Application Note Cisco 3640 - PBX Interoperability: Siemens Hicom 300 E CS Release 6.5 PBX with Cisco CallManager using T1 PRI as an MGCP Gateway Introduction This is an application note for connectivity of the Siemens Hicom 300 E CS Release 6.5 PBX with the Cisco CallManager using Cisco 3640-T1 PRI as an MGCP Gateway. Connectivity is achieved by using the industry standard PRI NI-2 protocol. The Siemens Hicom 300 E CS PBX can be configured as either NETWORK or USER side. This application supports the Calling/Called Number feature. Network Topology Basic Call Setup End-to-End Configuration ISDN Type: PBX1: Siemens Hicom 300 E CS (Rel. 6.5) Cisco Call Manager Release 3.2 Cat 6K Ethernet Switch T1-PRI 3640 MGCP Phone A x2000 VoIP PBX #1 Phone E x 9000 Phone B x2001 Cisco 7960 IP phones Dial 40-XXXX Phone C x5001 Phone D x5002 Dial 7-XXXX As shown in the diagram above, a Siemens Hicom 300 E CS PBX was connected via an ISDN T1 PRI link to a Cisco 3640 Gateway, which in turn, was connected to an Ethernet switch. The interoperability testing involved Layers 1, 2 and 3 on the ISDN PRI link between a Cisco 3640 and the PBX. © 2003 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 1 of 39 EDCS# 192830 The Siemens configuration for the DS1 trunk interface is reached with the command: <cha-bssu Layer 2 and 3 packet exchanges were monitored using an Acacia Clarinet protocol analyzer, bridged across the PRI link in high impedance mode. Layer 2 Q.921 packets were monitored to ensure that each PBX/3640 software configuration properly exchanged SABME/UA packets to initialize the ISDN link, and then RR packets were exchanged every 30 seconds. Layer 3 Q.931 packets were monitored to ensure that the appropriate call setup/teardown packets were exchanged for each configuration, and that the SETUP packets contained the mandatory Information Elements with the necessary details, as well as optional IEs such as Calling Name and Number. Telephone calls were made end-to-end in both directions through the Cisco 3640 Gateway, and a check was made to ensure that there was an audio path in both directions for each call. Limitations • Calling Name delivery and presentation features are not supported by the Siemens Hicom 300 E CS PBX when set to NI2 switch-type. • When calling from the Cisco 7960 IP phone to a Siemens digital phone, both phones display Calling/Called Number after the call is answered as expected. • When calling from a Siemens digital phone to the Cisco 7960 IP phone, IP phone displays Calling Number after the call is answered. The Siemens phone does not get updated when the call is answered. It displays the number being dialed instead for example, Access Code + extension number). It was verified using ISDN protocol analyzer that the Cisco CallManager was not sending “Connected Number" information in the connect message back to PBX. • When a call is established on the Siemens digital phone, the phone display is only active (Calling/Called Number is displayed) for approximately 4 seconds, thereafter it goes blank. This behavior could be caused by a display timer, which is expiring. System Components Hardware Requirements • Cisco 3640 Gateway with 2MFT T1 Port • Cisco Catalyst 6000 switch • Siemens Hicom 300E CS PBX, TMDN or TMDN 64 Software Requirements • Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(2)XN • PBX Software Release 6.5 • Cisco CallManager Release 3.2 © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 2 of 39 Configuration Configuring the Siemens Hicom 300 E CS PBX The “Network/user” choice for the Siemens Hicom 300 E PBX is made by deactivating the B-channels and the D-channel (<dea-dssu) and the DS1 board (<dea-bssu) consecutively. A change command is then issued to the Board Configuration Switching Unit (BCSU) to get to the “netusr” prompt (<cha-bcsu), the choices are netwk or user. The DS1 board by (<act-bssu), the D-channel, and B-channels are then reactivated (<act-dssu), after the settings are changed. Configure in the following sequence: • Add the new access code to DPLN • Add the new