El Paso Community College Discipline - Culinary Arts (SLO's)

Area Effectiveness Plan Report - Four Column
El Paso Community College
Discipline - Culinary Arts (SLO's)
Discipline Mission The Culinary Arts and Related Sciences Program is dedicated to providing the most current educational opportunities
Statement: and support services to students entering the culinary field.
Student Learning Outcomes
Discipline - Culinary Arts (SLO's) - Culinary
Arts and Related Sciences Culinary Arts
Degree - demonstrate skills in handling
tools, equipment - Demonstrate skills in
knife, tool, and equipment handling.
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
Discipline - Culinary Arts (SLO's) - Culinary
Arts and Related Sciences Culinary Arts
Degree - demonstrate principles of food
preparation - Demonstrate principles of food
preparation to produce a variety of food
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
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Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Means of Assessment:
Critique of practical exams
Assessment Tool:
Standard - Criteria for Success:
Students are able to perform basic knife
skills, employ cooking methods and apply
safety and sanitation
Means of Assessment:
Critique of practical exams
Assessment Tool:
Standard - Criteria for Success:
Students are able to prepare a variety of
food products employing correct cooking
methods for each item produced.
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
04/01/2010 - Critique sheets for individual and
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
Total # of student body performs at or
higher than 85% on the critique sheet
04/01/2010 - Students not meeting
standard are required to
successfully complete lab time and
are sent outside of class to work on
a one on one basis with Culinary
Lab Personnel; Culinary Lab
Personnel will be supplied with a
form (to be developed) indicating
student areas of weakness. The
form will indicate the criteria and the
evaluative measures by which the
student's performance is to be
evaluated. Upon successful review
of skills, student will be allowed to
retake any assignments/tests as
required by Course Instructor.
08/05/2011 - 8-5-2011--Critique sheets for
individual and teams
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
Total # of student body performs at or
higher than 85% on the critique sheet
08/12/2011 - Students not meeting
standard are required to
successfully complete lab time and
are sent outside of class to work on
a one on one basis with Culinary
Lab Personnel; Culinary Lab
Personnel will be supplied with a
form (to be developed) indicating
student areas of weakness. The
form will indicate the criteria and the
evaluative measures by which the
student's performance is to be
evaluated. Upon successful review
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Student Learning Outcomes
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
of skills, student will be allowed to
retake any assignments/tests as
required by Course Instructor.
Discipline - Culinary Arts (SLO's) - Culinary
Arts and Related Sciences Culinary Arts
Degree - describe basic principles of
sanitation and safety - Describe basic
principles of sanitation and safety as they
apply to food service operations
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
Means of Assessment:
Critique and evaluation of final project
compiling the HAACP, flow of food and first
aide and safety plans developed by each
Assessment Tool:
Project/Group Project
Standard - Criteria for Success:
Student will produce a completed project
detailing the criteria as outlined within their
syllabi for a HAACP plan, flow of food, first
aide and safety concerns pertinent to their
ideal food service operation.
08/05/2011 - completion of course project by each
student on an individual basis.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
Total # of student body performs at or
higher than 85% on the critique sheet.
08/12/2011 - 8-12-11--Students who
failed to meet all the criteria for the
project work one on one with the
instructor outside of class to fulfill
the requirements of the project and
are required to make use of the
Resource Facility to research and
provide the necessary data to
complete their project correctly.
Discipline - Culinary Arts (SLO's) - Culinary
Arts and Related Sciences Culinary Arts
Degree - demonstrate standards of quality
service - Demonstrate standards of quality
customer service
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
Means of Assessment:
Working within the provided kitchen/dining
room labs, students will work directly with
clients presenting a variety of menus and
food items.
Assessment Tool:
Standard - Criteria for Success:
Attention to detail, proper setup, service and
breakdown of restaurant and stations,
presentation of wines and proper pairing of
such, check presentation and
opening/closing activities.
Assessment Date:
08/05/2011 - Compilation of guest comments,
ratings and suggestions tabulated, along with
instructor review of student activities over the
course of the semester leading up to the final
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
Total # of student body performs at or
higher than 85% on the critique sheet
08/12/2011 - For those students not
meeting the minimum standard of
service criteria, additional lab time is
required/ allotted in a variety of
functions, events and restaurant
services that focus on the specific
service requirements for each
student so that the student can meet
the course criteria.
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