El Paso Community College Discipline - Medical Laboratory Technology (SLO's)

Area Effectiveness Plan Report - Four Column
El Paso Community College
Discipline - Medical Laboratory Technology (SLO's)
Discipline Mission To provide the community with qualified entry-level clinical laboratorians by offering academic knowledge, clinical
Statement: laboratory experience and professional clinical skills that will cumulate with national certification; accurate and precise
laboratory testing; and ethical work paractices.
Student Learning Outcomes
Discipline - Medical Laboratory Technology
(SLO's) - Communication Skills and
Professional Behavior - Demonstrate good
commmunication skills, HIPAA protocols,
professional and ethical behavior toward
patients and health care personnel.
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Means of Assessment:
A rubic will be used to rate the skill
development as being:
Assessment Tool:
Clinical Assessment
Standard - Criteria for Success:
92% of the students must achieve rating of
"Acceptable" or higher when demonstrating
these skills.
Assessment Date:
Means of Assessment:
1. To assess student competency in didactic
objectives, embedded exam questions will
be used.
2. To assess student competency and
proficieny in clinical objectives, embedded
questions will be used.
Assessment Tool:
Embedded Test Questions
Standard - Criteria for Success:
1. 92% of students must score 70% or higher
on written didactic exams.
2. 92% of students must score 80% or higher
on written clinical exams or proficiency
Assessment Date:
08/29/2012 10:42 AM
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
07/28/2011 - 12 students were assessed:
6 rated "Excellent" = 50.0%; 5 rated "Good" =
42%; 1 rated "Acceptable" = 8%
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
Standard of 92% of students rating
"Acceptable" or higher was met.
07/28/2011 - Instructor will
accompany students during their
clinical rotation and demonstrate
HIPAA protocols, good
communication skills, and ethical
behavior toward patients and health
care personnel. Students will then
be observed as they demonstate
professional behaviors toward
patients and healthcare personnel to
determine if they are proficient in
these skills.
08/01/2011 - 12 students were assessed:
1. 100% of students scored 70% or higher on
written didactic tests.
2. 100% of students scored 80% or higher on
written clinical exams and proficieny testing.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
1. Standard of 92% of students must score
70% or higher on written didactic exams
was met.
2. Standard of 92% of students must score
80% or higher on written clinical and
proficieny exams was met.
08/01/2011 - Instructor will provide
additional HIPPA protocols,
professional, ethical, and unethical
behaviors through the use of case
studies. Students will then be given
the opportunity to role play with
each other to help them gain
competency in demonstrating
professional behaviors and
communications skills.
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Student Learning Outcomes
Discipline - Medical Laboratory Technology
(SLO's) - Health and Bio-Safety Compliance
- Demonstrate compliance with government,
state, and organizational safety and
biohazard regulations.
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Means of Assessment:
A rubric will be used to rate the skill
development as being:
Assessment Tool:
Clinical Assessment
Standard - Criteria for Success:
92% of students must achieve no less than
"Acceptable" or higher rating when
demonstrating these skills.
07/28/2011 - 12 students were assessed
Rubic results: 9 rated "Excellent" = 75%; 3 rated
"Good" = 25%
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
Standard of 92% of students rating
"Acceptable" or higher was met.
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
07/28/2011 - Continue to
demonstrate biohazard regulations
and use case studies to
demonstrate the dangers of noncomplicance. Students will
demonstrate biohazard
complicance, protocols and
procedures as they perform medical
laboratory procedures in the
clinical/classroom lab. A rubic will
continue to be used to determine
that skills are improving.
Assessment Date:
Discipline - Medical Laboratory Technology
(SLO's) - Avoiding Analytical Errors - Avoid
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Means of Assessment:
1. To assess student competency in didactic
objectives, embedded exam questions will
be used.
2. To assess student competency and
proficieny in clinical objectives, embedded
exam questions will be used.
Assessment Tool:
Embedded Test Questions
Standard - Criteria for Success:
1. 92% of students must score 70% or higher
on written didactic exams.
