Changes in Kentucky School Testing System This year has seen many changes in the Kentucky School Testing System and the school and district report cards. Senate Bill 1 (SB1), enacted in the 2009 Kentucky General Assembly, outlines numerous changes to Kentucky’s assessment and accountability program. SB1 creates a three-year interim period (2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11) and a new state assessment program beginning in 2012. The interim period allows Kentucky time to develop the new assessment system while maintaining components necessary for federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) reporting. -Commonwealth of Kentucky- Dear Parents/Guardians: This report card for the SCHOOL REPORT CARD 2008-2009 school year contains important information about our school, including the details about our academic performance, teacher qualifications, learning environment, and more. For a more detailed look at our school, please go to and select School Report Cards on the blue navigation bar to the left of the homepage. for the 2008-2009 school year County Elementary is to provide a safe, nurturing environment that will empower our students to succeed in an ever-changing world. Our goals include helping all children achieve at high levels and preparing them to become productive citizens. We are committed to improving and perfecting the art of teaching. In addition, we pledge to teach the whole child, including the spiritual, physical, and emotional well being. Therefore, CCES provides a challenging curriculum with child-centered and developmentally appropriate instruction. Critical and creative thinking, writing in all subject areas, and performing task related activities are stressed for all children at appropriate grade levels . CCES has an outstanding Parent Teacher Association. SB1 suspended the former state assessment and accountability program with its focus on the accountability index and individual growth charts. All public schools in Kentucky, both Title I and Non-Title I, are held accountable for student performance through Adequate Yearly Progress status included in No Child Left Behind (NCLB) reports. Assistance to schools that do not meet AYP will be delivered using the Kentucky Department of Education’s Assistance and Support School Improvement Success Team (ASSIST) model. ASSIST teams shall have local district staff collaborating with Kentucky Department of Education staff and other educational partners to support school improvement. This report card reflects the changes to the system during the interim period. The familiar narratives and most of the data reported in previous years are unchanged. However, the growth chart and the data table supporting it are gone, as well as, data from assessments of writing portfolios, arts and humanities and practical living/vocational studies. These assessments changed from state-required to local-option in spring 2009. All academic indices are gone. Little has been added in the interim, but you will see the state results for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) as required by law. NCLB Annual Yearly Progress All Students Y Y Met Participation Rate Y White (non-Hisp) Y Y Y African-American NA NA NA Hispanic NA NA NA Asian NA NA NA Limited Eng Prof NA NA NA Free/Red Lunch Y Y Y With Disability NA NA NA Student Group Met Annual Measurable Objectives Reading Mathematics Other Academic Indicator Y=Met the goals N=Did not meet the goals NA=Not applicable S=Safe Harbor, did not make goal but made significant improvement For High Schools the Other Academic Indicator is Graduation Rate. For Elementary and Middle Schools the Other Academic Indicator is the overall Classification which covers other content beyond Reading and Mathematics. Carlisle County Elementary School Jessica Thomas, Principal 4557 State Route 1377 Bardwell, KY 42023 Phone: (270) 628-3800, Fax: (270) 628-0126 Email: School Enrollment: 347 Our School Council Y About Our School: The primary mission of Carlisle Melissa Blackwell Suzanne Carrico Christy Elder Lorelei Rushing Jessica Thomas Krista Yarbrough How We Ensure Educational Equity: We at Carlisle County Elementary ensure educational equity by offering or implementing the following programs and services: Family Resource Youth Service Center, Migrant Program, Title I, Gifted and Talented Program, Special Education Services, Extended School Services, Guidance Classes, Pyramid of Interventions, Math Intervention Program, and Reading Intervention Program. How We Are Doing Kentucky's Interim School Testing and Accountability System has three parts: the Kentucky Core Content Tests (KCCT); readiness tests by grade level; and other measures of a school's performance, including attendance, retention and dropout rates. This interim system will be replaced in the 2011-12 school year by a new testing and accountability system structured as required by statute. The goal is that, by 2014, nearly all students will score proficient or distinguished in every subject area tested. Novice Apprentice student performance as either Novice, Apprentice, Proficient, or Distinguished. These categories translate into a scale of 0-140, with 100 being considered proficient. This chart compares our school’s performance with the schools in our district and throughout Kentucky. For further information on the KCCT Test, performance levels or standards based assessment go to the KDE home page and click on School Report Card. Reading Elementary KCCT Test Proficient Distinquised Kentucky Core Content Tests: Kentucky’s tests rate * The percent of students who had to repeat the grade. Science Writing On Demand Social Studies 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 School 3% 5% 4% 8% 0% 0% 2% 17% 2% 20% District 3% 5% 4% 8% 0% 0% 2% 17% 2% 20% State 6% 6% 10% 10% 7% 6% 7% 6% 11% 10% School 25% 30% 13% 21% 9% 5% 48% 39% 43% 37% District 25% 30% 13% 21% 9% 5% 48% 39% 43% 37% State 21% 20% 21% 20% 24% 24% 41% 38% 30% 29% School 72% 65% 83% 70% 91% 95% 50% 43% 56% 43% District 72% 65% 83% 70% 91% 95% 50% 43% 56% 43% State 73% 74% 70% 70% 69% 70% 53% 55% 60% 61% Other Measures: The third component of the Kentucky Testing System is our school's performance in attendance, retention*, dropout rate, and for successful transition to adult life. Data in these tables reflect our performance