Ch. 27: Japan

Global Studies Packet
Ch. 27: Japan
Shinto Shrine
Buddhist Temple
Name: __________________________________
Due Date: _______________________________
Define the vocabulary words from page 399. For each term, draw a picture that represents it.
A Land of Limited Resources
Use the pages 400 to 402 of your textbook to complete this activity.
______1. Miles Japan is from the mainland
A. Fuji
______2. How many islands make up Japan
B. 100
______3. Japan’s most populated island
C. 80
______4. % of population on largest island
D. Honsho
______5. Capital of Japan
E. Tokyo
______6. Famous snow-capped volcano
F. 4000
______1. # of volcanoes
A. Rice
______2. Used for resorts
B. 190
______3. Common natural disasters
C. Terraces cut in mountains
______4. % of Japan covered in mountains
D. Earthquakes and tsunamis
______5. Ways farmland created
E. 80
______6. Main crop
F. Hot springs
Short Answer (Answer in complete sentences.)
1. Describe Japan’s fishing industry. Include at least 3 facts.
2. Describe how the sea had shaped Japan’s culture. Include at least 3 facts.
3. Describe the economy of Japan. Include at least 3 facts.
Disaster in Japan
Use the reading on Mr. Nolen’s website to answer these questions.
1. What three questions are asked by the article?
2. This is the worst crisis since __________________________ according to whom?
3. How has this disaster affected people’s opinion about nuclear power?
Match the cause with the direct effect.
___ A 9.0 magnitude earthquake hits
A. Deadly amounts of radiation are
released into the atmosphere.
___ The disaster cripples a string of
nuclear power plants.
B. A massive tsunami slams into the
Japanese coast.
___ The supply of electricity is severely
C. Japan is forced to import more oil—
worldwide gas prices rise.
___ Companies such as Toyota, Honda,
and Sony halt production.
D. Companies such as Toyota, Honda,
and Sony halt production.
___ Japan loses the use of many nuclear
E. The already slumping Japanese
economy continues to slow down.
Shinto & Buddhism Text Questions
Use your textbook in order to answer the following questions.
Shinto (pp 402-403)
1. Originally, kami were ________________________________, but over time kami came to
mean the sacred power of __________________________.
2. The word Shinto means ___________________________________.
3. Shinto believes that people were born to be ___________________.
4. Shinto has no _______________________ and no _____________________________.
5. Followers of Shinto often pray at ____________________.
6. Shinto festivals have something to do with ________________________________________.
Buddhism (pp 403-404)
1. Today, most Japanese practice _________________________________________.
2. Buddhism began in __________________.
3. Buddhism was founded by an Indian prince who explored one question:
4. Buddha means ___________________________.
5. Buddhism teaches that people suffer because they ________________ things of this world.
To stop suffering, people need to stop their ______________________________________.
6. Buddhism presents a way to end desire through clear ___________________, good
____________________, honorable _________________, and _______________________.
7. Buddhists try to achieve _____________________, a world beyond thought. Those who fail
are born into a _______________________. People keep being reborn until they become
8. Japan has many Buddhist _________________, where priests perform religious
Shinto & Buddhism Matching
Match each of the following statements with either Shinto or Buddhism.
S = Shinto
B = Buddhism
______1. This religion started in Japan.
______2. This religion started in India.
______3. Nature is very important in this religion.
______4. This religion focuses on ending suffering.
______5. Reincarnation, or rebirth, is a belief of this religion.
______6. This religion is practiced mainly in Japan.
______7. This religion is practiced throughout Asia.
______8. Meditation is an important part of this religion.
______9. This religion has no founder or sacred texts.
______10. Kami is the sacred power that is a part of all things.
______11. Nirvana is the condition of having reached enlightenment.
______12. People should practice the way of kami in order to continue to be good.
______13. People should stop desiring things in order to end suffering.
______14. Its founder was an Indian prince.
Japanese Samurai
Use the reading on Mr. Nolen’s website to answer these questions.