trunk board using BCSU • Configure COT • Configure COP • Add the new trunk group access code using TGACC • Add the channels using TCSU • Configure LROUT • Configure LODR Configuring the New Access Code (DPLN) <dis-dpln TYPE = dgts DGTS = ; DIS-DPLN:DGTS,; H500: AMO DPLN STARTED -------------------------------------------------------------------------| DIGIT INTERPRETATION VALID FOR DIAL PLAN 0 | © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 3 of 39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------| | CALL PROGRESS STATE | DIRECTORY NUMBER| | | DIGIT ANALYSIS| 1 11111 1111222| |12345 67890 12345 6789012| RESULT | | |RSVD | ROUTE| (SKIP DIGIT) | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| 0 |....* ..... ..... .......| GENANS | | | | 1 |.*.** *.*** **... ......*| CO | | | | | | | | | | | | 2000 - 2002 |.**** ***** ***.* ......*| STN | | 2003 - 2024 |.**** ***** ***.* ......*| STN | | 2025 - 2026 |.**** ***** ***.* ......*| STN | | 2027 - 2099 |.**** ***** ***.* ......*| STN | | 37 - 41 |.*.** *.*** **... ......*| CO | | | | 43 - 48 |.**** ***** **... ......*| TIE | | | | 49 - 50 |.*.** *.*** **... ......*| CO | | | | 70000 - 70999 |.**** ***** ***.* ......*| STN | | | |.**** ***** ***.* ......*| STN | | 1 | |.**** ***** ***.* ......*| STN | | | | 71000 | 71001 - 79998 R R R R -------------------------------------------------------------------------| DIGIT INTERPRETATION VALID FOR DIAL PLAN 0 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | DIRECTORY NUMBER| | CALL PROGRESS STATE | DIGIT ANALYSIS| 1 11111 1111222| |12345 67890 12345 6789012| RESULT | | |RSVD | ROUTE| (SKIP DIGIT) | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| 79999 |.**** ***** ***.* ......*| STN | | | | 9 |.*.** *.*** **... ......*| CO | | | | *0 |*...* ..**. ..... ......*| ACDWORK | | | | *2 |*...* ..**. ..... ......*| ACCTCODE | | | | *3 |....* ..**. ..... ......*| PUDIR | | | | *4 |*...* ..**. ..... ......*| CONFRNC | | | | *52 |....* ..... ..... .......| MWCAN | | | © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 4 of 39 | *530 |....* ..... ..... ......*| PMCANCEL | | | | *532 |....* ..... ..... ......*| PMCALLBK | | | | *563 |*.... ..**. ..... .......| BADLINE | | | | *564 |*...* ..**. ..... ......*| ACDLOGON | | | | *565 |*...* ..**. ..... ......*| ACDLOGOF | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| DIGIT INTERPRETATION VALID FOR DIAL PLAN 0 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| | CALL PROGRESS STATE | DIRECTORY NUMBER| | | DIGIT ANALYSIS| 1 11111 1111222| |12345 67890 12345 6789012| RESULT | | |RSVD | ROUTE| (SKIP DIGIT) | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| *570 |*...* ..**. ..... .......| ACDPQ | | | | *571 |*...* ..**. ..... .......| ACDPS | | | | *572 |....* ..... ..... .......| RING | | | | *580 |*...* ..**. ..... .......| ACDSQ | | | | *581 |*...* ..**. ..... .......| ACDSS | | | | *6 |***** ..**. ..... .......| ROLMPARK | | | | *7 |*...* ..**. ..... .......| CONSULT | | | |.**** ..**. ..... .......| PARK | | | | *9 |....* ..**. ..... .......| HOLD | | | | **0 |.***. ..... ..... .......| BVSL | | | | **1 |*.... ..**. ..... ......*| TOGGLE | | | | **3 |....* ..**. ..... ......*| PU | | | | *80 - *89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------| DIGIT INTERPRETATION VALID FOR DIAL PLAN 0 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | DIRECTORY NUMBER| | CALL PROGRESS STATE | DIGIT ANALYSIS| 1 11111 1111222| |12345 67890 12345 6789012| RESULT | | |RSVD | ROUTE| (SKIP DIGIT) | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 5 of 39 | **41 |..... ..*.. ..... ......*| CONFRMV | | | | **50 |*...* ..**. ..... .......| CAFGRAVL | | | | **51 |*...* ..**. ..... .......| CAFGRUNA | | | | **6 |....* ..**. ..... .......| INTERCOM | | | | **8 |....* ..... ..... .......| MWANS | | | | ***4 |..... ..... ..... ......*| CONFRMVL | | | | ***5 |....* ..... ..... .......| MONSLNT | | | | **#65 - **48 |*...* ..**. ..... .......| CAFGROFF | | | | *#01 |....* ..... ..... .......| RCHNL | | | | *#02 |....* ..... ..... .......