International Relations CHAPTER 20: INTERNATIONAL LAW (pp. 319-334)

International Relations
Answer the following italicized questions as you read parts of the chapter.
1. Read page 319 and the first paragraph on 320.
It seems as if there is no end in sight to the legal dispute between Greece and
Turkey over ownership of the oil under the Aegean Sea. So why does the author
still say that it is still a victory for international law?
2. Read “Consistency and Reciprocity” on pages 320-321.
How do consistency and reciprocity keep countries obedient to international law?
Be sure to explain each separately.
3. Read the blue box titled “Legalistic Europe” on page 321.
Europeans support the use of international law much more than Americans. This
is a result of how each of them views the world. How do Europeans and
Americans see the world? Why are they different?
4. Read the blue box titled “Successor States” on page 324.
Explain the “continuity rule.” Give 2 examples of countries that this applied to.
5. Read the blue box titled “From Nuremberg to Saddam” on page 328. Answer the
following questions:
a. How did Human Rights change as a result of WWII?
b. Describe the Geneva Convention.
c. Why did the U.S. prefer Saddam Hussein be tried in an Iraqi court? How were
his crimes different from those of the people at the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials
following WWII?