What’s wrong with idolatry? Daniel JH Greenwood What’s wrong with idolatry? Astarte (http://www.english.imjnet) 1 1. The rule: Exodus 20:1-15 א.הַ דְ ב ִָּרים הָּ אֵּ לֶּה לֵּאמ ֹר- אֵּ ת כָּל,וַי ְדַ בֵּר אֱ ֹלהִ ים }{ס 1 And Elokim spoke all these words, saying: {S} 2 I am Adonai your elohim, who brought you out ִ אֲ שֶּ ר הֹוצ, ָאנֹכִי י ְהו ָּה אֱ ֹלהֶּ יָךof the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage ֵּאתיָך מֵּ אֶּ ֶּרץ מִ צ ְַרי ִם ב פָּ נָּי- עַ ל,י ִהְ י ֶּה לְָך אֱ ֹלהִ ים אֲ חֵּ ִרים- ֹלא:מִ בֵּית עֲ בָּדִ ים. [avadim=slaves, worshippers]. You shall have no other elohim before me [al-panai=in my face]. אֲ שֶּ ר בַשָּ מַ י ִם ג,תְ מּונָּה- וְכָּל,תַ עֲ שֶּ ה לְָך פֶּ סֶּ ל-ֹלא מִ תַ חַ ת,ו ַאֲ שֶּ ר בַמַ י ִם--ָָּארץ מִ ָּתחַ ת ֶּ ו ַאֲ שֶּ ר ב,מִ מַ עַ ל ָָּארץ ֶּ ל. 3 You shall not make for yourself a graven image (pesel), nor any likeness (tmunah), of anything in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, or in the water under the earth; כִי ָאנֹכִי י ְהו ָּה ד: ו ְֹלא ָּתעָּ בְדֵּ ם,תִ שְ תַ חֲ ו ֶּה לָּהֶּ ם-ֹלא - ָּבנִים עַ ל-פ ֹקֵּ ד עֲ וֹ ן ָאב ֹת עַ ל-- אֵּ ל קַ נָּא,אֱ ֹלהֶּ יָך לְשֹנְָאי, ִרבֵּעִ ים-שִ לֵּשִ ים ו ְעַ ל. 4 you shall not bow down unto them, nor serve [avod—see v. 2] them; for I Adonai your Elokim am a jealous god [or I am Jealous God El Kaneh], visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation, that hate me; ה. ּולְש ֹמְ ֵּרי מִ צ ְֹו ָּתי,לְא ֹהֲ בַי-- לַאֲ לָּפִים,ו ְע ֹשֶּ ה חֶּ סֶּ ד }{ס 5 and making mercy to the thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments. {S} כִי ֹלא ו: לַשָּ ו ְא,י ְהו ָּה אֱ ֹלהֶּ יָך-שֵּ ם-ֹלא תִ שָּ א אֶּ ת {פ.שְ מֹו לַשָּ ו ְא-י ִשָּ א אֶּ ת- אֵּ ת אֲ שֶּ ר,}יְנַקֶּ ה י ְהוָּה 6 You shall not take the name of Adonai your Elokim in vain; for Adonai will not hold guiltless [yinakeh=clean, note the pun on kaneh=jealous] him that takes His name in vain. {P} לְקַ דְ שֹו ז,יֹום הַ שַ בָּת-זָּכֹור אֶּ ת. 7 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 2. Rule: Leviticus 26:1 תָּ קִ ימּו א- ּופֶּ סֶּ ל ּומַ ֵּצבָּה ֹלא,תַ עֲ שּו ָּלכֶּם אֱ לִילִם-ֹלא Page 1 of 7 1 Do not make yourselves idols [alilim=little gods], graven image or a pillar shall you raise up; What’s wrong with idolatry? Daniel JH Greenwood לְהִ שְ תַ חֲ ֹות,ְַאר ְצכֶּם ְ ו ְאֶּ בֶּ ן מַ שְ כִית ֹלא תִ תְ נּו ב,ָּלכֶּם אֱ ֹלהֵּ יכֶּם, כִי אֲ נִי י ְהו ָּה: ָּעָּ לֶּיה. do not put a carved stone in your land to bow down to it; for I am Adonai your Elokim. 