! ! ! ! USC!School!of!Music!! Spark!Teaching!Innovation!Grant! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! MUSC!776:!Special!Topics!in!Piano!Pedagogy! The!Healthy!and!Prepared!Performer! Fall$2016$ $ $ $ $ $ $ ! Sara!Ernst! Assistant$Professor$of$Piano$and$Piano$Pedagogy$ sernst@mozart.sc.edu$ 777=1688$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Brief!Description:! “The$Healthy$and$Prepared$Performer”$is$a$newly$offered$topics$course$designed$to$provide$ USC$graduate$students$with$a$forum$for$optimizing$personal$well=being$and$performance$ outcomes.$The$Teaching$Innovation$Grant$would$provide$funding$for$two$guest$speakers,$one$ expert$in$wellness$and$another$in$performance$psychology.$ $ $ MUSC$776:$Special$Topics$in$Piano$Pedagogy$ The$Healthy$and$Prepared$Performer$ Fall$2016$ ! Course!&!Students! Graduate$students$in$music$performance$and$piano$pedagogy$are$actively$honing$ their$crafts$as$musicians,$teachers,$and$researchers.$The$vast$majority$of$students$are$ actively$and$regularly$performing,$every$semester.$Some$students$do$so$willingly,$some$ hesitantly.$Some$students$perform$with$great$anxiety$and$some$with$strong$confidence.$ Some$prepare$positively$and$incrementally,$and$others$cram$and$fear$the$performance.$ Some$may$even$injure$themselves$and$some$may$have$great$mental$anguish.$Some$may$be$ unwilling$to$admit$their$struggles.$$ Their$ultimate$success$as$a$performer$is$only$in$part$determined$by$their$abilities$as$ technicians$and$artists.$Holistically$speaking,$true$success$in$performance$occurs$with$ healthy,$conscious$preparation,$as$an$individual$balancing$multiple$professional$demands,$ with$a$balanced,$positive$outlook.$This$course$and$its$guest$speakers$provides$a$greatly$ needed$forum$for$students$to$explore$wellness$and$performance$psychology$as$it$directly$ applies$to$their$current$and$future$endeavors$as$performing$musicians.$ Historically,$special$topics$in$piano$pedagogy$has$been$limited$to$graduate$students$ in$piano$performance$and/or$pedagogy$degrees.$This$course$will$be$open$to$all$graduate$ students$in$performance$and/or$pedagogy$degrees$(not$just$piano),$with$a$co=requisite$of$ taking$applied$study$in$the$same$semester.$Enrollment$for$this$special$topics$course$would$ be$capped$at$twelve,$to$allow$for$a$discussion=$and$experience=based$learning$environment.$ ! Innovation!&!Uniqueness! $ It$is$essential$for$our$graduate$students$to$be$positive,$healthy,$prepared$performers,$ in$order$for$them$excel$as$musicians,$educators,$and$music$leaders.$While$students$may$ address$this$topic$in$their$applied$study,$having$a$semester$to$devote$to$wellness$and$ developing$mental$skills$for$performance$will$allow$them$to$reach$new$performance$peaks.$ Furthermore,$this$course$will$give$them$the$tools$to$work$with$future$students$and$young$ musicians$in$developing$healthy$and$holistic$habits.$Integrating$the$perspectives$of$experts$ in$wellness$and$psychology$into$the$course,$will$provide$depth$to$the$content$and$new$ avenues$of$understanding.$Students$will$gain$the$mental$strategies$and$healthy$habits$to$ improve$their$own$wellness$and$career$fulfillment,$as$well$as$that$of$their$students.$ $ All$music$schools$face$the$reality$that$students$do$not$always$have$the$personal$and$ mental$skills$to$excel$in$performance.$But$the$truth$is$that$most$music$schools$do$not$have$ courses$devoted$to$wellness$and$performance$psychology$and$do$not$elevate$this$topic$as$ meaningful.$Integrating$this$course$and$its$potential$guest$speakers$into$the$School$of$Music$ will$ensure$our$curriculum$is$cutting$edge$and$relevant$in$preparing$the$next$generation$of$ musicians.$ ! Impact! ! There$is$an$unlimited$potential$that$this$course$and$its$guest$speakers$can$have$on$each$ individual$graduate$student$in$the$course.$Students$may$truly$discover$new$strategies$and$ideal$ habits$that$will$improve$their$ability$to$succeed$as$performers$and$musicians.$These$students$ can$also$serve$as$future$leaders$and$resources$in$helping$other$musicians$discover$these$ abilities$within$themselves.$The$potential$for$large,$school=wide$impact$is$even$greater$if$the$ guest$speakers$can$be$brought$to$the$larger$undergraduate$student$population$(see$notes$ below$in$funding).$$ ! Funding! $1500$is$requested$to$support$two$guest$speakers.$$ Wellness&Presentation:& One$guest$speaker$will$be$largely$determined$by$the$desires$and$interests$of$the$class,$in$ the$topic$of$wellness.