Molecular Hydrogens Dissolved in Liquid Crystals E. Elliott Burnell1 & Cornelis A. de Lange2 1 University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 2 Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands The NMR spectra of molecular hydrogen isotopologs dissolved and orientationally ordered in nematic liquid-crystal solvents provide a wealth of information. Because they are quantum rotors, the various isotopologs H2 , D2 , T2 , HD, HT, and DT have different order parameters, with larger internuclear distance having smaller order parameter. The signs and magnitudes of the order parameters are liquid-crystal dependent, this being a direct result of the dominant anisotropic intermolecular interaction being that between the solute quadrupole moment and the mean liquid-crystal electric-field gradient (EFG) felt by the solute. Thus, the mixing of different liquid crystals can produce a solvent where molecular hydrogen feels a zero EFG, called a magic mixture. The remaining, dominant anisotropic interaction (for solutes larger than hydrogen) in these magic mixtures involves short-range anisotropic forces that depend on solute size and shape. Studies involving the very symmetrical methane H, D, and T isotopologs point out the important effect on dipolar couplings of molecular vibrations and interactions between molecular vibration and reorientation, effects which make it impossible to utilize fully the high accuracy with which dipolar couplings in general can be measured. Keywords: liquid crystal, ordered liquids, anisotropic, hydrogen, orientation, vibrations, methane, NMR, order parameter, electric field gradient How to cite this article: eMagRes, 2016, Vol 5: 901–912. DOI 10.1002/9780470034590.emrstm1477 Introduction Since the discovery of Saupe and Englert in 1963 that benzene dissolved and orientationally ordered in nematic liquid crystals showed 1 H NMR spectra dominated by anisotropic interactions that in isotropic solvents average to zero,1,2 the method has been applied to a multitude of solutes. These anisotropic interactions involve the direct dipolar couplings between each pair of magnetic nuclei in the solute molecule, anisotropic contributions to the chemical shielding and indirect spin–spin coupling tensors, and for nuclei with I ≥ 1 the quadrupolar interaction.3 – 5 In the early years, many solutes were studied and a large amount of information was gathered about solute geometries in orientationally ordered environments and about their various anisotropic tensor properties. The results were commonly interpreted in terms of rigid solute structures,6 and for a long time an understanding of what precise solute–solvent interaction mechanisms caused solute orientation and to what extent was almost completely lacking. This situation persisted for quite some time. Gradually, it was realized that in order to make progress another approach was needed. Instead of studying solutes with the aim of obtaining novel information about them in an anisotropic liquid environment, research turned to the use of small, well-characterized solutes instead. In these studies, the purpose was no longer to learn about solute properties but to use these small solutes as probes in the orientationally ordered phases. It was hoped that through systematic studies of this kind a better understanding could be achieved of the detailed Volume 5, 2016 mechanisms that cause orientational order. In addition, the role of internal molecular motions such as small- and largeamplitude solute vibrations became a topic of interest. In order to address these questions, experiments were initiated on molecular hydrogen7 and its isotopologs8 in various nematic liquid-crystal solvents. These and related experiments on other simple solutes have led to a breakthrough in understanding many fundamental questions on NMR of orientationally ordered solutes. Molecular hydrogen as an isolated molecule is very well known and all its degrees of freedom (electronic, vibrational, and rotational) are extremely well characterized. Despite its low solubility, this molecule is very attractive and in fact ideal for study as a solute in a liquid crystal. The interaction between solute and solvent can be modeled and taken into account using perturbation theory. This leads to the insight that the rotational levels of molecular hydrogen are perturbed by the environment but that vibrational and electronic degrees of freedom remain mostly unaffected.8,9 Subsequent studies on deuterated and tritiated solutes confirm and extend the original findings.10 Our research involving the deuterated isotopologs focused on two NMR observables, the direct dipolar and the quadrupolar couplings. The intramolecular contribution to both these couplings is proportional to the molecular order parameter. Hence, the ratio of these couplings should be independent of orientation and a property of the solute alone. However, the value of this ratio in the solvent differs from its value for molecular hydrogen isolated in the gas phase. Initially, this was ascribed to environmental effects owing to the solvent. Later is was © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 901 EE Burnell & CA de Lange realized that this observation provided the key to elucidating the prevailing ordering mechanism for the hydrogens.11 Moreover, a significant isotope effect on the degree of orientational order is observed due to quantum-mechanical effects involving the liquid-crystal field and the solute rotational and vibrational wave functions.8 In subsequent studies, it was discovered that the degree of orientational order of molecular hydrogen and its isotopologs could be manipulated by employing mixtures of liquid-crystal solvents. It was found that for certain mixture compositions the direct dipolar couplings that normally dominate the NMR spectra could be reduced to essentially zero, suggesting zero orientational order for a solute in an anisotropic solvent. Somehow one or more mechanisms that cause orientational order could be switched on and off at will.12,13 Built on the success of these experiments subsequent research focused on detailed studies in which D2 played a key role in the investigation of other small, well-characterized solutes. From this work, it became clear that solute orientational order is essentially induced by two mechanisms: (i) an interaction between the solute molecular quadrupole