3. Epistemology: Psalms 115:4 - 115:84 א-עַ ל-- תֵּ ן כָּבֹוד,לְשִ מְ ָך-כִי אֲ מִ ֶּתָך- עַ ל,חַ סְ דְ ָך. :לָּנּו- ֹלא,ֹלא לָּנּו י ְהו ָּה אֱ ֹלהֵּ יהֶּ ם ב,נָּא-אַ יֵּה : י ֹאמְ רּו הַ ּגֹוי ִם,לָּמָּ ה. חָּ פֵּץ עָּ שָּ ה ג-כ ֹל אֲ שֶּ ר --ו ֵּאֹלהֵּ ינּו בַשָּ מָּ י ִם. י ְדֵּ י ָאדָּ ם ד,מַ עֲ שֵּ ה ; כֶּסֶּ ף וְזָּהָּ ב,עֲ ַצבֵּיהֶּ ם. ו ְֹלא י ְִראּו ה,עֵּ ינַי ִם לָּהֶּ ם ו ְֹלא י ְִריחּו ן ו,ַאף לָּהֶּ ם 1 Not to us, Adonai, not to us, but to your name give glory, because of/for your mercy and your faithfulness. 2 Why should the nations say: 'Where is their God?' 3 Indeed, our God is in the heavens; whatever he desired, he did. 4 Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands. ; ו ְֹלא י ְדַ בֵּרּו,לָּהֶּ ם-פֶּ ה. 5 They have mouths, but they do not speak t; they have eyes, but they do not see; ; ו ְֹלא י ִשְ מָּ עּו,ָאזְנַי ִם לָּהֶּ ם. 6 They have ears, but they do not hear; they have noses, but they do not smell; ז- ו ְֹלא י ְהַ לֵּכּו; ֹלא, ַר ְגלֵּיהֶּ ם-- ו ְֹלא י ְמִ ישּו ן,י ְדֵּ יהֶּ ם ִבגְרֹונָּם,י ֶּהְ ּגּו. 7 They have hands, but they do not lift up them; they have feet, but they do not walk; they do not vocalize in their throat. ב ֹטֵּ חַ בָּהֶּ ם ח-כ ֹל אֲ שֶּ ר 8 They who make them shall be like them -everyone who relies on them. עֶּ ז ְָּרם ּומָּ ִגנָּם הּוא ט עֶּ ז ְָּרם ּומָּ ִגנָּם הּוא י עֶּ ז ְָּרם ּומָּ ִגנָּם הּוא יא -- י ִהְ יּו ע ֹשֵּ יהֶּ ם,כְמֹוהֶּ ם. ; בְטַ ח בַיהו ָּה,י ִשְ ָּראֵּ ל. ; בִטְ חּו בַיהו ָּה,בֵּית ַאהֲ רֹ ן. ; בִטְ חּו בַיהו ָּה,י ְִראֵּ י י ְהו ָּה. 9 Israel, rely on Adonai; He is their help and their shield. 10 House of Aaron, rely on Adonai; He is their help and their shield. 11 Adonai-fearers, rely on Adonai; He is their help and their shield. זְכ ָָּּרנּו יְב ֵָּּרְך יב,י ְהו ָּה: בֵּית ַאהֲ רֹ ן- אֶּ ת,בֵּית י ִשְ ָּראֵּ ל; יְב ֵָּּרְך- אֶּ ת,יְב ֵָּּרְך. 12 Adonai has remembered up, He will bless-{N} He will bless the house of Israel; He will bless the house of Aaron. הַ ּגְדֹלִים יג- עִ ם,הַ קְ טַ נִים 13 He will bless them the Adonai-fearers, from the small to the great. ו ְעַ ל ְבנֵּיכֶּם יד,עֲ לֵּיכֶּם Page 2 of 7 -- י ְִראֵּ י י ְהו ָּה,יְב ֵָּּרְך. ;י ֹסֵּ ף י ְהו ָּה עֲ לֵּיכֶּם. 14 Adonai will increase you, you and your children. What’s wrong with idolatry? Daniel JH Greenwood ָָּארץ טו ֶּ שָּ מַ י ִם ו,ע ֹשֵּ ה -- לַיהו ָּה,בְרּוכִים אַ ֶּתם. טז- נָּתַ ן ִל ְבנֵּי,ָארץ ֶּ ָּו ְה ָאדָּ ם. ; לַיהו ָּה,הַ שָּ מַ י ִם שָּ מַ י ִם י ְֹרדֵּ י דּומָּ ה יז- כָּל,ו ְֹלא ;י ָּּה- י ְהַ לְלּו,ֹלא הַ מֵּ תִ ים. עֹו ָּלם יח-מֵּ עַ ָּתה ו ְעַ ד י ָּּה-הַ לְלּו. -- נְב ֵָּּרְך י ָּּה,ו ַאֲ נַחְ נּו: 15 Blessed be you to Adonai, maker of heavens and earth. 