Wednesday 10 July 2013, Sidlaw Room, 14:30-16:30 Membranes Thermal fluctuation and elasticity of lipid membranes interacting with transmembrane proteins S-M Choi1, J-H Lee1, C Do1, S-H Kang1, M-J Lee1, A Faraone2, S R Kline2 and P A Pincus3 1 KAIST, South Korea, 2NIST Center for Neutron Research, USA, 3University of California, USA Cell membrane, a barrier to maintain cytoplasmic materials inside the cell, consists of lipid bilayer and a plethora of membrane proteins. Various cellular processes, such as mass and signal transfer between cells and their environments, cell fission and fusion, are governed by the interplay between proteins and lipid membranes, and subsequent membrane-mediated protein-protein interactions. These interactions often cause morphological changes of membrane and determine the collective activities of membrane proteins.While there have been many theoretical and computational simulation works for the membrane-protein and membrane-mediated protein-protein interactions, experimental investigations remains still challenging and, especially, it is not fully understood how the membrane elastic properties are affected by the interactions.In this talk, recent neutron spin echo investigations on the thermal fluctuation and elasticity of large unilamellar lipid vesicles (DOPC, DMPC and DLPC) interacting with transmembrane proteins (melittins and gramicidins) [1,2] will be presented, from which the membrane-mediated protein-protein interactions will be discussed. [1] [2] J.-H. Lee, S.-M. Choi, C. Doe, A. Faraone, P.A. Pincus, and S.R. Kline, Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 038101 (2010) J.-H. Lee, S.-M. Choi et al (in preparation) Confined soft matter: Measuring the structure of lipid bilayers under confinement using neutron reflection L Mears1, W de Vos2, R Barker3, S Prescott1, T Cosgrove1, S Abbott1 and R Richardson1 1 University of Bristol, UK, 2University of Twente, Netherlands, 3Institut Laue Langevin, France Supported lipid bilayers provide an excellent model system for cell membranes. The mechanical and structural properties of lipid bilayers are very important to their behaviour and interactions with similar membranes, proteins or other small molecules. When membranes are pushed against each other these soft systems are forced to interact as they are confined. We have recently developed a novel sample environment which applies a confining pressure to the sample during neutron reflection experiments [1, 2]. Here, we will discuss reflectivity data from confined lipid bilayer stacks. Phosphatidylcholine lipids with a range of tail lengths were investigated and consistently showed that water could be excluded from between the bilayers under a low confining pressure of 1 bar. DMPC showed a significant decrease in its inter layer spacing under confinement. Using kinetic data, we have tracked this dehydration and re-ordering of the bilayers in DMPC as the system equilibrates into a different, confined state. Interestingly for the lipid, DPPC, a temperature dependent increase in the inter layer spacing was observed, this indicates a confinement induced phase transition. [1] [2] W. M. de Vos et al.. Measuring the structure of thin soft matter films under confinement: A surface-force type apparatus for neutron reflection , based on a flexible membrane approach, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 2012, 83, 113903. W. M. de Vos et al., Nonuniform Hydration and Odd–Even Effects in Polyelectrolyte Multilayers under a Confining Pressure, Macromolecules, 2013, 46 (3), 1027. ICNS 2013 International Conference on Neutron Scattering Binding mechanisms of cell-penetrating peptides on lipid mono- and bilayers revealed using neutron and x-ray reflection K Shin1, D Lee2, M W Kim3, B Akgun4, S Saitja4, K Y Lee5 and M James6 1 Sogang University, Korea, 2Soongsil University, Korea, 3KAIST, Korea, 4NIST, USA, 5University of Chicago, USA, Australian Synchrotron, Australia 6 Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) are short peptides that can traverse cell membranes efficiently. Although many results on the cellular uptake of CPP-carrying cargos have been reported, the molecular mechanisms of membrane binding and translocation are still controversial and unclear.Among CPPs, the transcription-activating-factor (TAT)derived peptide (TDP), which has 11 key amino acid residues with mostly lysines and arginines from the humanimmunodeficiency-virus (HIV-1) TAT protein, is the most widely studied CPP. We will present results from X-ray and neutron reflectivity measurement on systems composed of a 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine membranes (e.g. bilayer [1] and monolayer [2]) and Tat peptides which were obtained to investigate the mechanism of membrane translocation at the solid-water interface for the bilayer and the receptor-aided adsorption at air-water interface for the monolayer. We monitored the structural changes caused by binding with Tat peptides while systemically varying the temperature, membrane compositions, and the concentration of Tat peptides. Our results reveal the detailed molecular structures of the stepwise interactions that appear during the translocation of the Tat peptides across the lipid bilayers, and the receptor aided binding phenomena of the Tat peptide on heparininserted lipid monolayer. [1] [2] D. Choi, J.H. Moon, H. Kim, B.J. Sung, M.W. Kim, G. Tae, S.K. Satija, B. Akgun, C.