moment with an average nonzero electric-field gradient (EFG), which is a property of the liquid-crystal solvent; and (ii) a solute–solvent interaction that depends solely on the size and shape of the solute. For special liquid-crystal mixtures termed magic mixtures, the average EFG reduces to zero and only the sizeand-shape mechanism remains. For certain solutes with small electronic moments (such as the alkanes), the first mechanism is also unimportant. Hence, such solutes are termed magic solutes.14 A special extension of our research on molecular hydrogen was found in studies on methane and its isotopologs. As it had been observed experimentally that solutes with tetrahedral symmetry (that should by symmetry show zero average orientational order in a liquid crystal) showed unexpected spectral splittings, our studies revealed that a fundamental interaction between solute vibrational and reorientational motions was at the root of these observations.15 This vibration–reorientational interaction was found to play an important role in larger solutes as well, thus limiting the accuracy with which geometrical information for solutes dissolved in liquid crystals can be obtained.16 In summary, studies of the extremely well-characterized molecular hydrogen and its isotopologs dissolved in a variety of liquid-crystal solvents have played a key role in obtaining a fundamental understanding of the physics behind orientational order of solutes in anisotropic phases. The purpose of this article is to tell this exciting story. Liquid-crystal Solvents In our studies, different liquid-crystal solvents were employed, mainly EBBA, 1132, and 5CB. EBBA stands for N-(p-ethoxybenzylidene)-p -n-butylaniline. The commercial mixture Merck ZLI-1132 consists of p-butylcyclohexyl-p cyanophenyl (38.4%), p-pentylcyclohexyl-p -cyanophenyl (34.2%), p-heptylcyclohexyl-p -cyanophenyl (18.1%), and p-pentylcyclohexyl-p -cyanobiphenyl (9.3%). 5CB stands 902 for p-n-pentyl-p -cyanobiphenyl. In our initial experiments, H2 , HD, and D2 were dissolved under pressure in these liquid-crystal solvents. Later, for reasons to be discussed, mixtures of these nematic solvents were also employed. Theoretical Considerations In the gas phase, H2 occurs in two modifications, one with total nuclear spin I = 1 that only combines with odd-numbered rotational states J (ortho-H2 ) and the other with total spin state I = 0 in combination with even-numbered rotational states (para-H2 ). For D2 , a similar distinction exists between orthoD2 (total spin I = 0 or I = 2, with even J states) and para-D2 (total spin I = 1 with odd J states). The rate of conversion between ortho and para modifications is usually slow. On the time scale of our experiments, the spectra of H2 arise only from the ortho modification, while separate spectra for both ortho- and para-D2 are observed. Spin-lattice relaxation rates have been measured for D2 in several nematic phases and values found for para-D2 are about twice that for ortho-D2 in agreement with theory.17 For HD, a single NMR spectrum arises as there is no restriction on the spin and rotational states accessible to the molecule. The high-resolution Hamiltonian for an orientationally ordered spin system with the director of the nematic phase parallel to the external magnetic field Z is (in Hertz)3 – 5 : Ĥ = − νi (1 − σi,ZZ )Îi,Z i + Jij Îi · Îj i<j + Dij (3Îi,Z Îj,Z − Îi · Îj ) i<j + B i i 3 2 − Î2i ) (3Îi,Z (1) We shall be concerned with direct dipolar couplings Dij and quadrupolar couplings Bi and neglect anisotropies in the indirect couplings Jij . As the relevant indirect couplings predominantly arise from the spherically symmetric Fermi-contact mechanism, they are positive in sign and their anisotropies can be safely neglected. For a cylindrically symmetric diatomic with all nuclear spins I ≤ 1, the direct dipolar and quadrupolar couplings are given by Burnell et al.8 hγi γj 1 3cos2 θ − 1 Dij = − (2) 4π 2 2 rij3 ∂2V 3 e ∂z2 i Qi 3cos2 θ − 1 Bi = 4 h 2 and (3) with θ the angle between internuclear axis z and magneticfield 2 direction Z, V the intramolecular potential in the solute, ∂ V (often designated as eq in the literature) the negative of ∂z2 i © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 5, 2016 Molecular Hydrogens Dissolved in Liquid Crystals the EFG at deuteron nucleus i, and eQi the deuteron nuclear quadrupole moment. The angular brackets denote averaging over all intramolecular and intermolecular motions. If the intramolecular and intermolecular averages in equations (2) and (3) can be performed separately, an assumption which is by no means valid in general, we obtain8 hγi γj 1 Dij = − S (4) 4π 2 rij3 and Bi = ∂2V 3 e ∂z2 Qi i 4 h S (5) with orientation parameter S defined as 3cos2 θ − 1 S= (6) 2 The value of r13 averaged over all internal motions can be ij evaluated from experimental gas-phase data about equilibrium internuclear distance, vibrational anharmonicities, and centrifugal distortion.18 The average should be taken over all vibrational and rotational levels, but as excited vibrational levels are hardly occupied, the averaging can be restricted to the populated rotational levels8 : J(J + 1)(2J + 1)e−BJ(J+1)/kT J(J + 1) = J (7) −BJ(J+1)/kT J (2J + 1)e The primes on the summation symbols indicate that summations have to be taken over even J (ortho-D2 ), odd J (ortho-H2 , para-D2 ), or all J (HD). 2 for the temperature The intramolecular average ∂∂zV2 r=re average of the EFG at the site of the deuteron nucleus in D2 and HD, consisting of a contribution due to the other nucleus and another one due to the electrons, can also be calculated from available data.19,20 Averaging over all intermolecular motions requires assumptions about the possible interactions between solute and surrounding solvent. As a priori nothing is known about such mechanisms, we assume that the effect of the solvent on the rotational motion can be viewed as a perturbation of the form8 : 3 2 1 cos θ − (8) Ĥ = Δ 2 2 The quantity Δ signifies the solute–solvent interaction between a single liquid-crystal ‘field’ and a single solute property in its simplest bilinear second-rank tensorial form. Although in principle the interaction could be much more complicated, we shall investigate the problem with equation (8) as a perturbation to the well-known gas-phase quantum-mechanical rotational problem. In this approach, the degeneracy of the mJ levels