16 The heavens are the heavens for Adonai; and the earth he gave to the children of Adam. 17 The dead do not praise Yah, nor do the descenders into silence; 18 But we will bless Yah from now and forever. {N} Praise-Yah. 4. Epistemology: Maimonides, Code, Laws Pertaining to the Torah, Ch 1, as quoted by Yeshayahu Leibowitz, Judaism, Human Values and the Jewish State at 67 The end (telos, goal) of the truth is nothing but to know it to be the truth. 5. Lishma: Maimonides, Guide III 51, p 62 as quoted by Yeshayahu Leibowitz, Judaism, Human Values and the Jewish State at 67 Know that all practices of worship, such as reading the Torah and performing the other mitzvoth, have only one end: training you to occupy yourself with His commandments rather than matters pertaining to this world; you should act as if you were occupied with Him and not with that which is other than Him. 6. Justice: Psalms 82:1 - 82:8 לְָאסָּ ף א,מִ זְמֹור: בְקֶּ ֶּרב אֱ ֹלהִ ים י ִשְ פ ֹט ;אֵּ ל- נִצָּב בַעֲ דַ ת,אֱ ֹלהִ ים. ב- תִ שְ אּו,ּופְ נֵּי ְרשָּ עִ ים סֶּ לָּה. עָּ נִי ו ָָּּרש הַ צְדִ יקּו ג ;עָּ ו ֶּל-מָּ ַתי תִ שְ פְטּו-עַ ד ;דַ ל וְי ָּתֹום-שִ פְטּו. מִ יַד ְרשָּ עִ ים הַ צִילּו ד ;דַ ל ו ְאֶּ בְיֹו ן-פַ לְטּו. בַחֲ שֵּ כָּה י ִתְ הַ לָּכּו ה-- ו ְֹלא יָּבִינּו,;ֹלא י ָּדְ עּו ָארץ ֶּ מֹוסְ דֵּ י- כָּל,י ִמֹוטּו. ּו ְבנֵּי עֶּ לְיֹו ן ֻּכ ְלכֶּם ו Page 3 of 7 ; אֱ ֹלהִ ים אַ ֶּתם,ָאמַ ְרתִ י-אֲ נִי. 1 A Psalm of Asaph. {N} Elokim stands [nitzav: root also means governs] in the congregation of El; in the midst of the judges [elohim=gods, God, judges], He judges [shofet]: 2 'How long will you judge unjustly, and lift up the faces of the wicked? Selah 3 Judge the weak and orphan; vindicate the poor and the destitute. 4 Rescue the weak and needy; rescue them from the hand of the wicked. 5 They know not, they do not understand; they walk in darkness; {N} all the foundations of the earth are moved. 6 I said: you are elohim [=gods, judges], and all of What’s wrong with idolatry? Daniel JH Greenwood you are children of the Most High. ּוכְַאחַ ד הַ שָּ ִרים תִ פ ֹלּו ז ח,אַ ָּתה תִ נְחַ ל-כִי הַ ּגֹוי ִם- ְבכָּל. ; כְָאדָּ ם תְ מּותּו ן,ָאכֵּ ן. :ָארץ ֶּ ָּ שָּ פְטָּ ה ה,קּומָּ ה אֱ ֹלהִ ים 7 Therefore, you shall die like Adam [or mankind], and fall like one of the princes.' 