the weather
It’s raining.
To talk about the weather
It’s snowing.
To talk about the seasons
la estación
the season.
To talk about the seasons
el invierno
the winter
To talk about the seasons
el otoño
the fall/autumn
To talk about the seasons
la primavera
the spring
To talk about the seasons
el verano
the summer