Dear Parents,
Welcome to kindergarten!
The purpose of this information is to help make your child’s adjustment to school easier. Please put this booklet in a safe place so that you can refer to it throughout the school year. If you have any questions about this information, please do not hesitate to call.
Susan Taylor
Karen Maher
A* Anxiety: Anxiety at the beginning of the school year is normal for children and parents.
Please give this a few weeks. If your child needs extra TLC please let the teacher know.
Absence: If your child is absent from school, please report the absence by calling the school.
Please send a pink absence card to school when your child returns, giving a reason for the absence and the dates absent. (Pink cards will be sent home on your child’s first day of school.)
All About Me Bag: A very special bag will be coming home with your child one evening. This bag is called our All About Me Bag. This bag will help us get to know your child in a very personal way. When your child brings the bag home, he/she must put five or six items in the bag that can help the class learn about him/her. We will talk to your child about these items to learn what his/her interests are.
B* Books: Books are our friends! Read, read, read to your child!
Book orders: Book orders will be sent home periodically. Please keep in mind that our classroom can get free books for every dollar spent. We always appreciate your orders.
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Birthdays: We always like to party in kindergarten.
Birthday snacks are welcome. Please do not send in juice or candles. If your child has a birthday treat that cannot be carried on the bus, you may drop it off in the office and it will be picked up later that day.
Bus: Bus anxiety is normal for the children and parents. Please keep in mind that during the first few weeks of school, the bus drivers are still getting acquainted with their routes and stops. Until this gets ironed out, buses may be later than usual. AM
Kindergarten children will not be dropped off at your home unless someone is at the stop to greet him/her.
Please make sure that your child knows which bus he/ she goes home on.
C* Car line for AM Kindergarten: If your child is being picked up at dismissal time, you may pull your car to the front of the building at 11:30. Mrs.Taylor or
Mrs. Maher will walk your child to the lobby to see him/her out safely.
Car line for PM Kindergarten: If your child is being picked up at dismissal time, you must wait in the car line area in the parking lot. A teacher will walk your child to the car line area. The teacher on duty will see your child safely to your car.
D* D’Nealian: D’Nealian handwriting is taught in kindergarten. Information about this will be explained in the Back to School Night packet.
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Development: Please remember that kindergarten is about development. All children grow and develop at different paces. Please be patient with your child.
E* Events: We have many events and theme days planned for this year.
Dates of these events will be sent home at a later date: Johnny Appleseed Day, Winnie the
Pooh’s Birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving feast,
Holiday party, Valentine’s Day, 100th Day of School,
Read Across America Day, Letter People Day,
Kindergarten Farmer Field Day, and a field trip.
F* Folders: Take Home Folder: This folder will be sent home each day. Please take a few minutes each day to look through this folder. This is our main way to communicate. We will also check your child’s folder each day for notes or important papers.
Homework Folder: This folder will go home each
Monday. This folder will contain your child’s homework, class news, and daily schedule for the week. Please send this folder back to school each
Friday with your child’s completed homework.
G* Guest Readers : Parents, friends, or grandparents are invited to our class to be a guest reader. A sign up sheet will be sent home in a few weeks.
Guidance lessons: Our guidance counselor will visit our classroom for guidance lessons. The guidance lessons will focus on kindness, self-esteem, and learning to JUST SAY NO!
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H* Homework Hotline: If you ever have any questions about homework, just call the homework hotline. A weekly schedule will be on the recording.
Mrs.Taylor ..................... 610-627-1905
Mrs. Maher ................... 610-627-1912
Homeroom Parents: Homeroom parents are a very important part of kindergarten. You will be asked to organize parties and activities for special days. We encourage all parents to become involved, but if you feel that being in the classroom would be difficult for your child, you may help out from your home. We often have children who cling to parents and become more sensitive if a parent is in the classroom. Use your best judgment.
I* Inventive spelling: Your child will learn to write independently using inventive spelling. The children learn to write what they hear.
Example: I like to play games.
I lic tew pla gamz
Please encourage this writing at home!
J* Junk: We love to collect junk.
