The Human Genome

The Human Genome
Humans have relatively few genes- about
Most human DNA codes for for nothing!
All humans share 99.99% of the same DNA
The Human Genome
Genome- all the DNA in an organism
Genomics- Study of entire genomes
Human Genome Project- International
project that found all 3.2 Billion bases of the
human genome (Completed in 2006)
The Human Genome
Human Genome Project- Important in
determining genes that get turned on that
lead to cancer, diabetes, and other diseases
Other DNA Biotechnologies
Microarray- Sample of DNA sequences are bonded to
a slide and then transcribed to RNA (or sometimes
Importance-The activity (or inactivity) of genes can be
compared between healthy and infected indivuduals
DNA Fingerprinting
DNA strand is cut into smaller pieces using
“scissors” called restriction enzymes
Often used to compare DNA at crime scenes
with DNA of potential subjects
DNA Fingerprinting
Gel Electrophoresis
Genetic Engineering
Genetic Engineering- Deliberate changing of DNA
sequences in living things
DNA that has been changed or altered is called
recombinant DNA
Often used to make insect resistant crops, faster
growing livestock, and potentially cure genetic
diseases like diabetes and hemophilia
Genetic Engineering
Stem Cell Research
• Some cells in the body can give rise to ANY tissue
type (totipotent)
• Some cells can only give rise to a few tissue types
• Totipotent cells may be used to regrow lost limbs,
regenerate nerve cells, or produce important
chemicals for humans (such as insulin)
• Source of stem cells is often human embryos
• We all know that DNA is the molecule
that tells our cells which proteins to make
• Our proteins determine our physical and
chemical characteristics
• If 2 organisms had exactly the same DNA,
many of their traits would be similar
Cloning Dolly
Somatic cells (body cells) are taken from a
donor sheep
These cells are then put into a nutrient bath
that keeps them alive
Donor cells are given chemicals that tell the
cells to forget what they are
These are the cells that will eventually give
rise to a clone
Cloning Continued
An egg cell is taken from another female donor
The chromosomes are removed from the egg cell.
The egg cell now has no DNA
The donor cell is then fused with the egg cell
The egg cell is implanted into a female carrier
The egg develops into an embryo that has the same
exact DNA as the donor