All Four Stars The Fourteenth Goldfish Tara Dairman Jennifer L. Holm

The Fourteenth Goldfish
Jennifer L. Holm
Ellie's scientist grandfather has
discovered a way to reverse aging, and
consequently has turned into a teenager-which makes for complicated
relationships when he moves in with Ellie
and her mother, his daughter.
A Diamond in the Desert
Katherine Fitzmaurice
After the bombing of Pearl Harbor,
thirteen-year-old Tetsu and his family are
sent to the Gila River Relocation
Center in Arizona where a fellow prisoner
starts a baseball team, but when Tetsu's
sister becomes ill and he feels
responsible, he stops playing.
Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library
Chris Grabenstein
Twelve-year-old Kyle gets to stay
overnight in the new town library,
designed by his hero (the famous
gamemaker Luigi Lemoncello), with
other students but finds that come
morning he must work with friends to
solve puzzles in order to escape.
All Four Stars
Tara Dairman
Eleven-year-old Gladys Gatsby loves food
and cooking, so when she lands an
assignment to write a restaurant review
for a New York City newspaper, she will
do anything to make it happen, even risk
the wrath of her fast-food loving parents.
Sarah Weeks
Kid Presidents
David Stabler
For as long as she can remember, it’s just
been Melody and her father and she's
been okay with that. But then she
overhears him calling someone “Honey”,
it’s up to her and her best friend, Nick, to
piece together the clues and discover
why Honey is being hidden.
Read twenty stories featuring the
United States presidents when they
were children, including William Taft's
dance lessons, Lyndon Johnson's
classroom pranks, and Gerald Ford's
struggles with dyslexia.
Tuesdays at the Castle
Jessica Day George
Absolutely Truly
Heather Vogel Frederick
Eleven-year-old Princess Celie lives at
Castle Glower, which adds rooms or
stairways or secret passageways most
every Tuesday. When the king and queen
are ambushed while travelling, it is up to
Celie to protect their home and save
their kingdom.
Twelve-year-old Truly Lovejoy's family
moves to a small town to take over a
bookstore. Soon, she has to solve two
mysteries involving a missing book and an
undelivered letter...
Fortunately, the Milk
Neil Gaiman
While picking up milk for his children's
cereal, a father is abducted by aliens and
finds himself on a wild adventure
through time and space.
Fish in a Tree
Lynda Mullaly Hunt
Ally's greatest fear is that everyone will
find out she is as dumb as they think she
is because she still doesn't know how to
Have questions about the Battle of the Books program? Please contact Mrs. Delzell at
Stubby the War Dog
Ann Bausum
Alien Encounter
Cherise Mericle Harper
American soldier J. Robert Conroy
befriended a stray dog while training
to fight overseas in WWI. They
bonded so closely that Conroy
smuggled him to Europe, where
Nine-year-old Morgan of the Pacific
Northwest is fascinated with aliens and
the sasquatch, but his real adventures
begin when he meets Lewis, whose
parents just bought a motel named the
Sasquatch Inn.
Stubby lended both his senses and
temperament to the war effort.
Bound for Oregon
Jean Van Leeuwen
With only a guide book to show them the
way, the Todd family sets out from their
Arkansas home on a two thousand mile
trek to claim unchartered Oregon
Territory. As winter draws near, will the
Todds have the strength to complete
their journey? And if they make it, will
Oregon fulfill their dreams?
Circus Mirandus
Cassie Beasley
The Only Game
Mike Lupica
Nerd Camp
Elissa Brent Weissman
When he realizes that his
grandfather's stories of an
enchanted circus are true, Micah
Tuttle sets out to find the
mysterious Circus Mirandus--and to
use its magic to save his
grandfather's life.
Sixth grade is supposed to be the year
that Jack Callahan would lead his team to
a record-shattering season and the Little
League World Series, but after the death
of his brother he loses interest in
baseball and only Cassie, star of the girls'
softball team, seems to understand.
Ten-year-old Gabe has just been
accepted to the Summer Center for
Gifted Enrichment. SCGE has a
reputation for being, well, a nerd camp.
Gabe isn’t a nerd. Is he? Compared to
Zack, his hip, soon-to-be-stepbrother
from LA, Gabe’s not so sure where he
falls on the cool scale.
The Honest Truth
Dan Gemeinheart
Mark of the Thief (Book 1)
Jennifer Nielsen
Johnny Hangtime
Mark's like any other thirteen-yearold. He loves his dog, taking photos
and hiking, but he also has cancer.
When his illness returns, Mark
decides he's had enough of
hospital. With his small dog Beau,
he sets out to climb a mountain and he's not going to give up until
he's done it.
When Nic, a slave in the mines outside of
Rome, is forced to enter a sealed cavern
containing lost treasures of Julius Caesar,
he finds himself in possession of an
ancient amulet filled with magic once
reserved for the Gods, and becomes the
center of a conspiracy to overthrow the
emperor and destroy Rome.
Johnny Thyme is a 13-year-old stunt kid
known in the movie business as Johnny
Hangtime and he’s devoted to repeating
the career of his legendary stuntman
father, but what's he going to do when
his favorite director asks him to perform
the super-dangerous stunt that killed his
father? Will following in his daredevil;
dad's footsteps take him over the edge?
Dan Gutman
Paint the Wind
Pam Munoz Ryan
After her grandmother has a stroke,
Maya, an orphan, leaves her life in
California to stay with her mother's
family on a remote ranch, where
she discovers a love of horses and
encounters a wild mare that her
mother once rode.
Have questions about the Battle of the Books program? Please contact Mrs. Delzell at