| RTERM | | | | *#03 |....* ..... ..... .......| LTERM | | | | *#04 |..... *.... *.... .......| PRITEST | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| DIGIT INTERPRETATION VALID FOR DIAL PLAN 0 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | DIRECTORY NUMBER| | CALL PROGRESS STATE | DIGIT ANALYSIS| 1 11111 1111222| |12345 67890 12345 6789012| RESULT | | |RSVD | ROUTE| (SKIP DIGIT) | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| *#274 |*...* ..... ..... .......| WS | | | | *#50 |*...* ..**. ..... .......| CAFAVLB | | | | *#51 |*...* ..**. ..... .......| CAFUNAV | | | | *#55 |*...* ..**. ..... .......| CAFFWD | | | | *#56 |*...* ..**. ..... .......| CAFFWDC | | | | *#57 |....* ..... ..... .......| PIDON | | | | *#58 |....* ..... ..... .......| PIDOFF | | | | *#590 |....* ..... ..... .......| DCOSX | | | | *#591 |....* ..... ..... .......| ACOSX | | | | *#63 |***** ***** ***** *******| CLEAR | | | | *#65 |*...* ..**. ..... .......| CAFLOGOF | | | | *#735 |....* ..... ..... .......| RELOCATE | | | © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 6 of 39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------| DIGIT INTERPRETATION VALID FOR DIAL PLAN 0 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| | CALL PROGRESS STATE | DIRECTORY NUMBER| | | DIGIT ANALYSIS| 1 11111 1111222| |12345 67890 12345 6789012| RESULT | | |RSVD | ROUTE| (SKIP DIGIT) | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| *#738 |....* ..... ..... .......| SET | | | | *#97 |..*.. *.... ..... .......| COXFER | | | | #0 |*...* ..**. ..... ......*| ACDUNAV | | | | #1 |*.... ..*.. ....* .......| ACBK | | | | #2 |*...* ..**. ..... .......| PRION | | | | #3 |.**.* ..**. ..... ......*| SPDI | | | | #4 |***.* ..**. ....* ......*| SNR | | | | #5 |....* ..... ..... .......| ADND | | | | #61 |.**** ..*** **... ......*| SPDC1 | | | | #62 |.**** ..*** **... ......*| SPDC2 | | | | #80 |*...* ..**. ..... .......| BROADCST | | | | #81 |*...* ..**. ..... .......| SPKRCALL | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| DIGIT INTERPRETATION VALID FOR DIAL PLAN 0 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | DIRECTORY NUMBER| | CALL PROGRESS STATE | DIGIT ANALYSIS| 1 11111 1111222| |12345 67890 12345 6789012| RESULT | | |RSVD | ROUTE| (SKIP DIGIT) | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| #8378 |..... ..... ....* .......| HWTEST | | | | #91 |....* ..... ....* .......| CFWVABTH | | | | #92 |....* ..... ....* .......| CFWVAEXT | | | | #93 |....* ..... ....* .......| CFWVAINT | | | | #94 |....* ..... ....* .......| CFWVB | | | © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 7 of 39 | #95 |....* ..... ....* .......| CFWVBNA | | | | #96 |....* ..... ....* .......| CFWVNA | | | | #*056 |....* ..... *.... .......| DATA56 | | | | #*1 |***** ..**. ..... .......| MWACT | | | | #*2 |*...* ..**. ..... .......| BUZZ | | | | #*329 |.**.* *.*** **... .......| FAX | | | | #*4 |*...* ..**. ..... .......| VCECALL | | | R -------------------------------------------------------------------------| DIGIT INTERPRETATION VALID FOR DIAL PLAN 0 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| | CALL PROGRESS STATE | DIRECTORY NUMBER| | | DIGIT ANALYSIS| 1 11111 1111222| |12345 67890 12345 6789012| RESULT | | |RSVD | ROUTE| (SKIP DIGIT) | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| #*75 |....* ..... ..... .......| DIGIDAT | | | | #*76 |....* *.**. ..*.* .......| SWITCH | | | | #*77 |....* *.*** ***.* .......| DTE | | | | #*78 |....* ..**. ....* .......| CODE | | | | #*79 |....* ..**. ....* .......| SPEED | | | | #*8 |***** ****. ..*** *****..| MWCANORI | | | | #*90 |....* ..... ....* .......| HUNTPROG | | | | #*92 |....* ..... ..... .......| AHTVCE | | | | #*93 |....* ..... ..... .......| DHTVCE | | | | #*94 |....* ..... ..... .......| AHTDTE | | | | #*95 |....* ..... ..... .......| DHTDTE | | | | #*96 |....* ..... ..... .......