T M Reading/Language Arts

Isaac Fox Elementary s
May 13, 2016s
Ph: (847)540-2815 s
kerri.matras@lz95.org s
A Summary of Third Grade Happenings
Reading/Language Arts
We have been learning how poets get their
ideas for their poems. The third graders
learned that like all writers, poets get their
ideas from something or someone that
inspired them to write. Being able to
recognize where a poet got his or her
inspiration can help us better understand
what the poet is saying to us when we read a
We are covering as much material as possible before
the end of the year. Currently, our activities involve
exploring equivalent fractions. We are also comparing
fractions with like and unlike denominators.
Social Studies
Final reports for our biography project are due on May
17th. These can either be typed or neatly handwritten.
Over the past two weeks, the third graders
edited and revised their nonfiction writing
pieces. During these stages of the writing
process, we are ensuring that our piece will
engage our readers and matches our overall
purpose and intention for our nonfiction
writing. We also want to ensure that the text
is clear and readable. As we move on to the
final stage of the writing process, publishing,
we will be focusing on preparing our writing
for an audience by including “finishing
touches” that will enhance meaning and
engage our readers.
Quick Tidbits
**May 17th: Oral Reports: Boys
**May 17th: Final copy of report due
**May 18th: Oral Reports: Girls
**May 20th: Living Museum (9-10am)
**May 20th: Early Release
On Tuesday, May 17th, the BOYS will be giving their
oral reports to the class. On Wednesday, May 18th,
the GIRLS will do their presentations. Students
should bring in their costumes/props for the classroom
presentations. Presentations should be no longer
than 1 or 2 minutes. These should be spoken in the
first person. Students are encouraged to memorize
the information they learned about their famous
Illinoisan, but may jot down notes on a note card, if
needed. I am attaching the rubric that will be used to
assess the oral presentation.
Our Living Museum will be held on Friday, May 20th
from 9:00-10:00am in the cafeteria. All students will
present during this time. We hope you can join us!
I have discussed all of this information at length with
the third graders and they should know what is
expected, but if you have any questions, feel free to
contact me.
We have been learning how the sun is the primary
source of light and food energy on Earth. Next week,
-Your child will need a sack lunch and drink in our activities will focus on what we can observe about
disposable containers
**May 26th: Fieldtrip
**May 27th: Early Release
**May 30th: No School