1: Safety and Equipment Familiarization Laboratory

1: Safety and Equipment Familiarization Laboratory
ECE 3200 Electronics II
updated 22 May 2012
1. Tektronix, XYZs of Oscilloscopes (available at
http://www1.tek.com/Measurement/programs/301913X312631/). You may use “WMU” as your
company name and the ECE Department phone number (269-276-3150) when you register for
2. Student Reference Manual for Electronic Instrumentation Laboratories, S. Wolf and R. F. M.
Smith, Pearson Prentice Hall, 1990 (1st ed.) or 2004 (2nd ed.). Available for checkout in the ECE
1. To learn how to work safely in the laboratory.
2. To learn the operation and limitations of various pieces of laboratory equipment.
Pre-Laboratory Assignment
1. Read and study section 1.1 of the lab manual which addresses laboratory safety issues.
2. Read XYZs of Oscilloscopes (reference 1 above). Complete the “Written Exercises” Parts IA, IB,
IIA, and IIB at the end of that document and turn it in at the beginning of your lab session.
1. Identify the digital multimeter (DMM), the oscilloscope, and the function generator. Turn them
“on”. CAUTION! The built-in power supply contains terminals at dangerous voltages. As
always, do not allow yourself or your equipment, leads, etc. to come into contact with any of
these terminals. We will not use the built-in supply in ECE 3200.
2. Setup the oscilloscope to simultaneously display two signals v1(t) and v2(t) against time where
v1(t) is the oscilloscope compensation signal available from your oscilloscope (a 1kHz 0-5V
50% duty cycle square wave) and v2(t) = 2V + 2Vsin(2π1000t).
Use the DMM to set both the DC and AC components of v2(t). Verify that you did this correctly
by checking the waveform on the oscilloscope. Remember that the DMM in “AC” mode
measures the root-mean-square (RMS) component of the time-varying portion of the waveform.
With both inputs set to “GND” coupling, position both channels to the vertical center line of the
screen. Set both amplifiers in the “DC” coupling mode. Set the “TRIGGER” coupling to “DC”
and trigger mode to “AUTO”.
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Display v1(t) on channel 1 and v2(t) on channel 2. Set the trigger controls to “trigger” the scope
trace when v2(t) = 3V and dv2/dt < 0. Use the “CURSOR” menu to setup cursors to measure the
frequency of v1(t) and v2(t). You may set the trigger coupling to channel 1 in order to stabilize
the waveform on this channel.
Can stationary displays of both v1(t) and v2(t) be obtained by using the trigger controls? Why or
why not? Try “SET LEVEL TO 50%” or “FORCE TRIGGER”. Can you obtain a stationary
display of both v1(t) and v2(t) by adjusting the frequency of v2(t)? Explain.
3. Place the scope in channel 1 only mode and display about 4 cycles of v1(t) on the scope screen.
Exercise the “single SEQ” button along with the “RUN/STOP” control. Describe the results.
4. Place the scope in CH 2 only mode and re-establish the trigger conditions of procedure 2.
Readjust v2(t) to 2V + 2Vsin(2π1000t).
a. Set the coupling for CH 2 to “AC” and describe the resulting change in the DISPLAYED
signal. What is the reason for this change?
b. Change the triggering mode to “NORMAL”, the trigger level to about 0.0V, and the
frequency of v2 to about 100Hz. Slowly reduce the FREQUENCY of v2(t) until its
DISPLAYED amplitude is about 0.707·2V (could the scope’s horizontal (H) controls and
cursors be used?).
Measure this frequency (use the scope cursors selected with the “CURSOR” button and
select “TIME” cursors). Write the expression for the DISPLAYED voltage in standard
trigonometric form, i.e. v2(t) = Offset(V) + Amplitude(V) sin(2π Frequency t) .
What happens to the DISPLAYED signal amplitude as the frequency is further reduced
by an octave?
c. With the frequency set back to the value which gives an amplitude of 0.707 · 2V, change
the triggering mode to “AUTO” and attempt to trigger the sweep at 0.0V. Were you
successful in triggering the scope? Why or why not?
d. Change the trigger and scope input coupling back to “DC”, the triggering back to
“NORMAL” and re-establish the trigger “LEVEL” and “SLOPE” of procedure 2.
What voltage is DISPLAYED by the scope under these conditions?
Write an expression for it in standard trigonometric form.
How is it different than that found in part b. above?
Which is more correct? Why?
Could you use the DMM to help answer these questions?
What effect does AC coupling have at “high” frequencies; at “low” frequencies?
What frequencies are considered to be “high” and what are frequencies considered to be
“low” for this scope and under what conditions?
When is it appropriate to use the following triggering modes?
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ii. NORM
5. Using the oscilloscope, the DMM, and several fixed resistors (perhaps a resistor decade box):
a. experimentally determine the output resistance (Rout) of the function generator when it is
set to give an open circuit output of 5V · sin(62805 t); and
b. examine the effect of frequency on Rout.
Does the DMM have sufficient bandwidth to be used in this examination? Does the
EXERCISES (to be done individually)
1. In two hundred words or more, describe and discuss the concept of oscilloscope “triggering” and
how it is implemented in modern oscilloscopes (i.e. how the oscilloscope WORKS internally,
and not simply how to use the scope). Develop your description around a block diagram of the
oscilloscope. Include “typical” internal oscilloscope signal waveforms. Work a description of the
function of the oscilloscope “trigger” controls into your discussion. The use of one or more
references, either those cited above or some found on your own, should be useful here. Be sure to
properly cite sources of your information, figures, etc. Do not plagiarize!
2. Using precise engineering terminology and possibly with the aid of schematic diagrams and
charts, describe, discuss, and explain the effect that the vertical amplifier COUPLING has on the
performance of the oscilloscope. When is it appropriate to use AC coupling, DC coupling, and
GND? Under what conditions might AC coupling introduce errors into a measurement? Under
what conditions might DC coupling introduce errors into a measurement?
a. Contrast and compare the AUTO with the NORM triggering mode.
b. Give a rule for selecting a triggering mode when the frequency of the triggering signal is
“low” and at the same time explain what is meant by “low”/”high” frequency in this case,
i.e. quantify “low” and “high”.
a. Define, discuss, and explain the differences between precision, accuracy, resolution,
sensitivity, and range as they pertain to measurements or measuring instruments. Consult
reference 2 or another suitable source.
b. Give numerical examples of each, i.e. for each one give a hypothetical set of data and/or
measurements taken by (or given for) a hypothetical instrument and show what
analysis/interpretation must be done on the data/measurements to obtain the particular
parameter. Then, give the resulting numerical value for that parameter.
Credits, Copyright, and Use
Refer to front matter available at http://homepages.wmich.edu/~miller/ECE3200.html for material
credits, further copyright information, and use guidelines.
© 2012 Damon A. Miller
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