Global Studies Name _____________________________________________ Communist China Make-Up Assignment Socialism What did critics blame capitalism for? What are three socialist ideas? What did utopian socialists believe people should do? Describe Karl Marx. Who was Karl Marx’s partner? What was their most famous book? What problems did Marx predict workers would experience? What did Marx predict workers would do? What did Marx believe would be necessary after the revolution? Why? What type of society did Marx call communism? China: Contemporary Society What was Mao’s political goal? What was Mao’s social goal? What was Mao’s economic goal? What was Mao’s international goal? What was Mao’s cultural goal? Three revolutionary methods used by Mao in 1950s. Three ways Mao revolutionized China’s economy and society. Three main social institutions and the main purpose of each. Propaganda examples and their purpose. Attitude toward dissent. Describe the Great Leap Forward. Efforts of factory workers and the problem caused. Efforts of peasants and the problems caused. Describe communes. Why people were unhappy with communes and the consequence. What communist officials reported to Mao. Reasons Great Leap Forward was abandoned. What Mao encouraged young people to do in 1960s. Who were the Red Guard? What was this time known as? What were the effects of the Cultural Revolution?