BE PREPARED: Packet from the table 2 colored pencils Take out HW (yesterday’s packet) T.J. in the… …(White) HOUSE. …Get it? HOMEWORK: Finish notes (go to my webpage!) 12 Most states had the state legislatures vote for the President at this time, not the people! New England and Mid-Atlantic states Bankers, manufacturers, and merchants Southern and western states Small farmers, settlers, plantation owners, artists, & shopkeepers 3. Answers vary…we were too weak to allow people to govern themselves Answers vary…believed the common people were incapable of running the country 4. Answers vary…wanted more people involved in the government Answers vary…believed the common people were capable of governing themselves 5. Answers vary…political parties were new to the country and beginning to divide the nation Nation’s strength came from ordinary people Democratic Rights Federalists Supported the French Revolution Punish Federalists for Alien and Sedition Acts … try to get the country to unite… National Government Gallatin Federal Government Army Bank of the U.S. Navy French term meaning “let alone” Goods and services are exchanged with little regulation 1800 Courts Marshall Federalist Give me an answer! Weaker Madison Judiciary Marbury v. Madison Federal Judiciary Act Laws become overturn Supreme Court Judicial