Energy What is energy? The ability to do work

What is energy?
The ability to do work
Work – exerting a force(F) over a distance(d) W=F X d
Force – a push or a pull
Laws of Energy
Law 1 – Energy can be changed from one form to another but cannot be
created or destroyed.
Energy has two forms
1) Potential Energy– stored energy – can be done 3 ways
A) Gravitational Potential– force of gravity in objects about to fall
B) Chemical potential – energy in the chemical bonds of substances
C) Elastic potential – energy in the physical bonds of substances stretch
2) Kinetic Energy – energy of motion
Law 2 – Energy that goes from a more useable form (high quality) to a less
useable form (low quality)
High quality – solar –the sun
Low quality – heat
Heat is considered waste energy – it cannot be reused to do work
*Entropy – this is a measure of the amount of waste energy in a system.