2. 92% of students must score 80% or higher
on written clinical exams or proficiency
Assessment Date:
08/01/2011 - 1. 100% of students scored 70% or
higher on didactic exams.
2. 100% of students scored 80% or higher on
clinical exams and proficiency testing.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
1. Didactic: Standard of 92% of students to
score 70% or higher on written didactic
exams was met.
3. Clinical: Standard of 92% of students to
score 80% or higher on written clinical and
proficiency exams was met.
Means of Assessment:
A rubic will be used to rate the skill
07/28/2011 - 12 student were assessed.
8 rated "Excellent" = 67%; 4 rated "Good" = 33%
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
08/01/2011 - 1. To include
demonstrations or case studies
envolving Chemical, Fire, Electrical,
Radiation, Physical, Biohazard and
Laboratory Safety protocols to
maintain a safe lab.
2. To include hospital emergency
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Student Learning Outcomes
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytical
errors when collecting, transporting, and
processing patient samples.
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
development as being:
" Unacceptable"
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
Rubric: standard of 92% of students to
achieve "Accepatable" or higher rating was
07/28/2011 - 1. Continue to use
2. Increase number of patient
3. Reinforce patient ID, speciment
collections procedures and
4. Reinforce rejection/acceptance
specimen policies.
Means of Assessment:
1. To assess student competency in didatic
objectives, embedded exam questions will
be used.
2. To assess student competency and
proficiency in clinical didatic objectives,
embedded questions will be used.
Assessment Tool:
Embedded Test Questions
Standard - Criteria for Success:
1. 92% of students will score 70% or higher
on written didactic exams.
2. 92% of students will score 80% or higher
on written clinical exams or proficency
Assessment Date:
08/01/2011 - 1. 100% of students scored 70% or
higher on written didactic exams.
2. 100% of students scored 80% or higher on
written clinical exams and proficiency testing.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
1. Didactic: Standard of 92% of students to
score 70% or higher on wirtten didactic
exam was met.
2. Clinical: Standard of 92% of students to
score 80% or higher on written clinical
exams and proficiency testing was met.
08/01/2011 - Have student compare
results from a properly collected
patient sample against a hemolyzed
sample; day-old sample,
refrigerated sample, and samples
collected in wrong tube, wrong
temperature, and wrong additive.
Comparisons will demonstrate to the
students analytical errors resulting
in inaccurate test results.
Means of Assessment:
Students will perform Quality Assurance and
Quality Control procedures including
Proficiency Testing activities in their
respective clinical sites and clinical test
07/28/2011 - 1.100% of students are performing
QC and Proficiency testing with results falling
within the 25% established Reference Ranges.
2. 100% of students are scoring 80% or higher on
clinical exams and proficiency testing.
07/28/2011 - 1. Include "Low",
'Normal" and "Abnormal"
manufactures controls for clinical
2. Incude manufacture product
Assessment Tool:
Clinical Assessment
Standard - Criteria for Success:
92% of students must achieve no less than
an "Acceptable" or higher rating when
demonstrating these skills.
Assessment Date:
Discipline - Medical Laboratory Technology
(SLO's) - Quality Assurance, Quality
Control, and Proficiency Testing Participate in Quality Assurance, Quality
Control, and Proficiency Testing protocols
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Student Learning Outcomes
to determine acceptability of clinical test
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
Discipline - Medical Laboratory Technology
(SLO's) - Performing Laboratory Testing Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and abilities
to perform, interpret, and report-out patient
clinical laboratory test results as a Medical
Laboratory Technician.
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
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Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
results must fall within established
Reference Ranges.
Assessment Tool:
Clinical Assessment
Standard - Criteria for Success:
1. 92% of students must be able to
reproduce QC and Proficieny test results
within 25% of established Reference
2. 92% of students must score 80% or higher
in clinical exams.
Assessment Date:
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
1. Standard of 92% of the students
performing QC and Proficiency testing with
results falling within 25% of established
ranges was met.
2. Standard of 92% of student scoring 80%
or higher on clinical exams and proficieny
testing was met.