| AHTFAX | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| DIGIT INTERPRETATION VALID FOR DIAL PLAN 0 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | DIRECTORY NUMBER| CALL PROGRESS STATE | DIGIT ANALYSIS| 1 11111 1111222| RESULT | | |RSVD | ROUTE| © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 8 of 39 | |12345 67890 12345 6789012| (SKIP DIGIT) | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| #*97 |....* ..... ..... .......| DHTFAX | | | | #*99 |....* ..... ....* .......| HUNTCLR | | | | ##0 |*...* ..**. ..... ......*| ACDAVLB | | | | ##1 |....* ..... ..... .......| DCBK | | | | ##2 |*...* ..**. ..... .......| PRIOFF | | | | ##3 |....* ..... ....* .......| SPDIPROG | | | | ##4 |*...* ..**. ..... ......*| LNR | | | | ##5 |....* ..... ..... .......| DDND | | | | ##7 |*.... ..... ..... .....*.| KNOVR | | | | ##8 |***** ..**. ..... .......| DTA | | | | ##91 |....* ..... ....* .......| CFWVAOFF | | | | ##*78 |....* ..**. ....* .......| RESET | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| DIGIT INTERPRETATION VALID FOR DIAL PLAN 0 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | DIRECTORY NUMBER| | CALL PROGRESS STATE | DIGIT ANALYSIS| 1 11111 1111222| |12345 67890 12345 6789012| RESULT | | |RSVD | ROUTE| (SKIP DIGIT) | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------| ###1 |*.... ...*. ..... .......| TRACE | | | | ###20 |..... **..* **... .......| MILLWAT | | | | ###21 |..... **..* **... .......| LOOPBACK | | | | ###22 |..... **..* **... .......| SILENCE | | | | ###23 |..... **..* **... .......| COMBO | | | | ###4 |*.... ..... ..... .......| THRCONF | | | | ###6 |....* ..... ..... .......| MONTONE | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 9 of 39 AMO-DPLN -135 DIALING PLANS, FEATURE ACCESS CODES DISPLAY COMPLETED; Configuring the New Trunk Board (BCSU) <dis-bcsu TYPE = tmd; DIS-BCSU:TMD; H500: AMO BCSU STARTED --------------------------------------------------------------| DETAILS OF TMD BOARD AT ADDRESS (LTG.LTU.SLOT) = 1. 2.103 | | | | CABTYP = 1 TIMTYP = SYST | FRAME = ESF TABS = NO | BI8SUB = YES BIVDET = NO SIGTYP = MOS | FCTID | = 2 | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | RDRATIO = 6 RDTH = 2500 RDQUAL = 15000 | | YLSEND = 5000 YLTH = 400 YLQUAL = | | LOS = 150 AOS = 4000 | | SESDISTH = 10 SESREQTH = 10 | | OESDISTH = 30 OESDISIN = 24-00-00 | | OESREQTH = 4 OESREQIN = 04-00-00 | 100 © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 10 of 39 |-------------------------------------------------------------| | NETUSR = NETWK ACKTIM = 1000 DLVTIM = 30000 | | OCTMAX = RETMAX = WINDOW = | | CRIDC | NSFTSC = 260 = TTSC = PFDGT = 3 NSFIV = 1 | | |-------------------------------------------------------------| | IGN = 0 IID = 1 | --------------------------------------------------------------- AMO-BCSU -135 BOARD CONFIGURATION, SWITCHING UNIT DISPLAY COMPLETED; Configuring COT <dis-cot COTNO = 0; DIS-COT:0; H500: AMO COT STARTED |D|A|D|D|D|M|S|V|E|E|A|R| |I|N|S|S|I|D|A|L|S|S|N|F| |T|S|A|A|S|R|T|S|P|P|I|L| | |R| |S| | | |A|A|D|D|A| | | | | | | | |T|N|N|N|S| | | | | | | | | |I|I|I|H| COT | | | | | | | | | |S|S| | ----+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 11 of 39 0 | | | | | | | | | | | | | ----+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ AMO-COT -135 CLASS OF TRUNK FOR CALL PROCESSING DISPLAY COMPLETED; Configuring COP <dis-cop COPNO = 0; DIS-COP:0; H500: AMO COP | | | | S | | T | | A | | D | STARTED | | | | E A | | | | E S N | | | | S V S P I D |DD| S| | Z L P D D T |TT| U| P | | I A A S S A N N O |MM| P| D | |COP| A N C A A N I I N |FF| V| P | |IDX| L S K T T I S S E | L|12|1234| +---+-------------------+--+--+----+ | 0| | | | | +---+-------------------+--+--+----+ © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 12 of 39 AMO-COP -135 CLASS OF PARAMETER DISPLAY COMPLETED; Adding New Trunk Access Code (TGACC) <dis-tgacc TGRP = 40; DIS-TGACC:40; H500: AMO TGACC STARTED +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | TGRP NUMBER : 40 TGRP NAME | SUBGROUP NUMBER: 11 DEVICE TYPE: PRI B | ACD THRESHOLD : * TRACENO : T1PRI : /N DIR TYPE 0 | ALLOCATED TO AT LEAST ONE ROUTE | SELECTION : LOW CFBLOCK MAXIMUM NO: 23 | : BOTH | USAGE TYPE: TERR | GDTR RULE : 0 | : DISABLED | | THE FOLLOWING PORTS (LTG-LTU-SLOT-CIRCUIT) ARE ALLOCATED: | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1- 2-103- 1| 1- 2-103- 2| 1- 2-103- 3| 1- 2-103- 4| 1- 2-103- 5| 1- 2-103- 6| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1- 2-103- 7| 1- 2-103- 8| 1- 2-103- 9| 1- 2-103-10| 1- 2-103-11| 1- 2-103-12| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1- 2-103-13| 1- 2-103-14| 1- 2-103-15| 1- 2-103-16| 1- 2-103-17| 1- 2-103-18| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1- 2-103-19| 1- 2-103-20| 1- 2-103-21| 1- 2-103-22| 1- 2-103-23| - - - | © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 13 of 39 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ AMO-TGACC-135 TRUNK GROUP ACCESS CODE DISPLAY COMPLETED; Adding Channels Using TCSU – B Channel <dis-tcsu PEN1 = 1-2-103-1; DIS-TCSU:1-2-103-1; H500: AMO TCSU STARTED +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PEN: 1- 2-103- 1 INS: Y BOARD: TMDN64P DEV: PRIB TGRP: 40 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | TRKID : 0040 | CCT : TCCID : | /0040 | | | | ACDATA : 0 DITIDX : 0 LOCANA : | | ATNTYP : ISDN DPLN : 0 REMANA : | | COPNO : 0 ITR : 0 SIDANI : N | | COSNO : 75 LCRCOSD : 5 SRTIDX : 3 | | COTNO : 0 LCRCOSV : 5 TRTBL : DIDCR | | DEDSVC : NONE FACILITY : * | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 14 of 39 AMO-TCSU -135 TRUNK CONFIGURATION, SWITCHING UNIT DISPLAY COMPLETED; Adding Channels Using TCSU – D Channel <dis-tcsu PEN1 = 1-2-103-24; DIS-TCSU:1-2-103-24; H500: AMO TCSU STARTED +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PEN: 1- 2-103-24 INS: Y BOARD: TMDN64P DEV: PRID | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | TCCID : | | CCT : | | | | ACDATA : 0 DEDSCC : INTERFID : | | COPNO : 0 DITIDX : ITR | | COTNO : 0 DPLN : 0 PROTOCOL : NI2 : 0 | | | | TMR301 : 300 SEC. TMR308 : 4 SEC. TMR313 : 4 SEC. | | TMR303 : 4 SEC. TMR309 : 90 SEC. TMR316 : 30 SEC. | | TMR305 : 30 SEC. TMR310 : 30 SEC. TMR322 : 4 SEC. | | TDELAY : 3000 MSEC. BEARER: ONE | NCT : N TNCT : | | © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 15 of 39 +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ AMO-TCSU -135 TRUNK CONFIGURATION, SWITCHING UNIT DISPLAY COMPLETED; Configuring LROUT <dis-lrout ROUTE = 40; DIS-LROUT:40; H500: AMO LROUT STARTED LCR ROUTE DEFINITION TABLE -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------|ROUTENUM = 40 SCHED A = X AORT = INFORMATION | |ROUTEELE = 1 B = AUTH = 1 TRANS CAP = S3V | |BEARER = ONE C = ONHKQ = Y TRKSIG = PRI | |BANDWTH = 1 D = OFFHKQ = Y SCCID | |TRUNKGRP = 40 E = ODRNUM = 1 SVCVCE = NON | |MASTGRP = 8 F = APLTYP = VD SVCN-V = NON | |ROUTSERV = N G = FACNUM = | | H = = | © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 16 of 39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF LCR ROUTE DEFINITION TABLE DISPLAY AMO-LROUT-135 ROUTE DEFINITION DETERMINATION PACKAGE DISPLAY COMPLETED; Configuring LODR <dis-lodr RANGE = DIS-LODR:; H500: AMO LODR STARTED << DISPLAY LCR OUTDIAL RULE >> ODR NO COMMAND BRANCH VALUE ------ ------- ------------ 1 ECHOALL END -------- END OF DISPLAY -------AMO-LODR -135 AMO LCR ODR FOR SWITCHING UNIT DISPLAY COMPLETED; < Configuring Cisco CallManager © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 17 of 39 MGCP (Cisco 3640) Gateway Configuration © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 18 of 39 © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 19 of 39 ISDN PRI Configuration © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 20 of 39 © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 21 of 39 © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 22 of 39 © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 23 of 39 Route Pattern Configuration © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 24 of 39 © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 25 of 39 Configuring the Cisco 3640 The Cisco 3640 Gateway with ISDN protocol type setting of PRI-NI2 supports both protocol sides by selecting “Network/User” in the protocol side field when