We are always in need of toys, games, books, or any type of trinkets that we can use for our treasure boxes.
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K* Kindergarten competencies:
(expected by the end of kindergarten)
1. Recognize letters of the alphabet
(upper and lower case)
2. Write upper and lower case letters
3. Identify/associate sounds with letters
4. Develop phonemic awareness skills
5. Write using inventive spellings
6. Develop a love of literature
8. Develop listening and speaking skills
9 Develop life skills...tying shoes,zipping jacket, dressing independently
10. Recognize color and number words
11. Write name (first and last)
12. Know address and telephone number
L* Library: Library will be once a week. Please help your child remember to return library books on library day. Your child’s library day will be announced at a later date.
Life skills: Teaching your child independence and simple life skills are important at this level. Please teach your child the following:
Last name
Phone number
Tying shoes
M* Modified K schedule: This schedule will be followed on delayed opening days. (The schedule may also be found in the Glenwood Handbook.)
AM kindergarten:
PM kindergarten:
1:35-regular dismissal time
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Monthly calendars : The office will send a monthly calendar home each month.
Please check the calendar for special events. Remember to mark your calendar at home also!
N* Notes: Notes are very important. Please tape any important notes to the inside of your child’s folder. This will prevent any notes from slipping out.
O* Obeying classroom rules: Obeying classroom and school rules is very important.
Kindergarten is a big adjustment. We will contact you if we need to work together on specific problems.
P* Pick up of children: Your child must go home in the usual manner unless a note has been sent to school or a message has been left on voice mail. We cannot go by your child’s word! We must have some type of notification that there will be a change in your child’s daily routine. Please remember, this is for your child’s safety!
Pink absentee cards: Please send a pink card to school when your child returns after an absence.
Parent volunteers: Parent volunteers are needed and appreciated in kindergarten!
Q* Questions: Questions are always welcome. We understand the need to feel a part of your child’s day.
If you ever need to discuss an issue, please contact your child’s teacher.
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R* Recess: Recess is the highlight of the day!!
Please dress your child appropriately. It is always better to send a jacket. Please remember hats, gloves, and warm coats on cold days!
Reading readiness: Later in the year, your child will be bringing home book packs. Each book pack will contain a few easy reader books or storybooks for your child to enjoy at home. If your child is willing and ready to read, don’t hesitate to give it a try! If your child is not ready, parents may read the books to their child. The book packs are sent home to expose the children to print and to make them aware that letters make sounds and sounds make words. This is a very important prereading skill!
Sign in procedure: All visitors MUST sign in at the office before entering the building. You may not walk to your child’s classroom unless you have signed in and received a visitor’s badge. This is our way of keeping track of who is in the building. (A very important procedure to keep our Glenwood children safe!)
School Hours:AM: 9:00-11:35
PM: 12:50-3:25
T* Transportation: Please direct transportation concerns and questions directly to the transportation department. #610-627-6478
Tying shoes!!
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T-shirts: Kindergarten will have the opportunity to order matching T-shirts to wear to school on special days and every Friday. Information will be sent home in September.
Tips for home:
Have a bedtime routine.
Read aloud each day.
Have a consistent homework routine.
Volunteer in your child’s classroom
Join a museum, zoo, and local library.
Encourage play dates with peers.
Have a healthy breakfast or lunch before coming to school.
Teach your child his/her bus number.
Monitor what your child watches on television.
U* Understanding your child’s needs is important. Please contact your child’s teacher if you feel a situation should be discussed.
V* Voice Mail:
Mrs. Maher
W* White envelopes : White envelopes will be sent home on Thursdays. This is how the main office will communicate with you throughout the school year.
The white envelopes will contain important letters and notices and will help to keep you informed of Parent
Teacher Group (PTG) activities. Please return the white envelope each Friday.
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X* X....amine
your child’s folder each day. Return the folder to school each day.
Y* Your support is imperative and appreciated!
Let’s work together to make the year rewarding and memorable.
Z* ZIP ZIP ZIP those zippers! Please help your child learn this very important skill.
We’re looking forward to a great kindergarten year!!
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