is lifted, and the orientation parameter S can be predicted with Δ as the only adjustable parameter. It is important to note that for different isotopologs the values of S come out Volume 5, 2016 differently. Hence, we predict a quantum-mechanical effect on the degree of orientational order even at room temperature. In that sense, the hydrogens are exceptional because of their relatively large rotational constants B. For molecules with small rotational constants, summations are replaced by integrals and isotope-independent S values are predicted8 : 2 1 3 cos2 θ e−3Δcos θ/2kT dΩ − S= (9) 2 θ/2kT −3Δcos 2 2 e dΩ Expanding the exponentials to first order in Δ, equation (9) reduces to the classical limit for S8 : 1 Δ (10) S=− 5 kT First Experimental Results In order to give an idea of how the quality of our NMR spectra improved over time, in Figure 1 we present the 1 H spectra of H2 (a, recorded in 1968) and a mixture of H2 and HD (b, recorded in 1982), and in Figure 2, an 2 H NMR spectrum of D2 (recorded in 1987).21 The spectra can easily be analyzed and dipolar and quadrupolar couplings can be extracted. The 1 H spectrum of H2 is a doublet with splitting 3DHH and that of HD is a triplet (because the nuclear spin of D is 1) with splitting 2DHD + JHD . The labels in Figure 2 indicate how BD , DDD , and JDD can be obtained from the spectrum of D2 . The ratios of the dipolar couplings depend predominantly on the product of the magnetogyric ratios of the H and D involved. The NMR spectra of H2 , HD, and D2 dissolved and orientationally ordered in several nematic liquid crystals (EBBA, 1132, and a few others) have yielded surprising results: (i) the signs of the order parameters are liquid-crystal dependent; (ii) the molecules with larger internuclear distance (rH2 > rHD > rD2 ) have smaller order parameters; (iii) the average order parameters in ortho- and para-D2 are equal; (iv) the same interaction parameter Δ serves to interpret all the results for the three solute molecules; and (v) the ratio B : D of dipolar to quadrupolar couplings in HD and D2 is typically about 6% smaller than expected from gas-phase data. These observations need further explanation. First, we focus attention on the spectrum of D2 (Figure 2), where through a happy coincidence the sign of the order parameter S can be determined without difficulty. The reason is that the spectrum contains two lines of unequal intensity separated by 3JDD , which is known to be positive. The sign of S can be directly related to the sign of the indirect coupling and the order in which the two lines appear. From Figure 3, it can be seen immediately that the order parameters in the liquid crystals 1132 and EBBA must be of different sign. The three order parameters of the isotopologs H2 , HD, and D2 are not equal to each other and are in an order (SHH < SHD < SDD ), opposite to what the conventional wisdom of the day required. Our observations nicely demonstrate that the orientational order of these solutes is a quantum-mechanical effect (associated with the relatively large rotational constants B) that persists even at room temperature. The small quantummechanical differences predicted between Sortho-D2 and Spara-D2 are not resolved experimentally. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 903 EE Burnell & CA de Lange Isotropic 100 Hz H2 Proton NMR in 1132 HD H2 TMS 1500 Hz Nematic −5000 (a) H2 TMS H2 (b) 0 5000 10000 ν (Hz) Figure 1. (a) Continuous-wave 100 MHz (Varian HA-100) proton NMR spectra of molecular hydrogen dissolved in the isotropic phase (140 ◦ C, top) and the nematic phase (80 ◦ C, bottom) of the nematic liquid-crystal mixture 60% p -ethoxy-p-hexanoyloxyazobenzene and 40% p -ethoxy-pvaleryloxyazobenzene. The extra peaks in the isotropic-phase spectrum are from the liquid-crystal solvent. Sufficient hydrogen to generate an overpressure of about 60 atm was condensed (using liquid helium) into a thick-walled 5 mm outer diameter NMR tube containing the liquid crystal, and the tube was flame sealed. (Reproduced from Ref. 22.) (b) Proton NMR spectrum of a mixture of H2 , HD, and D2 in 1132 (298 K). The remaining lines are from an impurity. (Reprinted figure with permission from E.E. Burnell, C.A. de Lange and J.G. Snijders, Phys. Rev., A25, 2339, 1982. Copyright © 1982, American Physical Society) 6D 2H NMR of D2 in 1132 3J 2B 0 1000 2000 3000 H2 the molecules behave as quantum-mechanical rotors with J a good quantum number. Our results show that although the perturbation proportional to Δ mixes different J values, the degree of mixing is limited and that J remains a reasonable quantum number. From equations (4) and (5), it is apparent that the ratio B : D should be independent of the degree of orientational order and therefore a property of the HD and D2 molecules alone. The experimental B/D values observed for our isotopologs in a liquid-crystal environment differ from the gas-phase value. The observed change could arise because a liquid-crystal environment might perturb the electronic orbitals of the solute species to a small extent. However, this explanation is not very satisfactory in view of the fact that rotational and vibrational levels are only slightly perturbed. Hz Figure 2. 61.4 MHz deuteron NMR spectrum of D2 in 1132. (Reprinted with permission from E. E. Burnell and C. A. de Lange, Chem. Rev. (Washington, D.C.), 1998, 98, 2359, and references therein. Copyright © 1998, American Chemical Society) The fact that the same value of Δ explains the experimental results for the three different isotopologs may come as a surprise. The mathematical form of the solute–solvent interaction assumed is as simple as possible, and there is no a priori evidence that this simple picture will hold. The fact that it does has important implications that we shall expand upon later. The hydrogens are unusual molecules in the sense that their rotational levels are so widely spaced that even in liquid or solid 904 Killing Several Birds with One Stone In the above section, we encountered a number of issues that deserve further consideration: (i) the sign of S varies from liquid crystal to liquid crystal; (ii) the deviation of the B : D ratio from the gas-phase value is not properly understood; and (iii) a single solute–solvent interaction mechanism appears to be adequate to explain the results for the various isotopologs in a particular liquid-crystal solvent. It would be very useful if these loose ends could be tied together with a single explanation. Many different mechanisms that describe the orientational order of solutes in nematic phases have been suggested in the literature. Dispersion forces,23 polarizability anisotropy,24 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 5, 2016 Molecular Hydrogens Dissolved in Liquid Crystals Deuterium NMR of HD and D2 EBBA 1132 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 ν (Hz) Figure 3. 