configuring the Gateway via Cisco Callmanager. MGCP_3640# show version Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) 3600 Software (C3640-JS-M), Experimental Version 12.2(20020124:013600) [ 101] Copyright (c) 1986-2002 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Wed 23-Jan-02 17:57 by accheung Image text-base: 0x60008948, data-base: 0x61608000 ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.1(19)AA, EARLY DEPLOYMENT RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) MGCP_3640 uptime is 4 days, 2 hours, 11 minutes System returned to ROM by power-on System image file is "flash:c3640-js-mz.122-2.XN" cisco 3640 (R4700) processor (revision 0x00) with 59392K/6144K bytes of memory. Processor board ID 10620494 R4700 CPU at 100Mhz, Implementation 33, Rev 1.0 Bridging software. X.25 software, Version 3.0.0. SuperLAT software (copyright 1990 by Meridian Technology Corp). TN3270 Emulation software. Primary Rate ISDN software, Version 1.1. 2 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s) 24 Serial network interface(s) 2 Channelized T1/PRI port(s) © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 26 of 39 2 Voice FXO interface(s) 2 Voice FXS interface(s) DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity disabled. 125K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory. 16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write) 16384K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write) Configuration register is 0x2102 MGCP_3640# show diag Slot 0: Combo 2E, 2W Port adapter, 4 ports Port adapter is analyzed Port adapter insertion time unknown EEPROM contents at hardware discovery: Hardware revision 1.2 Board revision B0 Serial number 7687836 Part number 800-01171-04 Test history 0x0 RMA number 00-00-00 EEPROM format version 1 EEPROM contents (hex): 0x20: 01 1E 01 02 00 75 4E 9C 50 04 93 04 00 00 00 00 0x30: 58 00 00 00 98 02 28 17 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Slot 1: High Density Voice Port adapter Port adapter is analyzed Port adapter insertion time unknown EEPROM contents at hardware discovery: Hardware Revision : 1.1 Top Assy. Part Number : 800-03567-01 Board Revision : F1 © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 27 of 39 Deviation Number : 0-0 Fab Version : 02 PCB Serial Number : JAB05080M1S RMA Test History : 00 RMA Number : 0-0-0-0 RMA History : 00 EEPROM format version 4 EEPROM contents (hex): 0x00: 04 FF 40 00 CC 41 01 01 C0 46 03 20 00 0D EF 01 0x10: 42 46 31 80 00 00 00 00 02 02 C1 8B 4A 41 42 30 0x20: 35 30 38 30 4D 31 53 03 00 81 00 00 00 00 04 00 0x30: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x40: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x50: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x60: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x70: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF WIC Slot 0: E1 (2 Port) Multi-Flex Trunk WAN Daughter Card Hardware revision 1.0 Board revision B0 Serial number 18779824 Part number 800-04479-01 Test history 0x0 RMA number 00-00-00 Connector type PCI EEPROM format version 1 EEPROM contents (hex): 0x20: 01 23 01 00 01 1E 8E B0 50 11 7F 01 00 00 00 00 0x30: 58 00 00 00 00 02 25 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF HDV firmware: Compiled Fri 23-Mar-01 00:20 by miriyala HDV memory size 524280 heap free 175065 © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 28 of 39 Slot 2: 4 PORT Voice PM for MARs Port adapter Port adapter is analyzed Port adapter insertion time unknown EEPROM contents at hardware discovery: Hardware revision 1.1 Board revision C0 Serial number 10689987 Part number 800-02491-02 Test history 0x0 RMA number 00-00-00 EEPROM format version 1 EEPROM contents (hex): 0x20: 01 65 01 01 00 A3 1D C3 50 09 BB 02 00 00 00 00 0x30: 60 00 00 00 98 11 22 17 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF WIC Slot 0: FXS Voice daughter card (2 port) Hardware revision 1.1 Board revision C0 Serial number 11291019 Part number 800-02493-01 Test history 0x0 RMA number 00-00-00 Connector type Wan Module