$This$guest$speaker$would$be$locally$drawn$to$address$topics$of$ physical$wellness,$which$might$include$an$overview$of$stretching$exercises$or$effective$time$ management.$$ Stipend:$$250$ National&Figure&of&Performance&Psychology:& The$second$guest$speaker$will$be$a$well=known$figure$and$author$in$the$field$of$ performance$psychology.$The$guest$would$work$with$closely$with$the$topics$course,$ providing$a$psychologist’s$perspective$on$preparing$for$performance.$The$guest$of$choice$ would$be$Dr.$Bill$Moore,$author$of$several$musician’s$guides$to$performance.$$ It$would$be$possible$to$also$engage$this$guest$in$a$larger$school=wide$presentation,$such$as$ during$the$seminar$hour.$To$do$so,$additional$funding$would$likely$be$necessary$to$provide$ for$travel$and$lodging$expenses.$If$it$is$not$possible$to$arrange$a$larger$program$and$secure$ travel$funding,$the$speaker$would$be$engaged$through$long=distance$internet$conferencing,$ which$would$be$fully$possible$with$the$$1500$budget.$ Stipend:$$1250$$$ (Travel$&$lodging:$$800=1000,$if$possible$and$necessary)$ ! Personal!Note! $ $ I$had$the$pleasure$of$taking$in$a$course$in$Performance$Psychology$with$Dr.$Bill$Moore$ as$a$graduate$student.$This$course$provided$me$with$life=changing$skills$in$practice$and$ preparing$for$performance.$It$is$my$hope$to$bring$this$topic$to$life,$starting$with$the$course,$at$ the$USC$School$of$Music.$ Distinct Values This topic, wellness and preparing for performance, addresses the School of Music’s Distinct Values in several ways. The School seeks to prepare Musicians as Educators and Educators as Musicians. Performing musicians need the skills to avoid burn-out and injury, manage time and practice, and hone their concentration and focus, in order to meet the multiple demands of their careers and perform to their potential. Educators also need the tools to help students address performance anxiety and instill healthy practice and lifestyle habits in their own students. These musicians/educators could impact the futures of music performance, by reducing the negative stigma of performance anxiety and tis impact on young musicians. The School has also identified community engagement and leadership training as important in preparing Music Leaders. Effective leaders engaged in the community must be able to perform to their potential, and thus, this topic supports these endeavors. In addition, the School’s statement on Diversely Skilled Musicians indicates that our graduates “who wish to make music their life’s work…improve and sustain….their own lives.” This is at the core of wellness, as it is those who effectively prepare for performance and maintain healthy habits who will have a rich life as a musician UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA MUSC 776: Special Topics in Piano Pedagogy The Healthy and Prepared Performer Tues & Thurs TBD, 3 credits, Fall 2016, MUSB 112 Dr. Sara Ernst MUSB 229 Office hours: TBA, by appt 777-1688 sernst@mozart.sc.edu COURSE DESCRIPTION Content varies by suffix and title. May be repeated as topic varies. Current topic is the Healthy and Prepared Performer. Students in this course will investigate wellness and performance psychology, with a focus upon the abilities and traits necessary for successful performers. Required co-requisite: All students must be active performers and currently engaged in applied study. Students must arrange a minimum of four performances throughout the semester (this can be in a variety of formats, including solo, chamber, and/or ensemble, and in studio class, seminar, and/or recital). Students are encouraged to perform as much as possible to increase the opportunities for application and discovery. GOALS Gain knowledge in the traits and skills of successful performers and integrate these into personal habits. Improve abilities in practice and performance through discussion, journaling, personal reflection, and application of new techniques. Explore current research in an area of personal interest within wellness and performance psychology. LEARNING OUTCOMES 1.! Develop a vocabulary of concepts, traits, and skills, common to the discourse of wellness and performance psychology. 2.! Change personal habits to reflect the traits of effective, balanced individuals, documenting these in a personal goal statement and end-of-semester recap. 3.! Engage in regular discussion with student peers to deepen understanding of the challenges and benefits of maintaining wellness as a performing musician. 