-J. Yu, H.W. Lee, D.R. Lee, J.M. Henderson, J.W. Kwong, K.L. Lam,K.Y.C. Lee, and K. Shin, Soft Matter, 8, 8294 (2012). D. Hong, K. Shin, M. James, G. Tae, Soft Matter, 8, 8616 (2012). Bilayer undulation dynamics in unilamellar phospholipid vesicles: Effect of temperature, cholesterol and trehalose B A Brüning1, S Prévost2, R Stehle2, R Steitz2, P Falus3, B Farago3 and T Hellweg4 1 Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, 2Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Germany, 3Institut Laue Langevin, France, 4Universität Bielefeld, Germany We report a combined dynamic light scattering (DLS) and neutron spin-echo (NSE) study on lipid vesicles composed of 1,2-dimyristoyl-snglycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC), respectively under the influence of temperature and the membrane additives cholesterol and trehalose. Mechanical properties of a model membrane and thus the corresponding bilayer undulation dynamics can be specifically tuned by changing its lipid headgroup or acyl chain properties through temperature or composition. A structural characterization of the respective model systems at varied phase state was performed to investigate lipid vesicle size and polydispersity. We have performed dynamic light scattering on the lipid (mixtures) to investigate changes in vesicle size and mass diffusion. We study bilayer undulation and bulk diffusion dynamics using neutron spin-echo spectroscopy, on two distinct time scales, namely around 25 ns and 100 ns. Finally, we calculate the respective bilayer bending rigidities for all types of lipid vesicles. We find, that on the local length scale changes at the lipid headgroup influence the bilayer undulation dynamics and bilayer bending rigidity less than at the lipid acyl chain: We observe a bilayer softening around the main phase transition temperature Tm of the single lipid model system, and a bilayer stiffening the more cholesterol is added, whereas the insertion of trehalose hardly changes the bilayer undulations and membrane rigidity [1]. We explain our findings on the basis of a free volume available to lipid molecules in the membrane plane, which encounters the most pronounced changes in the acyl chain regime. [1] B. Brüning, S. Prévost, R. Stehle, R. Steitz, P. Falus, T. Hellweg, submitted. ICNS 2013 International Conference on Neutron Scattering Scaling of RO-Membranes in desalination of wastewater and the effect of organic matter on calcium mineralization explored by SANS D Schwahn1, V Pipich2 and Y Dahdal3 1 TU Munich, Germany, 2Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany, 3Ben Gurion University, Israel Reclaimed municipal wastewater is considered today as an important source for maintaining adequate fresh water supply. Major limitations of using membrane-based desalination techniques are biofouling and calcium phosphate scaling. It has been shown that the formation of biofilms and scaling, especially that caused by calcium phosphates on reverse osmosis (RO) membranes limit desalination efficiency of secondary wastewater effluents. The formation of biofilm and scaling is the topic of our research. In particular we are interested in the effect of components representing the biofilm on calcium phosphate mineralization at a molecular level using SANS technique. To this end we are studying the formation of calcium minerals in a model solution simulating secondary waste water effluents (SSE) after adding the biopolymers as single molecules or as grafted at gold nanoparticles. The latter experiment should simulate mineralization at surfaces such as membranes. SANS is a promising tool in this field as was demonstrated on similar studies in the related field of biomineralization [1,2]. We will present data showing the process of mineralization in SSE solutions stimulated by the proteins BSA and lysozyme using stopped-flow technique in combination with classical SANS as well as with focusing USANS techniques. [1] [2] V. Pipich, M. Balz, S.E. Wolf, W. Tremel, and D. Schwahn, J. Am. Chem. Soc. (JACS) 130, 2008, 68796892 A. Heiss, V. Pipich, W. Jahnen-Dechent, and D. Schwahn, Biophysical Journal 99 (2010) 3986-3995 Interaction of trehalose with membranes by neutron diffraction G Bryant1, B Kent2, T Hunt1, T Hauß3, T Lenné4 and C J Garvey2 1 RMIT University, Australia, 2Bragg Institute, ANSTO, Australia, 3Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH, Germany, 4Australian National University, Australia Small solute molecules, particularly di- and mono-saccharides, are associated with cryoprotective effects, and in model systems the concentration of sugars between bilayers is correlated with changes in lipid phase transition temperatures during dehydration. One explanation for this effect is that the presence of sugars leads to increased bilayer separation at a particular dehydration level, due to osmotic and volumetric effects. An alternate mechanism posits that the effect is due to specific short range interactions between lipid head groups and specific sugars. The two mechanisms of cryoprotection imply quite different concentration profiles of sugar molecules between bilayers. Using Fourier methods to reconstruct the scattering length density profile of the unit cell from neutron diffraction measurements carried out at the Membrane Diffractometer V1 (Helmholtz Zentrum, Berlin) we show clearly that the profile of trehalose between the bilayer implies no specific interaction between phospholipid and trehalose. ICNS 2013 International Conference on Neutron Scattering