Short Answer- Answer the following in complete sentences!
1. In what way were the samurai a contradiction?
2. How were the samurai rewarded for their service?
3. Why might a samurai commit suicide?
4. In what ways was battle among samurai honorable?
5. Who were considered the most elite samurai?
_____6. samurai
A. long sword
_____7. daimyo
B. military ruler
_____8. shogun
C. a ritual form of suicide
_____9. bushido
D. way of the warrior
_____10. seppuku
E. feudal landowners
_____11. hari-kiri
F. stomach-cutting
_____12. katana
G. short sword
_____13. Shoto
H. Japanese medieval warriors
Chapter 27 Review
Complete the chapter review activities on pages 412 to 413. Write out all answers fully!
Vocabulary Review (Write out the entire sentence and fill in the blank with the correct term.)
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________
Chapter Quiz (Answer in complete sentences. Include the question in your answer.)
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________
Textbook Questions
Japan’s Foreign Policies (pp 405-406)
1. Answer the first two questions in complete sentences.
a. Why did Japan close its boarders to outsiders in the 1600s?
b. How did Japan become open to outsiders in 1853?
2. Use the text to fill in the blanks.
By 1894, Japan had the strongest _________________________ in Asia. Japan fought
China for control of _________________ and won. Japan then beat ________________
in a short war. In the 1930s, a group of ___________________ leaders came to power
and decided to build a colonial _____________________. To do this, it needed natural
__________________. So Japan took control of __________________, the northeast
corner of ________________.
3. Match the causes with the effects.
_____ Japan attacked the U.S. Navy at
Pearl Harbor.
A. Japan has a democratically elected
parliament and the head of
government is the prime minister.
_____ The Japanese government ruled
_____ The US used submarines to cut off
Japan from the land it controlled.
B. The people Japan conquered
feared and hated them.
C. Japan was forced to surrender.
_____ The US dropped atomic bombs on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
D. Without resources, Japan’s
economy began to fail.
_____ The US forced Japan to adopt a new
E. The US and Japan were drawn into
war, mainly against each other.
An Economic Miracle (pp 406-407)
1. Answer the first two questions in complete sentences.
a. Why did the US help Japan rebuild its economy after World War II?
b. How did having no military prove to be an advantage for Japan?
2. Identify the following as true or false. T = True, F = False
_____Today, Japan’s products have a reputation for poor quality.
_____Japan has a reputation for advanced technology.
_____Japanese workers are loyal to their corporations.
_____Foreign companies cannot compete in Japan because taxes make their products too
Geographer’s Tool Kit: Understanding Line Graphs (p 411)
1. What trend does the graph show?
2. By how much did the value of Japan’s goods and services increase between 1970 and 1980?
3. Based upon the trend of the graph, what do you think the value of Japan’s goods and services
was in the year 2000?
4. Based on Japan’s history, why do you think the output of goods and services was so much
lower in 1950?
Making and Interpreting Pie Charts: Asia
CAREFULLY create a pie-chart using the statistics below and answer the questions.
Ch. 27 Study Guide
Each Friday, we will have a quiz on the week’s packet. The most important things to
know are on this study guide.
1. Vocabulary
a. Define the terms, use them in sentences, and give examples.
2. A Land of Limited Resources
a. Identify Japan’s capital.
b. Identify Japan’s famous volcano.
c. Identify Japan’s common natural disasters.
d. Identify Japan’s main crop.
e. Identify Japan’s main economic activity.
3. Disaster in Japan
a. Identify the three main parts of the disaster.
4. Shinto and Buddhism
a. Be prepared to match the first six items to Shinto or Buddhism.
5. Japanese Samurai
a. Explain why a samurai might commit suicide.
b. Define the following terms:
i. samurai, bushido, seppuku, katana
6. Cause and Effect
a. Be prepared to identify cause and effect.