2 H NMR spectra of a mixture of H2 , HD, and D2 in EBBA and 1132 (298 K). The outermost lines of each set of multiplets are from HD, and the inside lines are from D2 . (Reprinted figure with permission from E.E. Burnell, C.A. de Lange and J.G. Snijders, Phys. Rev., A25, 2339, 1982. Copyright © 1982, American Physical Society) size-and-shape effects,25 moments of inertia26,27 of the solute as the dominating cause, and electrostatic forces derived from the multipole expansion have been advanced as possible sources. There is no a priori reason why only a single mechanism should describe orientational order. However, our work on the hydrogens suggests that a single second-order tensorial mechanism that is a product of a liquid-crystal ‘field’ and some solute property suffices. In a paper by Patey et al.,11 new light was shed on the problem by assuming that a single interaction between an average liquidcrystal EFG F felt by the solute, and the molecular quadrupole moment Q of the solute could explain the observations. For a nematic phase with axial symmetry and a cylindrical solute, the interaction Hamiltonian is 1 ĤQ = − FZZ Qzz P2 (cos θ ) 2 (11) where θ is the angle between the solute symmetry axis z and the nematic director direction Z. In the classical limit, this would lead to a degree of solute order of S≈ FZZ Qzz 10kT (12) In the presence of an average liquid-crystal EFG, a deuteron nucleus μ in the solute would experience not only an intramolecular EFG but also an external EFG: 3 B(observed) = B(intramolecular) − eQμ FZZ /h 4 with B(intramolecular) = 3 2 (e qQμ /h)S 4 (13) (14) The value of the quadrupole coupling constant (3/4)(e2 qQμ /h) at the D nucleus of rigid D2 (at equilibrium geometry) obtained from virtually exact molecular hydrogen wave functions28 and molecular beam magnetic resonance experiments 29 is Volume 5, 2016 226 kHz.15 When the nonrigidity of D2 is accounted for, slight changes occur.8,9 Now it comes as no surprise that the B : D ratio for the solute in the nematic phase deviates from that in the gas phase. In fact, the deviation can be used to obtain an estimate of B(extramolecular) and hence of FZZ . The sign of FZZ is different for different nematic solvents and the degree of orientational order S calculated in the presence of the external EFG agrees convincingly with our previous observations. The interaction between the average liquid-crystal EFG and the molecular quadrupole moments appears to account for most of the orientational order of the hydrogens in nematic phases. Different signs of FZZ lead to different signs of S [equation (12)]. As we shall discuss later, for molecules other than the hydrogens, the degree of orientational order can be explained adequately by two very different mechanisms. In addition to the interaction between average solvent EFG and solute quadrupole moment, another mechanism that is determined by solute size and shape often prevails. As the hydrogens are essentially spherical, a significant size-and-shape contribution is not expected, and the interaction discussed in this section dominates. The results obtained in Ref. 11 were later supported convincingly by those of ab initio calculations.9 Moreover, these calculations confirm the notion that the hydrogens dissolved in a nematic liquid crystal are only slightly perturbed by the anisotropic environment and that J remains a reasonably good quantum number. Experiments with Magic Results The fact that the sign of the orientation parameter S is opposite in nematic liquid-crystal solvents 1132 and EBBA suggests an interesting possibility. It appears at this point that in a nematic phase the orientational order of hydrogen and its isotopologs depends mainly on a single orientation mechanism, namely © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 905 EE Burnell & CA de Lange 906 Deuterium NMR of D2 49.3 Wt% 1132 61.3 Wt% 1132 76.0 Wt% 1132 200 0 −200 −400 Hz 1000 40 0 0 −1000 −40 0 (b) D (Hz) (a) 400 B (Hz) the interaction between the liquid-crystal average EFG and the solute molecular quadrupole moment. As the EFGs in 1132 and EBBA appear to be of opposite sign, it seems feasible that mixing these nematic phases in an appropriate proportion would lead to a new nematic phase, but now with a much reduced EFG, and hence a much reduced degree of orientational order of the H2 , HD, and D2 solutes. Indeed, mixing 1132 and EBBA does lead to a new nematic phase. In order to investigate whether these mixed phases possess a reduced solvent EFG, experiments with D2 as a solute are required.30 The results of these experiments are shown in Figures 4 and 5. By mixing 1132 and EBBA in varying proportions and by dissolving D2 in these mixtures, it is clear that we can create entirely different situations. In a mixture with 49.3 wt% 1132, the orientational order S of D2 is negative, corresponding to an average negative EFG due to an excess of EBBA in the mixture. In a mixture with 76.0 wt% 1132, the orientational order S of D2 is positive, corresponding to an average positive EFG due to an excess of 1132 in the mixture. In a mixture with 61.3 wt% 1132 where the amounts of 1132 and EBBA are balanced, the 2 H NMR spectrum of D reduces to essentially a single line 2 with zero splitting. As shown in Figure 4(a), a solute dissolved in a nematic phase with essentially zero degree of order was observed for the first time.30 From Figure 4(b), it can be concluded that the quadrupolar spitting B and the dipolar splitting D go through zero at approximately the same composition of the liquid-crystal mixture. By taking an appropriate mixture of the two solvents, an overall splitting of several kilohertz is reduced to almost zero. As demonstrated in Figure 5 for nematic phases of 1132, EBBA and their mixtures (and as observed later for other nematic liquid crystals as a function of temperature31,32 and 1132 as a function of pressure33 ), the order parameters