EEPROM format version 1 EEPROM contents (hex): 0x20: 01 0E 01 01 00 AC 49 8B 50 09 BD 01 00 00 00 00 0x30: 60 00 00 00 99 01 05 01 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF WIC Slot 1: FXO Voice daughter card (2 port) Hardware revision 1.1 Board revision C0 Serial number 8421533 Part number 800-02495-01 Test history 0x0 RMA number 00-00-00 Connector type Wan Module EEPROM format version 1 © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 29 of 39 EEPROM contents (hex): 0x20: 01 0D 01 01 00 80 80 9D 50 09 BF 01 00 00 00 00 0x30: 60 00 00 00 98 06 02 01 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Slot 3: High Density Voice Port adapter Port adapter is analyzed Port adapter insertion time unknown EEPROM contents at hardware discovery: Hardware Revision : 1.0 Top Assy. Part Number : 800-03567-01 Board Revision : A0 Deviation Number : 0-0 Fab Version : 02 PCB Serial Number : JAB03350B9K RMA Test History : 00 RMA Number : 0-0-0-0 RMA History : 00 EEPROM format version 4 EEPROM contents (hex): 0x00: 04 FF 40 00 CC 41 01 00 C0 46 03 20 00 0D EF 01 0x10: 42 41 30 80 00 00 00 00 02 02 C1 8B 4A 41 42 30 0x20: 33 33 35 30 42 39 4B 03 00 81 00 00 00 00 04 00 0x30: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x40: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x50: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x60: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0x70: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF WIC Slot 0: T1 (2 Port) Multi-Flex Trunk (Drop&Insert) WAN Daughter Card Hardware revision 1.0 Board revision A0 © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 30 of 39 Serial number 19621702 Part number 800-04614-02 Test history 0x0 RMA number 00-00-00 Connector type PCI EEPROM format version 1 EEPROM contents (hex): 0x20: 01 24 01 00 01 2B 67 46 50 12 06 02 00 00 00 00 0x30: 50 00 00 00 00 05 20 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF HDV firmware: Compiled Fri 23-Mar-01 00:20 by miriyala HDV memory size 524280 heap free 175065 MGCP_3640# show controllers t1 3/0 T1 3/0 is up. Applique type is Channelized T1 Cablelength is long gain36 0db No alarms detected. alarm-trigger is not set Version info Firmware: 20010315, FPGA: 15 Framing is ESF, Line Code is B8ZS, Clock Source is Line. Data in current interval (171 seconds elapsed): 0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations 0 Slip Secs, 0 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins 0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs, 0 Unavail Secs MGCP_3640# MGCP_3640# show configuration Using 2283 out of 129016 bytes ! version 12.2 no parser cache © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 31 of 39 no service single-slot-reload-enable service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log uptime no service password-encryption no service dhcp ! hostname MGCP_3640 ! logging rate-limit console 10 except errors ! ! ! voice-card 1 ! voice-card 3 ! ip subnet-zero ! ! ! no ip dhcp-client network-discovery mgcp mgcp call-agent 2427 service-type mgcp version 0.1 mgcp dtmf-relay voip codec all mode out-of-band mgcp rtp unreachable timeout 1000 action notify mgcp modem passthrough voip mode cisco mgcp sdp simple mgcp package-capability rtp-package mgcp package-capability sst-package no mgcp timer receive-rtcp no mgcp explicit hookstate © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 32 of 39 isdn switch-type primary-ni call rsvp-sync ! ! ! ! ! ccm-manager mgcp ccm-manager music-on-hold ccm-manager config server ccm-manager config ! ! controller E1 1/0 pri-group timeslots 1-31 service mgcp ! controller E1 1/1 ! controller T1 3/0 framing esf linecode b8zs pri-group timeslots 1-24 service mgcp ! controller T1 3/1 framing sf linecode ami ! ! ! interface Ethernet0/0 ip address © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 33 of 39 no ip mroute-cache half-duplex ! interface Ethernet0/1 ip address no ip mroute-cache half-duplex ! interface Serial1/0:15 no ip address no logging event link-status isdn switch-type primary-net5 isdn