8 Arise, Elohim, judge the earth; for You shall inherit all the nations. {P} 7. Holiness: Leibowitz at 85 ; reprinted in I Walzer at 79 The election of the people of Israel (“and God has avouched you” Deut. 26:18 is identical with the assumption of the yoke of the Kingdom of Heaven by the people of Israel (“you have avouched” Deut 26:17). Accordingly, the uniqueness of the Jewish people – the “holiness” of Israel – is not something that was given to the people as an abiding and enduring possession, but is rather a demand, an assignment and a task with which they are charged – a goal towards which they are to strive eternally, without any guarantee of ever attaining it. The question is not “Did God bestow holiness upon the Jewish people?” but rather “Is the Jewish people striving towards holiness by assuming the yoke of Torah and Mitzvot?” This view has been strongly opposed by many who were incapable of such lofty faith. The first … was Korach, who declared that “All the congregation are holy” (Num. 16:3), implying that … Israel is essentially a holy nation. The holiness of the Jewish People is not, however a reality but rather an end or goal…. Holiness is dependent on doing “all my commandments” – a condition that clashes with human nature. “Let one gird up strength to rise in the morning to the service of his Creator” (Shulkan Aruch) One cannot say simply, “man should rise in the morning to the service of his Creator,” for it may well be that man is incapable of attaining the goal of serving God. … The Judaism of Moses is arduous. … The Judaism of Korach is very comforting. … (p216): The state [of Israel], as such has no religious value. No state ever had. 8. Husband/Father: Jeremiah 3:19-20 אֵּ יְך אֲ שִ יתֵּ ְך ַב ָּבנִים יט,ו ְָאנֹכִי ָאמַ ְר ִתי, לְָּך-ו ְאֶּ ֶּת ן נַחֲ לַת ְצבִי ִצבְאֹות ּגֹוי ִם; ו ָּא ֹמַ ר,אֶּ ֶּרץ חֶּ מְ דָּ ה, ָאבִי ֹלא תשובו, ּומֵּ ַאחֲ ַרי,) לִי- (תִ קְ ְראִ י-תקראו )(תָּ שּובִי. 19 But I said: 'How would I put thee among the sons, and give thee a pleasant land, the goodliest heritage of the nations!' And I said: 'Thou shalt call Me, My father; and shalt not turn away from following Me.' מֵּ ֵּרעָּ ּה; כֵּ ן ְבגַדְ תֶּ ם בִי בֵּית כ,ָאכֵּ ן ָּבגְדָּ ה אִ שָּ ה י ְהוָּה- נְאֻּ ם,י ִשְ ָּראֵּ ל. 20 Surely as a wife treacherously departeth from her husband, so have ye dealt treacherously with Me, O house of Israel, saith the LORD. 9. Whoring: Numbers 15:37-41 Page 4 of 7 What’s wrong with idolatry? Daniel JH Greenwood מ ֹשֶּ ה לֵּאמ ֹר לז- אֶּ ל,ו ַי ֹאמֶּ ר י ְהו ָּה. 37 And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying: ו ְעָּ שּו לח, ו ְָאמַ ְר ָּת אֲ לֵּהֶּ ם, ְבנֵּי י ִשְ ָּראֵּ ל-דַ בֵּר אֶּ ל - לְד ֹר ָֹּתם; וְנָּתְ נּו עַ ל, ַכנְפֵּי ִבגְדֵּ יהֶּ ם-לָּהֶּ ם צִיצִת עַ ל פְתִ יל תְ כֵּלֶּ ת,צִיצִת הַ ָּכנָּף. 