calculated from the EFG agree quite closely with those measured from the dipolar couplings using equation (4). The slight difference indicates the presence of a small, extra interaction that consistently gives rise to a minute negative contribution to the D2 order parameter. A direct result of this contribution is that B and D actually go through zero at slightly different mixture compositions. A model has been proposed to rationalize this small effect.34 However, the presence of this small effect does not take away from the fact that the interaction between the average solvent EFG and the solute molecular quadrupole moment is the dominant mechanism for the ordering of D2 in these mixtures. The observation that through mixing component liquid crystals an important mechanism for causing orientational order of simple solutes (namely the interaction between solvent EFG and solute molecular quadrupole moment) can be affected at will constitutes a veritable breakthrough. This novel insight provides the experimentalist with an invaluable tool to distinguish among various possible physical mechanisms contributing to the orientational order of solute molecules and to obtain information about the internal liquid-crystal field. It is therefore common usage to speak of magic mixtures when zero-EFG nematic solvents are discussed. As we shall see later, these magic mixtures have found extensive use in liquid-crystal NMR spectroscopy. 20 40 60 Wt% 1132 80 100 Figure 4. (a) 61.3 MHz deuteron NMR spectra of D2 dissolved in nematic mixtures of EBBA and 1132 at 310 K. (Reprinted from Chemical Physics Letters, 107, P.B. Barker, A.J. van der Est, E.E. Burnell, G.N. Patey, C.A. de Lange and J.G. Snijders, NMR of deuterium in liquid crystal mixtures, 426–430., Copyright 1984, with permission from Elsevier) (b) Experimental dipolar coupling constant D (right axis, open circles) and experimental quadrupolar coupling constant B (left axis, stars) of D2 dissolved in nematic mixtures of EBBA and 1132 at 310 K. (Reprinted from Chemical Physics Letters, 107, P.B. Barker, A.J. van der Est, E.E. Burnell, G.N. Patey, C.A. de Lange and J.G. Snijders, NMR of deuterium in liquid crystal mixtures, 426-430., Copyright 1984, with permission from Elsevier) After the first experiments with magic mixtures described in Ref. 30, the concept was extended. It was found that also 5CB (with positive EFG) and EBBA (with negative EFG) when mixed in appropriate amounts lead to zero-EFG mixtures.35 In addition, 3 H NMR of the tritiated isotopologs of hydrogen (T2 , HT, and DT) dissolved in either component liquid crystals or in zero-EFG mixtures10 (Figure 6) essentially confirms the findings of Ref. 30. The 3 H spectrum of T2 is a doublet with splitting 3 DTT , that of HT is a doublet with splitting 2 DHT + JHT , and that of DT a triplet (because D has nuclear spin 1) with splitting 2 DDT + JDT ). The splittings depend © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 5, 2016 Molecular Hydrogens Dissolved in Liquid Crystals 10 TT HT 5 DT S × 103 Theoretical SEFG 0 Experimental S −5 5000 −10 −5 5 0 Fzz × 10 −11 −5000 Figure 6. 640.12 MHz tritium NMR spectrum of a mixture of T2 , H2 , and D2 in EBBA at 300 K after irradiation of the sample tube in order to achieve isotope scrambling. (Reprinted figure with permission from E.E. Burnell, C.A. de Lange, A.L. Segre, D. Capitani, G. Angelini, G. Lilla and J.B.S. Barnhoorn, Phys. Rev. E, 55, 496, 1997. Copyright © 1982, American Physical Society) esu Figure 5. Experimental order parameters S [from DDD and equation (4) filled circles] and order parameters SEFG as a function of FZZ [equation (12)]. FZZ values are obtained from experiments with D2 in nematic mixtures of 1132 and EBBA at 310 K (see text). (Reprinted from Chemical Physics Letters, 107, P.B. Barker, A.J. van der Est, E.E. Burnell, G.N. Patey, C.A. de Lange and J.G. Snijders, NMR of deuterium in liquid crystal mixtures, 426–430., Copyright 1984, with permission from Elsevier) predominantly on the product of the magnetogyric ratios of T times that of T, H, or D. Vibration–Reorientation Interaction We now return to a point that was already mentioned with respect to equations (2) and (3), viz. the assumption that averages over intramolecular and reorientational motions can be performed separately. Of course, the question arises how good this assumption is and whether it can be tested. The hydrogens are not the best testing ground here because the observables are products of intramolecular and reorientational averages. A small change in one average must be counteracted by a change in the other average to lead to the same observable. Moreover, such changes would come on top of fairly large anisotropic splittings and would therefore be difficult to extract. A better testing ground would be provided by solutes that should show zero dipolar and quadrupolar splittings when averages over intramolecular and reorientational motions can be separated, but that experimentally show small dipolar and quadrupolar splittings that can be shown to arise from vibration–reorientation interaction. An excellent example is provided by the methanes (solutes with tetrahedral symmetry) that show small a priori unexpected anisotropic splittings. These splittings can be analyzed using methods very similar Volume 5, 2016 0 Frequency (Hz) to those developed to understand the behavior of hydrogens in nematic phases and that are described in previous sections. This important spin off for larger molecules will be discussed. We start by generalizing equation (8). The Hamiltonian that describes the interaction between a liquid-crystal ‘field’ E in an axial nematic phase and a solute is again written in its simplest form, namely as a single bilinear second-rank tensorial interaction. In equation (8), this interaction is given for a cylindrically symmetric rigid solute. Here we consider a more general case15 : 3 1 1 (15) cos θi cos θj − δij βij (Qm ) Ĥ = − G 3 2 2 ij with G = E|| − E⊥ (16) The quantity β signifies the solute property that interacts with the field and is taken to depend on internal motions through the solute normal modes Qm and θi is the angle between the solute i axis and the field direction. As before, a single interaction mechanism is assumed although it is not specified which. The interaction of equation (15) is now considered as a perturbation of the zero-order