Review game Students break into teams of 4 Each team will discuss and answer each question Scoring sheets are handed in at the end. 5 points to winning team 4 points for 2nd 3 points 3rd 2 points 4th 1 point for 5th 0 for 6th 1-Day and night are caused by the Earth’s _______________ on its axis rotation 2-What force pulls the Earth and Moon towards each other? gravity 3-Maria on the moon was made by _________ ________ lava flows 4-What causes the tides? The moons gravity pulling on the Earth 5-North America experiences summer when ___________ The northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun 6-Why were multi-stage rockets developed? To carry enough fuel to get a rocket into space 7-It takes 1 year for the Earth to __________ around the sun. Revolve 8-For every action there is an equal and ___________ and __________ ____________. Equal and opposite reaction 9-A solar eclipse is when the _________ passes between the _________ and __________ . Moon, Sun, Earth 10-A lunar eclipse is when the _________ passes between the _________ and __________ . Earth, Sun, Moon 11-Is the interior of the moon hot or cool? Cool 12-What is the surface like on the far side of the moon? Much rougher than the near side 13-Dark patches on the moon were once thought to be __________ oceans or seas 14-How large is the moon compared to Earth? ¼ the Earth’s diameter 15-The phase of the moon you see depends on the amount of the ________ _______ of the moon visible from Earth. Lighted side 16-How do most scientists believe the moon was formed? When a small planet collided with the Earth 17-During what phase can a lunar eclipse occur? Full moon 18-Most places on Earth experience how many tides a day? 2 Why is only one side of the moon visible from Earth? The moon rotates once every 27 days, and revolves around the Earth every 27 days A geosynchronous orbit stays above __________ _________ on the Earth’s surface. The same location An Equinox occurs when: ________________________ The length of the day and night are equal (Sun is directly above the equator)