during the 2007-2008 school year. Mathematics Attendance Rate Retention Rate School 95.8% 0.0% District 95.4% 1.5% State 94.2% 2.6% NAEP: The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is also known as "the Nation's Report Card". NAEP has been conducting assessments since 1969 and is the only national assessment of what "America's students know and can do" in various subject areas. NAEP does not report scores for individual students or schools. NAEP bases its results on a sample of students and provides data at the state and national level. NAEP Achievement Level Percentages Grade 4 Reading Grade 4 Mathematics NAEP Participation Rates Below Basic Basic 32% 35% 25% 8% 21% 49% 27% 3% Proficient Advanced Grade 4 Reading Grade 4 Mathematics Students with Disabilities English Language Learners 52% 54% 42% 65% Our Learning Environment School Safety: Here is what we are doing to make our school safe for our students. Visitors are Required to Sign in All Parents Received the District Discipline Code % Classrooms with Outside Line Y Y 100% Violation Procedures in Place In Our School for Drug and Weapons Detection: # of Reported Incidents # of Students Suspended # of Students Expelled 1st Degree Assault 0 0 0 Drug Violation 0 0 0 0 0 0 Weapons Violations A Safety Resource Officer is stationed at the main entrance of campus. We have a customized Crisis Management Plan and door security system in place. We feel that it is our duty to assure all parents, students, and staff that the Carlisle County School System Officials recognize safety as a high priority and that every effort is being made to maintain safe and wholesome learning environment. Student Resources Spending per Student Student/ Teacher Ratio % Computers 5 Years Old or Less Students per Internet Connected Computer Our School $4,632 11.0:1 34.3% 2.8:1 District $9,316 12.0:1 56.2% 2.4:1 State $10,301 16.0:1 77.7% 2.8:1 Teacher Qualifications How We Use Technology To Teach: Each class is scheduled between 40 and 60 minutes per week in the computer lab. The lab is open for an additional 5 hours per week for classes to sign up for extra time. The following are some of the software packages used at CCES to enhance instruction: Accelerated Reading Program, Accelerated Math, Reader Rabbit, Heartsoft, Mighty Math, Math Blasters, Grammar Games, Spell It Deluxe, Microsoft Office, Power Point, and Visions. In addition, each classroom has a LCD projector and access to KETencyclomedia to enhance instruction. Parental Involvement Our School # of Students Whose Parent/Guardian Had at Least One Teacher Conference # of Parents/Guardians Voting in School Council (SBDM) Elections # of Parents/Guardians Serving on the School Council (SBDM) or its Committees # of Volunteer Hours 327 42 2 922 The preparation and experience of our teachers also is important to our success. These numbers do not include administrators, guidance counselors, or library media specialists. Upon request, our district will provide information about the qualifications of your child's teachers and teachers' aides. School District State 0.0% 0.0% 1.2% 100.0% 100.0% NA 0.0% 0.0% 1.2% Average Years of Teaching Experience 8.7 9.2 11.7 Number of Teachers certified by the National Board for Professional Standards 100 0 1,506 % of Teachers with Emergency or Provisional Certification % of Classes Taught by Teachers who Participated in Content-Focused Professional Development % of Core Academic Subject Classes NOT Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers Professional Qualifications of all Teachers in the School B.A./ B.S. M.A./ M.S. Rank I Specialist Ph.D/ Ed.D. Total Teachers 28.5% 53.5% 17.8% 0.0% 0.0% 100% Other Important Information About Our School State Contest Results: NA Extracurricular Activities: The extracurricular activities available at CCES include: Little League Basketball, Little Shakers, Academic Team, and the Annual Elementary Musical. Awards & Recognitions: NA What We Are Doing To Improve: The dedicated faculty at CCES works to continuously improve by analyzing test data annually, reviewing and revising the school's Comprehensive School Improvement Plan, actively participating in professional development including Thoughtful Education, and attending national and state conferences. Kentucky Core Content Testing by Sub-groups: This chart shows the average test scores for student sub-populations in our school. P + D % is Proficient and Distinguished percent. Scores of groups of ten or fewer students are not reported. Reading Student Sub-populations Mathematics 2008 2009 2008 Science 2009 2008 2009 Students P+D% Students P+D% Students P+D% Students P+D% Students P+D% Students P+D% All Students 157 71.97 166 65.06 157 83.44 166 70.48 43 90.70 61 95.08 White 151 72.19 158 65.82 151 84.11 158 72.15 40 92.50 60 95.00 African-American 1 - 4 - 1 - 4 - 1 - 0 - Asian 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 0 - 1 - Hispanic 2 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 0 - Free/Red Lunch 87 67.82 93 53.76 87 79.31 93 62.37 25 88.00 33 90.91 Non-Free/Red Lunch 70 77.14 73 79.45 70 88.57 73 80.82 18 94.44 28 100.00 Limited English 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 157 71.97 166 65.06 157 83.44 166 70.48 43 90.70 61 95.08 Non-Limited English Disability 17 - 27 - 17 - 27 - 7 - 4 - Non-Disability 140 77.14 139 71.94 140 89.29 139 78.42 36 97.22 57 94.74 0 - 1 - 0 - 1 - 0 - 1 - Non-Migrant 157 71.97 165 65.45 157 83.44 165 70.30 43 90.70 60 95.00 Female 91 63.74 85 87.06 91 69.23 23 91.30 34 94.12 Migrant 85 72.94 Male 72 70.83 75 66.67 72 79.17 75 72.00 20 90.00 27 96.30 Percentage Tested 160 98.13 167 99.40 160 98.13 167 99.40 44 97.73 62 98.39 For Further Information: To locate further data concerning this school and the district, please go to the Kentucky Department of Education homepage at, and select School Report Card from the blue navigation bar at the left of the screen. Next, select Expanded Data and you will see a selection of reports offering a wealth of detail about the school and district and their programs. For even more information we suggest that you visit the school or district office and talk with the staff and faculty. Our school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, relegion, sex, age, or disability in employment or provision of services. Kentucky School Testing System