vibrational–rotational wave functions of the solute. In order to proceed, we develop the β(Qm ) tensor into a Taylor series around the equilibrium (Qm = 0): ∂β kl Qm + · · · βkl (Qm ) = βkl (Qm = 0) + ∂Q m Qm =0 m (17) The observables that we are concerned with and that could be obtained from splittings in the NMR spectra such as dipolar © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 907 EE Burnell & CA de Lange and quadrupolar couplings have the following general form: 3 1 akl (Qm ) A(Qm , Ω) = cos θk cos θl − δkl (18) 2 2 kl In order to calculate the quantity A(Qm , Ω) in the presence of a nonzero interaction, we apply standard perturbation theory to second order. After some algebra, we predict anisotropic splittings even for the fully tetrahedral species CH4 and CD4 : ⎛ 1 −1 ⎝ ∂aij ∂βij nrig A (T) = G Fkl 10 ∂Sk ∂Sl ij kl ⎞ 1 ∂aii ∂βjj ⎠ (19) − 3 ∂Sk ∂Sl i j where Sk are symmetry modes and Fkl is the isotopically invariant harmonic force field matrix related to the vibrational frequencies ωm by: 2 Lkm Fkl Llm = ωm (20) kl where L is the matrix that transforms normal modes to symmetry modes. The derivatives are all taken at equilibrium geometry. For the nonfully tetrahedral solutes CH3 D, CH2 D2 , and CHD3 , an additional contribution to the anisotropic splittings is obtained: ⎞ ⎛ G ⎝ 1 eq eq eq eq ⎠ rig A (T) = aii βkk + aij βij (21) − 10kT 3 i k ij As in the case of the hydrogens, methane and its isotopologs are very well-characterized molecules and accurate rotational and vibrational data are available. Therefore, we can compare our theoretical predictions to a large body of experimental data that we have obtained for the entire set of protonated and deuterated methanes.36 Methane possesses four normal modes (symmetric stretch A1 , bend E, asymmetric stretch F2 , and asymmetric bend F2 ). The symmetric stretch does not contribute to any anisotropic splittings, so we are left with three unknown derivatives of the solute β tensor with respect to normal modes Qm or, preferably, the isotope-invariant symmetry modes Sm . Hence, all the anisotropic splittings observed in the methanes are described by three parameters Gβ1 , Gβ2 , and Gβ3 that can be obtained by fitting the theoretical expressions to the observed splittings. Excellent fits are obtained for each liquid-crystal solvent. From the theoretical expressions for the quadrupolar splittings, it follows that with knowledge of the parameters eq Gβ1 , Gβ2 , and Gβ3 the solute properties V|| and the derivatives ∂V|| /∂Sk can be obtained. From ab initio calculations, it is clear that the derivatives with respect to the bends with symmetry eq E and F2 are negligible.37 In addition to V|| , this leaves only the derivative with respect to the stretch mode F2 to be extracted. Both quantities are solute properties and therefore liquid-crystal independent. However, the values that we obtain vary significantly with liquid crystal.24 908 There is one more factor to be considered. For the hydrogens, we found that the deviations observed for the B : D ratio can be rationalized by the presence of an average external liquid-crystal EFG that interacts with the molecular quadrupole moment of the hydrogen isotopologs. For the methanes, a similar isotopeindependent contribution to the quadrupolar splittings can be expected. It is tempting to transfer the same EFG values estimated for the various liquid-crystal solvents in which the hydrogen solutes were studied to the case of the methanes. The underlying assumption here is that the average EFG felt by hydrogens and methanes in nematic solvents is essentially identical. If with this assumption we now include the average liquid-crystal EFGs in our fitting procedure for the methanes, it eq is pleasing to see that the quantities V|| and the derivative with respect to the F2 stretch mode are much more liquid-crystal independent. Comparing the results of our studies on hydrogen and methane and their deuterated isotopologs, a consistent picture emerges and the following conclusions can be drawn: (i) a simple single interaction of second-rank tensorial form accounted for by standard perturbation theory is in excellent agreement with our observations and suffices in all cases; (ii) assuming an average external solvent EFG that interacts with the solute quadrupole moments leads to consistency, thus supporting this notion; and (iii) vibration–reorientation interaction is the cause of anisotropic splittings in the methanes in nematic phases. Later work on a large variety of solutes has shown that (in addition to the orientation mechanism that arises from the interaction between the average liquid-crystal EFG and the solute quadrupole moment) a second mechanism that involves solute size and shape is important. Experiments on methanes in magic mixture have confirmed that for the methanes the size-and-shape mechanism is unimportant, as expected from their tetrahedral or near-tetrahedral shape. Experiments on the tritiated methanes38 are in complete agreement with the results found for the protonated and deuterated isotopologs. Once the existence and importance of the vibration– reorientation interaction were established, it was realized that this mechanism also plays a role in larger molecules. A case in point is acetylene studied in various nematic solvents.39 From a general point of view, it must be concluded that, despite the high accuracy with which anisotropic couplings can be measured with NMR, it is difficult if not impossible to translate this experimental accuracy to molecular properties such as molecular structure. In that sense, it is finally realized that vibration–reorientation interaction is a real hindrance in molecular structure determination using liquid-crystal solvents.16 More on Magic Mixtures Experiments on D2 dissolved in an appropriate mixture of the liquid crystals 1132 or 5CB and EBBA have led to the concept of magic mixtures. In order to describe most of the orientational order of D2 , a single mechanism is found to suffice. This mechanism involves the interaction between an average external liquid-crystal EFG and the solute molecular quadrupole © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 5, 2016 Molecular Hydrogens Dissolved in Liquid Crystals moment. As this EFG is temperature dependent, a certain composition of the mixture possesses a zero-EFG at only one specific temperature. The use of these liquid-crystal