Means of Assessment:
1. Students will participate in Quality
Assurance, Quality Control and Proficieny
testing protocols.
2. Students will perform clinical laboratory
testing on patient specimens to determine
precision and accuracy in the ability to
reproduce results.
3. Student will interpret clinical laboratory
test results to determine if results are
normal, abnormal, or critical for a patient.
07/28/2011 - 1. 100% of student performed QA,
QC and Proficiency testing with test results within
25% or less from the established Reference
2. 100% of student reproduced patient test results
that were within 25% or less from the patients
actual value.
3. 100% of students scored 80% or higher on
clinical and proficiency exams.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
Assessment Tool:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Clinical Assessment
Evaluation of the Assessment:
Standard - Criteria for Success:
1. Standard of 92% of students performing
1. 92% of students performing Quality
QA, QC and Proficiency testing with test
Assurance, Quality Control, and Proficency results falling within 25% or less was met.
testing protocols must have test results fall
2. Standard of 92% of students reproducing
within 25% or less of established Reference patient test results that were 25% or less
from the patients actual value was met.
2. 92% of students performing clinical
3. 100% of students scored 80% or higher
laboratory testing on patient samples must
on clinical and proficiency exams was met.
be able to reproduce testing results within
25% or less of original patient results.
3. 92% of students must correctly interpret
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Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
inserts for additional student
3. Provide additional analyte and
cell patient Reference Ranges for
07/28/2011 - 1. Include "Low",
"Normal", and "Abnormal" controls
to be tested.
2. Include manufactures inserts for
additional reference.
3. Provide additional patient
Reference Ranges for analytes, and
cell counts.
4. Provide case studies.
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Student Learning Outcomes
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
clinical laboratory test results as being
normal, abnormal, or critical for a patient.
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
Assessment Date:
Discipline - Medical Laboratory Technology
(SLO's) - Certification as an MLT - Provide
option to take National Medical Laboratory
Technician certification/licensure
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
08/29/2012 10:42 AM
Means of Assessment:
1. To assess student competency in didactic
objectives, embedded exam questions will
be used.
2. To assess student competency and
proficiency in clinical objectives, embedded
questions will be used.
Assessment Tool:
Embedded Test Questions
Standard - Criteria for Success:
1. 92% of students must score 70% or higher
on written didactic exams.
2. 92% of students must score 80% or higher
on written clinical exams or proficiency
Assessment Date:
08/01/2011 - 1. 100% of students scored 70% or
higher on written didactic exams.
2. 100% of students scored 80% or higher on
written clinical exams and proficiency testing.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
1. Didatic: Standard 92% of students to
score 70% of higher on written didactic
exams was met.
2. Clinical: Standard of 92% of students
scoring 80% or higher on written clinical
exams or proficieny testing was met.
08/01/2011 - 1. Include
manufactures inserts for additional
2. Provide additional patient
Reference Ranges for analytes, and
cell counts.
3. Provide case studies.
Means of Assessment:
National Medical Laboratory Technician
certification examination offered by The
American Society for Clinical Pathology
Board of Certification.
Assessment Tool:
Test Licensure
Standard - Criteria for Success:
Have 80% of students taking the American
Society of Clinical Pathology Board of
Certification examination pass the
examination becoming professional Medical
Laboratory Technicians.
Assessment Date:
07/28/2011 - Students take National Certification
Examination with American Socienty for Clinical
Pathology Board of Certification to become
professional Medical Laboratory Technicians.
Exam: Year 2010, 7 tested with 6 passing = 85.7%
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
1. Standard of program pass rate of 80%
was met.
2. Scores were compared to National
3. Student scores in Clinical Chemistry,
Hematology, Lab Operations, Microbiology,
08/01/2011 - 1. Incorporate class
textbook change
2. Include more varied patient
testing samples.
3. Instructor to create new student
handouts for better comprehension
of immunohematology testing
concepts and visualization.
4. Additional case studies to be
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Student Learning Outcomes
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
and Urinalysis were higher than the national
4. Student scores in Immunohematology
and Immunology were lower than the
national average.
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