University Tuition Proposals for 2006-2007 Academic Year University

University Tuition Proposals for 2006-2007 Academic Year
Tuition Category (Please circle)
Residency Status (Please circle)
Resident / Nonresident
Other classification (define as
necessary upper division, lower
division, etc.)
Proposed increase (%):
Law students
$500/year; 4.1% Resident – 1.8% Nonresident
Discussed with leadership of:
Discussed with other university
Provide clear and concise
explanation along with convincing
justification for proposed increase
(use as much space as necessary
and attach other documents as
appropriate, i.e. comparative peer
The College of Law proposes to continue the modest tuition
supplement program it has operated over the last number of years.
The amount of the supplement proposed for the 2006-07 academic
year is $500. These funds are necessary to maintain and improve the
quality of education and service provided to our students. The
initiatives supported by these funds will also have a direct and positive
impact on the national reputation of the law school.
As in the past, the $500 supplemental tuition would be applied to both
resident and non-resident students alike. This practice necessarily
results in a higher percentage increase of 4.1% for resident students
($500 / $12,320) than the 1.8% for non-residents ($500 / $27,098). We
have done this routinely for many years in order to avoid pricing
ourselves out of the market for the best non-resident students, who are
important to the quality and reputation of the law school. The College
of Law can provide additional statistics and information explaining this
decision if needed.
It is anticipated that the new supplement will generate $350,000 in
FY2007. As further described below, the proceeds will be devoted to
the improvement of academic programming for law students and to the
provision of new student services. A summary of the uses includes:
Amount Category
$56,000 Student Aid
$102,300 P&S Salaries
$129,100 Faculty salaries
$62,600 Merit Salaries
$350,000 Total
Set Aside for Student
Financial Aid @ 16%
Circulation Librarian, Career
Legal Research & Writing (3)
Director of Video Operations
University Tuition Proposals for 2006-2007 Academic Year
The First-Year Legal Research and Writing (LRW) Program
Law students need and expect access to high quality instruction in
legal research and writing to succeed in the profession. That
instruction involves extensive exposure to an ever-expanding array of
legal materials, training in the use of both hard-copy and electronic
research tools, and intensive writing experience, including one-on-one
critiquing sessions and rewriting requirements.
This proposal includes funding to facilitate the expansion of our
existing Legal and Research Writing Program. There has developed
in the law school world an LRW specialty, staffed by instructors
outside the regular academic faculty. It delivers intensive, technical,
and practical skills training. It requires not only one-on-one contact
between student and instructor, but a kind of specialized pedagogy.
Five new LRW instructors will provide instruction to students in small
sections that parallel the small sections in substantive areas of the law
taught by the regular faculty. Revisions in the first-year curriculum to
make room for this concentrated, specialized instruction have been
approved. The LRW instructors will provide in-depth, expert training to
our students.
The academic faculty no longer committed to first-year legal research
and writing instruction will be redeployed to teach upper division
courses and seminars within their areas of expertise. They will also
provide advanced skills training such as drafting contracts, statutes,
regulations, and other legal instruments. As a result, the new LRW
program will directly benefit all law students, not just those in the first
Other Student Services Needs
Circulation/Reference Librarian III
The Law Library is, in many respects, the heart of the College of Law.
The law school circulation desk is normally open more than 105 hours
per week. The reference desk is staffed more than 85 hours per week.
In order to provide these essential services a new professional position
(circulation/reference librarian III) is needed. The estimated cost is
$65,000/year plus fringe benefits funded 50% from this tuition
supplement and 50% from other sources.
Career Services Counselor
One of the key factors in the most widely observed rankings of law
schools (and other higher education programs), is the success of
graduates in finding employment. The College of Law has a strong
record in this respect, but in the highly competitive market faced by
new law graduates, an increasingly sophisticated program of training
and support is essential.
To facilitate the expansion of our career services program, this
University Tuition Proposals for 2006-2007 Academic Year
proposal includes funding to create a new professional position. The
estimated cost is $60,000 (salary + fringe).
Director of Video Operations
Concisely describe how proposed
increase will assist the university in
making progress on strategic goals
and objectives
Due to recent budget cuts, the Division of Continuing Education no
longer provides central funding of video operations. The College of
Law video operations represent an important part of the services that
are provided to faculty and staff, both in and outside of the classroom.
This proposal includes funding to support this operation, including
personnel costs of (a merit position) $43,514 plus fringes.
These funds support the second goal of The Iowa Promise: A Strategic
Plan for the University of Iowa 2005-2010 - to cultivate excellent
graduate and professional programs - and the following strategies:
Improve the infrastructure and culture central to the growth of
research, scholarship, and creative work, including
interdisciplinary and international efforts, by [among other
Ensuring the availability and robustness of information
technology services and support required for extraordinary and
day-to-day research, scholarship, and creative activity.
Enhance graduate and professional education by:
• Providing competitive financial support for graduate scholars
and professional students.
• Establish strong programs for postdoctoral scholars and
professional trainees.
For nonresident undergraduates,
does the tuition amount cover the
full cost of education as calculated
by the biennial unit cost study?
N/A / YES / NO