protocol-emulate network isdn incoming-voice voice isdn T310 4000 isdn bind-l3 ccm-manager no cdp enable ! interface Serial3/0:23 no ip address no logging event link-status isdn switch-type primary-ni isdn incoming-voice voice isdn T203 10000 isdn T306 30000 isdn T310 40000 isdn bind-l3 ccm-manager no cdp enable ! ip classless no ip http server © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 34 of 39 ! ! ! ! snmp-server manager ! voice-port 1/0:15 ! voice-port 2/0/0 ! voice-port 2/0/1 ! voice-port 2/1/0 ! voice-port 2/1/1 ! voice-port 3/0:23 ! dial-peer cor custom ! ! ! dial-peer voice 1 pots application mgcp ! dial-peer voice 3 pots application mgcpapp port 2/0/1 ! dial-peer voice 2 pots application mgcpapp © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 35 of 39 port 2/0/0 ! dial-peer voice 999200 pots application mgcpapp port 2/0/0 ! dial-peer voice 9991015 pots application mgcpapp port 1/0:15 ! dial-peer voice 9993023 pots application mgcpapp port 3/0:23 ! ! line con 0 line aux 0 line vty 0 4 login ! ! end MGCP_3640# Important Information THE SPECIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCTS IN THIS MANUAL ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL STATEMENTS, INFORMATION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS IN THIS MANUAL ARE BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE BUT ARE PRESENTED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. USERS MUST TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCTS. © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 36 of 39 IN NO EVENT SHALL CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS OR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO DATA ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS MANUAL, EVEN IF CISCO OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Test Results The test results should follow. These results will be removed for the customer-facing application note. Note to writers – remove the contents from here to the end prior to making the PDF for the web. After the PDF is created, paste the test result material back into the note before checking it back into EDCS. Conclusions Enter the test conclusions here. Appendix A Samples of Paragraph Styles This is Subhead1 This is Body. This is Subhead2 This is Body. This is Subhead3. This is Body. This is Subhead4. This is Body. This is Subhead5. This is Body. • This is Bullet. This is Bullet. This is Bullet. This is Bullet. This is Bullet. This is Bullet. This is Bullet. This is Bullet. This is Bullet. This is Bullet. – This is Bullet2. This is Bullet2. This is Bullet2. This is Bullet2. This is Bullet2. This is Bullet2. This is Bullet2. This is Bullet2. This is Bullet2. This is Bullet2. This is Bullet2. This is Example. © 2002 Cisco Systems, Inc. All right reserved. Important notices, privacy statements, and trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. can be found on Page 37 of 39 This is Example. This is Example. Pull Quote body Style sheet containing Pull Quote Body Bold Character Style. Use the Caption_head Style Sheet for Caption Head Use the Caption Style Sheet for caption body text. This is a caption for photos, diagrams and charts.This is a caption for photos, diagrams and charts. Use the Caption_head Style Sheet for Caption Head Use the Caption Style Sheet for caption body text. This is a caption for photos, diagrams and charts.This is a caption for photos, diagrams and charts. Chart_head Style Sheet Text Chart_head Style Sheet Text Chart_head Style Sheet Text Chart_subhead Style Sheet Chart_subhead Style Sheet Chart_subhead Style Sheet Chart_body Style Sheet Chart_body Style Sheet Chart_body Style Sheet Chart_body Style Sheet Chart_body Style Sheet Chart_body Style Sheet This is Subhead1. This is Body. Copyright Block Notes: 1. Please confirm country of origin for printing (“Printed in _____”), and change as needed. 2. The trademark block may be edited to reflect specific trademarks that are referenced in the content of the piece. 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