38 'Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them throughout their generations fringes in the corners of their garments, and that they put with the fringe of each corner a thread of blue. יתם א ֹתֹו ּוזְכ ְַרתֶּ ם לט ֶּ ִּורא ְ , ְלצִיצִת,ו ְהָּ י ָּה ָּלכֶּם ָּתתּורּו-יתם א ָֹּתם; ו ְֹלא ֶּ ִ ו ַעֲ ש,מִ צְוֹת י ְהו ָּה-כָּל-אֶּ ת ,אַ ֶּתם זֹנִים- אֲ שֶּ ר, ו ְַאחֲ ֵּרי עֵּ ינֵּיכֶּם,ַאחֲ ֵּרי ְל ַב ְבכֶּם ַאחֲ ֵּריהֶּ ם. 39 And it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the LORD, and do them; and that ye go not about after your own heart and your own eyes, after which you go whoring; מִ צְוֹ ָּתי; ו ִהְ י ִיתֶּ ם מ-כָּל- ו ַעֲ שִ יתֶּ ם אֶּ ת, לְמַ עַ ן תִ זְכְרּו40 that ye may remember and do all My commandments, and be holy unto your God. לֵּאֹלהֵּ יכֶּם,קְ ד ֹשִ ים. אֲ שֶּ ר הֹוצֵּאתִ י אֶּ תְ כֶּם מא,אֲ נִי י ְהו ָּה אֱ ֹלהֵּ יכֶּם י ְהוָּה, אֲ נִי: לֵּאֹלהִ ים, לִהְ יֹות ָּלכֶּם,מֵּ אֶּ ֶּרץ מִ צ ְַרי ִם {פ.}אֱ ֹלהֵּ יכֶּם 41 I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I am the LORD your God.' {P} 10. Whoring: Exodus 34:15 מְ ַצּוְָך הַ יֹום; הִ נְנִי יא,אֵּ ת אֲ שֶּ ר ָאנֹכִי--לְָך-שְ מָּ ר , ו ְהַ חִ תִ י ו ְהַ ְפ ִרזִי,הָּ אֱ מ ִֹרי ו ְהַ ְכנַעֲ נִי- אֶּ ת,ג ֵֹּרש מִ פָּ נֶּיָך ו ְהַ חִ ּוִי ו ְהַ י ְבּוסִ י. 11 Observe thou that which I am commanding thee this day; behold, I am driving out before thee the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite. יב,ָארץ ֶּ ָּתִ כְר ֹת ב ְִרית לְיֹושֵּ ב ה- פֶּ ן,הִ שָּ מֶּ ר לְָך בְקִ ְרבֶָּך,י ִהְ י ֶּה לְמֹוקֵּ ש- פֶּ ן: ָּ בָּא עָּ לֶּיה,אֲ שֶּ ר אַ ָּתה. 12 Take heed to thyself, lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land whither thou goest, lest they be for a snare in the midst of thee. מַ צֵּב ֹתָּ ם יג- ו ְאֶּ ת,מִ זְבְח ָֹּתם תִ ת ֹצּו ן-כִי אֶּ ת תִ כְר ֹתּו ן,אֲ שֵּ ָּריו-תְ שַ בֵּרּו ן; ו ְאֶּ ת. 13 But ye shall break down their altars, and dash in pieces their pillars, and ye shall cut down their Asherim. לְאֵּ ל ַאחֵּ ר יד,כִי ֹלא תִ שְ ַתחֲ ו ֶּה: כִי י ְהו ָּה קַ נָּא אֵּ ל קַ נָּא הּוא,שְ מֹו. 14 For thou shalt bow down to no other god; for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God; ָארץ; וְזָּנּו ַאחֲ ֵּרי טו ֶּ ָּ לְיֹושֵּ ב ה,תִ כְר ֹת ב ְִרית-פֶּ ן ָּ ו ְָא ַכלְת, ו ְקָּ ָּרא לְָך, ו ְ ָּזבְחּו לֵּאֹלהֵּ יהֶּ ם,אֱ ֹלהֵּ יהֶּ ם מִ ִזבְחֹו. 15 lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they go whoring after their gods, and do sacrifice unto their gods, and they call thee, and thou eat of their sacrifice; ַאחֲ ֵּרי טז, ְל ָּבנֶּיָך; וְזָּנּו בְנ ָֹּתיו,וְלָּקַ חְ תָּ מִ בְנ ָֹּתיו ַאחֲ ֵּרי אֱ ֹלהֵּ יהֶּ ן, ָּבנֶּיָך- ו ְהִ זְנּו אֶּ ת,אֱ ֹלהֵּ יהֶּ ן. 16 and thou take of their daughters unto thy sons, and their daughters go astray after their gods, and make thy sons go astray after their gods. ָּלְך יז- ֹלא ַתעֲ שֶּ ה,אֱ ֹלהֵּ י מַ סֵּ כָּה. 17 Thou shalt make thee no molten gods. Page 5 of 7 What’s wrong with idolatry? Daniel JH Greenwood 11. Whoring: Hosea 4:12 לֵּב יא- י ִקַ ח,זְנּות וְיַיִ ן ו ְִתירֹוש. 11 Harlotry, wine, and new wine take away the heart. כִי רּוחַ זְנּונִים יב: ּומַ קְ לֹו יַּגִיד לֹו,עַ מִ י בְעֵּ צֹו י ִשְ ָאל וַיִזְנּו מִ ַתחַ ת אֱ ֹלהֵּ יהֶּ ם,הִ תְ עָּ ה. 12 My people ask counsel at their stock, and their staff declareth unto them; for the spirit of harlotry hath caused them to err, and they have gone astray from under their God. 13 They sacrifice upon the tops of the mountains, and offer upon the hills, under oaks יג,הַ ְּגבָּעֹות י ְקַ טֵּ רּו- ו ְעַ ל, ָּראשֵּ י הֶּ הָּ ִרים י ְ ַזבֵּחּו-עַ ל and poplars and terebinths, because the shadow כִי טֹוב ִצלָּּה, תִ ְזנֶּינָּה ;תַ חַ ת אַ לֹו ן ו ְ ִל ְבנֶּה ו ְאֵּ לָּה,כֵּ ן-עַ ל thereof is good; therefore your daughters ֵּ ב. תְ נַָּאפְ נָּה, וְכַלֹותֵּ יכֶּם,ְנֹותיכֶּם commit harlotry, and your daughters-in-law commit adultery. 14 I will not punish your daughters when they ֵּ ב-אֶּ ְפקֹוד עַ ל-ֹלא, ַלֹותיכֶּם ֵּ כ- ו ְעַ לcommit harlotry, nor your daughters-in-law ְנֹותיכֶּם כִי תִ זְנֶּינָּה יד when they commit adultery; for they themselves הַ ז ֹנֹות י ְפָּ ֵּרדּו-הֵּ ם עִ ם-כִי--כִי תְ נַָּא ְפנָּה, הַ קְ דֵּ שֹות-ו ְעִ ם consort with lewd women, and they sacrifice י ִ ָּלבֵּט,יָּבִי ן-י ְ ַזבֵּחּו; ו ְעָּ ם ֹלא. with harlots; and the people that is without understanding is distraught. י ֶּאְ שַ ם י ְהּודָּ ה טו- ַאל,זֹנֶּה אַ ָּתה י ִשְ ָּראֵּ ל- ;אִ ם-ו ְַאל ַתעֲ לּו בֵּית ָאוֶּ ן- ו ְַאל, ָּתב ֹאּו הַ ִּג ְלּגָּל, - חַ י,תִ שָּ בְעּו-ו ְַאל י ְהו ָּה. 15 Though thou, Israel, play the harlot, yet let not Judah become guilty; and come not ye unto Gilgal, neither go ye up to Beth-aven, nor swear: 'As the LORD liveth.' 16 For Israel is stubborn like a stubborn heifer; טז, סָּ ַרר י ִשְ ָּראֵּ ל; עַ ָּתה י ְִרעֵּ ם י ְהוָּה,כִי כְפָּ ָּרה ס ֵֹּר ָּרה now shall the LORD feed them as a lamb in a ְכ ֶּכבֶּש בַמֶּ ְרחָּ ב. large place? 