Cisco ParStream At-a-Glance Why Real-Time Insights Matter

Cisco ParStream
Why Real-Time Insights Matter
Every second, a massive amount of devices and sensors worldwide
produce large amounts of valuable, high-velocity data. Realizing the full
value of streaming data in an IoT environment requires fast ingestion.
Capturing and connecting streaming data with historical data provide
insights that empower organizations to transform their business.
However, this data grows at a pace faster than most companies can
Generate Value From Your
Data in Real Time
• Specifically Built for IoT/Highly
Distributed Environments:
Purpose-built to process
massive volumes and velocity of
IoT data.
• Uses Fog/Edge Analytics:
Enables analytics closer to the
IoT edges and fog nodes where
data is produced, and stores the
data in real time.
• Uses Small Footprint, Standard
Interfaces: Transparently
adds to a company’s existing
environment and processes
without major system
architectural change.
• Provides Fast Accuracy:
Delivers millisecond response
times on billions of data records
while continuously importing
new data.
• Cost Efficient: Scales linearly
from edge computers to single
servers to clusters and cloud
with minimal infrastructure and
operating costs.
Cisco® ParStream is a highly specialized database with a small
footprint that enables analytics for IoT environments. It allows you to
analyze large amounts of data in real time and store data anywhere
in the network, including the edge, with minimal infrastructure and
operating costs. Purpose built to scale, ParStream enables you to get
the most value from your data more quickly, no matter where it is in the
network. With 20 times the processing speed of the average database,
ParStream provides the fastest, most accurate performance to take
real-time action and monetize opportunities in critical hyperdistributed
How Customers Use Cisco ParStream
Cisco ParStream is best suited for business-critical industries that
require ultrafast response times, very high query throughput, and
continuous data import. Our customers are discovering ways to use
ParStream to innovate in their business, turning raw streaming data into
actions in real time. Some examples include:
An oil and gas company uses sensor data from multiple remote
well sites to monitor well operations. With ParStream, the
company can ingest this data and use interactive analytics of
current conditions versus historical patterns. This near-real-time
ability to analyze the data enables proactive decisions about
operational issues before they happen.
A renewable energy company uses streaming data to optimize
wind turbine performance and quickly adjust to changing
environmental factors such as wind direction, temperature, and
so on. ParStream enables real-time and continuous monitoring
of data from 20,000 wind turbines (with 150 sensors each) and
historical analysis of past readings. So far, this initiative has helped
the company improve productivity by 15 percent and realize $158
million of annual economic benefit.
© 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public.
Discover the business value of
Cisco ParStream. Contact your
Cisco representative today.
A semiconductor manufacturer had limited ability to perform rootcause analysis of product issues. The company uses ParStream
to monitor its data in real time to improve overall machine use,
increase revenue, and discover new product possibilities.
The Building Blocks of ParStream
Specifically engineered to enable the immediate and continuous analysis
of real-time data as it’s being loaded, Cisco ParStream:
Features highly scalable, distributed hybrid database architecture
to analyze billions of records at the edge
Has patented indexing and compression capabilities that minimize
performance degradation and process data in real time
Integrated with R, Knime, and other ML engines to support
advanced analytics, makes effective use of both standard
multicore CPUs and GPUs to execute queries
Uses time-series analytics to combine analyzing streaming data
with massive amounts of historical data
Uses alerts and actions to monitor data streams, create and
qualify easy-to-invoke procedures that generate alerts, send
notifications, or execute actions automatically
Derives models and hypotheses from huge amounts of data by
applying statistical functions and analytical models using advanced
Why Cisco?
The modern enterprise competes with data, and wins with speed and
agility. The true value from data and analytics comes from acting on
the insights found when connecting the unconnected. Cisco Data and
Analytics solutions help you discover, prepare and use data quickly, to
fuel innovation, capture competitive advantage, grow your business, and
accelerate your digital transformation. Only Cisco has the connected
network infrastructure and expertise to bring analytics to your data,
whether it’s at the edge or in data centers. No matter how big or how
dispersed, we can turn information into action almost instantly, driving
specific business outcomes with real-time information and intelligence
from your existing network.
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