4.! Reflect upon practice sessions and performances in a semester-long journal and create concrete mental strategies to improve performance outcomes. 5.! Perform four (or more) times throughout the semester, improving usage of various mental and physical strategies. 6.! Write a formal research paper in an area of personal interest within wellness and performance psychology. REQUIRED MATERIALS 1.! McAllister, Lesley Sisterhen. The Balanced Musician: Integrating Mind and Body for Peak Performance. Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, 2013. ISBN 978-08108-82935 2.! Moore, Bill. Playing Your Best When It Counts: Mental Skills for Musicians. Norman, Oklahoma: Moore Performance Consulting, 2010. ISBN 978-09792-87305 3.! Moore, Bill. High Performance Workbook, Playing Your Best When It Counts. Norman, Oklahoma: Moore Performance Consulting, 2010. ISBN 978-09792-87312 RECOMMENDED MATERIALS 4.! Green, Barry, and Timothy Gallwey. The Inner Game of Music. New York: Doubleday, 1986. ISBN 978-03852-31268 5.! Covey, Steven R. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, 2nd ed. New York: Free Press, 2004. ISBN 978-07432-69513 GRADING AND EVALUATION Every effort will be made to grade fairly and clearly, and to quickly return graded work. Any grade appeals must be submitted in writing within a week of the grade posting. Final Grade Calculation Practice & Performance Journal Activities (Workbook & In-class) Personal Statement & Recap Research Paper 30 % 20 % 10 % 40 % 100 % Grading Scale A 90-100 B+ 87-89 B 80-86 C+ 77-79 C 70-76 D 60-69 F 59 and below CLASS FORMAT The format of this class will include a combination of lecture, activity, and discussion. You will need to read one to three chapters by most Tuesday classes; lectures and discussions on the topic will follow. Every Thursday will be devoted to application, largely through activity and discussion. This will include exploration of practice and performance strategies, as well as the sharing of workbook activities. This course is experiential and nature and thus requires an open mind and willingness to try new strategies. In addition, all students will be asked to share personal experiences and explore personal attitudes. You are reminded that all of your peers have a variety of backgrounds and that it is an asset for us to explore multiple perspectives. Being respectful and collegial will be essential to a constructive learning environment and a positive outcome for the class. The degree to which you learn will directly relate to your personal commitment to regular reflection and personal exploration of key concepts. The degree to which you engage in open and honest discussion with your peers will also impact your depth of understanding and ability to share these ideas with your future students and colleagues. COURSE POLICIES 1.! Late work will not be accepted. If you will be unable to meet a deadline, discuss this with me in advance. Extended deadlines may be possible. 2.! Attendance to class is required. If you need to miss class, please let me know so I may plan accordingly. Missing more than two classes will result in a final grade reduction (5% per absence). 3.! BlackBoard will be your primary mode for turning in written assignments (except journals and workbooks, which may be hand-written). Technology failure is not an excuse for late submission. COURSE SCHEDULE The proposed outline includes topics, readings, and due dates. Modification may occur at any time. The following abbreviations are used for each text: PYB=Playing Your Best When It Counts WB = High-Performance Workbook TBM=The Balanced Musician Week Topic & Reading 1 Intro, Defining Healthy & Prepared Items Due 2 Performance schedule 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Habits of Healthy Individuals TBM Ch. 12, PYB Ch. 1-2 Mind & Body TBM Ch. 1, 3, 4 Guest Speaker, Anatomy & Avoiding Injury Pause (no readings) Mental Skills PYB Ch. 3-5 Relaxation & Positive Mindset PYB Ch. 6, TBM Ch. 7 Imagery & Vision PYB Ch. 7, TBM Ch. 8 Guest Speaker, Performance Psychology Pause (no readings) "Making it happen" PYB Ch. 8 Mental Skills, continued TBM Ch. 5 Stretching TBM Ch. 11 Minds of Prepared Performers TBM Ch. 6 Review of Concepts Personal statement Research topic proposal Journal & WB Part I Research topic bibliography Journal & WB Part II Draft research paper, peer review 14 Personal recap & Journal Final exam ! Final research paper