12. Sovereignty: I Samuel 8 (The Curse of Samuel) א, ָּבנָּיו ש ֹפְ טִ ים- כַאֲ שֶּ ר זָּקֵּ ן שְ מּואֵּ ל; וַיָּשֶּ ם אֶּ ת, ו ַי ְהִ י1 And it came to pass, when Samuel was old, that he made his sons judges over Israel. ְלי ִשְ ָּראֵּ ל. ב-- ו ְשֵּ ם מִ שְ נֵּהּו אֲ ִביָּה,בְנֹו הַ בְכֹור יֹואֵּ ל-וַי ְהִ י שֶּ ם ִבבְאֵּ ר שָּ בַע,ש ֹפְטִ ים. 2 Now the name of his first-born was Joel; and the name of his second, Abijah; they were judges in Beer-sheba. ג- וַיִטּו ַאחֲ ֵּרי הַ ָּבצַע; וַיִקְ חּו,הָּ לְכּו ָּבנָּיו בִדְ ָּרכָּו-ו ְֹלא {פ. מִ שְ פָּ ט,וַיַטּו--}ש ֹחַ ד 3 And his sons did not walk in his ways but twisted after gain; they accepted bribes and they twisted justice. {P} ד,שְ מּואֵּ ל- כ ֹל זִקְ נֵּי י ִשְ ָּראֵּ ל; וַיָּב ֹאּו אֶּ ל,וַיִתְ קַ בְצּו הָּ ָּרמָּ ָּתה. 4 Then all the elders of Israel assembled and came to Samuel at Ramah, ֹלא הָּ לְכּו ה, ּו ָּבנֶּיָך, הִ נֵּה אַ ָּתה זָּקַ נ ְָּת,ו ַי ֹאמְ רּו אֵּ לָּיו 5 and said to him, “You have aged, and your sons Page 6 of 7 What’s wrong with idolatry? Daniel JH Greenwood - ְככָּל--לָּנּו מֶּ לְֶּך לְשָּ ְפטֵּ נּו- שִ ימָּ ה,בִדְ ָּרכֶּיָך; עַ ָּתה הַ ּגֹוי ִם. do not walk in your ways. Now give us a king to judge us like all the peoples.” 6 Their words were evil in Samuel’s eyes, when כַאֲ שֶּ ר ָאמְ רּו ו, בְעֵּ ינֵּי שְ מּואֵּ ל,וַי ֵַּרע הַ דָּ בָּר, לָּנּו-תְ נָּה they said give us a king to judge us, and Samuel מֶּ לְֶּך לְשָּ פְטֵּ נּו; וַיִתְ פַ לֵּל שְ מּואֵּ ל, {פ.י ְהו ָּה-}אֶּ ל prayed to Adonai. {P} לְכ ֹל ז, שְ מַ ע בְקֹול הָּ עָּ ם,שְ מּואֵּ ל- אֶּ ל,ו ַי ֹאמֶּ ר י ְהו ָּה א ֹתִ י- כִי, כִי ֹלא א ֹתְ ָך מָּ ָאסּו:י ֹאמְ רּו אֵּ לֶּיָך-אֲ שֶּ ר מָּ אֲ סּו מִ מְ ֹלְך עֲ לֵּיהֶּ ם. 7 . And Adonai said to Samuel, “Listen to the voice of the people, to everything that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but rather it is I that they have rejected as their king. מִ יֹום הַ עֲ ֹלתִ י אֹותָּ ם ח,עָּ שּו-הַ מַ עֲ שִ ים אֲ שֶּ ר-ְככָּל וַיַעַ בְדּו אֱ ֹלהִ ים, וַיַעַ זְ ֻּבנִי,הַ יֹום הַ זֶּה-מִ מִ ְצ ַרי ִם ו ְעַ ד לְָּך- ּגַם,כֵּ ן הֵּ מָּ ה ע ֹשִ ים--אֲ חֵּ ִרים. 8 Just like all their doings that they have done, since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt and until today, they have abandoned Me, and served other gods, so too, they do to you. 9 Now, listen to their voice; but you shall sure הָּ עֵּ ד ָּתעִ יד בָּהֶּ ם ט- כִי, אַ ְך: שְ מַ ע בְקֹולָּם,ו ְעַ ָּתה, bear witness before them and tell them “mishpat {ס. מִ שְ פַ ט הַ מֶּ לְֶּך אֲ שֶּ ר י ִמְ ֹלְך עֲ לֵּיהֶּ ם, }ו ְהִ ּגַדְ תָּ לָּהֶּ םha-melekh” (the law/practices of the king) who will rule over them. {S} י,הָּ עָּ ם- אֶּ ל,דִ ב ְֵּרי י ְהו ָּה- אֵּ ת כָּל,ו ַי ֹאמֶּ ר שְ מּואֵּ ל {ס.}הַ ש ֹאֲ לִים מֵּ אִ תֹו מֶּ לְֶּך Page 7 of 7 10 Samuel reported the words of the Lord to the people who were asking him for a king. {S}