mixtures allows the experimentalist to ‘tune’ the EFG-molecular-quadrupolemoment mechanism at will. The concept of magic mixtures also has important implications for molecules larger than D2 , as will be discussed in this section. Since the initial experiments on D2 , the use of magic mixtures has become widespread and a variety of larger molecules has been studied in such mixtures. In general, the behavior of larger molecules dissolved in magic mixtures differs from that of D2 . In D2 , the degree of orientational order can be ‘tuned’ through virtually zero, whereas for larger molecules anisotropic splittings usually remain. This could be due to a number of reasons. First, the same EFG that the small solute D2 experiences in a liquid-crystal solvent might not be felt by larger solutes. On average, the sampling of the liquid-crystal environment by solutes could depend on solute size and shape. It could be that D2 samples regions inside the solvent that would not be accessible to larger solutes. Second, an explanation for the observations could be that the anisotropic shape that is usually associated with larger molecules is at the root of a significant size-and-shape-dependent orientation mechanism that does not occur in D2 , which is close to being spherically symmetric. As we shall see, the second of these two possibilities essentially applies. When a solute is dissolved in a nematic phase, the solute–solvent interaction can be described in terms of a multipole expansion.40,41 Such an expansion breaks down at short intermolecular distances where the electron clouds of solute and solvent molecules start to overlap. This type of overlap is subject to restrictions based on the Pauli principle and leads to a strong repulsive interaction in which anisotropic molecular shape plays a key role. In addition to all the possible bilinear interactions that could be imagined on the basis of the multipole expansion, a hard-core anisotropic shape-dependent repulsion potential is therefore to be expected. Experiments on D2 in magic mixtures have demonstrated conclusively that the electrostatic interaction between average solvent EFG and molecular quadrupole moment dominates over all other terms in the multipole expansion. For larger solutes, a large body of experimental evidence shows that, in addition to this single electrostatic interaction, a single size-and-shape mechanism plays a key role. Since the advent of magic mixtures, a large number of solutes have been studied in component liquid crystals and their zeroEFG mixtures. All these studies provide ample experimental evidence that a single orientation mechanism is sufficient to account for the additional size-and-shape-dependent mechanism present for molecules other than D2 . All these studies have been summarized extensively before in a book13 and an extensive review article.12 For further details, we refer the reader to these publications. The size-and-shape contribution to solute orientational order arises from the anisotropic Pauli repulsion potential between solute and solvent molecules. As this amounts to a breakdown of the multipole expansion, this hard-core interaction has no quantum-mechanical Hamiltonian associated Volume 5, 2016 with it and therefore cannot be treated with perturbation theory. The only pragmatic way to account for this interaction is through the use of phenomenological models. Trying to develop such models has a long history. Early models were based on solute moments-of-inertia considerations,26 describing solutes as rectangular parallelepipeds (the Straley model),42 and the use of Stuart’s ‘Wirkungsradien’.25 Later, most of the research groups active in the field of solutes in nematic solvents have developed models based on solute molecular structure. Although details vary, all these models are in the same spirit and show similar results.12,43 In the literature, research groups often use their own favorite brand. We mention the chord and modified-chord models,44 – 46 the C and CI models,12 and a model that describes the interaction between the solute surface normal and the liquid-crystal mean field.47 For a more complete description of these phenomenological models, we again refer to the literature.12,13 With these models, we can routinely predict solute orientation parameters to an accuracy of about 10%. As an aside, we mention a special class of solutes that are termed magic solutes. These solutes happen to possess small multipole moments, in particular small molecular quadrupole moments. Even in component liquid crystals with nonzero EFG, the orientation mechanism that dominates for D2 is relatively unimportant for these magic solutes. Representative examples are, e.g., methane and higher alkanes. The orientational order of such solutes in component liquid crystals and in magic mixtures is completely dominated by the size-and-shape mechanism in all cases. Flexible Molecules as Solutes in Nematic Phases We shall conclude with a separate class of solutes, viz. molecules that do not exist in a single conformation but that undergo rapid conformational change, either between symmetry-related or symmetry-unrelated conformations.12,48 – 50 The present interest in this class of solutes merits a separate section. We discuss conformational change in terms of an interconversion between separate ‘rigid’ conformations. This interconversion is assumed to be fast on the NMR timescale. The notion of an ‘average’ solute molecule whose orientational order can be described with a limited number of at most five orientation parameters is found to be fallacious.51 Unfortunately, if the different conformations are not related by symmetry, in the general and most unfavorable case we require five independent orientation parameters for each conformation. The anisotropic observables take the form: (i) (i) Pi Skl Ckl (22) O= i kl where O is the dipolar or quadrupolar coupling, Pi the conformer probability, S(i) kl the kl element of the order tensor, and Ckl(i) a constant appropriate for conformer i. As Pi and S(i) kl occur as a product in equation (22), they cannot be separated in a single experiment. This is a serious limitation, but there appears to be a way around this dilemma. The solution lies in a temperature-dependent study of the solute. However, © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 909 EE Burnell & CA de Lange flexible solutes usually contain many proton spins, and a very complicated 1 H NMR spectrum results. Recently, the 1 H NMR spectra of the flexible magic solutes n-butane,49,52 n-pentane,50,53 and n-hexane54 were studied in nematic phases and solved with the use of novel evolutionary strategies.55 The fact that anisotropic spectra of these alkanes (that in the past were much too complex) can now be solved routinely using these new spectral fitting techniques allows temperature-dependent studies. The spectral analysis is only possible in practice because we can use the phenomenological models discussed earlier to predict orientation parameters for each conformation to a degree of accuracy that is sufficient to provide a good starting point in the fitting procedure. By changing the temperature, the population Pi of the different conformations can be varied, and a separation of Pi and S(i) kl can be achieved from a series of spectra. This separation also relies on results from the solute ethane in the same nematic phase56 and the observation that the liquid-crystal field in the longer solutes is proportional to that in ethane. For the first time, information on conformational probabilities of flexible solutes dissolved in nematic liquid crystals can now be obtained experimentally.49,50 Conclusions Experimental and theoretical work on hydrogen and its isotopologs has been the key to understanding the interactions that take place between solutes and their nematic environment. Experiments on D2 have been particularly enlightening because from its 2 H NMR spectrum the sign of its average orientation parameter can be obtained. Surprisingly, depending on the nematic solvent, this sign can be either positive or negative. In addition, it has been found that by mixing nematic phases a new nematic phase is obtained in which the degree of orientational order of D2 can be manipulated and even be made zero. Moreover, the single orientation mechanism that describes most of the orientational order of D2 and the other hydrogens is the interaction between the average electric-field gradient present in the solvent with the solute molecular quadrupole moment. Liquid-crystal mixtures that at a certain temperature show zero-EFG are termed magic mixtures and have found extensive use in liquid-crystal NMR. When methane and its isotopologs are studied in nematic phases and appropriate mixtures thereof, convincing evidence has been found for a coupling between reorientational and vibrational motion. This coupling causes anisotropic splittings even in tetrahedral solutes. The interaction between solute reorientation and solute internal motions is always present and severely limits the accuracy with which structural information can be extracted for solutes. Dissolving larger molecules in mixtures of nematic phases has demonstrated that a second interaction between solute and liquid-crystal solvent plays a dominant role, viz. the size-andshape mechanism caused by the anisotropic solute–solvent Pauli repulsion that dominates at short intermolecular range. This interaction cannot be treated quantum-mechanically and is therefore dealt with using phenomenological models. Such 910 models are capable of predicting orientation parameters at approximately the 10% level. Solutes that possess small molecular moments and whose orientational order is therefore dominated by the size-andshape mechanism are termed magic solutes. A special class is formed by the longer alkanes that moreover undergo interconversion among many conformations. The very complex 1 H NMR spectra of these solutes can nowadays be solved when employing novel, sophisticated evolutionary strategies. This development shows particular promise for obtaining a better understanding of the behavior of flexible molecules in an anisotropic environment. In summary, experiments that started with hydrogen and its isotopologs dissolved in nematic phases have given an enormous impetus to understanding the fundamentals of orientational order caused by the solute–solvent interactions. This and related developments have moved liquid-crystal NMR spectroscopy into a new and promising area. Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to David Buckingham (University of Bristol, later University of Cambridge) for suggesting experiments on the hydrogens long before remotely feasible. We thank the late Jaap Snijders (University of Amsterdam) and Grenfell Patey (University of British Columbia) for their invaluable contributions over many years. Finally, we wish to thank several generations of Ph.D. students and postdocs who did most of the hard work. Biographical Sketches E. Elliott Burnell, b. 1943. BSc, 1965 and MSc, 1968, Memorial U. of Newfoundland, PhD, 1970, University of Bristol. Following Postdocs in Physics (UBC) and Physics (Basel), joined UBC Chemistry in 1972 (currently Professor). Approximately 150 papers on various aspects of the application of NMR techniques to the investigation of orientationally ordered liquids, especially the understanding of anisotropic intermolecular forces. Cornelis A. de Lange, b. 1943. BSc, 1963 and MSc, 1966 (both cum laude), University of Amsterdam, PhD 1969, University of Bristol. Employment: Shell Research Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and University of Amsterdam. Emeritus Professor of Physics and former Member of the Dutch Senate. Approximately 200 papers on the application of NMR techniques to the investigation of orientationally ordered liquids, and laser spectroscopy, in particular photoelectron spectroscopy. Related Articles Emsley, James W.: Having Fun with Liquid Crystals; Khetrapal, C. L.: Development of NMR of Oriented Systems; Analysis of Spectra: Automatic Methods; Liquid Crystalline Samples: Spectral Analysis; Liquid Crystalline Samples: Structure of Nonrigid Molecules; Liquid Crystals: General Considerations; Multiple Quantum Spectroscopy in Liquid Crystalline Solvents; Structure of Rigid Molecules Dissolved in Liquid Crystalline Solvents; Two-Dimensional NMR of Molecules Oriented in Liquid Crystalline Phases; Analysis of Complex High-Resolution NMR Spectra by Sophisticated Evolutionary © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 5, 2016 Molecular Hydrogens Dissolved in Liquid Crystals Strategies; Liquid Crystalline Samples: Orientational Order of Small Rigid Solutes in Nematic Mesophases 30. P. B. 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